Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The Cultural Implication of Zodiac Chicken

The Cultural Implication of Zodiac Chicken

The zodiac is a rooster, thoughtful, hardworking, responsible and disciplined, and hates idlers. So what is the cultural implication of the zodiac chicken? Next, I will show you the cultural implication of the zodiac chicken!

China Zodiac Chicken Culture implies that the first symbolic meaning of chicken is ordinary and weak.

Chickens can be found almost everywhere in daily life. Strong reproductive ability, high survival rate, no special requirements for the environment, and can be raised anywhere. As the saying goes, things are rare. The same is true of animals, such as pandas, which are very rare and precious, and are regarded as national treasures because only China has them. Although some animals are not national treasures, they are too few to be extinct, so it is forbidden to kill and protect them as rare animals. It is impossible for chickens to enjoy such treatment. There are so many of them that they are despised. Moreover, as a kind of bird, the flying ability of chicken is greatly degraded. Compared with other birds, they can fly freely in the blue sky; Running on the ground is not as fast and agile as riding a dog, so chickens look ordinary. Therefore, it has the symbolic significance of being ordinary, popular and weak.

The second symbolic meaning of chicken is that chicken is brave and good at fighting.

This meaning comes from cockfighting. Chickens like fighting, especially cocks, which is also a common phenomenon in daily life. When two cocks meet, they often have a fight, and occasionally there will be a ground battle between hens. In order to watch the wonderful cockfighting, people raise special cockfighting. Usually ordinary weak chickens, once they fight, are also nervous, brave and tenacious, and fight fiercely. People are also encouraged and encouraged to learn the courage of cockfighting. This is an example of ancient Greece. The ancient Greeks had cockfighting competitions very early. In one year BC, a Greek general led his troops to the front to fight the Persian army. On the way to March, he saw two cocks fighting, and his heart could not help moving. He believes that if the soldiers' fighting spirit is as tenacious as this rooster, they will surely win the coming battle. So he ordered the team to stop and let the soldiers watch the brave struggle between the two cocks. Sure enough, the soldiers were encouraged to fight bravely and defeated the country. Commemorate this glorious victory. The king of Greece decided to hold the annual cockfighting meeting in Athens from now on. Cockfighting activities soon spread throughout Greece, and soon spread to Mediterranean countries, ancient Rome and other countries. The victory of the Greek army confirmed. When the two armies meet, they all win? , but? Ever? But inspired by cockfighting, we can see that chickens are not always weak.

The third symbolic meaning of chicken is to ward off evil spirits, eliminate disasters and respect God.

Divination with chickens is found all over the world, and the henhouse means god. The ancients also used chickens to ward off evil spirits and sacrifice. As early as the pre-Qin period, chicken and chicken blood were used to exorcise evil spirits. The ancients believed that chicken and chicken blood had the functions of exorcising ghosts and evil spirits and eliminating disasters. The ancients attached great importance to sacrifice. Among many sacrifices, chicken is one of them. Sacrificing ancestors with chickens is still popular in some areas.

Chickens are also used to judge cases. Jingpo people use cock crow as a way of divine judgment. Both parties to the dispute bring a live rooster to the agreed place. First, the wizard recited the scriptures, and after reading them, the two sides sang cocks as agreed to decide the outcome. The first caller loses, and the last caller or non-caller wins. Divination with chicken means that chicken symbolizes God. In addition to chicken divination, there are different kinds of egg divination in different regions and nationalities. For example, in southern Yunnan, eggs are used to ask diseases. When a person is ill, he thinks that a ghost is possessed. He rubbed an egg on the patient, thinking that ghosts could attach themselves to the egg. After the eggs are cooked in a pot, they are examined by a wizard to break good luck or bad luck. Yao people use eggs for divination in everything they do.

If you choose a place to build a house, choose an egg before you break ground. After wearing a small hole, I wrote the words "people, wealth, livestock and ghosts" on the eggshell, and set it on fire until it exploded, relying on the outflow of protein. If the protein is stained with herringbone, it is thought that the basic education prisoners and their families in front of the house will get sick; If you cling to the word wealth, you think it will be difficult to make a living in the future; When you touch the word livestock, you think that if you commit livestock, the livestock will not flourish in the future; If you cling to the word ghost, you think that committing a ghost will make your ancestors and all kinds of blessed gods unhappy and lead to accidents. Encounter the above situation, as a bad omen, we should immediately stop choosing the foundation of the house.

In a word, chicken also has its unique symbolic meaning, and people deduce and associate its symbolic meaning from its animal characteristics. Like the symbolic meaning of other animals, there are praises and denials, depending on their different contexts and occasions.

