Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Have you ever experienced or witnessed strange things that science can't explain so far?

Have you ever experienced or witnessed strange things that science can't explain so far?

I tell two true stories, both of which I personally experienced. I don't think science can explain them yet.

Be sure to finish reading it. ...

1. When I was a child, cattle were an important means of production at home. One day, when my family came home from a busy day, they found a cow lost. My parents are in a hurry. They mobilized their neighbors to search every corner of the village and went to neighboring villages, fields and hills to look for them. There is no result. It's late at night, everyone is tired and parents are depressed. A kind neighbor said, you can go to Wangzhuang.

Father went to find someone with a try attitude. Although it was very late, the kind rural people didn't mind, but he divined after determining the time and place. Of course, he will accept 1.2 yuan's divination gold and say thoughtfully, you haven't lost your cow, go home. ...

My father was disappointed. He thought, since he said he didn't lose it, he wasn't at home either. If you don't tell me the location, where can I take it home? ...

So I walked home with a grain of salt. On my way home, I passed the hill. Father heard the sound of cattle grazing not far away, which seemed to be looming. So he followed the sound and saw my cows grazing on the hillside near our village. Although the voice is not far away, to be honest, it should be inaudible in theory, but my father still heard it. ...

Secondly, this story is a very strange dream I had last year.

That weekend, I didn't go to work, and my wife and children went out to play. I feel a little bored. I drank some wine, had lunch, felt very sleepy, and then took a lunch break! Take a lunch break as usual.

While sleeping soundly, my mother called me to go to school and said I would be late if I didn't go. I was very upset when I got up. I said, my mother, how many years have I been working? What am I studying? My mother said, what's wrong with you? When people stay in the mountains, they come to call you ... I saw that it was really my primary school classmate, and my two best friends often took a bath on their way to school. ...

I wonder, didn't Liu Shan die in 17 because of high blood pressure? ……

I was puzzled and puzzled all the way. I saw Niu Haishan selling tofu and Li Zhenshan who was insane. ...

After we arrived at school, Tian Mouqing, a very overbearing girl at the same table, put a thermos on my desk. The most special thing about this thermos barrel is that the handle is wrapped with a layer of red tape and there is a red rope on the lid. ...

Tian Mouqing has a string of turquoise bracelets on his hand, which exudes a strong lily flower fragrance. Although she is overbearing, this lily flower smells really good. ...

I asked her to take the thermos, but she wouldn't take it. When I was angry, I pushed her thermos bottle to the ground. The bottom of the thermos bottle was flat. ...

We had a fight and she hit me. When the teacher came, she criticized her ...

Then I woke up ... It was a dream.

I didn't care either. We have a classmate group, and she is also in it. I went through her circle of friends on purpose that day, and this passed.

But soon, my father was seeing a doctor in the provincial capital, and I went to take care of it. When I was bored, I said in the group, what brothers and sisters are there in Zhengzhou, and come out to get together? ...

Then the group became lively, but most primary school students were farming at home or working in Guangdong, Zhejiang, not Zhengzhou. Tian Mouqing said: "I am doing business near a hospital in Jinshui District, Zhengzhou ..."

"I'll go", isn't this the hospital where my father is hospitalized? I told you about my father's illness, and she insisted on coming to see him. She also said that she would cook some soup for my father. ...

After some arguments and thanks, she came one afternoon.

When she opened the door of the ward and came in, a thick lily filled the whole ward. I looked back at her in surprise ... although it changed a lot, when I recognized her, she was wearing a turquoise bracelet, the incubator in her hand was exactly the same as in my dream, with a red belt on her hand and a red rope on the lid. ...

I was stunned at once. I told her the story and she smiled.

She said, I opened a flower shop in front of this hospital, and lilies sell well. It's everywhere in the shop. It smells good and normal.

This thermos bucket is used when I bring rice at noon. I burned the red-headed document, and the red rope on the lid was tied by my daughter.

I said, I broke this thermos, and I described the process to her.

She smiled and said, this house really has something to do with you. The soup I brought this afternoon was a little hot and crowded. I just climbed the stairs and fell off the thermos bucket. Look, there is soup coming out. ...

This roundabout dream, and what happened in front of you ... what is this ... if you explain. ...

I'm confused. ...

