Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Is there any scientific basis for what is said in Zhouyi?

Is there any scientific basis for what is said in Zhouyi?

To answer this question, we must understand the calculation process of Zhouyi prediction. All skill number prediction has a complete deduction system, which is the premise of calculation, and the process of skill number calculation is the deduction process. For example, predicting a ball game with Zhouyi, the first step is to draw hexagrams. If the divination between heaven and man is drawn, we will calculate it according to the divination, divination and rhetoric of the divination between heaven and man, and finally draw a conclusion. Assuming that the calculation process is logical, whether the final conclusion is correct depends on whether the major premise can objectively reflect the actual situation of things changing. This premise is the theory of the unity of man and nature, that is, the sixty-four hexagrams system. It's like when lottery players study lottery tickets, they sum up the so-called "rule" according to the lottery numbers of previous issues, and then calculate the winning numbers of the next issue according to the "rule", but whether the calculated results are right or not depends on whether this "rule" really exists. This "rule" is the premise for lottery players to calculate the next winning number. Because the "rule" summed up by lottery players is the result of incomplete induction, his "rule" is probable and not universal, because this "rule" is not necessarily related, so his major premise is wrong, and the result of natural calculation will also be wrong. But in fact, it often happens that the calculation results are consistent with the winning numbers. How do you explain this? This is because there is coincidence in the prediction results. Accidental coincidence cannot be called law, and coincidence is not universal. Therefore, perhaps only one or two issues overlap, and a few more issues will be inaccurate. Therefore, when the predicted number finally doesn't match the lottery results, the lottery players will use "the law has changed" to excuse themselves. The prediction of Zhouyi is also based on the premise that "sixty-four hexagrams can simulate everything in the world", but the hexagrams predicted in Zhouyi are different from the so-called "regularity" when lottery players predict lottery numbers. The sixty-four hexagrams system in Zhouyi is a logical and inevitable mathematical system derived from the relationship between Yin and Yang, and it is a model for people to understand everything in the universe. This model has scientific basis. Why do you say that? Because we admit that the relationship between Yin and Yang is the essential relationship of things, but the power change between Yin and Yang is unbalanced, which will inevitably produce four states, namely, Taiyin, Sun, Shaoyin and Shaoyang. When we recognize the universality of Yin and Yang, we must also recognize the universality of the four images. When the four images change alternately in an orderly way, a sequence will be formed, and the developing four images and the declining four images will naturally produce eight States, namely, gossip. When we admit the objectivity of the four images, we must admit that gossip also exists objectively. Because every concrete thing can't be separated from its time and space and environment, there are eight states in the change of a thing, so there must be eight states in the external environment in which it exists, and the combination is sixty-four states. When we know Yin and Yang, we must realize the inevitability of the sixty-four hexagrams, which is logical and very scientific. Sixty-four hexagrams are the changing mode of our ancestors' study of the universe. Therefore, this model has scientific basis and can be demonstrated and verified. Therefore, it is easy to say, "The way to heaven and earth is easy and accurate, so it can help us understand the way to heaven and earth." This system of sixty-four hexagrams is the way of all things in the world, and it is the premise of my prediction with Zhouyi. What reason do we have to say that this major premise is unscientific? Although the relationship between yin and yang of the sixty-four hexagrams is a scientific law, few people in modern times use the relationship between yin and yang of the sixty-four hexagrams in Zhouyi to calculate the development and changes of things. They use Fang Jing's six-point prediction method or Shao Kangjie's plum blossom easy number to calculate. We don't deny that these two forecasting methods have their own scientific aspects, but they are not the most essential forecasting methods in Zhouyi, and they are not the original meaning of Yi Dao! The most fundamental method of Zhouyi is that "a gentleman can observe his image and play with his words when he is alive, and watch his change and play with his career when he is moving", and everything is based on the analysis of the advance and retreat of Yin and Yang divinatory symbols. How to use Zhouyi to predict the number of six hexagrams and plum blossoms?