The story of the origin of the zodiac chicken king chicken chicken is a competitive guy, always making trouble and fighting (this virtue is still preserved today). When the jade emperor sealed the zodiac, he considered whether animals contributed to human beings, and of course he could not rank the king of chickens. One day, King Chicken saw that the horse that was sealed with the zodiac was loved by people, and he was very envious. He went forward and asked, Brother Ma, what honor are you today? The horse replied:? I plow and transport things at ordinary times, and charge in wartime, making great contributions to mankind. Of course, I should be loved. ? Ma Dao:? It is not difficult to win people's love, as long as you can give full play to your strengths and do something for people. Take animals that have been sealed with the zodiac as an example. Cattle can plow the fields, dogs can watch the door, pigs can feed people, dragons can rain, and you are born with a golden voice, which may be helpful to mankind. ?

The chicken king came home, thought about it, and finally thought of waking up the sleeping people with his golden voice. So every day at dawn, the chicken king gets up early and sings loudly to wake people up from their sleep. People are very grateful for the contribution of the Chicken King, and decided to ask the Jade Emperor to make the Chicken a god as the Zodiac.

However, at that time, the standard for the Jade Emperor to seal the zodiac was that as long as the animals were not birds, horses, cows, sheep and dogs were all involved in the six animals, but there was no chicken, which made the chicken king very anxious. He shouted his neck with red eyes, but there was no result.

One night, the chicken king couldn't figure it out, tossed and turned, and couldn't sleep. A wisp of ghosts flew directly to the Heavenly Palace, came to the Jade Emperor's Hall and cried to the Jade Emperor. It is really incomprehensible that he wakes up all beings every morning and makes great contributions, but he is not allowed to be selected for the zodiac. Say that finish, tears flow down. As soon as the Jade Emperor thought about it, the contribution of the Chicken King was really great, and the standard for choosing the zodiac was really wrong. He picked a flower in front of the temple and put it on the Chicken King's head as a reward.

When the chicken king woke up, he found that there was really a red flower on his head, so he wore it to see the four kings, who recognized it as the jade emperor's? Royal furnace safflower? Knowing that the Jade Emperor valued the Chicken King, he made an exception and let the Chicken King participate in the Zodiac competition. On the day of competing for the zodiac, the chicken and the dog got up at the same time and went hand in hand. When approaching the Heavenly Palace, the chicken was afraid that the dog would be caught first, and even flew to the front. The dog was eager to catch up, but it never caught up. The result was behind the chicken. Since then, dogs have lost their affection for chickens and chase them when they see them. Even today, he is still very angry. Dogs drive chickens away? This phenomenon is still visible today. As for the chicken, it still blushes every morning and wears a beautiful big red flower on its head.

5 ~ 7 pm (ie? What time? )。 At this time, when the sun sets on the mountain, the chicken begins to sweep its nest in the cage and spend the night, so it belongs to the chicken.

Personality analysis of Chinese zodiac chicken? Chicken? What does it stand for in the zodiac? Amazing, heroic? Don Quixote's character, a chicken who thinks he is saving the world? Fearless Heroes. Let's be realistic. Chicken? Its characteristic is that it looks radical and pretentious on the outside, but it is conservative and traditional on the inside. There are basically two kinds of chicken personalities. One kind of people like to chat, always have a lot of gossip and have a hot temper. Another kind of people have strong insight and are good at observing faces and colors. People of both personalities are difficult to get along with.

If the rooster is born at dawn or dusk, which is dominated by tigers, he will have the characteristics of nagging. People who are chickens talk endlessly and have no leisure time at all. To make matters worse, people who are chickens often talk big, but they have nothing to say and no meaningful and serious topics. Cocks born at night are just the opposite. Rooster is too serious, conservative, unsociable, cold to people, like a bookworm, even eccentric and unpredictable.

People born in the Year of the Rooster are good-looking, especially men, handsome and straight. Roosters are always proud of their looks and love to show themselves. People can't see that people who are chickens are lazy. People who are chickens will always hold their heads high and be dignified and noble. Even the most shy person born in this year still looks smart and witty in front of people, showing his personality temperament. If people who are chickens are sometimes extravagant, then the money will only be spent on themselves. People who are chickens are very picky about the choice of clothes and like to attract attention.

People who are chickens sometimes decorate their homes and offices too flashy. Chickens themselves love to dress up. People who are chickens also attach great importance to titles and medals. People who are chickens will strive for at least one chance to win medals or professional titles. Even in war, people who are chickens will fight for a medal. The rooster's money is not only spent on his own small home, but also used to pursue love or please colleagues. There is only one thing that others can get from chickens for free, and that is? Suggestions.