Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Chapter 69 of Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Zhouyi's summary of bosom friends

Chapter 69 of Romance of the Three Kingdoms: Zhouyi's summary of bosom friends

Chapter 69

Yiguang's Records of divination.

Pray for the death of five ministers in the Han Dynasty: After the Zuo Ci incident, Cao Cao was afraid that he would go into shock and get sick, so he asked God not to keep Lu and Guan Yu for divination and told Cao Cao that it was an illusion. Cao Cao asked Guan Ju to calculate several hexagrams about the world. At that time, Ji Geng refused to accept Cao Cao's knighthood, and together with Wei Huang, Jin Yi, Ji Miao and Jim, he prepared to kill the king to seize power and help Emperor Han Xian to crusade against Cao Cao. I didn't expect to kill Wang, but let Wang go to Cao Xiujia to complain. At the same time, Xia Houdun saw the fire in the city, went out to meet Cao Xiu, caught five ministers and destroyed them!