Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Excuse me, master! Divination with copper coins, how do Shaoyang, Shaoyin, Lao Yang and Laoyin express after throwing copper coins every time? How is it painted?

Excuse me, master! Divination with copper coins, how do Shaoyang, Shaoyin, Lao Yang and Laoyin express after throwing copper coins every time? How is it painted?

Take a dollar coin as an example: literally, it means heart, and the flower is back. Three backs are Lao Yang, three hearts are Laoyin, two backs are Shaoyin, and one back is Shaoyang. Just memorize it. Is it divination with three copper coins? All three are heads, that is, they are actually yin (extremes meet); Conversely, all three are tails, that is, old yin, and old yin is actually yang. The one with or without yin is dynamic, and if there is yin at the same time, it is dynamic (yang takes the initiative and yin dominates static); If they are all old yin, it is that the old yin of the external divination is dynamic (external movement, internal static).