Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How can she travel through space?

How can she travel through space?

It's just an out-of-body experience, or the spirit bent down to help her go out and watch.

Relevant statements about spiritual possession

Possession is an objective phenomenon, but there are many fakes, really few. In reality, there are more women and fewer men.

Are people who are weak more likely to be possessed?

People who are weak are easy to be possessed, and people who are empty in their inner world are also easy to be possessed, but people who are pursuing and positive are generally not easy to be possessed. Whether it is easy to get possessed has nothing to do with temper)

Can ordinary people know that they are possessed?

(Ordinary people are generally not possessed, and the possibility of being possessed is extremely small. The phenomenon of being possessed in society is really rare, and there are many fakes. Normal people don't have to worry about being possessed. After all, this is a very rare phenomenon. )

If you encounter bad "possession", what are the ways to protect yourself?

To be upright, to be upright, to be upright in thought, to be upright in spirit, to pursue and to be active in life, this is the best protection method. )

There should be a difference between obsession and hysteria. Hysteria will not be kind to others, let alone accurate. Only the phenomenon of possession can do this. People who are possessed have many accurate predictions about the future, can also treat others, and can also do some so-called superstitious spells to solve problems, which are difficult to explain simply by mental illness, hysteria and so on.

Only one of the eight possessed people is real, and the other seven are fake. Even if one is true, as a normal person, it is best not to touch it easily. Not good, even if it is good, it is only temporary, and there will be endless disasters in the future.

What do you mean by possession? The so-called universal language is not square language. Look down there.

The possession mentioned by the people is jumping gods, witch doctors and gods, also called horses. They are all born by fate, especially in the three northeastern provinces and also in the south (less in comparison). They tend to be mostly women and few men. Most of them are housewives, with little education (not no) and weak self-control. They got sick from the start. By drumming, the sick man covered his head with a three-foot red cloth, took a rice pole, and Er Shen sang beside him (there is a book in the northeast that specially asks God to sing songs and lyrics), that is, to ask God. After a while, he found that the patient began to tremble, began to talk, and said that he was a fairy, a god, and finished the altar. Often yo, these * * are all animal spirits, that is, foxes, weasels, snakes and other animals. They often write their full names in red cloth, ranging from more than a thousand to dozens. The process of asking God is also called shifting the pole among the people, so that God can move to the person who wants to set up a church, and the arrival fairy is like an animal fairy. After all this is finished, a ceremony will be held. This ceremony is called the Big Dipper, which is the Big Dipper. Usually on March 3, June 6 or September 9, the person in charge takes the lead. In the middle of the yard, there is an altar. There is a big incense burner on the stage, with a scale and a mirror in it, three incense sticks in the middle and a lot of fruits beside it. At the same time, people with immortals are singing in Ershen. There are ancient saints in any direction, usually at noon 12, or at midnight, after the worship, many onlookers gather around to let them start over and predict things or see a doctor for the onlookers.

Possession comes from a variety of situations, some are ancestors who protect their families, some are always robbed, and you have helped them many times. Some of your six relatives have fallen into cruelty in their previous lives, or are creditors of your enemies. You are reincarnated as a human being, but she still follows you and treats you as a friend. You have forgotten the past, but it is spiritual and has not been forgotten. Seek spiritual strength, get true spiritual wisdom, the heart can't reach, can't practice, can't meditate on wisdom, have five eyes and six magical powers, your persistent heart, beg her, the beast has a fairy, feel your heart, she can't give it to you in vain, she wants to take your body and say: rush into the sun to do good. Seeing a doctor because of karma is also for a higher level of practice. She gives you money, fame and benefits. It is said that she can appear magical powers in the immortals, but it is not true natural wisdom.

