Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Ask Zhuge Liang about the meaning of a sentence in the sixteen-base policy

Ask Zhuge Liang about the meaning of a sentence in the sixteen-base policy

The cheap policy is too long. Let me send you the translation.

Manage state affairs

Governing a country, just like governing a family, must be thoroughly rooted and established before other details can develop smoothly. The so-called origin is the source of things, and the so-called end is the result of following the source. As far as nature is concerned, heaven and earth are the foundation, everything is the end, and everything can be endless, which is endowed by heaven and earth and cultivated by human beings. Therefore, the monarch mainly takes measures to deal with the sky, just like the arrangement of stars: Polaris is the main center, Shu Tian and Tian Xuan are ministers, other main stars are officials, and the scattered little stars are people. The position of the north star is fixed, and the polar stars on both sides are running without losing their degrees. All other stars have their orbits, and there are no mistakes. This is an astronomical phenomenon.

Therefore, to be a monarch, we must set up a high platform, observe the astronomical phenomena, hold ceremonies, and worship the suburbs with the change of seasons in response to the astronomical phenomena. This is the performance of serving the sky. The establishment of Houtu Temple, offering sacrifices to mountains and rivers, and regular prayer and prayer are the manifestations of basic services. Attaching importance to the education of rites and music, and establishing the Temple of Harmony and Harmony in the Tang Dynasty is a manifestation of serving the people. Round chisel can't formula handle, lead knife can't be used for cutting, and inappropriate tools can't be used; Without proper methods, it is not enough to finish its work. And "this" is a regular law, so if heaven and earth are ineffective, there will be disasters, and people will have disasters without regular laws. Therefore, the scripture says, "I dare not practice the traditional etiquette practiced by my late king." "This is a fact.

The monarch and his subjects

A monarch is to a minister what heaven is to the earth. If the relationship between the two can be clarified, the way of monarch and minister can be demonstrated. A gentleman must be benevolent, and his ministers must be completely convinced of the Lord and violate the correct policy. A gentleman can't entrust his official to carry out it, he will fall into injustice, and his official can also be disloyal. Polite from top to bottom, then the people will be governed, and smooth from top to bottom, then the way of monarch and minister has been established.

If you treat your officials with courtesy and your officials are loyal to you, you can concentrate on administration and your officials will work for you. Kings are diligent in political affairs, and courtiers are diligent in assisting them, so they can achieve.

The king carries out laws and decrees in the south, and the officials in the north perform their duties, do not cross each other, and cooperate with each other, so that the country will be strong and everything will be blessed. Therefore, the three cardinal guides and six dynasties divided interpersonal relationships into three types: upper, middle and lower. The upper level is monarch and minister, the middle level is father and son, and the lower level is husband and wife. If they can respect their own way, they will enjoy happiness. Between the monarch and the minister, the ceremony of the monarch and the minister must be strictly observed, and there must be no mistakes; Father and son must pay attention to intimacy, filial piety and non-aggression; Harmony between husband and wife is the most important thing to maintain family harmony. If the superior's behavior is not correct, the subordinate will get up and mess around. Therefore, people should devote themselves to political rectification, and people and ministers should do their best to serve the Lord. Politics has been perfected, and people, kings and ministers have all contributed.

Good scholars want to be good teachers, and officials want to meet wise men. Therefore, the official position system should be complete, and the salary of the title should be well planned, so as to achieve the auxiliary effect and the root of all evil. In this way, the way to govern the country will be there.

Vision and hearing

The way to be in power is to see problems that are not taken seriously and hear unknown opinions. Therefore, we can observe carefully and listen carefully, so as to reach the next situation, thus consolidating the country and stabilizing people's livelihood. If you can accept the opinions of courtiers and ordinary people, everything will be your purpose and all voices will be your ears. In this way, the king knows everything, so the book says, "A saint has no fixed opinion, but takes the opinion of the people as his opinion." The human body is dominated by the will, and the king of a country is like a person's will. Harmony inside and outside, then the world is peaceful.

The monarch's eyes only look at the sun and the moon, not at the people's feelings, not clear; If you only hear thunder and don't hear public opinion, you can't be alert, so you should pay more attention to the sufferings of the people in order to know a wise king.

Those who have never heard music can't tell the difference between high and low scales; You can't see the change of color without observing everything. The king will not always concentrate on national affairs. If they are too focused on private affairs, they will miss many suggestions and people's dissatisfaction. In this way, they will neglect loyalty, treacherous people will take advantage of it, create chaos, and the country will have a crisis. So the book says, "Governance should be based on public opinion. 」


As a monarch, you should listen to public opinion and accept suggestions with an open mind. Fathers have outspoken children, while monarchs have outspoken courtiers, so when they behave unfairly, courtiers and children will warn them to save the crisis in time and preserve their virtues as monarchs and fathers. If you have bad habits, you must give them up and never go against the right path. If you break the right path, the country will be in crisis.

