Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does a black cat stand for?

What does a black cat stand for?

Question 1: What does a black cat stand for? Black Cat in China Traditional Culture In China traditional culture, black cat symbolizes good luck.

In ancient times, people believed that black cats could ward off evil spirits, prevent monsters from approaching and bring good luck to their owners. Therefore, in ancient rich families, there was a habit of keeping black cats or putting black cat ornaments. For example, hang a wind chime with a black cat at the door. Some rich people, who use gold as a cat ornament, must paint the cat black.

Black cats in ancient Egypt were in awe of cats before people were afraid of them. The ancient Egyptians first domesticated cats as domestic pets, and eventually cats became the object of their religious worship. Around 2000 BC, the goddess Bastiato was portrayed as a woman with a cat's head and was worshipped as the god of fertility and rehabilitation. According to the Greek historian Dior Duras? Kurus (Dior Dorus

Siculus), cats live in temples, are fed with milk, bread and Nile fish, and even people who look after cats have a high social status. Later, the cat was considered not only the incarnation of the goddess, but also the god himself. Even if you accidentally kill a cat, you will be sentenced to death. If the domestic cat dies unexpectedly, the whole family will shave their eyebrows to show their condolences. Cat amulets are very popular. Even after the death of cats, the reverence for them did not disappear. Burying cats should also show respect to them. At that time, this way was to mummify them (people believe that mummies can regenerate souls). 1888 In the summer, an Egyptian farmer unearthed a cat mummy more than 2,000 years ago in his field. There are as many as 300,000 cats, but it is actually just one of the cat cemeteries in ancient Egypt.

About 1600 BC, 3,000-4,000 years ago, the purpose of keeping cats in Egypt was to protect grain from rats, and the other was for religious reasons. In Egypt, cats are favored for religious reasons. The law prohibits taking cats abroad, and offenders are even sentenced to death! ! If anyone touches this cat, I'll kill him first. It seems that loving cats is the innate nature of the Egyptian nation. I have always respected and cared for cats. In the Greek and Roman times before 2000 AD, cats after death were coated with spices and bandages. Cats are made into "cat mummies" and are worshipped and worshipped by thousands of people. Archaeologists once found 300,000 "cat mummies" in a sacred temple. Some people even take some mice or thread balls as funerary objects for cats and try their best to "live and die". Whether before or after death, ancient cats enjoy a special status. According to historical records, an unlucky Roman soldier was killed by an angry crowd because he accidentally killed a cat! ! The Egyptian cat is the incarnation of Beth, the goddess of the moon, and the secret messenger of the night spirit. The highest palace wall can't stop them from sneaking in. They stood on the high wall like the holy spirit, overlooking the noblest royal family in Egypt. No worries. On the murals of ancient Egyptian temples along the Nile, you can see the image of Egyptian cats 1400 years ago. In ancient Egypt, cats were the embodiment of God. Some people say that Egyptians worship cats because cats can protect grain warehouses from rodents. In ancient Egypt, it is said that the prophet discovered that cats can subdue poisonous snakes, and snakes are regarded as a symbol of power in Egypt.

The medieval black cat was recognized as a witch's pet in Dingchuan, Europe, which originated from the Renaissance in medieval Europe. People think that witches have their own "family", and they can appear in various images, such as cats, crows, owls and so on.

Cats have given people a mysterious feeling since ancient times. Because they move quickly and come and go without a trace, people regard them as supernatural images. In addition, black fur makes people feel particularly evil, so people usually think that black cats will bring bad luck. It is said that black cats will fly into the sky with witches on brooms. At that time, cats were so mysterious and scary to people.

In 962 AD, hundreds of cats were sacrificed for the Lenten ceremony. In the era of witch hunting, a large number of women and cats were killed. In the dark ages, many women were burned to death as witches, and some were treated as witches because they owned cats, and they were punished with cats. In Switzerland, hundreds of children were hanged because they had contact with cats and were thought to have been instigated by the prototype devil of cats. Cats also remind people of the characteristics of women, which made women and cats at that time feel untrustworthy. Cats may be witches ... >>

Question 2: What does a black cat represent as a witch's call in a foreign country? What do black cats and witches watch on TV?

Question 3: What does a black cat mean? Where did you ask the meaning of black cat? I only know that most of the black cats in ACG circles refer to Gokou Ruri in My Sister Can't Be So Cute. Some Japanese cartoons edited and drawn by Yabuki Kentarou are also called black cats.

World Cup Black Cat is the nickname of Premier League team Sunderland.

I hope I can help you and hope to adopt it!

Question 4: Symbol and significance of black cat In ancient China, cats were considered to be very spiritual. Besides, black cats are mysterious. According to astrology, in the week when you meet a black cat, something will make you happy. Have you seen them?