There are also many cases of this kind of possession. From 1990 to 1998, the biggest qigong craze occurred in China since the founding of the People's Republic of China. In the spring tide, many so-called qigong masters or qigong celebrities appeared. Among them, many people who speak Guru speak the same language as a foreign language. At that time, people were puzzled and said that they were cosmic people and aliens. People didn't understand at that time. The title (psychic, master) is because they can predict the past and the future, see a doctor, cure some people's diseases, and perform some kung fu that ordinary people can't perform. At that time, people called their kung fu "magical powers". At that time, people regarded such people as people from other galaxies. In fact, they come from the earth where we live, which is a lie. No matter how great their magical powers are, they will never be like the Buddha. Today, I'm going to tell you the secret of Christ educating all beings and being a good guide. He can't speak the universal language, and they can't speak the language of aliens. They speak the languages of spiritual animals and plants. Isn't there an old saying in the past? People can talk, animals can talk, that's what it means. Buddhists talk about all beings in six ways (heaven, man, Asura, beast, hungry ghost and hell). These six sentient beings all have their own languages and are attached to people. They call this situation attachment to people. At that time, people did not understand them and regarded them as saints. If you pass on the Kung Fu then, people who learn from him will be miserable. People who study Buddhism can't go to the world of Buddhism or the world of saints, so they have to go with them and go to the living environment of animals and plants (in the past, the old people often said "mountain gods and monsters" meant them) and stay with them. Therefore, people must be careful. Once this happens, we must have a correct attitude and a positive heart.

There is another sound. You are in the light, it is in the dark, and it is induced by a voice every day. You can't find it or see it. Moreover, in this case, it tells you something (including historical knowledge) in the dark. In some daily life, it is often to accurately predict things, or to teach you something. There are many people or masters in our spiritual world. What's wrong with teaching you the knowledge of spiritual practice, or teaching or guiding you? Because, in the process of practice, especially in deep meditation, you can say that you are transcending time and space and history, and you may be related to the information left by the saints who practiced Taoism in the past. This kind of information will guide you whether you are in a dream or in a meditation state. This situation is explained by an idiom called "the immortal guides the way". Did the sage inspire you or did the devil induce you? It is better to use a few words from Confucius' The University to guide your practice. "If you don't care, you can't see, you can't hear, and you don't know its taste, you will be enlightened."

Speaking of possession, I talked about many problems in the field of cultivation. What should we ordinary people do when we encounter possession? How can we overcome these problems? You must sincerely pray for the blessing of Guanyin Bodhisattva, read popular books, the Diamond Sutra, repent and so on. The most important thing is to start from our own minds, really reason and solve such problems rationally, and have a normal mind. Now, in temples, there are usually * * halls, just to exchange these beasts, and some karma has been done.

A yogi: Let's talk about possession.

Why are there so many possessed people in this era? What's the difference between possession and avatar? Let's start with the first question: Why are there so many possessed people in this era? Especially in recent 10 years, you can hear people possessed everywhere. Besides, there are many possessed people around us. Anyone who is possessive has a * * * nature, not a high IQ, but often a self-righteous person. This type of person has a strong desire. There are also a few possessive people who are simple-minded, kind and have low cultural quality.

When practicing, mentality is very important. Nowadays, many people who are possessed by computer viruses can say that they have this kind of "fruit". When was the "cause" planted, which prompted him to have this kind of fruit? Some were planted in previous lives, and some died here. If you are eager to have time when practicing on the ground, over time, you can unconsciously see what others can't see, and you can predict and guess what others can't guess. At first, you thought it was a magical power cultivated by yourself, but everyone watching knows that this person's mentality and thoughts are slowly changing. Compared with his original, many places are abnormal, but this person doesn't realize it himself. In the end, when it is serious, he will say that everyone around him is "having problems." What he said, saw and heard was correct. And he doesn't listen to people around him. Once this happens, this person's mind has been completely occupied by all beings.

There are usually four kinds of possession: spirit, spirit, ghost and strange. However, people who are possessed often say that Guanyin Bodhisattva has come, Buddha has come, or a venerable person has come. Think about it. Now liars "people" will pretend to be "I am the boss of a company" and "I am the secretary of a municipal party committee secretary". Besides, without sentient beings, how can we not pretend to be a Buddha? What if the Bodhisattva comes again?

