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The custom of eating watermelon in high autumn

The custom of eating watermelon in high autumn

Do you know the custom of eating watermelon in autumn? In fact, Gaoqiu is beginning of autumn, and many places have the custom of eating watermelon, so it has been handed down irregularly. Where does the custom of eating watermelon in high autumn come from? I have carefully arranged the custom of eating watermelon in high autumn for everyone, hoping to help you.

The custom of eating watermelon in high autumn 1 Two allusions to the custom of eating watermelon in high autumn

1. According to "Essays on Baner Yu Qiu Zhai", women in the western regions choose to go to the fields at the beginning of autumn night, which is called "touching autumn". It may be related to the shape of watermelon like a pregnant woman's stomach. Melon has a son, which symbolizes having a son. In the custom of China, "melon" is always closely related to reproduction. According to legend, if you can touch ripe melons in autumn, it indicates that girls can find good husbands and women can have more sons. In order to ensure a good touch of melons, melons are generally placed in a certain position during the day and women are allowed to "touch" at night. At this time, "touching the autumn" is like a divination activity. With the expansion of watermelon planting, people in the city began to eat watermelon in early autumn.

2. There is another origin, which is credible and scientific: although watermelon was introduced into the Central Plains from the Song Dynasty, it was not planted in a large area, so the custom of eating watermelon in beginning of autumn did not form at that time. However, in the western region, in the origin of watermelon, the custom of eating watermelon in beginning of autumn is prevalent. Because the Western Regions are located in the northwest of China, and the latitude is high, watermelons have just entered the picking period around beginning of autumn, so it is an early adopter to eat watermelons in beginning of autumn. This custom influenced the south in the Qing Dynasty, when watermelons in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai had entered the last market. People have various explanations for why beginning of autumn eats watermelon. Some people say that eating watermelon in beginning of autumn can eliminate the stagnant air accumulated in summer, while others say that it can accumulate "prestige" for winter. In fact, it is only the influence of northern customs. However, it should be admitted that after beginning of autumn, the weather became colder and the number of watermelons on the market decreased. People eat watermelon again in early autumn, which means saying goodbye.

The custom of eating watermelon in high autumn II. The custom of beginning of autumn

1, paste autumn fat

In early autumn, people are popular to weigh themselves with hanging scales and compare them with those in long summer. Because people have no appetite in summer, and the food is light and simple. After two or three months, they will be thinner. With the autumn wind, my appetite is wide open. I want to eat something good, supplement some nutrition and make up for the loss in summer. The way to make up for it is to "paste autumn fertilizer".

Once in early autumn, the weather is still very hot, and people no longer feel wet and sticky. After all, cool autumn is coming. So I began to sprout the idea of making something delicious to make up for the deficit since summer. Eating stew to make up for the fat lost in summer is called "sticking autumn fertilizer" So on this day, ordinary people eat stewed meat, cultured people eat boiled meat and braised pork, as well as jiaozi, stewed chicken, stewed duck and braised fish with minced meat.

2, gnawing autumn

On the day of "beginning of autumn", there is a folk custom that the whole family eats watermelons together, which is called "eating autumn". An old man said that after this day, you can't eat watermelon any more.

Therefore, when people buy a watermelon to go home in early autumn, the whole family will chew around it, that is, it will be autumn. On the other hand, farmers chew autumn more boldly. They sat in groups on the floor in the melon shed and under the shade, holding red watermelons, green watermelons, whisked sweet potatoes and golden corn cobs. What autumn expresses is actually a joy of harvest.

Experts said that beginning of autumn should not eat watermelon, but should eat less. Because watermelon is cold, eating more after "beginning of autumn" can easily lead to diarrhea.

3. Autumn House

Autumn society was originally a day to worship the land god in autumn, which began in Han Dynasty. Later generations set the Autumn Festival on the fifth day after beginning of autumn. At this time, the harvest has been completed, and the government and people have sacrificed to God to show their gratitude. In Song Shiqiu society, there were customs of eating cakes, drinking wine and women visiting their mothers. In some places, there are still sayings of "running a cooperative", "respecting the god of the cooperative" and "cooking porridge for the cooperative".

4. Hangzhou: Eat autumn peaches.

There is also the custom of eating autumn peaches in early autumn in Jiangnan area. In beginning of autumn, adults and children should eat autumn peaches, one for each person, and keep the stone after eating. On New Year's Eve, the peach pit was thrown into the stove and burned to ashes. It is thought that this will save the plague for a year.

5. Tianjin: "Bite autumn"

People believe that eating melons in early autumn can avoid diarrhea in winter and the next spring. There is such a record in Zhang Dao's "Customs of Golden Gate Miscellaneous Notes at the Age of Years" in the Qing Dynasty: "beginning of autumn can avoid diarrhea when he eats melons and bites autumn." In the Qing Dynasty, people put melons, steamed eggplants and fragrant soup in the yard the day before in beginning of autumn, and ate them in beginning of autumn to remove the heat in summer and avoid dysentery.

6. Sichuan: Drink "autumn water" and eat "cool night"

It is also popular to drink "autumn water" in the east and west of Sichuan, that is, at that moment in beginning of autumn, everyone in the whole family will have a drink. It is said that this can eliminate the accumulated summer heat and Qiu Lai will not have a stomachache. As a traditional custom in eastern Sichuan, people in beginning of autumn hope to have a "cool night" on this day, that is, porridge made of high-quality glutinous rice and then freeze it. On the one hand, it expresses prayers for good weather and abundant crops, on the other hand, it symbolizes that summer is coming to an end and autumn is coming.

7. Shandong: beginning of autumn eats "slag"

In Laixi, Shandong Province, beginning of autumn is popular to eat "dregs", which is a kind of small tofu made of tofu and vegetables. There is a saying that "adults and children don't spit or pull after eating beginning of autumn dregs". So many dietary customs are mostly aimed at preventing dysentery, which shows that workers in China are aware of autumn diarrhea.