Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is amphibious? It seems to be a popular leisure way in ancient China and Japan. It may be popular among the nobility.

What is amphibious? It seems to be a popular leisure way in ancient China and Japan. It may be popular among the nobility.

Chess encyclopedia business card

Chess Chess, also known as European Chess or Chess, is a strategic chess game played by two people. The chessboard consists of 64 black and white squares. There are 16 black and white chess pieces, mostly made of wood or plastic, and also made of stone; More delicate stones, glass (crystal) or metal chess pieces are used as decorations. Chess is one of the most popular games in the world. Hundreds of millions of people play chess in various ways.

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Basic introduction

Related meaning

Development history

Origin research

dependent event

Methods under related rules

Competition laws and regulations

Chessboard and chess pieces

Puckilo's law

Runner's rule

special attachment

Win, lose, make peace

Graded scoring method

Grade setting

Term chess piece value

Quality difference and compensation

Double image advantage

Abandonment bureau


Tactical combination

Spatial advantage (site advantage)

International titles and international referees

[Edit this paragraph] Basic introduction

Among all the board games, chess is an ideal game that combines strategy, tactics and pure technology. Compared with backgammon, winning or losing depends on a roll of dice, which is really not up to you; Compared with international checkers, the size of chess pieces controls the outcome of technology. Compared with chess in ideological content, scientific nature and depth, only the Japanese general chess can be compared with China's Go and Chess. [1] chessboard and chess is almost a game that combines art, science, knowledge and inspiration. The analysis of the game is an experimental use of logic, and we need a creative inspiration in the operation of the battle to attack the king and strategic issues. However, chess is more than just testing word intelligence like crossword puzzles. The chess game makes both sides fall into a bloodless battle, which is a fierce and sharp contest between their thoughts and will, and a tenacious contest of physical strength. [2]

[Edit this paragraph] Related meanings

The four major chess games in the world (Weiqi, China Chess, Chess and General Chess) are all related to the political system of this country. The political system reflected by chess is the feudal society in the west. Compared with the other three kinds of chess, the political color of chess is more intense: first, the social hierarchy is more obvious, and the names of chess pieces are linked to social classes-such as bishops and knights. Secondly, the most powerful chess piece is the queen, which highlights the status and role of the queen in the western feudal society (because of political marriage, it later represented the support of the third-party joint forces, and there was no queen in China chess). Third, western society encourages soldiers to make meritorious deeds, and every soldier has the opportunity to turn over and change his fate-all of them may be promoted to the rights of the queen or other chess pieces (such as horses and chariots). This indirectly reflects the political system of the western feudal society (in China's chess game, the level cannot be raised or lowered at all).

