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Summary of the work of the Bureau of Land and Resources in the first half of the year

Summary of the work of the Bureau of Land and Resources in the first half of the year

The summary of the work of the Bureau of Land and Resources in the first half of this year's graduate job search network is helpful to you!

20 12 in the first half of the year, the city's land and resources management work conscientiously implemented the spirit of the provincial land and resources management work conference, firmly grasping and closely surrounding the municipal party Committee and the municipal government? One city, three districts, five bases and eight breakthroughs? Formulate strategies and annual tasks, speed up the construction of a new mechanism to guarantee and promote scientific development, effectively improve and enhance the service guarantee capacity, strictly protect cultivated land, strictly economize and intensively use resources, and strictly administer according to law, so as to promote the steady and rapid economic development and social harmony and stability of the whole city and ensure? Twelfth Five-Year Plan? The development started well and the work progressed smoothly in the first half of the year. The work progress in the first half of this year is reported as follows:

I. Work progress in the first half of the year

(a) to enhance the ability of land and resources, and promote the stable and healthy operation of the city's economy.

1. Strictly implement the overall land use plan and the annual land use plan, focusing on planning? Twelfth Five-Year Plan? Work layout. Our city will give full play to the leading role of the overall land use plan and the annual land use plan, organize the preparation of special plans for land remediation and prevention of geological disasters, and make overall plans for various land use needs according to the overall plan and the annual plan? Twelfth Five-Year Plan? The opening of.

2, efforts to solve the contradiction between supply and demand, and effectively improve the ability to ensure development. Take effective measures to use limited land resources in areas and links that play a decisive role in economic and social development. First, make good use of the increment to revitalize the stock. According to the requirements of the annual plan, scientifically and reasonably arrange new construction land, strictly control the increment, and coordinate all kinds of land. Actively strive for the province to reserve annual plan indicators and solve the gap in construction land indicators. At the same time, do a good job in tapping the potential of the connotation and make good use of the stock land that has been approved for supply, supply and use. The second is to implement differentiated and refined management. According to the principle of maintaining pressure, the annual utilization plan is inclined to major infrastructure, emerging strategic industries, major projects, people's livelihood projects, especially affordable housing land. The third is to optimize the land use structure. According to the revised Guiding Catalogue for Industrial Structure Adjustment, relevant policies to curb two high-cost and one capital, overcapacity and redundant construction projects will be implemented, and projects that do not conform to industrial policies and land supply policies will not be approved. The fourth is to improve the approval of land acquisition. Strictly regulate the examination and approval of farmland conversion and land expropriation, and let major construction projects pass through through early intervention, active docking and full service. Green? Channels to improve the efficiency of land declaration (approval).

3. Strictly regulate land development, reserve and transfer, and enhance the ability of land to participate in macro-control. The first is to standardize the development of construction land. Strictly regulate the first-level development, adhere to the government-led and? Save a pool and get a tap out? Model. Reasonably determine the scale of reserve land, strictly control the number of mortgage loans for reserve land, and guard against financial risks. Strengthen the supervision of land development at the first level, and do not exchange land for projects or projects. It is strictly forbidden to allocate land plots to development enterprises for comprehensive development in violation of regulations. The irregular behavior before the city development zone was rectified in time. The second is to standardize land circulation. Strengthen the basic role of the market in allocating resources, and insist on bidding, auction, hanging and selling business land, which is strictly prohibited? Mao Di? It is strictly forbidden to transfer, over-scale, and over-standard land supply. Pay attention to guiding the balance between supply and demand, accurately grasp the scale, timing and rhythm of land delivery, pay close attention to the situation of land development and utilization and market effect while adjusting the land supply and structure, and realize the dynamic grasp of the whole process of the three key links before, during and after the event. In the first half of the year, * * * supplied 339 cases of land, covering an area of 7 18.83 hectares, achieving a land price of 2351140,000 yuan, and fulfilling the annual target and task ahead of schedule. The third is to strengthen post-supply supervision. Strictly implement the land transfer contract and urge the land units to complete the construction projects on schedule. Resolutely investigate and deal with the act of changing industrial land into business land without authorization, prohibit idle land, prevent inefficient land use and crack down on? Shit on the ground? Behavior.

