Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What do dragons, caves, sand and water in Feng Shui refer to respectively?

What do dragons, caves, sand and water in Feng Shui refer to respectively?

Five geographical tips: what are the five permanent members and the significance of the sand and water trend in Longdong. Li Shuanglin

The five permanent members are the five elements in the five strategies of geography, which are very important and often mentioned. A good feng shui must have at least these five elements to be considered a good feng shui.

The first is that the dragon should be true, the second hole should be true, the third sand should be beautiful, the fourth water should be filled, and the fifth one should be auspicious.

These are the five elements of Feng Shui, which are very important whether it is Yin House Feng Shui or Yang House Feng Shui. The sand and water in Longdong are arranged in sequence. The dragon must have a good dragon first, and a good dragon must make a good hole. Just as a tree is good, it can also bear good fruit. With a good hole, there will be good sand and water. Finally, we can determine a good direction.

Let's read this speech carefully. To learn feng shui, you must first learn to know dragons, and you must be able to distinguish between good and bad dragons. This is the most basic skill. You can tell whether Long Mai is good or not by looking at the mountains. Long Mai is a mountain range. Anyone who has seen the satellite map will find that the mountains from top to bottom are like a dragon crawling on the ground. This is very vivid. The ancients used dragons to describe mountains. But this mountain is not a dragon, just a metaphor. Visualization is easier to understand. Some folk feng shui masters will go to the myth of the dragon in Long Mai, and there are even many places where the tactic of mending the dragon is popular, and we also have it here. Draw a dragon with a piece of paper, or make a dragon with paper, and then burn it in front of the house with some paper money, which means connecting Long Mai here.

These are actually superstitions, and we should remember that this is not a practice of geomantic omen, nor a religious practice, nor is it. This belongs to a wrong superstition.

Whether Long Mai is broken or not, that is, whether Long Mai is broken or not, depends on whether this mountain range is broken or not, so you can judge. Just like many places, when a highway is built or a bridge is built, a mountain is cut off. In this case, it will be regarded as a broken Long Mai. If these mountains are completely intact, if someone says when the Long Mai broke, those are false, don't believe them. They are so complete that they can't be broken. So if dragons are real, we have repeatedly talked about how to see dragons in previous classes, and there are some in video classes. Let's go and have a look, so we won't go into details. There is little point in repeating what we said.

Acupoints are the most difficult, so they are very important. This cave is definitely targeted, with a hill and a large area, but it takes one or two hundred square meters to build a house and three or four square meters to bury a grave. It is very technical to find this point. Finding this point is not by feeling or looking for it blindly, but by skill. Use mountains to fix points, find the height, and look at the front and back; Use Leshan and Ghost Mountain to look around. Both will do. Use the mountain of the case to prove the point and prove the certificate; Longhushan syndrome point; Leshan syndrome point; Shuikou syndrome point; There is also the origin point and development syndrome; There are many ways to prove the point through heavenly heart.

Is to find a good hole, through many methods to prove, to see whether it is a good hole in the end, not by feeling comfortable standing here, nor by burning some paper money to see where it burns well; It's not like lighting a lamp to see where it is If the wind doesn't go out, it is good feng shui. That's not true. These practices are all wrong.

In the folk, some feng shui masters like to use some so-called occultism, which is called magic. How is the operation method done? He will draw a symbol and then go to a cave. He will put some paper money in it and burn it here. After burning, the paper money will have a shape, and sometimes it looks like a lotus. Sometimes it's just a pile of rotten ashes. Many people think this place is amazing. I ran with some folk feng shui masters before and found that they all like to do this. He thinks this place has good feng shui, and then burns some paper money for his host's family to see. He said, you see, after burning the paper ash, it looks a bit like a flower, just like a lotus.

