Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - About "Sunflower Collection" (Tarot Card)

About "Sunflower Collection" (Tarot Card)

Let me give you a brief introduction:

Author: sunflower

Press: cutting edge

ISBN: 957 1029262

Grade: general grade

Publication date:1September 20, 993

In the process of learning tarot cards, the meaning of cards is the most puzzling. Starting from the interpretation of the positive position, this book looks at the negative position from another angle, so that you can easily get started and master the points, lines and faces of tarot cards. Practicing the three methods of sunflower treasure book will help you draw inferences from others, quickly grasp the key points of card meaning, and establish confidence in solving cards.

Master the law of teaching and fighting, look at the face of the card, put in the image, express feelings, and find out the echoes and contradictions. This can give full play to your ability to understand the meaning of cards.

Interpreting the psychological structure of inverted sentences. Never give up when you see an upside-down card! In fact, rebellion is only a change and supplement of rebellion. You can deduce wisdom from different angles, and use it to detect repressed or denied emotions and stimulate your inner or hidden potential.

Personalize your tarot cards. Tired of following the script? This book teaches you how to create your own plug-in program and create a unique style of unlocking card.

Brief introduction of the author

Sunflower, graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages of National Taiwan University, is now a graduate student. She began to learn tarot cards from 1996, and it has been about eight years since then. She has widely read the first-hand information about Tarot publishing in Europe and America, and is now engaged in writing Tarot teaching articles, hoping to popularize them to the public. In addition, he is also familiar with China's techniques, such as palmprint, physiognomy, I Ching and Wei Zi's fighting. At school, he was the president of the Yijing Academic Research Association of National Taiwan University and the founding president of the Tarot Research Association of National Taiwan University. In 2002, he founded Sunflower Tarot Network.