Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - China's ancient military thoughts and classic works attempt to explore the development process and scientific value of Sun Tzu's Art of War.

China's ancient military thoughts and classic works attempt to explore the development process and scientific value of Sun Tzu's Art of War.

The formation and development of China's ancient military thought roughly experienced four historical periods: germination, formation, enrichment and perfection, and systematic perfection.

1, germination period: about 2 1 century BC to the 8th century, that is, Xia, Shang and Western Zhou Dynasties.

As early as the end of primitive society, there was a war between tribes in China, and people began to think about military issues. The Xia Dynasty formally established a slave country, and war became the highest form of class struggle. The army has become an important part of the state machine. There were divisions, brigades, soldiers, soldiers and soldiers in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and bronze weapons were widely used in the military. The famous wars include the Battle of Gansu, the Battle of Mingtiao, the Battle of Makino, and the Duke of Zhou's eastward expedition. The fighting styles include step fighting and chariot fighting, and most of them are frontal confrontation of "opening the array". As an ideological form, military thought has also begun to sprout, which is reflected in ancient historical materials such as Oracle Bone Inscriptions, Jinwen and Shangshu, as well as military books such as Military Annals and Military Affairs that appeared in the Western Zhou Dynasty.

The main contents of military thought in this period are as follows: ① In the view of war, it emphasizes destiny, justice and protecting the people. The Oath of Gan, the Oath of Tang and the Oath of Tai in Shangshu all put forward the reason of sending troops to fight with destiny, calling for "the punishment of respecting heaven", "the crime of hanging over the people" and "protecting the people". Military decisions and actions should be based on astronomical phenomena and good or bad fortune of divination. (2) In running the army, it emphasizes that the whole people should abide by the law, and "if a teacher abides by the law, he will be fierce if he fails to do so" (Yi Shi); "Shang Huanhuan" ("Shangshu Pastoral Oath") is to become a mighty teacher; Strict rewards and punishments, "Reward ancestors with life, and kill the country with life" (Shangshu Shi Gan). (3) In the direction of the war, the dominant ideology is to emphasize propriety and trust benevolence, and advocate "taking propriety as the solid and benevolence as the victory", "not being poor and not being brave" and "pass the parcel" (Sima Fa); It has also been noticed in the practice of winning by war. In the battle of Akira and the battle of Makino, general strategies were adopted, such as preserving strength, netting the whole country, cutting off the enemy's wings, using spies, spying on the enemy, grasping the opportunity and attacking the heart. In military ambition and military affairs, there are records about strategic thoughts, such as "when you allow it, you will return it", "when you see what it is, you will retreat when you know what it is difficult", "the ancestors have the heart to take away others, and future generations will wait for it to decline" and "make the best use of everything". (4) In terms of operational command, we pay attention to the cooperation between the striker and the main force, the chariot and the disciples, and the use of array methods. Because of the simple style, small scale and short duration of the war in this period, people's understanding of the military has not yet formed a systematic theory.

2. Formation period: 8th century BC to 3rd century BC, namely the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period.

