Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Introduction of marriage symbol

Introduction of marriage symbol

The symbol of marriage originated from the wishes of ancient witches. Buddhism asks for a sign, while Taoism asks for fate. Marriage symbol is actually one of the early characteristics of Taoism. The witch's wish originated in ancient times. Taoist incantations were popular in the Eastern Han Dynasty and were also closely related to symbols. When drawing symbols, you should recite spells, and when using symbols, you should also have spells. All methods have certain spells. Spells become the sincere and heartfelt voice of the caster, which can ensure the effectiveness of all spells. When praying, spells are words that praise the gods and pray for wishes; When treating diseases, spells are words that need spells to work and all diseases disappear. In practice, magic is often used to soothe the nerves, settle the mind and pray for God. At the end of every sentence of Taoist incantations, there is generally a sentence "urgent as a law".