[Edit this paragraph] Development history

Chess According to the existing historical records, the development history of chess has been nearly 2000 years. There have been many different opinions about its origin, such as China, Indian, Ceylon, Persia, Arab countries and so on. At present, most chess historians in the world believe that chess first appeared in India. /kloc-in the 8th century, W. Jones pointed out that ancient India was the cradle of chess. From the 2nd to 4th century AD, there was a board game called chaturanga in India, which contained four kinds of chess pieces, namely, a car, a horse, an elephant and a soldier, symbolizing the ancient Indian military system. In the Indian narrative epic Mahabharata, which was circulated at that time, there was a poem "The soldiers of the four armies have been lined up". "Four armies" means that the army is divided into four arms: car, elephant, horse and soldier. But as the predecessor of today's chess, this kind of "square chess" was played by rolling dice at that time. The purpose of the game is not to kill the king of the opponent, but to eat all the pieces of the opponent. Square chess named after Sanskrit "Chatulanga" was introduced to Persia from India in the 6th century. Due to phonetic errors, the ancient Persians misread "Chatranga" as "chatrang". Soon, the kingdom of ancient Persia was occupied by Arabs. Because there was neither the first letter nor the last letter of the word in Arabic, "Satra Jie" was renamed as "Chastelain" by Arabs, and this kind of "Chastelain" was widely circulated in Central Asia and Arab countries. Around the 10 century, many famous chess players appeared in Arab countries. In the world famous work Arabian Nights, it is mentioned that there is a famous chess player among the court poets of Khalifa Horuna Rashid. In August19, several chess player competitions were held in Baghdad. /kloc-After 0/0 century, chess spread to all parts of Europe through Central Asia and Arabia, first Italy, then Spain and France. 165438+At the end of the 20th century, it spread all over Europe. In the literature at that time, chess was listed as one of the "seven arts" of knight education. The "seven arts" are horse riding, swimming, archery, fencing, hunting, poetry and chess. The French heroic epic Song of Roland also talks about this point. 15 and 16 centuries, chess was finally shaped into today's style and chess system. The earliest extant chess score was published in 1497. There have been many changes in the way of playing chess. Earlier, although Wang walked the same way as now, it was said that he could be eaten. The privilege of king car translocation began in the first half of16th century and was invented by Europeans. Many wonderful changes have taken place in the queen's name, gender and power. In Satra's time, the chess piece "queen" meant "lawyer", "minister" or "general". Later, the French changed the form of the word "queen" a little, and she became the woman now. In the past, the queen was not the strongest chess piece, so she had to walk sideways 1 grid, much like a chess taxi in China. Empresses of both sides can only walk diagonally on squares of different colors, so they can't meet. The queen now has such a powerful power, probably after the middle of15th century. "Elephant" can only enter 2 squares obliquely, which is similar to the elephant in China chess today, but there is no restriction of "stuffing the elephant's eyes". If there are pieces in the middle square, the elephant can also cross. In Europe, this way of allowing soldiers to cross children continued until the15th century. In the past, soldiers could only advance 1 grid, and so did the 1 th walk. It was not until the beginning of the16th century that the strength of soldiers rose to this level. When a soldier reaches the eighth square, he can only be promoted to the queen of the past, not to other pieces. Only the way of cars and horses has not changed. As for the chessboard, there were no black and white squares before13rd century. After the Han Dynasty (65438+the second half of the 20th century), China and India began formal exchanges, and after the Sui and Tang Dynasties, cultural exchanges became more frequent. China's chess and chess are similar in origin and may have influenced each other in the past development history. Today, the two chess carts and horses walk in the same way (except that chess horses are not limited by bouncing legs), and the basic rules are similar. It is particularly worth pointing out that there is a tapestry decorated with the pattern of "Chyi Chin Calligraphy and Painting" before the Northern Song Dynasty in China cultural relics, indicating that the chess is an 8×8 chessboard with black and white squares, which is exactly the same as the modern chessboard (Figure 3); The bronze chess pieces of the Northern Song Dynasty unearthed in Kaifeng, Henan Province, with the word "scholar" on them, are women in military uniforms, the same sex as the queen in chess. Chess is a new sport in China. It has been included in the national sport since 1956, and the national chess competition was held for the first time in 1957. 1965, China's outstanding young players defeated visiting Soviet grandmasters and chess masters. In June, 1977, 1 1, China players participated in the Asian chess team competition for the first time and won the second place. 1 At the end of 1978, China participated in the 23rd Olympic Chess Competition for the first time1,and won the first place 18 among 66 teams from 65 countries. 1979165438+10 In October, the China Chess Team won the second place in the 3rd Asian Chess Team Competition held in Singapore. 1 In February, 1980, Liu Heliang of China tied for the third place in the 4th international chess competition held in Malta, and both of them won the title of international masters, becoming the1batch of international masters in China (Figure 4). 1980 In March, two female chess players from China participated in the women's chess competition held in Yale. Liu 18-year-old girl from Sichuan won three international masters, tied two grandmasters and won the third place with 8.5 points. 1980 12, in the 24th Olympic Games, the women's chess team of China drew the women's team of the Soviet Union, which won many world championships, and finally tied for the fifth place with the Federal Republic of Germany and China. 198 1 year, four China players were approved by the Chess Federation and awarded international titles. Qi and Li Zunian are international masters, and Liu He 'an Yanfeng is a women's international master. Starting from 1977, in addition to individual competitions, China has added team competitions, women's competitions and junior competitions.

