Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - When it comes to China's four classical novels, it can be said that they are household names. Who will emerge in front of your eyes at this time? Who impressed you the most? Specifically,

When it comes to China's four classical novels, it can be said that they are household names. Who will emerge in front of your eyes at this time? Who impressed you the most? Specifically,

Lin Daiyu.

Although she was timid and sickly from childhood, she later developed a melancholy character, but she was brilliant in learning and elegant in temperament. "The heart knows better than the stem, and the disease is like the west."

The unfortunate experience of parents' death under the protection of others is in the harsh environment of Jia's "360 days a year, wind, sword and frost push each other" As Tan Chun said, it is hard for Daiyu's life to be glamorous. But she also has the lively enthusiasm of a young girl, instead of being immersed in sadness all day.

I think what is most fascinating and artistic is her incomparable rich and beautiful spiritual world. First of all, Lin Daiyu is a woman with inner wisdom and external beauty. She is honest and pure with others, and respects herself and others. She treats the nightingale like a sister; She explained the exercises and requirements of poetry to Xiangling, lent her collection of poems to Xiangling, delineated the reading content and corrected the exercises; Xue Baochai was honest with her. After enlightening her, she was frank and sincere. She took out her heart and said to Xue Baochai, blaming herself: "It's good that you have been treating people, but I am most suspicious, just thinking that you have a traitor in your heart. The day before yesterday, you said reading miscellaneous books was not good, and you also advised me to say those good ones. Thank you very much. It turned out that I was wrong in the past, and now I am really wrong. " After that, she treated Baochai like a sister. ...

Lin Daiyu's spiritual beauty is more concentrated and strongly reflected in her love for Jia Baoyu. Unlike Xue Baochai, she wholeheartedly advised Baoyu to become famous, but respected Baoyu's choice. Even though he once advised Baoyu to listen to his elders, he didn't really agree with him from the heart. Their love broke the imprisonment of "parents' orders and matchmakers' words" at that time, which is the most worthy of our praise.

It is true that compared with Xue Baochai, Sister Lin is not as good as Baochai in most people's eyes, but this does not affect her beauty. The beauty of Daiyu is not only the appearance, but also the real beauty revealed from the depths of the soul. So Daiyu left the deepest impression on me.

Zhuge Liang

Zhuge Liang has always been a man of the hour, both in the history of China and among the people. The famous historical saying "Do your best and die before you die" has influenced many generations and become the motto of many people with lofty ideals! Evaluation of Zhuge Liang, dynasties, between the ruling and opposition can surprisingly reach a * * * knowledge, become a historical celebrity with little criticism! Zhuge Liang's "Model" has become an immortal masterpiece! The lowest evaluation of Zhuge Liang may be Mr. Lu Xun, who is "wise to the devil". From this comment, we can see that Mr. Lu Xun is not so cold to Zhuge Liang!

In Zhuge Liang's body, besides loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness, the biggest feature is that Zhuge Liang is resourceful, resourceful, strategic, knowledgeable about astronomy and geography, and proficient in the way of Yin and Yang. He can call the wind and call the rain, perceive everything in the world, strategize, use troops to be fascinated, and win battles thousands of miles away.

Throughout Zhuge Liang's life, for the sake of Liu's father and son's country, he worked hard, steadfastly, and devoted himself to his death. Until the death of Wu Zhangyuan's lonely soul, he still remembered Liu's great cause of country. If summed up in modern language, Zhuge Liang's life is a time-tested life, a life of fighting against man and heaven, a life of revolution, a life of fighting, a life of selfless dedication and a life full of wisdom. Can be regarded as a model strategist, model prime minister, excellent phase father and master!

In fact, Zhuge Liang in The Romance of Three Kingdoms is very different from Zhuge Liang in The Romance of Three Kingdoms. Zhuge Liang in Romance of the Three Kingdoms is more objective and true, and closer to Zhuge Liang himself in history. A generation of outstanding celebrities, these historians' comments are more objective and fair, and they deserve it. Zhuge Liang in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is a tall, all-powerful hero packaged by artistic romanticism, which is beautified and deified to the point where he can't be attached. In this way, under Luo Guanzhong's pen, Zhuge Liang changed from a mortal to a god, a god that ordinary people are willing to accept, and the most outstanding incarnation of a recognized wisdom god.