China changed from slavery to feudalism, and the society was in great turmoil, great change and great development. The war of hegemony, merger and reunification is fierce, and the number of soldiers is increasing; Iron weapons are increasingly widely used, and military technology and urban construction have made progress; In the military system, infantry, cavalry and navy are gradually separated into independent arms, and infantry, cavalry and vehicles cooperate with each other in various forms; The military system of "integration of defense and civilian technologies" was broken, and the conscription system and county conscription system appeared; The war command is complex and demanding, and the generals are full-time; Academically, a hundred schools of thought contend, which promoted the development of ancient military science in China. The birth of a large number of military books, represented by Sun Zi, marked the initial establishment of the theoretical system of ancient military science in China. The understanding of war is gradually deepening. In the Spring and Autumn Period, people have realized that "teachers are strong, but they are old"; "Brave, prohibit violence, use soldiers, protect the country, make contributions, protect the people, and be rich" (Zuo Zhuan Gong Twelve Years); "Soldiers, the important events of the country, the place of life and death, and the way of survival must be observed" (Sun Tzu's Art of War). During the Warring States period, military scientists further divided war into "righteousness" and "non-righteousness", pointing out that "it is righteousness to ban violence and save chaos" (Woods Slaughtering the Country) and "the length of a soldier is also righteousness" (Sun Bin's Art of War Part II, General Righteousness), and thus determined his basic attitude towards war: "Kill people to save lives, kill people to keep their mouths shut." Attack the country and love the people, attack it; Stop the war with war, although the war can be "("Sima Fa Ren Ben "); Therefore, soldiers punish riots and forbid injustice "(Liao Wei Woods Yi). As for the origin of war, he put forward the viewpoint that "the soldiers came from the land and the people started" (Lv Chunqiu Meng Qiuji). As for the cause of the war, I think it is because there are many people, lack of money and shortage of goods, hard work and lack of support, so civil strife is inevitable, and I have noticed that the cause of the war is discussed from the perspective of social, political and economic life. On the understanding of the relationship between war and politics, economy and geography and the winning factors, it is pointed out that national security is "in Germany but not in danger" (Biography of Sun Tzu Wu Qi in Historical Records); Tactics must be based on political victory "(military tactics); "Take martial arts as the plant and literature as the seed" (on Military Orders of Wei Liaozi); The weather is not as good as the geographical position, and the geographical position is not as good as human harmony "("Mencius Gongsun Chou "); Soldiers should care about "being kind to the people" (Xun Bing). Strategists in the Warring States period further put forward the requirements of military reform, advocated abolishing the Shi Qing Shi Lu system and rewarding military achievements, and emphasized that Qiang Bing, a rich country, was "a man who demonstrated the cultivation of war" (Everything is done wrong and He Shibi); Regard the rich countries as the foundation, priority and urgency of strengthening the army, that is, "the foundation of the first army must precede the field house" ("Guanzi Luxury"). Some thinkers, represented by legalists, advocated the unification of war and played a positive role in social progress.

The formation of systematic army-building theory is manifested in generals, methods, teaching and so on. Sun Tzu's Art of War puts forward that a general must have the conditions of "intelligence, faithfulness, benevolence, courage and strictness", and also has strict requirements on the organization of the army, the duties of generals, armaments and materials, and expenses. And take "teaching by example" and "which soldiers to train" as important conditions for success or failure in management, which laid the foundation of China's ancient army-building theory. Later, military theorists in the Warring States period further enriched its theoretical content. Woods requires a general to be both civil and military, both rigid and flexible, with the qualities of reason, preparation, fruit, discipline and agreement; "The Guardian" strongly criticized the general system, and put forward that the general should have all-round cultivation such as prestige, profit, opportunity, war, attack, defense and innocence. Tamia Liu not only inspects the personal conditions of generals, but also emphasizes the complementarity of the commander-in-chief organs and the improvement of the overall quality. Han Feizi advocated selecting people with actual combat experience from the grassroots as generals; Wait a minute. In the military legal system, there are many legal documents on operations, internal affairs and discipline, which embody the ideological characteristics of governing the army according to law and winning by governing. At the same time, it emphasizes benevolence, kindness and prestige, and rewards and punishments are strict. It is considered that "being good at commanding, loving and prestige" ("Liao Weizi's attack on merit"); Taking care of foot soldiers has both bitterness and sweetness; If the reward does not exceed the time limit, no punishment will be imposed; It is necessary to "punish them to the extreme and reward them below" ("Six Towers Will Awe") and share the same desire with the military. In military education and training, he put forward "the method of using soldiers, teaching precepts first" ("Woods governs soldiers"); It is necessary to "teach for convenience and do it for profit" (Guan Zi Sun Tzu's Art of War); Simply recruit outstanding talents, expecting to be elected by the people, grouped according to courage and skills, and cultivated according to levels; Well-equipped and so on. In essence, this is a theory of building the army based on the legalist thought of rule of law, absorbing some elements of Confucian benevolence and adapting to the characteristics of the army at that time.