Where does the invisible existence come from? It has been human in a certain life, so it still has human habits. Although it has no human body now and is attached to it with a lifeless body, it still has the memory of the past as a human being. He often recites some poems, tells some historical stories and does things that ordinary people can't do. Some wealth is for debt collection, and some wealth is for debt repayment. Generally speaking, the attachment will leave in about 10~ 15 years. Whether it is debt collection or debt repayment, most of them will come to an end at this time. We often hear that the people around us who are possessed by computer viruses have lost their kung fu. In fact, this is to leave his spirit, spirit, ghost and monster. Needless to say, it is to make you famous and make a small fortune; To collect debts, the final result is that he will be a man, and you will replace him after you die. Because he is attached to people, he carries people's information, or people's blessings. Since he has people's blessings (and you have its blessings), it means exchanging with each other. He has your popularity, and you have his spirit, qi, ghosts and wonders. Often this kind of life will inevitably reach the space-time level of spirit, god, ghost and strange. When you are alive, you will definitely go to that corresponding place after death. At the end of your life, elves and ghosts are bound to attract you. Even if it is possessed by good luck, if you communicate with it for a long time, the strength of yang in your body will gradually decrease. If a person's yang is strong, invisible beings can't possess themselves at all. It was attached to you by accident. When your yang is low and your yin is strong (that is, when vital qi is weak), it takes advantage. Have you ever heard of it? People who often have demons have "magical power" after a serious illness. Why did it happen after a serious illness? Because in the process of illness, his vital qi needs to be weak, in layman's terms, his yang needs to be weak. All invisible creatures are negative. When the strength of yang reduces the strength of yin, it naturally corresponds to it and feels very close to us. Usually, people will say that angry people are afraid to stand on his side.

If everyone is sensitive to practice, you can feel it when people with heavy yin are close to you. When we practice, our motives must be correct. Even if you can't get into the Tao now, don't expect to have magical powers. When you practice with a desire for magical power, these motionless creatures will naturally approach you. You are practicing Buddhism with this desire, essentially giving invisible beings a chance. If you pray for magical power while practicing, it means allowing invisible existence to come to you. Often invisible beings can see cause and effect, unlike us humans who can't see cause and effect, even if we see it, we don't believe it. If we don't pray for invisible existence, it will never be attached to us. But once attached to the body, you want to drive it away, it will never leave. The karma at this stage is not over, and you can't get rid of it anyway.