If you are arbitrary, opinionated and don't listen to the words that can be remonstrated, the plan of loyal ministers can't be realized, which will make evil spirits take the opportunity to endanger state affairs. Therefore, in politically clear countries, officials can call a spade a spade; In a helpless country, the Korean people are all flattering, which makes North Korea's political affairs more corrupt.

Confucius was not ashamed to ask questions. Zhou Gongle made good friends with the people and was knowledgeable. He was admired by later generations and regarded as a saint. Therefore, if the roof leaks, it will be uninhabitable if it is not repaired. If politicians have shortcomings and cannot correct them, people's lives will be unstable.

Examine doubts

Politicians should be observant, put an end to bad practices and maintain orthodoxy. Rebellion often occurs in places where government decrees are inferior, and rumors always start from people's doubts. Things are similar in appearance, but different in essence. White stone is like jade, fish eyes are like pearls, foxes are like dogs, dragonflies are like melons. Unreasonable people regard it as treasure. Therefore, Zhao Gao refers to a deer as a horse, and the king of Qin does not refute it; Fan Li paid tribute to the beauty of Yue, but the prince of Wu did not doubt that this would lead to great disaster.

If you have doubts about the plan, you will accomplish nothing. Therefore, saints always seek providence, and people can predict their good and bad luck, so they can't act arbitrarily. The Bible says, "If three people are sacred, they must follow the majority of them." If there is any doubt, it is necessary to consult the people. Therefore, Confucius once said: "A promising king is not worried that the people do not understand his painstaking efforts to govern the country, but that he does not understand public opinion. 」

Death is a bosom friend; Women like their looks, horses run for their employers, and gods work for psychics. When trying a case, a gentleman is most afraid that he can't find out the truth, but he involves innocents or connives at villains, so that the strong will not confess, and the weak will take the opportunity to frame others, resulting in the upright being framed, the wronged being denied justice and the faithful being killed. These are immoral things and will inevitably lead to disaster.

Therefore, when dealing with criminal cases and trials, if there are no flaws to follow, we must observe the words and deeds of prisoners. If a criminal is in awe, mourns, rushes to court, but refuses to leave, and looks back and sighs from time to time when he leaves. This person must have been wronged and didn't extend it. If you see that his words are repetitive, inconsistent, revealing in many ways, seemingly scheming and timid, and dare not look directly at the judge, this person must be a criminal and eager to get away with it. Confucius said: "observe a person's actions, find out his motives, and then see if he is at ease, then there is nothing to hide!" 」

administrative staff

The scripture says: "Educate the people with virtue and righteousness, and the people will not forget benevolence and righteousness;" Teach people to distinguish right from wrong, and people will behave appropriately. Therefore, we must educate the people in the right way.

The light of the sun and the moon is widely seen by everyone, and everyone looks up; The size of heaven and earth breeds everything, and everything grows with it. Therefore, the kindness of Yao and Shun was widely spread, which made foreigners come to serve; The failure of Xia Jie and Shang Zhou made Zhu Xia betray, which was not God's will, but God's will.

To cure the people like raising seedlings, weeds must be pulled out first; Therefore, to make the country rich and strong, we must first remove the curse. Promising monarchs should know that small officials in soap service are very harmful, so some people say, "Small officials in soap service are the bane of the people, and the people are suffering because of the extensive collection of people's fat and paste." In peacetime, if we can attach importance to agriculture, ignore it, reduce taxes and increase people's income, this is the best way for the country to become rich and strong.

The national army is not worried about the country's prosperity, but about domestic instability. Therefore, Yao and Shun divided the geographical location, cultivated with the people, observed the astronomical phenomena, and predicted the famine years, so that every year there was more than enough, and everyone was not short of food and clothing, and the road was not gleaned. People are satisfied with the status quo. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the poor and weak began to farm for the rich, and the princes who continued to this day fought for their own self-interest, forming a law of the jungle society. The number of farmers who farmed decreased, and they turned to business and competed for profits, which led to panic and social instability.

The scripture says: "The noble people do not regard gold and silver as treasures, and the people are not thieves." If you don't often use extravagant and useless things, your heart will not be chaotic. What can make people content with their duties is the politics of enriching the people. Qi Jinggong lives in luxury, so the etiquette system can't be implemented. During the Zhou and Qin Dynasties, decorative patterns were removed, and frugality and simple folk customs were advocated.