1August 30th, 997, the director of our workshop had a conflict with the general manager because of the staff problem. The general manager was angry and wanted to fire him. At that time, finding a job was not as easy as it is now, and it involved many problems. So everyone pleaded for the kind old man, but the manager's anger did not disappear.

After work, a group of people asked him, "Do you think you can stay? What are your plans in the future? "

The director said, "I haven't calculated it for myself for a long time. I'll do it for myself today. " Then he started gesturing with his hands.

Ten minutes later, he said, "It rains twice a week. Two little girls will come after the rain. They will go to XX city in the west to explore the market. If the market is open, I must go; If the market can't be opened, I will stay. "

Hearing this, our hearts are half cold. 1997, people are familiar with the El Ni? o phenomenon. It rained here on May 3rd, and it hasn't been cloudy since.

The next day, the manager was on a business trip.

On the fourth day, it was cloudy, the wind was cold, and the long-lost heavy rain poured down. Two days later, on the sixth day, it rained again. It is not hot at all. Ling! Just waiting for that little girl.

The next day, the manager came back with two little girls. Ah! It's working again.

But the manager looks ugly. Later, I learned from my secretary that the business the manager talked about this time was very important, but it was not optimistic. Those two girls were introduced to the market by friends. I heard that I will go to XX City the next day.

On the sixth day, two girls came back and announced that the market development failed. It depends on how to get the director to stay. Everyone will wait and see.

The next day, the manager came to the company excitedly and called the director to the office. Half an hour later, the director walked out easily. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief

We are a clothing factory. It rained twice, and it soon became cold. The customer on the manager's side was caught off guard and had to place an order with the manager. But the engineer in our workshop suddenly fell ill, and now only the director can do the work. It's incredible. Everything is so natural.

Many years later, the director explained, "The manager was angry that day because of business changes. Later, when the business was discussed, I felt that I was really wrong, so I made a bitter plan with the old engineer. "

Ten years ago, an aunt I knew, in her fifties, was very affectionate with her husband. She has a daughter, a family of three with superior economy, good personality and happiness. Then her husband found a mistress. When he was traveling with her, the aunt hung herself at home in red. Later, she heard from the local people that people who died in red were going to be evil spirits. Her husband and daughter can't live in the villa and want to sell it. The locals are afraid that no one will buy it. Later, when a foreigner saw such a cheap price, nobody wanted to buy it. A kind person advised him to avoid it. He said, you are afraid of ghosts, I am not afraid, there are no ghosts in the world. Later, he bought it, renovated it briefly and moved in. In less than a month, he moved out and sold the house. Someone asked him, and he said he heard a woman crying in the room in the middle of the night. He looked everywhere upstairs and downstairs, but no one was there. After a month, he was too tortured to live and had to sell it at a low price. Later, I left the city because I didn't look for the San Xiao man. I haven't seen my aunt since she died. I heard that he is still married to San Xiao. It didn't take long to get married. One day, San Xiao's face and mouth were crooked, and he didn't recover after long-term treatment with Chinese and Western medicine. A few years later, the two divorced and their daughter went abroad. The old man lives alone now, and no woman wants to marry him.

My home is in the countryside. 10 One morning in June many years ago, at around 9 o'clock, the weather was fine, and a beam of light like car headlights shone directly on my door from the low-lying land of 150 meters, which blinded the photographer. Father thought there was treasure, so he ran to dig with a hoe.

Because in my childhood hometown, in a very remote rural area, there were no high-tech luminescent crystals at all. For a time, we thought there was a mirror reflecting light, but my father dug three feet at the luminous point and it was useless to find any lenses.

As a result, something very strange happened. Father went to the luminous center but couldn't see where the light spot was, but we could see it clearly at home. My mother won't let me see something dirty.

As time goes on, this beam of light becomes smaller and smaller. Dad dug in front, and the light appeared behind dad. We let dad dig behind, and the light appeared in front of dad. After about half an hour, it disappeared More than ten years have passed, and the big pit that my father dug that year is still there.

I am an atheist. I have been trying to find a scientific explanation for this phenomenon since I went to college, but so far I have not found a reasonable explanation!

In a certain environment, people are circling around things or can't walk out of a certain spatial range. This phenomenon will suddenly disappear with the change of certain conditions. People do not know how to explain this strange phenomenon. Some people call it "ghost hitting the wall". I experienced it once, and I still can't explain it clearly.