(two) strictly abide by the red line of cultivated land, improve the * * * land responsibility mechanism.

1. Strengthen the responsibility of governments at all levels for farmland protection. Conscientiously implement the responsibility system for the protection of cultivated land and basic farmland, carry out the demarcation of permanent basic farmland, and ensure that the overall plan for new land use is put in place. Insist on farmland protection? Red line? In the first half of the year, the protection of cultivated land and basic farmland in counties (cities, districts) did not touch the line. Strictly control the occupation of cultivated land by non-agricultural construction to ensure that the number of cultivated land and the protected area of basic farmland in the city will not decrease and the quality will not decline.

2, continue to carry out comprehensive improvement of rural land. Keep pushing? Golden land project? , the implementation of rural land remediation projects. Make overall plans, integrate funds, promote the comprehensive improvement of rural land as a whole, and promote the coordinated development of urban and rural areas and the construction of new countryside. Further improve? Land of gold? Project management system, strict implementation of land development and consolidation bidding, project supervision, supervision and acceptance system. Carefully verify the area of newly-increased cultivated land to ensure the quality of project construction and the safety of funds.

3. Strictly implement the responsibility of balancing cultivated land occupation and compensation. Strictly enforce cultivated land? Take one, make up one, make up first and then take it? Requirements, resolutely implement the system of balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation. Do a good job in dynamic supervision and filing of the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation. Strictly implement the collection standard of cultivated land reclamation fee. Accelerate post-disaster reconstruction and replenish cultivated land? Pay the bill? The implementation of 86 projects and the remaining affected farmland reclamation projects, at present? Pay the bill? 765,438+0 project has been completed, 65,438+065,438+0 project is under construction, and 4 projects have not started. Write-off account area 1.005 mu, which can be completely written off before the end of August. Reclaim 47,733 hectares of damaged farmland, accounting for 1.42% of the total tasks.

(3) Promote the conservation and intensive use of resources, and promote the adjustment of economic structure and the transformation of development mode.

1, strictly implement measures to improve the standard of economical and intensive land use. Strictly manage the investment intensity of industrial land, and promote the price control mechanism of industrial project land and the exit mechanism of inefficient industrial projects. Carry out the evaluation of the potential of economical and intensive use of construction land, and carry out? Old factories, old villages, old towns? The transformation and secondary development of urban state-owned land will improve the input intensity, building floor area ratio and output efficiency of land development, further promote the establishment of land and resources conservation-intensive counties (cities), and incorporate conservation-intensive land into the annual assessment of county (city) level governments. Tap the land use potential of development zones and industrial parks in undertaking industrial transfer and industrial agglomeration, and continuously improve the degree of intensive use. Complete the evaluation of economical and intensive use of development zones and industrial parks, quantitatively assess the economical and intensive use of land in development zones and industrial parks, and severely investigate and deal with extensive, inefficient and idle land use behaviors.

2. Establish and improve a new model for the development and utilization of mineral resources. Implement mineral resources planning, strengthen the management of mining rights, improve the coordination mechanism between mineral resources and environmental protection, and improve the benefit sharing mechanism of mineral resources development. We will continue to promote the integration of mineral resources development and constantly optimize the structural layout of mineral resources development. Strengthen the supervision and management of mineral resources development, support and encourage mining enterprises to improve the level of mineral resources conservation and comprehensive utilization. Consolidate and deepen the achievements of rectifying and standardizing the order of mineral resources development, and crack down on illegal activities such as unlicensed mining, cross-border mining and illegal transfer according to law.

(4) Strengthen administration according to law and strictly manage land and resources.

1, strengthen management according to law. Firmly establish the awareness of the rule of law, examine and approve land in strict accordance with the statutory authority, and deal with various conflicts of interest in land management according to the law and regulations. Strengthen the legality review of major decisions involving land issues, and prevent decisions that go beyond legal authority and conflict with laws and regulations. Handle administrative reconsideration cases according to law, organize administrative punishment hearings according to law, embody the principles of openness, fairness and justice, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the parties. In the first half of the year, there were no violations of laws and regulations on land and resources management, land acquisition and demolition by violent or compulsory means, illegal bidding operations, and taking advantage of his position to obtain illegal interests.