Put forward a series of war guidance and operational principles. The war instructors in the Spring and Autumn Period have been able to successfully formulate and apply military and political strategies, and put forward valuable war guiding ideas such as "respecting the king and rejecting foreign countries", "showing virtue by bullying but not being merciful", "observing disasters and moving", "attacking fools and being weak", "ruling the country with righteousness, using troops with strangeness" and "making full use of its Yang festival and seizing it with our Yin festival". The concept of attaching importance to faith has gradually been replaced by "between wars, cheating is tireless." Sun Tzu's Art of War summarizes the previous war practice and military theory, and holds that a good soldier must understand and grasp the five things of Tao, Heaven, Earth, General and Law, attach importance to strategy, emphasize "temple calculation" and make plans before fighting. Pointed out the characteristics of "cunning" and "deception" in using troops; Put forward the "all-round victory" strategic thought of "defeating the enemy without fighting" and the offensive policy of quick victory; Emphasize initiative, confuse the enemy, and use troops according to the situation; The basic principles are put forward, such as causing people but not others, showing up, taking advantage of the situation, taking the enemy as the point, taking the potential as the speed, combining the odd with the positive, avoiding the real and attacking the imaginary, attacking them unprepared and winning by the enemy. During the Warring States period, the idea of "breaking the enemy" had a new development, paying attention to alliance strategy, forming alliances vertically and horizontally and dividing hostile forces; Emphasize the need to attack but not defend, take advantage of the enemy first, and be flexible; The principle of riding, city fighting and fighting under different geographical and meteorological conditions came into being and developed. The discussion on the position, function and characteristics of cavalry in Sun Tzu's Art of War by Woods, Liu Tao and Sun Bin has the nature of summing up experience and theoretical generalization, among which the discussion on "Ten victories", "Nine defeats" and "Ten riding benefits" has been more systematic. There are also some discussions on the methods of "attacking the city and besieging the city" and "saving the city", such as using equipment, gathering troops to attack the city, the wrong way, blocking aid and attacking the virtual, defending without damage, defending without damage, and corresponding at home and abroad. In Mozi, several later works of Mohism, such as Preparing the City Gate, specifically discussed the methods of guarding the city, and described the facilities, layout, equipment production and use of guarding the city in detail. The core idea is "building the city, keeping equipment, daily necessities, dating up and down".

Sun Tzu, which laid the foundation of ancient military philosophy, opposed the agnosticism of war, thought that war could be predicted, calculated and won first, and put forward the view that "know yourself and know yourself, and fight every battle"; Pay attention to personnel, and oppose "taking ghosts and gods", "acting like things" and "taking exams from the degree"; Pay attention to "wisdom" and "strength", and seek advantages and avoid disadvantages; Pay attention to observing the war from many aspects in the overall connection, realize many contradictions, opposites and transformations in the military field, and put forward a series of categories that reflect the nature, scope and content of the research object of military theory, such as reality, strangeness and righteousness. During the Warring States period, military strategists paid more attention to the discussion of "the way of war" (the law of war) and used it as the basis for deciding the outcome of the war. At the same time, we have a broader and deeper understanding of the contradictions in the military field, the relationship between military and politics, and the relationship between military and economy.

3. Enrichment and perfection period: from the 3rd century BC to the middle of10th century, that is, from Qin and Han Dynasties to Sui and Tang Dynasties.

The centralized feudal system has been further developed and improved in the historical process of divide and rule, and social economy, culture and science and technology have also been continuously developed. New progress has been made in military technology, the types of iron weapons have increased, and the killing performance has improved; Great progress has also been made in military transportation, city building and shipbuilding. Gunpowder was invented in the Tang Dynasty and began to be used in war. Cavalry and water army played an important role in the war. The military system of each dynasty changed greatly, and the armed forces system was basically formed, which was roughly composed of three parts: the central army, the local army and the border guards, and concentrated on the emperor. The system of officers and men established in the late Northern Dynasty was perfected from the Sui Dynasty to the early Tang Dynasty, and became a military system combining soldiers with farmers. Conscription system, conscription system and other military service systems are implemented together. The scale of the war increased, the time was prolonged and the geographical scope was wide. There are many large-scale cavalry groups fighting, crossing rivers, fighting on water and cooperating with land and water. The Han Dynasty paid attention to the collection and arrangement of military books, and divided military strategists into four categories: military tactics, military situation, military yin and yang, and military skills. On the basis of inheriting the pre-Qin tradition, the military thought of this period paid attention to practical application, with richer content and further improved level.