If you put aside Zhuge Liang's gorgeous coat and dazzling brilliance and read the history of the Three Kingdoms period calmly, you will find a more real Zhuge Liang! Zhuge Liang, as a counselor, master, strategist and prime minister, fought a three-legged battle to help Liu Bei, established Shu State and made great achievements. However, if you read the history books carefully, you will find that Zhuge Liang is not a general who always wins, and strategic and tactical mistakes abound: the battle of empty city planning, which has been praised and praised by people for thousands of years, is actually an example of a war with great strategic mistakes and tactical luck. If Sima Yi sees through the truth of Zhuge Liang's empty plan and leads his army into the city, Zhuge Liang will become a ghost under the sword or a prisoner of Wei Jun. The battle of empty plan is a risky move that Zhuge Liang has to make because of his miscalculation. It was another great mistake of Zhuge Liang to behead Ma Su with tears in the Lost Street Pavilion. Six trips to Qishan and six northern expeditions to the Central Plains failed. Zhuge Liang, as commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, ruled out unfavorable factors such as weather and geographical location, and made obvious mistakes! Zhuge Liang's greatest failure in his life was the complete destruction of Shu. The capture of Liu Chan and the demise of Shu were historical events after Zhuge Liang's death, but Zhuge Liang, who had pretended to be his father before his death, was to blame and had considerable responsibilities to deal with! We can't help thinking and asking, why didn't Shu achieve the grand goal of unifying the whole country with Zhuge Liang's strategizing, outstanding prime minister and strategist, and hundreds of thousands of elite soldiers, which eventually led to the tragic result of national ruin and death?

It is an empty dream for Zhuge Liang to formulate the grand strategic ideal of unifying the whole country after the three pillars are separated. Not only did the Central Plains not be unified, but even the Shu State he personally created vanished in an instant. This is the tragedy of Shu State and Zhuge Liang's greatest life tragedy! How would Mr Zhuge feel if he found out in the grave? I don't know how clever Zhuge Liang was. Did he foresee the demise of Shu before he died? Did he predict the complete failure of himself and Shu?

Who did Zhuge Liang finally lose to? After the following research and analysis, I came to the following conclusion: Zhuge Liang finally lost to God! Heaven will not destroy Cao! In the face of the great ship of providence rolling forward, anyone's strategy and wisdom are insignificant and pitiful! What is providence? Public opinion is also! There was no righteous war in the Spring and Autumn Period. In fact, there was no just war in the Three Kingdoms period. The wars waged by Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan and others for turf and cities have brought great disasters and pains to the people. The ease and stability of the people became a symbol of public opinion during the Three Kingdoms period.

Liu Bei's Baidicheng passed away, and Zhuge Liang assisted Liu Chan, the young master, to govern Shu. Although Zhuge Liang was his father at this time, he was actually the emperor of Shu, not the emperor. He was very successful in the political arena of Shu. His self-mockery after he lost the street pavilion was also a show, and his power remained undiminished. He is still all-powerful in the political arena of Shu, and his prestige remains unchanged. Objectively speaking, in those years when Zhuge Liang was in charge of Shu, he managed Shu quite well, and his national strength and military strength were improved, and he made brilliant achievements. Zhuge Liang also made a major mistake at this time, which buried the bane of Shu's national subjugation-he completely ignored the cultivation and training of political quality, his son was unfilial, his father was guilty, and he was corrupt and incompetent in the future. As his father, Zhuge Liang is to blame. Zhuge Liang died suddenly, and there was an inevitable vacuum in the power center of Shu. History really pushed Liu Chan to the center of the political power stage of Shu. The beginning of fatuity and pleasure-seeking pushed Shu into the abyss of national subjugation step by step. How can Shu accomplish the great cause of reunifying the whole country from being in charge of the platform? How can you not be the king of national subjugation? God's will naturally turn to Wei, who is ambitious and has a growing military strength. Those who destroy the six countries are not Qin; It was not Wei who destroyed Shu, but Shu itself! Liu Chan itself! God forbid, Zhuge Liang was defeated by God after all!

Looking back at the history of the East-West military war, it is not difficult to find that the core of the eastern military development is around a "strategy"; The core of western military development has always been to develop strength (weapons and equipment), and its obvious differences are self-evident. This difference is particularly evident in the ancient military strategists in China, and is greatly and profoundly influenced by Sun Tzu's Art of War and Zhuge Liang, and its disastrous consequences frequently occur in the modern history of China. Only on the basis of strength and good strategy can we win all the time!