Black cats are evil spirits. Black cats usually take the initiative to suppress unclean things, so there will always be black cats in places where evil spirits are heavy, because in this way, the world will mistakenly think that meeting black cats is a big murderer. In fact, keeping a black cat at home can play a great role in ward off evil spirits.

"Xuan cat, evil thing in the world. Easy to place in the south. Suitable for children and grandchildren ..... "The mysterious cat is a black cat, used to ward off evil spirits. Later generations probably only look at the superficial phenomenon and think that black cats are unlucky when they appear, so they indiscriminately put the blame on black cats. Easy to put in the south' means it's best to put it at the door. The ancients opened the door to the south. "Suitable for future generations" probably means that it will always work to protect the owner of this house and even future generations. Or the offspring of this black cat. "

Question 5: What does it mean to see a black cat in the dark? The west thinks this is a bad omen.

Question 6: What does a black cat stand for? This is because in the Middle Ages, many people thought that black cats were witches' pets, or incarnations of witches, or messengers of Satan/phobia. Everything stems from its mystery, and Christianity in the Middle Ages took advantage of it, putting all the problems on the cat and smearing its image, as mentioned above, so people thought it was ominous.

Black cats are regarded as witches' pets, which originated in the Renaissance in medieval Europe. People think that witches have their own' families', and they can appear in various images, such as cats, crows, owls and so on.

Cats have given people a mysterious feeling since ancient times. Because they move quickly and come and go without a trace, people regard them as supernatural images. In addition, black fur makes people feel particularly evil, so people usually think that black cats will bring bad luck. It is said that black cats will fly into the sky with witches on brooms. At that time, cats were so mysterious and scary to people.

In 962 AD, hundreds of cats were sacrificed for the Lenten ceremony. In the era of witch hunting, a large number of women and cats were killed. In the dark ages, many women were burned to death as witches, and some of them were treated as witches for keeping cats and were punished together with cats. In Switzerland, hundreds of children were hanged because they had contact with cats and were thought to have been instigated by the prototype devil of cats. Cats also remind people of the characteristics of women, which made women and cats at that time feel untrustworthy. Cats may be the embodiment of witches, and women may be witches. In male society, cats are dominant. But after killing cats, the plague became more rampant and made people more afraid. Christianity therefore denounces that everything is the result of cats. Cats are symbols of pagans, instilling in the people that' cats are witches' incarnations, messengers of hell, and have the power to withdraw Dan, so they must be eliminated. Cats are crowned as devil's messengers, which makes them more persecuted. People also believe that witches' cats can talk and predict the future. They are goblins for witches. It is also said that the cat's nose will spread the Black Death virus, and people will be infected with the Black Death if they drink it, and all disasters such as the Black Death will be blamed on the cat.

As a result, a large-scale persecution of cats occurred in A.D. 1200. Accusations of cats were also added to the trial: strange cats sneaked into private houses at night to attack babies (or suffocated people in their sleep), which was the testimony of witnesses in the witch trial at that time; Some evidence claims that witches can transform into cats to get close to the objects they want to hurt; Some describe witches or pagans gathering to kiss cats. The so-called cat worship crime also appeared in the religious trial.

Question 7: Why is the black cat a symbol of evil ...? The black cat is also a symbol of Halloween, and it also has a certain religious origin. People believe that black cats can be reincarnated and have the ability to predict the future. In the Middle Ages, people thought that witches could become black cats, so when people saw black cats, they thought that witches were pretending. These marks are common choices for Halloween costumes and common decorations on greeting cards or windows.

Black is a traditional Halloween color, which may be because all kinds of Halloween traditions or ceremonies are held at night.

Pumpkins are also a symbol of Halloween. Pumpkins are orange, so orange has become a traditional Halloween color. Carving pumpkin lanterns with pumpkins is also a Halloween tradition, and its history can be traced back to Ireland. Legend has it that a man named Jack was so stingy that he couldn't go to heaven after his death, and he couldn't go to hell because he made fun of the devil, so he had to wander around with lanterns until the judgment day. Therefore, Jack and Jack-o-lantern became the symbols of cursed wandering souls. In order to scare away these wandering souls on Halloween, people carve terrible faces out of turnips, beets or potatoes to represent Jack holding lanterns. This is the origin of the pumpkin lantern. After the Irish moved to the United States, they began to carve pumpkins, because pumpkins are more abundant than turnips in autumn in the United States. Now, if people hang jack-o-lanterns on the windows on Halloween night, it means that those who wear Halloween costumes can knock on the door and ask for candy.

Question 8: What does a black cat mean in love? Black cats represent loneliness. Finally, the black cat broke off, which means that loneliness is no longer coming.

Question 9: The symbolic meaning of tattooed black cat is uncertain. If the parents are not purebred cats, any color of offspring is possible, and the color of cats will be atavism. My family has a pure white cat and a yellow tiger spot, both born with pure white, pure white black hair and pure black flowers. ..