Attach great importance to strategic planning. In several wars to unify China, some outstanding politicians and strategists showed superb strategic thinking and decision-making ability. In the Chu-Han War, Han successfully used the strategies of managing the base areas, winning the hearts of the people, dividing the other side, winning allies, insisting on being positive, harassing the enemy's rear and containing the two wings. In the unification war of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the strategy of attacking the east from the west, going to Kanto first, then going to Gansu and Sichuan, from near to far, was adopted. During the Three Kingdoms, the Jin Dynasty and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, in the multipolar struggle, the idea of alliance war was applied incisively and vividly, which was very prominent. Zhuge Liang's "alliance with Wu against Cao", Sun Quan's "alliance with Wei to attack Shu", Cao Wei's Wu Shu's disharmony, and so on. , used separately in different situations, each has its own results. Zhuge Liang's "Longzhong Dui" puts forward the strategic thought of distinguishing the situation, laying a foundation, repairing political affairs internally, making peace with foreign countries and uniting with the enemy. During the Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, Sui first attacked the north and south, then attacked the north and defended the south, thus "separating the strong from the weak" against the Turks and attacking Fushun. The combination of military and political means with Chen, the combination of reality and reality, makes the enemy tired and accidentally injured, waiting for an opportunity to destroy in one fell swoop. All these show the flexibility of strategy application. In order to unify the whole country, Li Yuan Group adopted the strategy of taking advantage of the situation, fighting for delay, taking advantage of weakness to enter the customs, defending itself in times of crisis, being anxious first and then slowing down, and competing with each other. Zhou Shizong and Chai Rong's strategic plan of "ten years to open the sky, ten years to support the people and ten years of peace" is also a wise move. These strategic thoughts and decisions reflect the common characteristics of proceeding from reality, controlling the overall situation, planning far and calculating more, and using troops flexibly. The emergence of military works such as Three Views of Huang Shigong, A Brief Introduction to the Soldiers in Huainan and Strategy has made the art of formulating and implementing strategies more profound and systematic. However, "you fight for cheap", "you win thousands of miles and fight for strategic planning", "success or failure depends on wisdom" and "counting instead of fighting" and so on

The guiding ideology of national defense presents new features. According to the unified political situation and surrounding conditions at that time, the Great Wall of Wan Li was built in the Qin Dynasty, which embodied the idea of "blocking the road with danger", "limiting horse stance just look", riding with the wall and fixing the edge. After the formation of a large-scale cavalry group in the Han Dynasty, it turned to the strategy of "riding by riding" against the powerful tarquin, and changed from simple defense to offensive defense. In the Han Dynasty, on the basis of the migration of Qin people to consolidate the border, the measures of stationing troops to consolidate the border were implemented, forming a new form of consolidating the border by combining military and agriculture. During the Qin and Han Dynasties, attention was paid to military traffic construction, and a traffic network with the capital as the center and vertical and horizontal trunk lines leading to remote areas was formed, which improved the mobility of the army. In the early Han Dynasty, the strategy of "using both civil and military skills" to govern Qiang Bing had a great influence on the Xiongnu's strategy of "controlling foreigners with foreigners", the policy of dividing the whole country into several military strategic zones from Sui to early Tang Dynasty, and the deployment of Chinese and foreign troops.

The new development of operational guiding ideology attaches importance to the use of cavalry's powerful mobility, adopting tactics of multi-attack, rapid enemy suppression, long-range strike and fierce pursuit, and paying attention to the use of multiple arms; Large-scale river operations, land and water cooperation, multi-channel separate attacks; Cities play a prominent role in the war, and fortress attack and defense become the key to the success or failure of the war. Li Shimin's tactics of "taking advantage for a long time", attacking the city for aid and killing two grams at a time have far-reaching influence. In the wild, more attention is paid to the detailed exploration of the terrain, which is to gather rice for the mountains (that is, the prototype of the sand table) and use troops because of the land. Gong Wei's The Art of War put forward a quick and lasting view. In combination with the war practice, Questions of Emperor Taizong and Questions of Li Weiguo systematically and dialectically expounded the categories of truth and falsehood, strangeness and righteousness, and offensive and defensive, emphasizing that "making people but not making people" (that is, taking the initiative in the war) is the essence of the art of war, and pointing out that "attacking is the opportunity to defend" and "defending is the strategy to attack". Taibai Silent emphasizes that the victory or defeat of the war depends on the efforts of the people and the prosperity of the country. It is put forward that "conquering the things in shape and applying them to God, and transforming the power of God into shape", which clarifies the dialectical relationship between "shape" (matter) and "God" and develops the theory of "shape" in Sun Zi.