In the 1980s, television was still a rarity in rural areas. At that time, the only way to see a movie was to wait for someone in the village to get married, invite someone to come over and show the movie, pull up the curtain at the entrance of the village and set up the stereo. A simple open-air cinema became. In the evening, people from Shiliba Village came to the movies, and people were crowded.

I remember that old lady Zhang at the village head died that year, so I pulled up the curtain at the village head and prepared to show a movie at night. Mrs. Zhang is so ugly that several of our friends call her "old hag" behind her back.

In the evening, we went to see the movie The Old Witch. Before it was dark, we went to grab seats. I remember two movies, such as "Hong Fan District" and "Zhang Sanfeng", but I can't remember exactly. It was about eleven o'clock when I saw the middle of the second scene. I really couldn't stand the urgency of urinating, so I called them back together, but they didn't want to go back before the movie was over. I went home alone.

On the way back, I endured the urgency of urination and called them disloyal over and over again. My home is close to the village head in a straight line, but there is a big pit in the middle, and it takes more than ten minutes to walk around. I got into the pit, thought about it and rushed in. The grass in the pit is deep, and insects can be seen jumping around in the grass by moonlight. I looked up, and the light was on at my door. I would be home in two or three minutes. I carefully watched my feet walk to the place where the light was on. I feel like I haven't walked out of the pit for a long time. I looked up and saw that my road lamp was still there, still so far away.

I began to be afraid in my heart and thought of "old monster" I called my mother and ran like crazy until I was out of breath. I pinched my waist and gasped. I couldn't hold it any longer, so I took off my belt to pee.

At this moment, I heard my mother calling my name. I turned around and found myself peeing with my back to the house. I quickly put on my pants and ran to the door three times and two times.

Mom said the movie was over. Why don't you come back? I looked at my watch. It was past twelve o'clock. I walked for more than an hour where I could walk out in two minutes ... I told my mother that of course she didn't believe me, but she just thought I was naughty and came back to lie.

Only I know it's true. I can see the light in my house, but I can't walk out, just like walking in circles.

It's still strange to think about it now. As for how I got out, I can't explain it. Maybe it's because I pee, or maybe it's because my mother cries. ...

I've never experienced, witnessed strange things,

But since I was a child, my mother always said that Mahu was coming. Go to sleep and put your hand into the trap cover, or mother bear will eat your little finger. Don't leave home at night, or you'll meet a ghost falling off the fence and into the well. At that time, I was young and didn't know anything, but I believed that ghosts really existed and grew up with me in fear.

I just entered junior high school. After the Cultural Revolution, I worked as an educated youth in rural mountainous areas at the beginning of 1968. On the first day of farming in the mountains, when I passed through the Woods, I saw a grasshopper next to me with a red ribbon tied to its head. Many members told me that it is a mountain god, and I should fear it and not scold it. For example, if anyone scolds the mountain god, the moon cuts his ear at night, or he falls ill and dies suddenly, I don't believe it. I told the woman to turn to someone else on the spot.

This kind of behavior of mine is a statement to many members who believe in mountain gods, and I can imagine how touched I am.

Now retired, very healthy.

About the strange events that countless people have said,

My explanation is,

The brain is the commander-in-chief of the mental system, and every area of the cerebral cortex is in charge of all parts of the body, which means that every part of the human body has its own brain command and every part has its own internal and external management system. People's eyes, ears, mouth and nose reflect external things to the brain. When people encounter ghosts that they think are strange, the management system of the cerebral cortex is nervous because of fear, some areas of the cerebral cortex are nervous, and some areas are not. Some functions of the brain are due to it.

This disorder occurs during the day, at night, half asleep, thinking in sleep, dreaming and so on.

Especially when you are half asleep and half awake, you will have hallucinations because of fear and tension, temporary confusion and half sleeping and half dreaming, which is the reason for strange events.

I am a dialectical materialist, that is, a firm atheist. There are no ghosts and gods in the world, only the phenomena and essence of things that human beings have known but not yet known.

Only individuals and social groups are limited by the time and space of the development of things, and there are still many unknown things to be understood, explained and conquered by people.

Neanderthals could only understand, explain and conquer things of that period,

Modern people can only know the earth, the moon, the surroundings, 5G mobile phones, intelligent robots, and so on.