Gold, silver and jade articles, jade articles and rare treasures are not produced in the Central Plains, nor are they the daily needs of ordinary people. Gorgeous weaving, continuous front brocade and dyed fabrics are not for ordinary people to wear. Carving is time-consuming and expensive, which only hinders farming and has no important use. Above robes and furs is not what people need. Those who deliberately build high walls to decorate the facade and dig ancestral graves to show off their wealth are all done by rich people.

The book says, "What ordinary people need most is to work hard, save money and serve their parents. Therefore, politicians should be able to control the flow of goods and materials, educate the people with ethics, so that they can work hard and have savings on weekdays, and they will not worry about the lack of goods and materials in the year of famine. Doesn't this way of governing the people conform to the changes of the four seasons?


In order to maintain the long-term stability of the country, we must use talents and belittle villains. Governing the country is like keeping in good health, and the way to keep in good health is nothing more than nourishing the mind and regulating qi. The way to govern the country lies in selecting talents and appointing talents, nourishing qi and strengthening the body, and using talents will stabilize the country.

An assistant minister is like a wooden pillar supporting a house. The wooden columns should not be too thin, and the house will be unstable if they are too thin. China must have too few good assistants. Without good assistants, the country will be overthrown. Therefore, the use of sages in many aspects will stabilize the country.

The pillars of the house are made of straight wood, and it is better for Minister Kuninosuke and honest honest and frank to speak out. Straight trees grow in secluded mountains, honest and upright people hide in the crowd of cloth, and the king must ask the villages for help. They have plenty of talents, but they are Shu Ren. Some people are brilliant, but they are not appreciated by the king. Some people are loyal and filial, but they can't get the recommendation from the village. Some songs are lofty, preferring to hide in the mountains rather than go along with the villains in the DPRK. Some people are loyal to the monarch, but they are framed by traitors.

It is in these humble places that wise masters such as Yao, Shun and Zhou Gong found good materials and established peaceful events. Therefore, the monarch must set generous rewards to encourage those who have made meritorious deeds, and set senior officials to gather talents so that everyone can stick to their posts, then everything will flourish, hermits will be employed, the world will be obedient, and evil will be hidden. The reason why the country is in danger and the people can't live and work in peace and contentment is because of the loyalty of the sages. Those traitors are not the pillars of the country, and it is useless to raise them. If they are loyal and unwilling to be an official because of their success, then the country will definitely decline.

If positions are arranged through friendship, the bureaucracy will be chaotic. If you choose materials because of the nature of your position, you will be very organized. Hiring talents is like marrying a child. If you don't marry yourself, you will pay for your wife. It is precisely because women expect to get married that they will remain chaste. Wise men maintain a high reputation for integrity, because they want the king to find out. Being a monarch can hire talents with courtesy, and the country will be stable

do textual research

In order to make politics clear, we must advocate loyal people and expel those who plot evil. It is well known all over the world that there is a monarch, and observing the implementation of state affairs, small officials and small people are all in his sight. Recruit loyal people, get rid of greedy people, clarify the relationship between superiors and subordinates, make the national government orderly, and gather talents in the DPRK. This is the result of the implementation of the election and strike policies.

However, before the election, we must first understand the pain of the people being oppressed by officials. There are five situations:

First, under the guise of authority, officials play with the lives and deaths of the people, deceive their superiors, squeeze the people, and make them dare to speak out.

Second, some officials are unfair in breaking the prison and lax in law enforcement. Some people commit great crimes, but they get away with it. Officials bully the good and fear the evil, which makes innocent people persecuted.

Third, officials protect each other, collude for personal gain, persecute people who report adultery, conceal the truth, bury all evidence, and even kill people.

Fourth, some officials try their best to please the newly appointed Chief Executive in order to gain the trust of the Chief Executive, while for political opponents, they deliberately force them to get into trouble and express their personal grievances. In addition, in the name of taxation, people's wealth is searched for, ostensibly to prevent problems from happening, but secretly it is to expand private property.

Fifth, some county officials are greedy for money and power, and consider whether it is beneficial to them when rewarding or punishing them. They also interfere in private business, compete with the people for profits and cause great losses to the people.

The above five kinds of officials are extremely harmful to the people and must be removed from office. Officials without these five evils should be promoted and rewarded.

