Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Zhuangzi Zeyang 8

Zhuangzi Zeyang 8

original text

Chi was sixty years old, sixty years old, but he died before he left. What is right and wrong today is unknown. Everything is born without seeing its root, and everything is born without seeing its door. Everyone respects what he knows, but it is not a big question to know what he knows and then know it! It's almost over And there is nothing to escape. What are the so-called nature and nature?

Zhong Ni asked Taishi Dayi, Bo Changqian and Wei Yan: "When Wei Linggong drinks and enjoys himself, he doesn't listen to state affairs and should not be a vassal; What is the reason why it is a spiritual mass? " The big man said, "because it is also." Bo Changqian said, "Fu Ling has three wives in all, and they all take showers in disorder. History? Enter the imperial land, fight for money and raise your wings. If it is slow, it is very slow. If you see a saint, it is because it is spiritual. " Xian Wei said, "When Fu died, it was unlucky to be buried in an ancient tomb, but lucky to be buried in a sand dune. If you dig more, you will get a stone. You'll see it when you wash it, and there will be an inscription. You will say,' If you don't give it to your son, the soul will be taken from you.' Husband is a spirit for a long time, how can two people know! "


Chi lived for 60 years, and the changes in these 60 years are getting better every year. He thought it was right at the beginning of the year and wrong at the end of the year, didn't he? I don't know what he thinks is right now and what he thinks is wrong at the age of 59. Everything has roots but no roots, looks but no doorways. Everyone respects what he knows by virtue of his own cleverness, but he doesn't know what he knows by virtue of what he doesn't know. Is this the biggest doubt? Forget it! Forget it! There is no escape from such a situation. This is the so-called right, real right?

Confucius asked Taishi Dabai, Bo Changqian and Wei Yan: "Wei Linggong drinks and has fun and is unwilling to deal with state affairs;" Often go out hunting and bird shooting, and do not participate in exchanges and alliances between princes; Why did he pursue the spirit after his death? " Dami said: "This kind of posthumous title is because of his virtue." Bo Changqian said: "At that time, Ling Wei had three wives. They bathe in the washbasin. The history of patriotic saints? Called into Wei Linggong's apartment, they had to quickly pick up their clothes and help each other cover them. How arrogant he was to the ministers and how respectful he was to the sages, so he was chased. " Xian Wei said: "When Wei Linggong died, divination said it was unlucky to be buried in the original cemetery, but it would be lucky to be buried in the sand dunes. So I dug a few feet of sand dunes and found a stone coffin. After washing away the dirt, I saw a passage engraved on it, saying,' Without descendants, Gong Ling got this tomb'. It seems that it has been called "Ling" for a long time. How can Da Mi and Bo Changqian know! " (The original and translation are taken from the online version! )


Looking at these two paragraphs together, it is a bit awkward, but after careful exploration, we can still understand the truth that all external aspects of human beings are internal projections. Maybe others think it is strange, but the reality is still the same. Only the behavior that follows the laws of nature, even if it seems so incomprehensible, is regular. Knowing this, we will no longer compare accounting specious phenomena.