[Edit this paragraph] Origin research

There are several opinions about the origin of chess: Chess ① According to historical legends, chess originated in ancient India, and the earliest record seen in the current literature was written in Persian during the Sassanian Dynasty. It is said that a Hindu master saw the king's conceit and decided to teach him a lesson. He recommended a game that was unknown at that time. The king was tired of being surrounded by a group of ministers who flatter him all day. It is necessary to play games in order to get rid of depression. The king soon became interested in this novel game. When he was happy, he asked the master what reward he needed in return for his loyalty. The master said: Please put 1 wheat in the first box, 2 in the second box and 4 in the third box. Put 8 grains in the fourth grid ... that is, the number of grains put into the next grid at a time must be multiple of the number of grains in the previous grid until the 64th grid in the last grid is full, so I am very satisfied. "All right!" The king smiled and generously agreed to the humble request of his master. However, when the wheat was ripe, the king found that according to the agreement with the owner, the wheat in India was not even half the number of squares on the chessboard. The amount of grain requested by the owner is actually astronomical. Many people who study chess think that chess originated in India. This stems from the article "Indian Chess" published by British william jones in Asian Studies 1790. Most western scholars agree with him. Because the world culture at that time was British culture. There is an interesting story about the emergence of chess. It is said that before 2000, India had a very cruel king. Do whatever you want. The king has a trusted minister. He wants to advise the king with the truth that "a king cannot exist without his subjects", but he is afraid to put forward his opinions publicly. He came up with a suggestion: on a wooden chessboard, two armies were formed with bone blocks to fight; On the one hand, there is a leader, Wang, and four arms, including chariots, horses, elephants and soldiers, which are combined into an overall lineup. The king is the most important chess piece, and the battle is over when a king dies; At the same time, Wang is also a weak link. He can only rely on his comrades, that is, other more powerful pieces to protect him. These pieces must protect the king together in the whole battle. A chess piece weaker than the king counts as a soldier. But if you are good at commanding, make the soldiers go deep into the enemy's base and reach the bottom of the opponent, the soldiers can become the strongest chess pieces. This is the first game of chess, and it spread quickly. On the one hand, it spread westward to Persia, Arabia and Europe, and after changes, it formed modern chess; On the other hand, it spread eastward to Myanmar, Southeast Asia and China. It was not until the 1970s that the situation changed. Dr Joseph Needham, a famous British scholar, clearly pointed out in China's History of Science and Culture that chess is the creation of China people. He analyzed in detail the relationship between the ancient game Liubo in China and astronomy, iconology and mathematics. He said: "Only in China, the prevalence of Yin and Yang theory promoted the embryonic form of chess, invented astronomical divination, and then developed into a game with military significance." Later, Soviet scholars published articles in succession, refuting the Indian origin theory. 