There are also very few people who don't possess it, but invisible beings follow him. The magnetic field of this kind of person is completely different from that of the person possessed. This type of person who often "follows" can be the master and can "trick the gods"; The possessed person is called "God makes ghosts more powerful." That is, God makes ghosts worse, so after the end of life, you must be a "God". It's flattering to say that he is a god. He can't be a god. To put it bluntly, he is an elf and a ghost. Why go to the monastery with a kind of mindfulness? When you have mindfulness, ghosts will support you. It also hopes that after you practice, because it protects your Buddhism, you can benefit from it, so you can send gods and ghosts. In our Han Buddhism, the mentality of practitioners is very strict. "It is better not to be enlightened for one day than to be possessed for one day." Once you are possessed and communicate with these invisible beings, it will not be attached to you, but will listen to you by your side, otherwise, it will always drive your mind. This is what we often call "protecting the law". When it comes to "protecting people", it should be emphasized here that special attention is often paid to protecting people in secret, providing them with wine and meat, and even providing them with whole pigs, chickens and ducks. To put it bluntly, this is actually a domestic slave raised by a yogi. He provides wine and water to the protector every day. In fact, many of them are not protectors, but some elves and ghosts. It is true that some protectors are the embodiment of Buddha and Bodhisattva. Because one is true, there are 99 fakes. If there really isn't, there won't be fakes. Just because everyone knows it's true, everyone is willing to do it. As a result, you met 99 fake ones. I have been practicing Buddhism all my life, but I am practicing ghost and shinto. When I was alive, I was able to communicate with his protector and was accepted by his protector when I died. If the protector is really the incarnation of Buddha and Bodhisattva, there will be no such thing as they say: if you respect him, he will do things for you; If you don't respect him, give him a toast or tea, he won't do anything for you. He can listen to you, and he can kill whoever you want. Will buddhas and bodhisattvas do this? I have a fellow disciple, who cultivated the dharma protector, and he said that he was the incarnation of Lotus Heart. I smiled. He said his protector of the gods was clever. When he tells you to flip, you flip, when he tells you to stumble, you stumble, you die, and you die within a hundred days. As long as he asks, the protector can realize his wish. At that time, I told him: Lotus peanuts are so embarrassed? If it's really so embarrassing, I'll kill him, so we don't have to respect Lotus Student so much. Others said: My protector is the embodiment of Guanyin Bodhisattva. You called him a fool. He is smarter than you and knows more than you. This kind of person, he is not stupid, he is in a mystery and hasn't woken up, but the really stupid person knows nothing. As long as one is committed to mindfulness, no matter what level of ghosts and gods can't help you, they will protect your Buddhism. Even if he is a living Buddha, his protector can't beat you, a man who knows what is right. If he were a living Buddha, he wouldn't let his protector frame you. It is often said that a master, a living Buddha, has suffered a lot from his protector. Actually, it's all because we don't know ourselves. The compassion of Buddha and Bodhisattva is beyond our imagination. No matter how you imagine it, you think with a normal heart. How can you imagine and guess the mentality of China Buddha and Bodhisattva? Unless you are a saint, you can understand a saint. Only when you have a high level can you become a high-level person. The power of invisible beings is also great, and we will definitely go through this stage on our way to practice. If you like this in your mind, then you stay at this stage. Our practice is like climbing stairs. Every time you climb a floor, there are different toys on this floor. Toys that like the third floor are left on the third floor, and there is no way to climb to the fourth floor, so they are left on the fourth floor. Why don't you practice persistence? I want you to put down your toys and continue to climb, because you have to walk ahead, and the scenery along the way can't be too romantic. Lust for the scenery along the way, there is no way out. As I mentioned just now, there are some sentient beings who were human beings in their previous lives. It's just that in this life, due to various karma, he didn't immediately reincarnate, so his soul flew around in the air and suddenly found someone who was predestined friends with him, and he caught up. If it is a good marriage, he will help you. If it is a bad marriage, he will ask you for it. Why should he help you? Because he wants to practice with your body, mouth and heart, and he wants to practice merits and blessings, but is there a person's body that can only use your tools to achieve its own goals? Some people are so attached that they can't even be their own masters. When the power of attachment appears, he will become dancing and swearing, and others simply can't understand what he is saying. Sometimes he can't read the scriptures at all, so he will read them at this time. In fact, this is all because the possessed beings borrowed your body and did these things.

Just now I mentioned that there were a lot of property in the past 10 years. Why? Because of another law in the universe, there will be a big change every thousand years. Whether tangible or intangible, he will wake up at this time, eager to practice and return to the source of his life. The law of cosmic practice is that only on the basis of the human body can we become a Buddha. It is absolutely impossible for invisible beings to practice high. Often when they practice to a certain extent, they will naturally be killed by Raytheon. The so-called "killing" is just the effort to break it up. It will take thousands of years of practice to reunite the scattered forces.