2. Strict working procedures. Standardize the operation of administrative power, control administrative discretion, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of administrative stakeholders. Strict land acquisition procedures, to ensure the implementation according to the requirements of examination and approval, to prevent and put an end to illegal land grant, unapproved use and other phenomena. Strengthen post-approval supervision and implement the feedback and spot check system after land acquisition approval. Standardize the main body of land supply according to law, strictly set the conditions for land transfer, standardize contract management, and prevent irregularities in bidding, auction and listing. Strictly regulate the procedures and management of land registration and certification, and seriously investigate and deal with illegal certification. Fully disclose land registration and certification information and strengthen verification management. Strictly regulate the management of project bidding in the field of land and resources to prevent collusion and false bidding.

3. Strengthen land law enforcement supervision. Adapt to the new requirements of improving law enforcement means and changing methods, grasp the initiative of law enforcement supervision, strengthen dynamic inspection of law enforcement supervision and law enforcement inspection of satellite films, promote the construction of satellite film inspection and prevention system and law enforcement system, and build an internal joint trial supervision and restriction mechanism. Improve the law enforcement supervision and guarantee mechanism, strengthen the equipment and personnel allocation of law enforcement supervision, and enhance the ability of law enforcement supervision. Improve the accountability mechanism and urge to perform their duties. Further improve the efficiency of law enforcement and supervision, truly focus on prevention, find initiative, stop effectively, investigate and deal with it in place, and grasp the initiative of law enforcement and supervision. In the first half of the year, * * * made 3979 dynamic inspections and dispatched 1 1935 people (vehicles). Through inspection, * * * found illegal land 10 1 plot, with an area of 192. 1 mu, and the area of demolished structures was 300 square meters. ? 12336? 44 cases were reported by telephone. There were 2,964 new construction sites for law enforcement inspection of satellite films, including 3 illegal construction sites with an area of 232.67 mu (including cultivated land 174.77 mu). At present, 12 pieces have been put on file, and 1 1 piece has been rectified by itself. The proportion of arable land under accountability in the whole city is 0.23%.

(5) Effectively safeguard and improve people's livelihood and enhance the ability to serve the society.

1, in-depth implementation of land resources and people's livelihood projects. Continue to implement major geological disaster control projects. Golden land project? Completed the management of seven major geological disasters in the first half of the year; ? Golden land project? Three projects in Guanghan City, Zhongjiang County and Luojiang County are progressing smoothly. The task of helping farmers who lost their land due to the disaster has been completed, and 104 16 households 3003 1 people have all moved in.

2. Strengthen the prevention and control of geological disasters. Highlight the key points of geological disaster prevention and control in flood season, sum up? 8. 13? Clear up the successful experience of avoiding the risk of catastrophic mudslides, improve the geological disaster prevention and control mechanism led by the party Committee and government, coordinated by departments, mass monitoring and mass prevention, and the participation of the whole people, implement the measures to avoid disasters and implement the responsibility for disaster prevention. Increase the publicity and popularization of disaster prevention knowledge, and improve the emergency handling ability of sudden geological disasters. Establish and improve the early warning and monitoring system of putting prevention first, combining prevention with control, group monitoring and group prevention, and combining group expertise, and strive to resolve the risk of geological disasters. In the first half of the year, 2.07 million yuan was invested to initially build a comprehensive system platform for the prevention and control of geological disasters in the city.

3. Ensure the land for affordable housing. Conscientiously implement the central government's policies and measures on the tilt of land and housing supply to the people's livelihood, unswervingly strengthen and improve the regulation of the real estate market, and implement the new? National eight articles? Strengthen the management of the annual land supply plan, scientifically compile the land supply plan, determine the total amount, structure, layout, timing and mode of land supply, implement the land supply for affordable housing construction to plots, and disclose the land supply situation to the public in a timely manner. * * * plans to build affordable housing 13 105 sets, and the land area has been implemented at 63.57 hectares.

4. Effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of landless farmers. Further standardize the land acquisition procedures, do a good job of informing, confirming and hearing before land acquisition, and guarantee the right to know, participate and supervise of the land-expropriated personnel. Earnestly implement the land acquisition compensation and social security system, strictly implement the social security measures for land-expropriated farmers determined by the land acquisition approval plan, and earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of land-expropriated farmers. A new round of revision of compensation standards for young crops and ground attachments was carried out.

5. Further strengthen the stability of letters and visits. Open channels for letters and visits, intensify letters and visits, and deepen administrative mediation. Vigorously promote the risk assessment system, and the implementation of land acquisition must be included in the scope of risk assessment. We will further promote the investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes and the source management, solve the problems reflected by the masses in a timely manner according to law, resolutely correct all kinds of behaviors that harm the interests of the masses, and hold the units with outstanding letters and visits and cases that have not been resolved for a long time accountable according to regulations to ensure that major mass incidents will not be triggered by land and resources issues. In the first half of the year, * * * accepted 29 letters from the masses, completed 27 letters, and received 6 1 batch 2 12 people (times), including 7 batches 105 people (times), all of which were handled in time.

(6) strengthen basic work to crack? Double insurance? The dilemma of providing protection

1, solidly carry out the registration and certification of rural land ownership. Make full use of it? Second tone? Results Actively cooperate with the reform of rural land property right system. In the first half of the year, the ownership and use right of rural collective land and the registration and certification of farmers' homestead in Mianzhu, Shifang and Zhongjiang counties (cities) were carried out. Actively coordinate and solve all kinds of land ownership disputes, and maintain social harmony and stability.

2. Actively and steadily promote the reform of rural land management system. As a comprehensive experimental area and pilot city for coordinating urban and rural areas, our city has actively carried out the pilot work of rural collective construction land transfer. This year, on the premise of completing the registration and certification of rural land, it is decided to carry out the pilot project of rural construction land transfer in a township (town) in Jingyang District, and actively explore and accumulate the experience of rural collective construction land transfer. In accordance with the requirements of saving land and protecting farmers' legitimate rights and interests, we will promote the reform of land acquisition system, narrow the scope of land acquisition, improve land acquisition procedures, and gradually implement the same price in the same place to protect the legitimate rights and interests of land-expropriated farmers.

3, solid work, strictly regulate the pilot work. There are 30 projects linked to increase or decrease in our city, all of which fully consider the current interests and long-term livelihood of farmers, and are carried out in an orderly manner on the basis of farmers' willingness, without forced demolition and strong construction. Strictly implement the policy requirements of the Ministry and the province to increase or decrease the linked projects, and the land value-added income obtained from the increased or decreased linked projects must be returned to the project location in time to support the development of rural agriculture and improve farmers' production and living conditions.

4. Strengthen efficiency construction. Full implementation? Two concentrated, two in place? , continue to deepen the administrative examination and approval operation mechanism led by the government affairs center, and realize? Organs revolve around windows, and windows revolve around the masses? , optimize the approval process, actively cooperate with the construction of the municipal e-government hall, and realize online declaration and online approval of 29 administrative examination and approval and government service matters.

5. Strengthen information construction. Adhere to the principle of strengthening overall planning, simultaneous construction and use, and paying attention to application, and strengthen the informatization construction of land and resources. To build land resources? A photo? Engineering and comprehensive supervision platform as an opportunity, in accordance with the requirements of the "information construction work plan" issued by the ministries and agencies, strengthen information construction. In the first half of the year, county (city) bureaus have started the construction of portal websites and video conferencing systems, and completed their tasks by the end of the year.

(8) Deep development? Keep improving? Activities to comprehensively strengthen the building of a clean and honest government for cadres.

Further development? Keep improving? Activities as an opportunity to continuously improve the ruling ability and management level of the city's land and resources system cadres.