1972 Yugoslav historian bijiv's monograph "chess-a symbol of the universe" draws the conclusion that chess first appeared in China in 569 AD, and then gradually spread. Dr. Cherevko, a researcher at the Far East Institute of the Soviet Chess Institute, published an article in the June 1984 issue of Soviet Chess. According to his research, chess originated from the idea of the Book of Changes: sixty squares, corresponding to eight or sixty-four hexagrams, and black and white corresponding to yin and yang. So far, no refutation articles by experts and scholars have been seen. It can be considered that Dr. Cherevko's view that chess originated from the Book of Changes has gained a firm foothold in the world. Around 5000 BC, 8×8 line paintings (painted pottery paintings unearthed from Yuanyangchi site in Yongchang, Gansu) appeared in China. Before 10 century BC, it can be concluded that there was an ancient chess called "Liu Bo". In the 5th century BC, Liubo was reformed into a "plug-in drama". Confucius (55 BC1-476 BC) said that "there are no chess players" (The Analects of Confucius), in which chess refers to Liu Bo and Go. According to historical records, the "Elephant Play" invented by Emperor Wu of the Northern Zhou Dynasty in the 6th century (the late Northern and Southern Dynasties) (AD 569) is basically the same as the "Hundred Treasure Chess" found underground in the Tang Dynasty: 8×8 sets (64 squares) with cubes and chess pieces placed on the squares, which is the pattern of modern chess. At the latest at the end of the 6th century and the beginning of the 7th century, Xiangxi entered India (the possibility of Liubo, Cisse and quasi-Xiangxi entering India earlier was not ruled out), forming the "Chatulanz" and "Chastelain" in the Middle East. Both Chatulanz and Chastelain are translated into Chinese as "four-color chess" (or "square chess"). The physical basis of archaeology is that four-color chess did not appear in India until the 8th century. The earliest written record of "four-color chess" is the Kashmir epic Rathanahar in the 9th century. "Chastelain" later evolved into "Persian chess" and was introduced to Europe. About15th century, wood was shaped into today's modern chess. The "Indian origin theory" originated from the British, who had better deny it. In the Encyclopedia Britannica 1984 edition, the origin of chess is also said to be India or China, and the origin of India is emphatically introduced. However, when the English version of Chess China School was published in Britain in 2003, there was a sentence in the introduction edited by Britain's largest publishing group: "Although some earliest chess forms were found in ancient China". It is not easy for British scholars to change their views. Today, people discuss the origin of chess and draw various conclusions through legend, hypothesis, archaeology and logic. Hypothesis points out the direction for archaeological argumentation, and legends supplement the lack of archaeological logic. After all, the chess generation is too old. Just like the oldest history, it takes a very long process to reproduce the truth. But in general, there are two points about the origin: 1. Chess originated in Asia and was later introduced to Europe. The original rule is to roll the dice to decide who will play chess. In addition, experts and scholars seem to have reached a * * * understanding on the origin logic: First, chess is an artifact. It's essentially a model. Second, chess is the materialization of human thought and consciousness. It is essentially a simulation. Third, modern chess is the result of the continuous evolution of ancient chess. Fourth, the influence of evolution comes from all aspects (including the influence of all kinds of chess). Fifth, the way of evolution is gradual mutation. Sixth, evolution and continuity exist. Seventh, the study of the origin should start with the three elements of chess structure-chessboard, chess pieces and chess rules. Eighth, chessboard, chess pieces and chess rules play different roles in the origin, evolution and stereotypes of chess. Ninth, chessboards, chess pieces and chess rules must not appear at the same time. Tenth, there is no "original inventor". This can be explained as follows: In the real world, time is irreversible. Therefore, time can create history, and time can also destroy history. Starting from this logic, we will never find the "original inventor". I have to be content with "the product of society, the crystallization of wisdom." Actually, in many ways, chess is more like a movie. There is another saying about the origin of chess that it was invented by Arabs. Because the chess that people are familiar with today was developed in Persia. The word "chariot" in chess comes from Persian. [3]