Do you feel that there are a lot of people practicing in recent years? There are many people who study Buddhism and practice. Because in our subconscious, the spiritual power is awakened. We "people" are only tangible beings, while elves and ghosts are intangible beings, whether tangible or intangible. Usually, his spiritual strength wakes up every 1000 years. If you have a human body at this time, you will have the motivation to practice. If you have no human body and no reincarnation at this time, you are just an invisible being. When you wake up, you want to repair your body and find that you have no body, you will be possessed. Some people find that possession is not a good thing, but often they can't be masters themselves and are tortured to death by invisible existence. I'm tired of invisible existence, but I can't drive it away. At this time, some wizards are often invited to drive it away. No matter what kind of mage you hire, with or without Tao, you can't drive away the invisible beings by yourself. If you want to drive away, you must cooperate with the three (mage, invisible beings, possessed people). After the three communicate, the invisible beings will walk away. This is like the relationship between Zhang San and Li Si, where there are creditor's rights and debts, two people quarrel. Li Si asked Wang Er for mediation. If Wang Er wants to participate, he must obtain Zhang San's consent and be able to bear the creditor's rights and debts. If Wang Er can't afford it, he can't drive away invisible beings. Because you can't pay off the debts of one party for the other, the two of them will continue to make trouble. Unless you have the ability to help them settle their debts, the karma between them can be solved and come to an end. A person who is often absent-minded shows that his body is empty. If it is an empty house, outsiders can easily come in and live in it for a long time. When the real master came back, he was driven out by outsiders, and the master became an outsider, and the outsider became a master. Have you ever heard that new houses built by ordinary people must be moved in within 100 days? If no one lives, horses, cows and sheep should also rush in to live; If no one enters the house for a long time after the house is built, it is necessary to make a fire in the room before people can enter. Why are you doing this? In fact, many folk practices are not unreasonable. We don't understand them and often say that they are superstitious. In fact, although everyone believes in Buddhism now, some lay people and some monks are superstitious. If you don't know something, you believe it, which is called "superstition"; Only when you know something, master it and believe it, is it called "true faith".

In fact, we encounter many superstitious things every day. With a mobile phone in hand, why can I call the other party? Why did you get a call from the other party? We don't understand its principle, we can only use it. This is superstition. You believe it has this function, but you don't know why it has this function. This is superstition. There is a TV at home. I watch TV every day. I don't know the principle of TV, but I believe TV can receive programs. This is also superstition (if I don't understand "faith", it's called "superstition"). Because we are superstitious every day, there are too many, don't you feel superstitious. Why is the car running? All we know is that it has an engine. Why run with an engine? We live in superstition every day and are surrounded by it. We often hear about asking a mage and Taoist priest to do Dojo to eliminate disasters. Actually, it was invited by the mage. Taoist priest, if he can't communicate with invisible beings, there is no way to make invisible beings go away by his method alone. Since he is strong, he should be able to communicate with invisible creatures. He can't communicate with invisible creatures. He can't solve the problem simply by reading a few volumes of scriptures and spells. Anyone who can possess has kung fu, at least 800 years, and we "people" may not have practiced kung fu for 800 years. Many people began to practice in this life before they smelled the flavor of Buddhism. Although many people have come back, they may not last for 800 years. It doesn't mean that these invisible beings will support you because of your high kung fu. As long as you have a pious heart and an upright heart, these invisible beings will protect your dharma.

There are many lesbians in possession, because the yang of lesbians can't keep up with that of gay men, so invisible creatures are easy to get close to. Another reason is that lesbians are simple, kind and simple-minded. If you say your mind is complicated, I attach great importance to it. Invisible existence will never be attached to you. It knows it's useless to be attached to you. It can't turn your mind. Your ego is tens of thousands of times bigger than its ego. How did it get attached to you? How can I order you? You can take a closer look at those who are ruined and possessed. They are all simple-minded and lack correct knowledge. If you are simple-minded, kind-hearted, simple-minded and positive, you are not communicating with invisible beings, but with buddhas and bodhisattvas. Some people are more sensitive and say, "There are more invisible beings here, and there are more invisible beings there." Where do you think there is none? Wherever you go, there are people, and wherever you go, there will be invisible existence. Invisible creatures, like villages where people live, live together piece by piece. Some invisible creatures, like some people, like to be alone and not sociable. For example, after we die, we have not found our own desires and ideals, so we must find a body to continue to satisfy our wishes. If you happen to have the same desire as this invisible existence, you will naturally become one with it. "Possession" means not repairing; The true avatar is repaired by his own determination. "Avatar" can be the master; Possession is not for you to decide. This is the most fundamental difference between possession and avatar. Avatar can be closed and opened at any time. As long as we are physically and mentally integrated and highly concentrated, the avatar will naturally appear.