Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to use tarot cards

How to use tarot cards

You have to use this card array.

1 7

2 6

3 5


1 Past status of the problem (about 18 months ago)

2 Status of the problem (about 4 weeks before and after)

3. The future situation of the problem (about the possible situation in the next three months)

If the question is directed at someone, this card represents that person's situation.

If the question is aimed at a certain question, this card represents the answer to the question.

5 surrounding conditions

My attitude, hope or fear?

7 final result

PS; 4 and 7 should be interpreted together to indicate the final result.

If both cards are positive or positive, you can give a clear' yes'.

If one of them is negative, it may reduce the degree of the final result or delay it.