Therefore, the book says, "A new official who has been in office for three years needs to evaluate his political achievements and decide whether to be promoted or dismissed. 」

Reward and punishment

Politicians should establish a reward and punishment system to reward the good and punish the evil, so as to encourage people to make meritorious deeds and put an end to evil. Let subordinates know the standards of rewards and punishments, then their behavior will be measured and will not violate the law. But rewards and punishments should be fair, and favoritism is not allowed. bending the law, those who have no jobs will not be rewarded; People who have done nothing should not be punished. If they are rewarded or punished at will, their subordinates will be dissatisfied.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, King Zhongshan died because of a cup of mutton soup; King Chu Ping persecuted the sages for listening to slanders, which harmed future generations. These are all examples of improper rewards and punishments, which deserve the vigilance of future generations.

Generals have the power of life and death in their hands. If you kill a good person by mistake and indulge the wicked, you will be moody and the reward and punishment are unknown. Often, public and private are not divided, and government orders often change, so that subordinates don't know what to do. Any general who makes the above mistakes is a scourge to the country. If the rewards and punishments are unknown, no one is willing to obey his orders; If you indulge the wicked, all kinds of immoral things will appear; If innocent people are killed for nothing, everyone will hold a grudge; If you are moody, it is difficult to establish majesty; If rewards and punishments are unfair, the people will not strive to serve the country; If the Orthodox Church is not properly implemented, the law will naturally not be applicable; If you are selfish, everyone will be unfaithful. Therefore, if there is more evil, the country will not last long, and the foot soldiers will leave Germany. No matter how huge the army is, it will eventually be defeated. If a general has no dignity, the army will be weak; If subordinates have no intention to fight, generals will not be able to boost morale; If the law is not clear, things will be in chaos; Everyone is disloyal and the country will face the fate of disintegration.

Therefore, to put an end to evil, we must first make politics clear; To stop extravagance and waste, we must advocate thrift, let loyal and upright people try lawsuits and prisons, let incorruptible people enforce the law and punish them severely, and then everyone is committed to loyalty.

There are still hungry people on the roadside, but there are fat horses among the officials. This can be described as self-protection. Thin people are self-sufficient and ungrateful to the people.

The monarch must first formulate the reward and punishment regulations, and then implement the punishment reward, so that the people can fear it, and no order can be made.

Unfair rewards and punishments, loyal ministers all die unjustly, and treacherous officials all fail. Rewards and punishments should not be influenced by grudges, so Qi Huangong reused Guan Zhong because of letting bygones be bygones, and achieved hegemony. Duke Zhou can put righteousness first and establish his prestige, so the book says, "Without favoritism and protection, the king can be unimpeded." . 」


As a general, you should pay attention to controlling your emotions at all times. Although your mood is inevitably angry and happy, you should distinguish between business and selfishness to avoid getting things wrong.

When you are angry, don't take it out on innocent people, and don't forgive those who have committed heinous crimes because of temporary happiness. You should study their feelings in detail before you do anything. When judging a case, don't kill innocent people or condone guilty people because of your own preferences, and don't let emotions affect decision-making. General, don't be moody, it's enough to offset all the previous achievements. In the battle, they should unite everyone's hearts, boost their morale and fight for Qi Li. If we only rely on our own bloody courage to force the army to attack hard, then the whole army will be destroyed by his hands.

Always keep a happy mood, not easy to get angry; If you are unhappy all day, it is difficult to get up quickly. Therefore, the general must first cultivate one's morality, and then pay attention to martial arts. If they can't be more cautious after winning, they will fail because they underestimate the enemy. Blindly impulsive, you will regret it afterwards. A momentary impulse will lead to destruction.

Therefore, a gentleman is virtuous, mighty but not barbaric; Only worry, no fear; Both emotions are invisible. We should establish dignity at ordinary times, so that the criminal law can be effective and all evils can be swept away. If you can't establish prestige, the punishment can't be executed, everyone can't control it, and the country will perish.

Eliminate chaos

To rectify politics, we must first lay off redundant officials and get rid of fake posts, so as to prevent idle and useless officials from getting together to form a party and endangering government affairs. If the whole country does not abide by the three cardinal principles and six disciplines, there will be chaos. Therefore, the monarch's behavior must not be lost, because politics needs to conform to jurisprudence and orthodoxy, then everything can be realized and achievements can be maintained for a long time.

The reason why the army is disturbed is that it is fragmented and lacks unified management. Therefore, when the monarch governs the country, he must have priorities, rectify the outline first, and then deal with the details; Promulgate the precepts first, and then execute the punishment; Manage several provinces near the capital first, and then the whole country can manage it well; Solidify inside first and then stir outside; Cultivate one's morality before treating others.

In this way, the punishment prescribed by law can be executed without hindrance; When the country is strong, neighboring countries will not dare to invade; Suppress the strong, then the weak can be stretched; When the official management is clear, the people will follow the rules. If the monarch has lofty moral qualities, he will be admired by the whole world. This is the way to govern the country.

From Baidu Encyclopedia

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