[Edit this paragraph] Related events

/kloc-In the mid-9th century, chess began to become an official competition. 1924 was listed as an official Olympic event, and the Chess Federation was established in the same year. Major world competitions sponsored or entrusted by the member associations of the Chess Federation include: Chess Olympic Games, World Team Championships, Men's and Women's Individual World Championships, College Students' World Team Championships, Junior World Championships, and Chess Team Competitions on all continents. As for all kinds of cups, invitational tournaments, masters, grandmasters and so on. , it is countless.

[Edit this paragraph] Relevant rules

Relaxation method

Chess consists of black and white, with white chess first. The purpose of playing chess is to kill the opponent's king.

Competition laws and regulations

When the king of one side is attacked by the chess pieces of the other side, the king is called a general and the attacker is called a "general". At this time, the attacked party must "return" immediately. If he can't avoid the general, the king will be killed. In addition to "dying", there are "overtime judgment" and "draw".

Chessboard and chess pieces

The chessboard is square and consists of 64 small squares, with 8 squares in vertical and horizontal directions, and the colors are deep and light. The hidden squares are called Haig, and the bright squares are called white squares. The chess pieces move in these squares. Thirty-two pieces are divided into black and white groups, with sixteen pieces in each group. Each player holds a group with the same arms. It can be divided into six types: Wang (1), Hou (1), Che (2), Xiang (2), Ma (2) and Bing (8). English full name King Queen Castle Bishop Knight Pawn English full name King Queen Car Owner teaches Knight Pawn Chinese abbreviation Queen Car Elephant Cavalry English abbreviation K Q R B N P In formal competition, chess pieces are three-dimensional chess pieces, and in informal competition, flat pattern chess pieces can be used.

Puckilo's law

For beginners, when playing chess, remember: king to king, back to back; Stand behind the white man, stand behind the black man, stand behind Haig. Nidhogg stood in the white dove, and White King stood in Haig. Note: In order to facilitate memory and recording during the game, please always make the lower right corner of the chessboard into a white box.

Runner's rule

Wang (k): You can walk horizontally, vertically or obliquely, but you can only walk one step at a time. (1) Except for translocation, the king can walk to any adjacent square that has not been attacked by the opponent's chess pieces, and he can only walk one step. (2) Translocation is a way that any car on the king's side is still regarded as a move by the king. It is carried out as follows: the king moves two squares in any direction from the original position, and then the man crosses the king and is placed in the square that Wang Gang passed. (3) If one party meets a car first, then he can't use that car for translocation. This situation must be handled according to the following items A and B: In addition to the above situation, if the player consciously touches one or more pieces on the same side, he touches or eats the first piece that can be moved or eaten; Or a square piece and an opponent's piece, he eats the latter with the former; If this way of eating is irregular, if you can't determine which piece to touch first, then take the square piece as the touched piece. B: If all the checkered pieces contacted fail to play according to the rules (or all the opponent pieces contacted fail to play according to the rules), the player has the right to play any regular chess. (4) If one party meets the king when preparing for the transfer, or both the king and the car at the same time, and then finds that the transfer is irregular, it can choose to take the king or move to the other wing, provided that the transfer to that wing is in line with the rules. If the king doesn't obey the rules, the party has the right to rebel and obey any rules. (5) Irregular transfer: The king moved, or the transfer car moved. (6) The following situations can't be transferred for the time being: Wang's original grid or the grid to be crossed or occupied is being attacked by the opponent's chess piece. Or there are other pieces between the king and the car used for translocation. (Q): You can walk sideways, straight or sideways. There is no limit to the number of steps, but you can't cross the child. Is the best chess player. Car (R): You can walk horizontally or vertically, and the number of steps is not limited. You can't walk sideways. Under normal circumstances, you can't cross the child. Figure (b): You can only walk sideways. There is no limit to the number of squares. You can't cross them. There are two elephants on each side, one representing the white dove and the other representing Haig. Ma (n): In each move, you can walk one square horizontally, one square straight, and then one square diagonally (six squares at a time), so you can pass, without the restriction of "jumping horse's legs" in "China Chess". Soldier (P): You can only go straight, and you can only take one step at a time. But when you take the first step, you can go straight into two squares at most. The way to eat soldiers is different from the direction of playing chess. It is straight and oblique, that is, if a soldier has an opponent's chess piece in the diagonal square, he can eat it and occupy the square.

