Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Online dating, how can I formally confirm my relationship with her from the ambiguous period?

Online dating, how can I formally confirm my relationship with her from the ambiguous period?

Online dating is risky. First, because online dating is often a long-distance relationship, you come from different regions and have different living habits and customs. Second, you don't have enough time to get to know each other, don't know each other's personality and preferences, and have different family backgrounds. Your shortcomings are often covered up by your strengths, which lays a hidden danger for your future life. Third, a long-distance relationship often sacrifices one's interests, such as giving up the present job and going to the other city, so we must consider it clearly. Of course, it would be much better if it were not in a different place. I suggest you get to know her for a while. If you really like her and want her to be your girlfriend, you can give her some thoughtful gifts first, often create some opportunities to meet, take the initiative to help her solve problems, remember her birthday and important festivals, and so on. Tell her at the right time. Girls are very sensitive, she will understand what you mean. If she wants to develop with you, she will certainly cooperate with you.