4. Period of system perfection: 10 century to 19 century, Song Liao to Qing Dynasty (early stage).

China's ancient military thought has been further improved systematically. During this period, the central government and the local governments established by the northern nationalities were in a state of coexistence for a long time, with both struggle and integration. China's politics, economy, science and technology, and military have made great progress under the new historical conditions, and the unified use of military power is highly concentrated. With the invention of firearms, a large number of equipment and their application in actual combat, the firearms force has become an independent arms. The scale of operations is expanding day by day, and the war styles are more diverse. With the prosperity of martial arts, Seven Books of Martial Classics has become a must-read for military commanders and martial arts candidates, emphasizing the spiritual influence of neo-Confucianism and psychology to penetrate into the field of military management. Some large-scale military books, such as "General Outline of Military Classics" and "Military Records", have been published one after another, clearly distinguishing military categories and systematically sorting out military data. A large number of military professional books such as military training, military figures, military system, guarding cities, array methods, car camps, firearms, military history and geography, coastal defense and frontier defense have emerged, which embodies the extensive and in-depth study of military theory and technology and adds more valuable military ideological content.

In view of the historical lessons of the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, the rulers of the Song Dynasty advocated that the military power should be highly centralized, the military administrative power should belong to the Privy Council, and the military command power should belong to the "three divisions" and "three generals", which restricted each other and centralized the emperor. The rulers of Ming and Qing dynasties also took the principle of centralization as the standard. The high concentration of military forces is conducive to national unity and social stability. However, in the early Song Dynasty, the emperor personally made a battle plan and sent a platoon commander to fight and defend, which violated the basic principle of improving the situation and easily bound the general's subjective initiative, causing the soldiers to be unfamiliar with the general and weakening the combat effectiveness of the troops.

With the gradual development and perfection of martial arts and martial arts, the training and education of generals are institutionalized and systematized, with emphasis on selection training and military education. In the Song Dynasty, Yue Fei was strict in running the army and believed in rewards and punishments. His army took "freezing to death without demolishing houses and starving to death without plundering" as its creed. In the Ming Dynasty, Qi Jiguang's Ji Xiaoxin's Record of Training insisted on the combination of array method and Wu method, and put forward a set of complete and applicable training principles and methods, holding that "the key to training is to practice first"; Training will not only enter the martial arts school (military school), but also exercise in real situations; In the training of soldiers, the principle of paying equal attention to selection and training is implemented, and it is advocated that soldiers choose honest people in rural areas, abandon flashy people in the market, and pay attention to practicing courage and skills.

The strategic thinking is richer, and the systematic "A Strategic Examination of Wubei" selects the general plan of using troops from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Yuan Dynasty according to the principles of "not omitting to record" and "not omitting to record". Reading a Brief History systematically discusses the influence of the situation of mountains and rivers on the war. In the strategic attack, the generals of all ethnic groups in the north generally pay attention to giving play to the advantages of cavalry's strong mobility and good field skills, and advocate fast attack. For example, Xiao Chuo, a female strategist in Liao Dynasty, made a breakthrough and went straight to her heart. Mongolian Genghis Khan and Kublai Khan's long-distance circuitous, sudden attack, middle breakthrough, false way to destroy gold in the Southern Song Dynasty; Facing the powerful army, Nurhachi, the commander-in-chief of the late Jin Dynasty, adopted the general plan of "Relying on several routes, I will only go all the way", which added new contents to China's ancient strategy from different angles. In the process of seizing political power, Zhu Yuanzhang also adopted the policy of "building a wall high, accumulating grain widely, and being king slowly" put forward by Zhu Sheng, and then adopted the general plan of folding the wings first, then attacking the center of the abdomen, gradually eliminating the pack and establishing the Ming Dynasty. In terms of strategic defense, the Southern Song Dynasty put forward the idea of relying on rivers, taking obstacles as barriers and combining points, lines and surfaces. In the Ming Dynasty, the frontier defense thought with the Great Wall as the backbone, guarding against traffic jams due to danger, choosing points and sections (establishing nine towns), wide in front and deep in back, with emphasis and hierarchy, and combining elite soldiers with city defense was gradually formed. In view of the new situation of Japanese invasion from the sea, the book Bei Tu puts forward the idea of combining land and sea, zoning, multi-storey and key fortification, and emphasizes the coastal defense thought of defending foreign countries and attacking offshore, consolidating the coast and strictly observing important cities. All these further enriched China's ancient strategic thought.

