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Relationship between geomantic omen and diseases

Relationship between geomantic omen and diseases

Fengshui is closely related to diseases, and the influence of living and office environment on people's health can not be underestimated. In fact, not only health, but also people's emotions, marriage, career, wealth, studies, interpersonal relationships and other aspects will be adversely affected.

The following is the corresponding relationship between the house and the human body, diseases and so on. Described in Psychology:

The correspondence between the orientation of the house and the human body; Correspondence between outdoor water and human diseases.

Correspondence between residential orientation and human diseases

Some friends may not understand the meaning of the above table. Let's look at a case, maybe everyone can understand.

A professional doctor wrote and asked, "Hello, Dr. Zheng! I am a doctor by profession. I am very interested in the relationship between geomantic omen and diseases. I have a friend of similar age who is in good health. 20 10 was diagnosed with breast cancer, which touched me a lot. Of course, there are many reasons, but I don't know how much it has to do with my place of residence. 20 1 1 moved into a new home, and one day I was very unwell after being angry with my lover. I hope to get your help and avoid some problems. Thank you very much! "

To answer this professional doctor's question, we must first find out what is the relationship between Feng Shui and diseases. The relationship between geomantic omen and diseases is a big question in China traditional culture, and it is also an extended knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. A Chinese medicine practitioner once said that many Chinese medicine practitioners use Chinese medicine to diagnose and treat difficult diseases, mostly from "wind, cold, summer heat, dampness,

Dry, fire and "happiness, anger, worry, thinking, sadness, fear, shock" and other causes, of course, also have a good curative effect. Moreover, when I show people some diseases, besides the conventional methods, I often use some feng shui methods to treat them, almost every time.

Every case will have a magical effect, especially for some intractable diseases!

"House Classic" says: "Husband and wife are the hub of Yin and Yang and the model of human relations. People who live in a house are fundamental to people. People regard the house as their home. If everything is peaceful, the family will be Changji. If they are uneasy, it is a family decline. " It can be seen that the ancients attached great importance to residential feng shui.

If a person's age is calculated as 80 years old and 24 hours a day is calculated as 8 hours of normal sleep, then life is 26 years spent at home. Except travel, business trip, eating, rest, family reunion and infancy, people spend at least one-third of their lives at home. Housewives spend more time at home. Therefore, the impact of the living environment on people can not be underestimated.

Disordered northwest orientation leads to frequent deaths.

There is a bungalow in a house. At first, there lived an old couple who died less than a year ago. The man continued to marry a middle-aged woman in her forties, and in less than a year, the man died; The middle-aged widow married another husband, and soon, the woman died strangely; Half a year later, the man continued to marry a new wife, and a few days later, the man disappeared mysteriously; The new wife recruited another middle-aged man, and a year later, the couple moved awkwardly. Later, a middle-aged couple moved in with two children and moved out of the house.

A thorough revision.

Before the house was rebuilt, the south was very complicated. There were two warehouses for storing old things in the dry area (northwest), and the surrounding area was very chaotic. Judging from residential feng shui, it belongs to a haunted house. After thorough transformation, not only the south was completed, but also the warehouse in the northwest was demolished and turned into a study. A few years later, the eldest daughter of this family went to college and the little boy went to a key middle school. The family lived happily.

High-pressure suffocation causes children to "make heaven"

There is such a child, male, 1 2 months old. He often cries at night, sometimes for more than a month. The little boy's family was very anxious and went to major hospitals for examination. Western medicine and pediatric treatment were ineffective. It is impossible to see Chinese medicine. The little boy's grandfather used to be my old colleague. One day, my old colleague invited me to see his new house. He told me about his little grandson crying at night. I looked around his house and found that the bed in the child's bedroom was close to the window, and there was a high-voltage line under the window. I immediately understood what was going on. I suggested that my old colleague move the little boy's bed down so that the little boy wouldn't cry that night.

It turns out that the child's crying is completely related to the strong magnetic field formed by the high-voltage line. Children and boys are energetic and powerful, crying is inherently sensitive, and it is useless to take medicine alone.

Long-term low fever caused by sound and sound

There is a female primary school teacher, 24 years old, with a low fever (about 38℃) for three months. During these three months, she tried various antipyretic prescriptions and made various tests, but her symptoms did not improve. Later, she tried to seek Chinese medicine treatment, but she tried many ways to reduce her fever, but none of them got better. What's more strange is that her temperature is normal at school during the day and rises as soon as she gets home. I have a fever when I get home from work, which is puzzling.

One day, a doctor who treated her passed by her house and found a regional textile factory next door. The machine roared and the loom rustled, which made people uncomfortable. The doctor suddenly realized something, and his heart already understood what was going on. In view of the female teacher's long-term exposure to noise pollution, emotional discomfort, stagnation of liver qi and long-term fire fading. The doctor gave her a Dan mast road, which was intended to soothe the liver and relieve depression. The female teacher finally stepped down after months of low fever. The doctor also suggested that the female teacher had better change her residence quickly so as not to affect her health.

Earthwork pathogenic factors lead to cornea

An enlightened friend told a story about how an earth-shattering demon led to the cornea. I might as well record it as follows:

One day I went to a friend's house to be a guest, and it happened that a rural cousin of my friend was also at his house. A friend said that my cousin had just come back from an intravenous drip in the hospital, saying that her cornea was inflamed and her whole eye was swollen.

When I saw it, I asked directly, "Did you move or dig the south side of your house?"

My friend's cousin replied with some surprise, "Yes, my neighbor's house has dug a well in the backyard, just south of my house."

I then asked, "Are you a horse?"

She was even more surprised and replied, "Yes, I was born in 1978. I belong to a horse."

The friend listened and asked, "What is the relationship between her bad eyes and the zodiac?"

I said, "Of course, her illness has nothing to do with the zodiac, but it must have something to do with breaking the ground (sudden change of feng shui environment). It's just that for people who belong to horses, disaster has come true.