Just say this place is a lotus land, which is very good. How this is done, many people don't understand, many people really don't understand. This has something to do with the shape of paper money that burns paper money. For example, if you want to burn it into the shape of a pile of lotus flowers, you will first rotate the paper money in your hand and turn it into a lotus base. Many people may not understand it, as long as everyone who has touched it knows it, and then roll it up, it may spread out when it burns, just like a lotus flower. Burn a pile of paper money casually, and then burn a pile. It will be a pile of rotten ashes, and it will not take shape. What shape it burns depends on what shape it was before burning.

Many people are really stupid, because what these people did before also made many people angry. Not long ago, I heard a man speak in front of me. He said that meeting a Mr. Feng Shui was particularly powerful. I said what happened. He said that he showed his family a piece of land, and it was lotus when he burned paper money. Exactly the same. He took a picture. Let me have a look. It's really stupid

The quality of acupoints is not proved by these, nor is it divination here. Can divination, it can predict, how this piece is; But can it predict this? No, it doesn't have this ability. People who study six hexagrams, he said that I choose a point and shake my divination, which is a bit too much.

It is also wrong to pin all your judgments on divination. Look at it rationally, just like a person jumping from the 30th floor. Do you think he will die? Don't worry, look at one of the hexagrams, in case it shows that he can't die. You said he would die if he jumped from the 30th floor. He must die. I fell on my head and was completely unrecognizable. Everyone should look at these rationally.

It is very difficult to prove the view of Feng Shui. First of all, the basic knowledge should be excellent, and the foundation of Feng Shui must be mastered. Many people don't even know the basic knowledge of Feng Shui. Seeing Feng Shui is definitely a problem. Just like measuring eight characters, at least you should know what the god of food represents, five elements, yin and yang, and individual evil spirits. To learn Daoism, you must have a good understanding of at least eight nine planets and Ba Shen Jiugong. Everyone must understand that Feng Shui must have a foundation. Many people think that Feng Shui is mysterious, as long as you are eloquent. This is for Mr. Wandering.

People who really do feng shui will find that there are many basics of feng shui to learn. There are many terms involved in Feng Shui, and many people don't even understand these terms. For example, when I was talking to a colleague before, I said, what about poultry and sand? He asked me what bird sand was. Many gentlemen only know the White Tiger Mountain in Qinglong, but they don't know these birds, sand, ghosts and sand. These are called feng shui terms.

Just like what is a god of food, what is a wealth star, and what is an official star, it is all the same. To see a cave, you must first find Longjing. Dragons should be strong and long. The longer Long Mai is, the bigger the caves here are, which can accommodate a village or a city. It can be divided into small holes and large holes. Acupoints are the most complicated and difficult. There is a saying in the ancients that it takes three years to find dragons and ten years to acupuncture. It's easy to find one; It is difficult to give this in this respect. So it means fixed point for ten years. In the past, a Mr. Feng Shui found you a good place, which may take several months or even a year or two.

He has identified this place, and he will stay here for a long time. I want to feel here, have a look and experience this place for myself. It's all very fast now, one hour and two hours. It's impossible to find Long Mai.

Even the land under the mountain has a point, which should be determined. Even if it's not really a dragon cave, at least in this area, I choose the best one. Just like choosing a day for caesarean section, no one has a good character in these ten days and twenty days. At least these ten days and twenty days are the best, and this is no problem. The larger the scope, the more good roles, the smaller the scope, the greater the limitations, and it is not easy to choose.

There are many wrong practices among the people now. Many people are superstitious and think that these are feng shui, but they are not feng shui. There are many folk customs, and customs have nothing to do with geomantic omen. Just like when you move, do you have to find someone to have fun with? This is not Feng Shui. Feng Shui doesn't say that. It's a custom. I can move without inviting people to play. But finding someone to have fun is different. It feels good and happy to be moved.

Acupoints are very important. In the previous video, the methods of acupoint identification have basically been told to everyone, so you can experience it yourself. In the Book of Burial, I also talked about how to acupuncture. Everyone should listen and feel for themselves. When you look at mountains and rivers at ordinary times, you should see more, use what you have learned to set a set and compare it. Slowly, you will find that you have some tricks.