The wide application of firearms has promoted the development of operational guiding ideology. In the early Ming Dynasty, a special force with firearms as the main force-Ji Shenying was established. Later, firearms were heavily equipped with troops, and firearms, cavalry and infantry were organized into military vehicle battalions. In combat, the role of firearms has been emphasized, and the formation and tactics have changed. The idea that firearms are the first and all services and arms work together has been put forward. "Che Ying Knock and Answer" is devoted to the operational characteristics and methods of firearms troops, which adapts to the principle of overlapping array of vehicle fire and fire, makes the car, ride and step alternate and cooperate with each other, and ensures the development of firepower. The development of firearms has also caused changes in the theory of urban attack and defense, and urban fortifications have increased. Attention should be paid to the intersection of the fence and the enemy platform, and an enemy platform attached to the city should be built to protect spears, spears and people.

Compared with other countries in the world, China's ancient military thoughts formed early, developed rapidly and were rich in content. Its system was established in the pre-Qin period, and it has been enriched and developed in successive dynasties, including the rich practice and theoretical sublimation of ancient peasant uprisings, all of which have distinctive China characteristics. In the view of war, it advocates paying attention to morality and being cautious about war, winning with righteous soldiers and stopping with war; In the construction of national defense, it advocates rewarding plowing, enriching Qiang Bing, being prepared for danger in times of peace and being prepared for danger in times of peace; In terms of strategy and operational guidance, it is emphasized that we should plan before fighting, know ourselves and ourselves, guide the situation according to the situation, win the battle, use both the army and the people, cut off the enemy, avoid disloyalty, surprise, avoid attacking the enemy, divide and rule, take advantage of the situation, move it with the enemy, make it with people, divide the enemy with ourselves, surprise, wait for him, and choose the right one. In the thought of running the army, it is required to take governance as the victory, control must be determined first, the army must be strong and strong, discipline must be taught, both spirit and art should be paid equal attention, rewards and punishments should be strict, morality should be respected, inspiration should be honed, soldiers should be good, generals should be talented, intelligent and brave, and the three armed forces should be new. In terms of logistics support, it advocates accumulating wealth and strength, feeding Qiang Bing, taking it for the country and controlling it for the enemy; In the military service thought, we should adhere to the combination of soldiers and civilians and guide them according to the situation. China's ancient military thought is an excellent cultural heritage of mankind, which has a wide influence and prominent position in the history of world military thought. It has not only played a great guiding role in the people's military struggle in history, but also been praised by people from all walks of life at home and abroad, which has important ideological value.

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The Scientific Value of Sun Tzu's Art of War

1, The Art of War was written in the late Spring and Autumn Period. It is the earliest, most complete and most famous military work in ancient China. It occupies an important position in China's military history, and its military thoughts have had a very far-reaching impact on military strategists, politicians and thinkers in China. It has been translated into more than ten languages, such as Japanese, English, French, German and Russian, which are widely circulated and appreciated all over the world.

Sun Tzu's Art of War is a brilliant treasure in China's classical military cultural heritage and an important part of China's excellent cultural tradition. It is the greatest military theory work of China in ancient times, and it is also one of the most influential and extensive ancient books of China in the world. Its strategic thinking and philosophical thinking are widely used in military, political, economic and other fields. Its content is profound, its thoughts are profound and rich, and its logic is rigorous. The author is Sun Wu, a great strategist in the Spring and Autumn Period. His writing was at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period about 2,500 years ago. It is the earliest work on military theory in the world, 2300 years earlier than On War written by clausewitz in Europe.

2. The Art of War contains rich dialectical thoughts. The book discusses the opposition and transformation of a series of war-related contradictions, such as enemy, subject and object, number of people, strength, attack and defense, victory and defeat, advantages and disadvantages. It is on the basis of studying these contradictions and their transformation conditions that Sun Tzu's Art of War puts forward its war strategy and tactics. The dialectical thought embodied in it occupies an important position in the development history of China's dialectical thinking. Sun Tzu's Art of War is a masterpiece of strategy and cunning, which has been widely used by military strategists in past dynasties. Many names and allusions in the book are well known to women and children in China. Sun Tzu's Art of War, with its meticulous military philosophy system, profound philosophy and ever-changing strategy and tactics, has a wide influence in the world military ideological circles and enjoys a high reputation.