1, vigorously strengthen the construction of cadres and leading bodies. Adhere to the employment standard of having both ability and political integrity, putting morality first, and the employment orientation of giving promising people a place, and vigorously select and appoint outstanding cadres with good moral character, practical work, courage to overcome difficulties and recognized by the masses. Further improve the transparency of the selection and appointment of cadres, and guarantee the right to know, choose and supervise of cadres and workers. Continue to strengthen the construction of law enforcement and supervision teams and grass-roots land and resources institutes, strengthen the education and training of law enforcement teams and grass-roots land and resources institutes, and effectively improve the overall quality of cadres.

2. Comprehensively strengthen the building of a clean and honest party style. Further strengthen the construction of the punishment and prevention system and the study of the "Guidelines for Leading Cadres' Integrity in Politics". According to the deployment of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, we will conduct special inspections on the expansion of domestic demand, the implementation of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction policies and the special treatment of outstanding problems in the field of engineering construction. Do a good job in anti-corruption education and strengthen the construction of a clean government culture. Strengthen internal management, strengthen the supervision of examination and approval power, administrative law enforcement power and cadre personnel management. Promote the construction of punishment and prevention system, and complete the basic framework of 6 systems, 5 mechanisms, 14 category and 82 specific system provisions and measures.

3. Solid progress? Two rectifications and one reform? Special operations. In accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry and the Provincial Department of Land and Resources, we earnestly carried out the work of preventing the risk of clean government, found 7 power risk points1point, standardized 62 work processes, assessed 26 A-level risk points, 25 B-level risk points and 20 C-level risk points. In view of the risks found, we have formulated practical preventive measures and established a perfect mechanism for preventing and controlling the risks of clean government.

Second, the main difficulties and problems existing in the current work

1, the pressure of land security is huge. Two guarantees? The contradiction is more acute. Due to the rigid demand of post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, expanding domestic demand and building new rural demonstration films, the contradiction between land supply and land supply has intensified. In some places, by taking the opportunity of coordinating urban and rural development, land along urban-rural junctions and highways is occupied for non-agricultural construction; In the name of attracting investment, some places violate the land use plan and annual plan and expand without authorization? Industrial development concentration area? Scope, occupation of land; Some changed the nature of agricultural land in the name of adjusting agricultural structure, illegally occupied cultivated land, and the situation of idle land waste rose again, and the situation of cultivated land protection was grim. Coupled with the tightening of national policies, land use indicators and annual plans have returned to normal, so the contradiction between supply and demand will become more prominent. In addition, with the increase of administrative accountability, it is more difficult to solve the contradiction between supply and demand, and we must be prepared for a greater test.

2. Land acquisition and demolition are difficult, and the stability pressure is great. With the further implementation of the Property Law and the new national regulations on land acquisition and demolition, some historical settlement compensation problems are more difficult to solve, and the huge difference between the old and new land acquisition compensation has caused great resistance among the demolished people. Although we spent a lot of manpower and material resources to do the work, a few people who were expropriated still refused to accept it, which affected the construction of major projects and also produced unstable factors.

Three. Work plan for the second half of the year

In the second half of the year, the management of land and resources in our city will continue to be deployed according to the arrangement of the provincial offices, and the annual tasks of our city will be completed on time.

(a) to strengthen the prevention and control of geological disasters in flood season. First, strengthen the inspection of hidden danger points of geological disasters in flood season and solve unstable factors in time; The second is to formulate a scientific and reliable geological disaster prevention plan, work closely with the meteorological department, establish the city's meteorological early warning system, and improve the disaster early warning level; The third is to implement the duty system in flood season and the responsibility system for prevention and control of geological disasters, improve the monitoring network for group monitoring and prevention, and ensure the safety of people's lives and property.

(2) In-depth development of striving for excellence? Activities, solid progress? Two rectifications and one reform? Special actions have continuously improved the ruling ability and management level of cadres in the city's land and resources system.

(3) Focusing on the annual tasks of farmland protection and land and resources management, closely focusing on Deyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government? One city, three districts, five bases and eight breakthroughs? Development strategy, build a new mechanism to ensure and promote scientific development, further improve work efficiency and service level, ensure that the annual objectives and tasks are completed on time, and ensure that? Twelfth Five-Year Plan? A good start to development.

