Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Why don't many people who study the Book of Changes suggest divination?

Why don't many people who study the Book of Changes suggest divination?

Why don't many people who study the Book of Changes suggest divination? This question comes from Wukong's question and answer. After reading it, I wrote an answer. Today, I posted the original text on my official WeChat account, Fu Yuantang.

People who study the Book of Changes do not recommend divination, which is untenable. Chen Yihong, a numerologist, listens to you and reads below. First of all, practice produces true knowledge, what this person knows. As long as you learn the Book of Changes, you must practice divination. Otherwise, how can you practice? Where is the real knowledge?

Xunzi did say a word, which goes like this: those who are good at "easy" don't take it. This means that people who are very proficient in the Book of Changes can't do divination. Many people misunderstood this sentence and thought that Xunzi told people not to do divination. On the contrary, people who are not good at I ching can do divination, while those who are good at I ching don't take it. Why not accept it?

Because people who are good at changing things can understand the mysteries of heaven and the universe, they have a thorough understanding. They don't need to go to so much trouble to divination, they already know it. On the contrary, people who are not very proficient need to use divination as a tool to help them understand the truth and future direction of things.

Take me for example, I am a numerologist, but I am not an easy person to get along with. I haven't reached that level yet. So I need to use divination to help me understand the truth and future direction. Whether you are doing your own thing or helping others see it, you have to turn to divination.

Confucius also said a word: don't take it. It has also been misunderstood. People who misunderstand it don't understand why Confucius said this sentence. This is Confucius' reasoning that some people and things know the answer without divination, that's all. What else do you need? But in reality, many people still don't understand that they still seek divination if they don't give up.

Why do we need divination? Some things can't be judged and grasped by your own reason and wisdom. At this time, you need to use divination to assist yourself. Therefore, divination technology can be used all the time and will not be eliminated, which is of such value.