The third is to show off sand. Dragon and sand are two different things. Dragons are big and long, and they also come from the rear. Of course, they may come from the front. The sand stood in the cave and looked at a mountain around. Sand is generally not too big, not as big as a dragon.

If the sand is beautiful, it is all about the left flag and the right drum, and the front account is behind the screen. The sleeping bow on Beauty Mountain and the blooming flowers on the case axis are all shouting and drinking elephants. The sand-like drinking elephants mentioned in it are flags, drums, barriers, sleeping bows and patent. The case patent is a table, and the exhibition patent is like the scroll of the emperor. The Golden Box Jade Seal, Guishan and Golden Box are the Guishan mentioned in the previous video. Jade seal, mountain seal. These are all shouting elephants, but this sand should be very strange. It'd better be like something very expensive. The style of writing is majestic, and the nobles are on the list. The noble exhibition is an expensive mountain, and there are also mountain shapes of exhibitions.

The mountain shape of the exhibition is flat in the middle and a little upturned on both sides. Like the first half of the imperial edict. Everything is fine. Including tianmashan as I told you before, but not Malaysia, Pony and tianmashan. Big horse and small horse mean one big and one small. They are all beautiful. It stands for sand. It must be beautiful and exotic. Only foreign sand is the best. Generally, expensive sand must be in our sight; If you can't see it, it means that it plays a very small role and there is no need to see what you can't see.

Some human flesh is invisible. He wants to climb to the top of the mountain to see it. The top of the mountain is very good. What we see at the top of the mountain is some peripheral sand, which can be seen at the top of the mountain but not in the cave. The sand outside is useless to us, so this sand should be in our sight. In a word, feng shui is invisible. Put it where you can't see it. If you can't see the place, you have to take care of it. There is no good feng shui in the world. Everything may be fine on the first lap, not on the second lap, and even worse on the third lap. Although the first lap is closest to the cave, it depends on the range of about 500 meters.

You must embrace the water behind you. This hug is easy to understand, it is a hug. I often talk about Jincheng water, jade belt around my waist and so on. As the old saying goes, the first golden city is full of water, and wealth will never stop. It is a round water with a jade belt around its waist. This is very good and auspicious.

Jincheng water is on the one hand, and there are also twists and turns of water, such as "thousands of miles away, surrounded by Wan Li." Come a hundred miles, hug a hundred miles. That's called a real knot, and that's called a water hug. "Just say how far the dragon is, how far the water is. A real dragon must be accompanied by water; If a real dragon is not accompanied by water, it is not a real dragon. There is no water under a mountain range, and this mountain range is not a dragon, but a mountain.

Dragons must have water. Compare the mountain to Jackie Chan, the soil is the skin of the dragon, and the tree is the hair of the dragon. Stones are the bones of dragons, and rivers are the blood of dragons. If there is no water, it means that there is no blood and it cannot be considered as a complete dragon. On the one hand, it is not a complete dragon, but a mountain. For example, only stones or 70% to 80% stones are dragons? Without trees, nothing grows, and man-made logging does not count. It means that nothing is long or knotted, which means that you are sick. Surrounding the water is affectionate water. If the water is not surrounded, it is called heartless water. In addition to hugging, it depends on the water quality and smell. I have to watch it.

The fifth point is the direction, which is very complicated. In geomantic omen, there is no dispute that the sand water in the dragon cave is a phoenix head geomantic omen; The principle of belonging to Qi is controversial. Conservatively speaking, there are 50 orientation methods available and popular, and there are no fewer than ten well-known methods. It is the same piece of land, you may be in the afternoon, you have your reasons, and the reasons are correct, supported by ancient books; You are right to decide the direction of Weishan, and you are right to decide the direction of Ren Shan. There are many controversies about how to determine the direction. First of all, we should give priority to the pier and face the mountain. First of all, we must find a good mountain to face, and we must face the right place. Luantou comes first. You can't pursue a good direction, a good direction, the meaning of southeast and northwest, there is a good tianmashan ahead, you don't want it; If you go to a canyon, you can't. There must be something wrong.