special attachment

In addition to the general moves of all the pieces above, there are three special moves in chess: eating soldiers: if the opponent's soldiers play chess for the first time and go straight into two squares, it happens that their own soldiers are tightly tied to their side positions, then their own soldiers can immediately go in and eat the opponent's soldiers. This action must be done immediately, and it will be invalid after waiting. Write it as "en passant" or "en pt", which means "passing by" in French. The rise and fall of soldiers: when any soldier reaches the opponent's bottom line, he can be promoted to any kind of chess except "king" and "soldier" and rise and fall involuntarily. In general, it becomes "Hou" because "Hou" is the most powerful; Under special circumstances, it can also be upgraded to "car", "horse" and "elephant". Translocation: In each game, both sides have the opportunity to let Wang move two squares in the direction of the car, and then the car passes by Wang and is placed on the square next to Wang. Che Wang translocation can be divided into "long translocation" and "short translocation" according to the left and right. In the following four cases, the king car is not allowed to be translocated: the king car or the car has moved; There are other pieces between the king and the car; The king was "general" on the other side; The position that Wang passed or reached was attacked by the opponent's chess pieces.

Win, lose, make peace

The purpose of playing chess is to kill the opponent's king. Rules of the game: When the king of one side is attacked by the chess pieces of the other side, he becomes the king and is taken as the general, and the attacker is called the "general". At this time, the attacked party must "return" immediately. If he can't avoid the general, the king will be killed. In addition to "dying", there are "overtime judgment" and "draw". When the following situations occur, the game is called a draw: one party leaves in turn, proposes a draw, and the other party agrees; When neither side can make peace with the king of the other side; When one side continues to be a general and the king of the other side can't avoid the general, it becomes a "long-term general"; When it was one side's turn to play chess, Wang was not defeated by the general, but had no way to go and became "forced peace"; The same situation appeared three times in the game, and each time the same party walked, and there was no difference in the moves, so it was judged as a draw. If both sides have not eaten any son of the other side for 50 rounds in a row, it is judged as a draw. (Note: "There is no difference in chess moves" mainly means that there is no difference between the guider and the translocation. I remember watching an NB arrangement. One side repeated it three times and won, but another car moved with Wang.

Graded scoring method

The scoring method of chess is grade integral system. The grades are none, 30- 1 respectively. Each level needs to accumulate 100 points. The detailed calculation method of points after winning or losing is as follows (note: the losing party's deduction is equal to the winning party's score): tie: the difference between the existing points of both parties is within 10, and there is no point; If the difference is 10-99, the lower score is (10+ difference/10)/2; If the difference is greater than 100, the difference is /4. The subordinate wins: if the difference between the existing points of both parties is greater than 100, the difference is/2; If the difference is 10-99, it is 10+ difference/10; If the difference is within 10, you get 10. High-level party victory: the difference between the existing points of the two sides is more than 200 points, and there is no point; If the difference is 100- 199, score 2 points; Difference 10-99 points, resulting in 10- difference/12.5; If the difference is within 10, you get 10. After 50 sets, the score/loss will stabilize. [4]

Grade setting

Grandmaster, international master, chess Federation master, chess association master, alternate master, women grandmaster, women's international master.

[Edit this paragraph] Terminology

Chess piece value

Every chess player needs to know the value of all kinds of chess pieces when analyzing the situation, comparing the strength and exchanging the strength. At present, soldiers are generally used as the unit of calculation. Soldiers are 1, horses and elephants are 3, cars are 5, and then 9. Wang Can can't exchange it without giving a fixed value. The actual value of different pieces varies with their spatial position, relationship with other pieces, situation and even the stage of the game. For example, soldiers who rush to the bottom line can be upgraded to one of rear, horse, car and elephant. When it is close to the bottom line, its value may increase several times obviously. Associated soldiers or parallel soldiers are better than overlapping soldiers. Alone (or suspended soldiers) may be a weakness in different development, or it may become a pillar of attack. The value is different. Elephants are divided into like elephants and bad elephants. The horse is stronger in the middle of the dish than the edge, and the iron elephant and elephant are in the middle of the dish. The actual value of chess pieces is variable value. The estimation and judgment of these changes is the basis for making different strategic and tactical plans.