Ten thousand years later, people can only understand, explain and conquer the phenomena and essence of the universe and earth-related things belonging to that period on the basis of what their predecessors know.

Tell me a personal experience. I think I would be an atheist if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes.

That was when I was in the fifth grade of primary school, just two days before July 14 of the lunar calendar. My father is a butcher and needs to go to the slaughterhouse every morning, so he always goes out at 2.3 in the morning. At that time, the family conditions were not good. The house we rent is a small house on the second floor. No one lives on the second floor, and everything is put by the landlord. The house has no living room or anything. Separated by two big curtains, it becomes two rooms, one is my parents' room and the other is my room. That night, as usual, my father went out again. I slept with my mother because I was afraid. When I leave my bed, I will put mosquito nets in the mat to prevent mosquitoes from flying in. Then I ran to my mother's bed, and I didn't fall asleep right away. It's about 65,438+00 minutes. I heard someone coming downstairs from upstairs, and their shoes clicked loudly, but my mother didn't hear me and was still sleeping. I wasn't afraid then. I wonder if it's a thief. I want to protect my mother. In case there is a thief, I can shout out when I am awake. I just lay with my eyes wide open, waiting to see what the thief looked like, and my voice was getting closer and closer. When I looked closer, I didn't see the thief at all, but I saw a pair of leather shoes coming step by step. The shoes came to the bed where I slept, and then I heard the mosquito net sting, and then it was like the creaking of a wooden bed after someone lay down. At this time, I was completely speechless for the first time. For the first time in my life, I realized what it meant to be too scared to speak. My back is very cold and I have been shaking. I always comfort myself that this may be a mistake, an illusion, or a scene that a mouse can't get rid of in its shoes. Later, I don't know if I fell asleep or fainted. When I opened my eyes, it was already morning. I thought it was a dream. But in the morning, I saw that the mosquito net on my bed was really opened. I told my mother about last night, and my mother said I was talking nonsense. I know these two days are Mid-Autumn Festival, and my mother doesn't want me to bring up this topic. This is not a dream, nor is it young. This is indeed what I saw with my own eyes. Unbelievers think it's fake. When they meet people who can't explain, they will naturally believe what I say. After living for about half a year, I moved, because I witnessed several horrible things in that house, and finally decided to move because my mother also encountered something that science could not explain. I'm not talking about making people superstitious, but telling the true story I met. If you don't believe it, you can take it as a story and laugh it off. Don't use dirty words to hurt people.

When I was in primary school, my cousin was always sick for a while and went to the hospital many times without recovery. She has a fever, cough and diarrhea. She can't eat or sleep well. Later, my grandmother took a dress that my cousin couldn't wear and gave it to the witch. She covered half her face with a headscarf and leaked her nose. She burned the money and put it in a bowl of wine in front of her, stirring it with an old pair of scissors. I mumbled a few words in my mouth, then put the scissors down my throat and pulled out a silvery white thing, wrapped it in red cloth and put it in my cousin's pocket. I did it when I got home, and I was full of energy that night. My cousin and I followed hard and saw with our own eyes.

There is a mystery that children under one year old are sick, their stomachs are half full and half hot, sometimes cold and sometimes hot, and they don't want to eat. When I was old, I said that I was guilty of six evils. When I slept in the middle of the night, I asked the Taoist teacher to write a note and stick it on my bed. He doesn't need to take medicine, have an injection or go to the hospital for treatment, so he will be fine naturally. Can't be explained by science so far?

I have a female classmate in junior high school. I'm a little distracted. When I was in high school, she had already worked. At that time 199 1 year or 1992, practicing qigong was a fashion.

One of my classmates is a tutor boy. He knows my lesbian and wants to practice qigong with her. I know nothing about Caive.

This female classmate gushed, telling my tutor about her qigong practice, even saying that she went to the cemetery to practice, and then her mother wouldn't let her practice because she said that she was hallucinating and saw a vicious old woman.

It's creepy to hear what she said. I dare not listen any more. She put a hand on my back, and suddenly her brain was hot. A terrible old woman appeared in front of me. I said in despair, stop, I'm so scared.

My tutor hugged me and comforted me gently, but also found that I was not pretending.

After many years, I still feel puzzled. Why did terrible images appear when my brain was hot? I have always suspected that female students are practicing witchcraft. The question is, isn't this the whole plot of the movie? !