On the other hand, although the premise of Zhouyi prediction is correct, if the calculation process is illogical, it cannot be said that Zhouyi prediction is scientific. In fact, in the field of Yi-ology, people use Zhouyi to make predictions, which is very subjective. Everyone interprets divinatory symbols according to their own understanding, and different people have different interpretations of the same divinatory symbol, thus reaching different conclusions. In the practice of Yi-ology prediction, sometimes a person gives the same divination to different fortune tellers, but the result is the opposite, and I don't know who to listen to. Originally, I came to ask for a visa because I had doubts. As a result, I will get two diametrically opposite answers, which may be unexpected in advance. What's the difference between such a prediction and no prediction? It not only wastes money, but also adds more doubts. This is the reflection of Zhouyi's unscientific prediction in real life. Why is this happening? The reason is that few people really understand Zhouyi fundamentally. How many people have known Yi Dao's original intention through the ages? Therefore, it is inevitable that you will not pretend to understand and talk nonsense. In particular, some fortune tellers, in order to cater to the wishes of fortune tellers, give full play to their imagination and boldly explain every line when interpreting divination, so divination has become a illogical game. Throughout the ages, many people known as the masters of prophecy don't really know the Book of Changes, and they don't all know Yi Dao's original intention. They are just good at explaining, just justifying themselves with figures. Anyway, laymen can't understand what he said. However, we only need to see if he dares to predict his own affairs with Zhouyi. Many people cheat money to make ends meet in the name of Zhouyi, including some senior intellectuals. Why? Because they rarely use Zhouyi to guide life and transform their destiny in real life! They just use Zhouyi to serve others. How much confidence does a person who dares to use Zhouyi to serve himself have in Zhouyi's prediction? Just because some people interpret Zhouyi at will does not mean that Zhouyi can be interpreted at will. On the contrary, the prediction of Zhouyi itself is strictly logical and scientific. This scientific nature is an accurate grasp of the original meaning of Yin and Yang, Four Images, Eight Diagrams and Sixty-four Guas, rather than an interpretation of Gua Ci and Yi Ci, because Gua Ci and Yi Ci only represent Zhou Wenwang's understanding of the sixty-four Gua system of heaven and earth, and do not represent the true nature of the sixty-four Gua. Therefore, when we interpret hexagrams, it is logical and scientific to calculate according to the relationship between yin and yang, and all other witty explanations are illogical and unscientific. We can't deny the scientific nature of Zhouyi just because the whole world is misinterpreting it!

According to the above analysis, the premise of Zhouyi's prediction is scientific, and the process of explaining Zhouyi also has strict logic. It stands to reason that the result predicted by Zhouyi should be 100% accurate. However, this is not the case. Our predictions are often inconsistent with the facts. Why? There are two main reasons. First, although the sixty-four hexagrams are a logical mathematical system. Accordingly, everything has sixty-four different states. The purpose of prediction is to determine what the final change result of things will be, that is, which of the 64 states it will be. However, what kind of state should things be predicted? We calculate according to the hexagrams. Before calculating, we must have a divination. If we make mistakes in divination and divination cannot correctly reflect the actual yin and yang state of things, then the results predicted according to divination will naturally be inconsistent with the facts. So, how can we make our divination conform to the reality of things? Yi said: "I have no thoughts, I do nothing, I am silent, and I think I understand the truth of the world." If it is not the highest god in the world, how can it be here? " It turns out that only by reaching the state of being calm with God can we enter the state of harmony between man and nature. At this time, psychology and divination are integrated, and divination can be correct. Therefore, divination is never a game, but a very serious matter. Otherwise, even throwing a few copper coins casually is just self-deception. Therefore, from this perspective, the prediction of Zhouyi is based on the belief that "heaven and man are one, and things are connected", and it is established and consolidated through the repeated practice of diviners' prediction practice for many years! The belief of Yi Daoists in the prediction of Zhouyi is also based on constant verification. Because there is not enough evidence to prove the scientific nature of the belief that "heaven and man are one and feel the same", we call it faith for the time being and cannot force it to be scientific. Because divination is based on the belief of "harmony between man and nature, and the senses are connected", different people have different perceptual abilities, and the images of natural divination are different, some are right, some are wrong, and some are close to the facts, so the conclusions drawn from different divination images are naturally inconsistent. This is also one of the reasons why Zhouyi's prediction is inaccurate. Second, each hexagram is a summary of everything in the world, so the information corresponding to the same hexagram is not unique, but multifaceted. It is also a divination of "the loss of Yamazawa", which predicts that marriage corresponds to a love triangle, and that shareholder relationship means that one of the three shareholders will quit. Predicting making friends is making friends with the opposite sex. The same hexagram only determines a phenomenon and the relationship between yin and yang in this phenomenon, and it is not certain what kind of specific things it is. Therefore, in the process of calculation, there will naturally be some differences due to the high or low analysis ability of fortune tellers on divination images, which is the second reason for the different prediction conclusions.

To sum up, the prediction of Zhouyi has its basis, that is, the belief of "harmony between man and nature" and the Yi Dao system of sixty-four hexagrams of "harmony between heaven and earth", and its calculation process is the analysis of the relationship between Yin and Yang. The belief of "the unity of heaven and man, the connection of feelings and things" is a major premise to be further verified, and its own sixty-four hexagrams system has strict logic. Therefore, Zhouyi Prediction is a set of traditional prediction techniques based on the belief that "heaven and man are integrated and things are connected". Its calculation process is logical, but its conclusion is still unreliable. Therefore, our prediction of Zhouyi can only be used as a reference for life decision-making, and we cannot be absolutely superstitious. When we can't judge our destiny and future with reason, Zhouyi prediction can be an effective supplement. Once it becomes a part of our faith, Zhouyi prediction is a force that inspires us to move forward!