Quality difference and compensation

In the process of exchanging chess pieces (such as changing horses and cars, changing images and cars, and then changing horses or changing images and cars), the loss of general value can sometimes be exchanged for initiative or certain compensation in terms of space, situation, time and speed, and strength coordination. The gain and loss of this compensation and quality difference are important factors in estimating and analyzing the situation.

Double image advantage

Each time, two images control different color grids, which complement each other and cooperate with each other. Switching one of them will inevitably weaken the control of the same color as the elephant and let the other gallop, so the double elephant is generally better than the horse elephant.

Abandonment bureau

The opening strategy of seeking speed and initiative at the expense of soldiers is called "Abandoning Troops Bureau". The common abandonment methods are central abandonment, Wang Yi abandonment and tail abandonment.


Soldiers walk straight and eat sideways. This feature often forms a "chain of soldiers", allowing the soldiers behind to protect the soldiers in front, thus blocking the way for the other side to attack from the front. The unprotected soldiers left at the end of the "soldier chain" are backward soldiers, which is the weakness of the "soldier chain". This backward soldier is more vulnerable if he is on the semi-open line, and the box in front of him is often occupied by the other side. Soldiers like c4-d5-e4 are wedge soldiers. The soldiers of f7-g6-h7 are in the shape of longan or fortress.

Tactical combination

The comprehensive application of various simple tactics, such as grasping double, evading, containing, semi-containing, luring, luring away, disarming, intercepting, blocking, spacing, shifting power, killing the bottom line, strangulation, killing the seventh platoon, destroying the king's face, compulsory exchange, soldier upgrading, counterattack, transition, etc. , is a complex chain plan with the characteristics of compactness and compulsion.

Spatial advantage (site advantage)

The strength of one side is dominant in the number of squares and the control part of the chessboard, which is related to the characteristics of the formation structure and is an important factor in judging the situation and initiative.

[Edit this paragraph] International titles and international referees

Chess players can get the rank title stipulated by the Chess Federation if they get certain achievements in various competitions stipulated by the Chess Federation. There are five international champions in the face-to-face competition: grandmaster, international master, chess federation master, women grandmaster and women international master. Grandmaster is the highest title, which must meet one of the following conditions: ① any player who participates in the world champion challenger competition; (2) International masters or chess masters have won grandmaster points twice or more in a game with a cumulative total of not less than 24 games, with an international level of at least 2450 points. Those who meet one of the following conditions can be awarded the title of international master: (1) Those who have won the international master's score twice or more in a total of not less than 24 competitions will have an international score of not less than 2,350 points; ②No. 1 in the following competitions: World Youth Championship, Regional Championship, World Youth Championship, European Youth Championship, American Youth Championship and Non-Youth Championship. Those who meet one of the following conditions can be awarded the title of chess master: (1) In a game, the total number of games is not less than 24, the international level is not less than 2250 points, and they have won the title of chess master more than twice; ② Middle school students (1under 7 years old) ranked in the world championship1; ③ In a world championship cycle, the number of matches is not less than 13, and the result of 1 chess master has been achieved. Those who meet one of the following conditions can be awarded the title of women's grandmaster: (1) won the women's grandmaster twice or more in a total of no less than 24 games, with an international grade of no less than 2,250 points; ② In one cycle of the Women's World Championships, the number of matches was not less than 13, and at the same time, the women's grandmaster of 1 was obtained. Those who meet one of the following conditions can be awarded the title of women's international master: ① Those who have won two or more women's international master's achievements in a total of not less than 24 competitions have an international score of at least 265,438+000; ② World Championships 1 cycle, with no less than 13 competitions, and at the same time, women's international masters 1 times. The title of chess referee is awarded by the Chess Federation under the following conditions: ① Proficient in the rules of chess competition and the rules of chess competition of the Chess Federation; (2) when the referee shows absolute objectivity; Master at least two languages, one of which must be the official language of the Chess Federation; (4) Being a referee or deputy referee in at least four important chess competitions (referring to national team competitions or individual competitions, all official competitions of the Chess Federation, international competitions, national competitions and international competitions with no less than 65,438+000 participants).

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