First of all, the orientation must conform to the chaotic head, and must conform to the cross-heavenly heart method. This is the orientation, front and back balance, left and right balance. This is the surrounding area. With the reticle, I found that every line has mountains, and there is water without mountains. The mountains and rivers are in harmony, and Yin and Yang are harmonious. Then consider the problem of sand discharge and water absorption; The second is orientation, which is Yuanyun. As long as you use a random head to orient, as long as you orient well, there will be no problem. This is why clever Feng Shui teachers sometimes look at Feng Shui without a compass, but always take a messy head. In the end, everything was fine, so he took out his compass and took a look at it. Not persistent.

Everyone must understand what the original intention of Feng Shui is. The compass itself belongs to a kind of geomantic divination, not to the geomantic culture of Zhengerjing, and it is mainly based on Luan Tou, so this direction is very complicated. Complexity lies not in profundity, but in chaos; The same direction will have different explanations. Just like an environment, we are at noon in the stator mountain; Please call the second gentleman. He may deny the first gentleman, saying that he can't decide the afternoon direction of the stator mountain, but he must decide the direction of the mountain; Inviting another gentleman may deny the first two and decide to go to Renshan C. It's a mess. There is also the hostility between Mr. Feng Shui and Feng Shui, and the nature of the industry.

You want to find a good piece of feng shui, so you invited the first gentleman to see it and decided the direction of the first gentleman. Don't tell the second gentleman what the first gentleman said and did, and don't say it. Now that you mention it, there are two kinds of gentlemen behind. The first is definitely the former. The second is total denial. For example, I'm sure I don't want to bother myself. I don't want to take risks. I will do what others say to you; The last gentleman said Zi Shan was in the afternoon, and the second gentleman said yes, ok, no problem, no risk.

There are also outright denials. Denial is actually an attack by peers, which is normal. The second gentleman will definitely say that the first gentleman is extremely desperate. After using it, the population will drop and the wealth will not work. What will happen to future generations? This is terrible. Maybe the first gentleman has a good direction. This man will make trouble and make a mess of you. But all this is also cause and effect, and everything is fate. All industries are like this, and peers are enemies. So some people found a gentleman, and he found another gentleman. He said that the gentleman in front of me saw it and I didn't trust him. I called you. In fact, Mr. Wang didn't even want to help you read it. You don't trust others, and you don't trust him at the same time. A person has no trust, and he doesn't trust anyone.

So forget it, these are some skills. As a person in this industry, talk about some of my feelings. Of course, I don't care, only what others say. But most people will care about this. If you don't respect him enough or trust knowledge enough, you won't get it for you. Everyone may feel selfish, but it is not. Learning is always humble. Without humility, why should I tell you? Including some apprentices, I generally have no apprentices. Before, a colleague was a little old and wanted to learn from the teacher. When he talks to me, he is always direct. How long did he study, how many books he read and recited some sentences. Finally, he said, I'm not bragging. No one can compare with me in what I'm learning now. When I heard that, I said that you are so powerful, why do you still learn from the teacher? He said that's because you know too much and don't know how to use it. This approach is not humble. You can't get anything useful without humility.

Learning Feng Shui should always pay attention to the sand water in the Dragon Cave, and doing Feng Shui should always pay attention to the sand water in the Dragon Cave. This direction is based on the sand and water in Longdong. If there is sand water in the dragon cave in this direction, there is a problem in this direction. For example, if a gentleman sits at home and decides the direction before he arrives at the scene, there must be something wrong. This is definitely a mistake. No dragon, no sand, no water. How to orient and decide at random? Including many friends who sent me photos, I'm not sure if I can take a photo to give him a direction. I can't decide the photo either. I want to go to the scene and inspect in many ways. I must feel it in any direction. But if you're not there, can you do it? You can't.