Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The Original Text and Translation of Donghai Xiaojing

The Original Text and Translation of Donghai Xiaojing

Original text:

In the East China Sea, there are filial wives, few widows, dead children and aunts who take care of them. My aunt wanted to marry her, but she refused. Aunt said to her neighbor, "I am diligent in filial piety and mourn for the loss of my son." I am old and tired for a long time. what can I do? "Since then, my aunt died.

Aunt told the official: "That woman killed my mother." Officials catch filial wives. The words of filial wife don't kill aunt, the official wants to cure it, and the filial wife pretends to serve herself. He was imprisoned by the government, and Yugong raised his aunt for this woman for more than ten years. Filial piety, he will not kill her when he hears it.

If the satrap doesn't listen, he can compete with others. But put him in prison, he cried at your house and left because of illness. The satrap talks about killing a filial wife. This county has been dry for three years in a row. After the satrap, divination.

The foolish old man said, "A good wife should not die, and the former magistrate should break it. What should the consultation be? " So the satrap killed the cow and sacrificed himself to the tomb of Xiao. Because it was raining heavily, I was one year old. The county respects the public with this welfare.


In the Han Dynasty, Donghai had a filial wife. Her husband died young, and she had no son, but she supported her mother-in-law tenderly. Her mother-in-law asked her to remarry, but she refused.

My mother-in-law said to her neighbor, "It's really hard for my daughter-in-law to serve me. I sympathize with her for losing her son and becoming a widow. I'm old, and I've been holding young people back for too long. What should I do? " Later my mother-in-law hanged herself.

Her daughter went to the government to complain, "That woman killed my mother." The government arrested the filial wife and tortured her with instruments of torture. The dutiful wife couldn't bear the pain and was forced to confess against her will.

At that time, Yugong served as a jailer and thought that this woman had raised her mother-in-law for more than ten years and was famous for her filial piety. She would never kill anyone. The satrap refused to accept his opinion, argued with others, and no one paid attention to it, so he cried bitterly at the satrap mansion with the confession of the case.

The satrap finally killed that woman. After the filial wife was killed, there was a drought in the county and it didn't rain for three years. After the successor Taishou came to power, Yugong said, "A filial wife should not be sentenced to death. The predecessor was too defensive to kill her, and this is the fault. "

So the satrap personally went to pay homage to the tomb of Mrs. Xiao, carved stones in front of the tomb to commend her virtue, and immediately it began to rain. That year was a bumper harvest. Since then, people have great respect for the public.

Said by: Hanshu, also known as Pre-Hanshu, is the first biographical dynastic history in China and one of the "Twenty-four History". It was compiled by Ban Gu, a historian of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and lasted for more than 20 years. It was basically completed in the early stage of its construction, and was interpreted by Yan Shigu in the later Tang Dynasty.

Extended data:

What kind of person is the dutiful wife in Donghai? There is no way to prove it. Historians in feudal society disdain to record such little people. Even the original records are just to render the justice of an East China Sea official.

Folklore also mostly describes the scene of filial piety after his wife was killed, "blood turned white when he was punished, and it snowed in June" and "there was a drought in the East China Sea for three years". As for why a dutiful wife died, there is no unified statement.

The general situation is that Zhou Qing's husband died suddenly after she got married for a few years, so she had to live alone with her mother-in-law, but this day didn't last long. One day, her mother-in-law was very ill, and Zhou Qing accidentally broke the medicine bowl while feeding her medicine. Mother-in-law suspects that she did it on purpose.

Then he complained to the government and was sentenced to death for disobedience. A few years later, officials tried the case again in public, and Donghai County was "raining from heaven". Folklore has this effect. It seems that the fate of a dutiful wife is bitter enough, not only failing to show mutual affection for Mr. and Mrs. Qi Mei.

Even filial piety is misunderstood and deprived of the right to life. When the whole society crushes a person, it is impossible for an individual to resist, let alone a weak woman who only knows how to accept.

Donghai filial piety case, a follow-up story in cause and effect;

One year, Yugong's door was broken, and the local villagers got together to help him repair it. Yu Gong said to the crowd, "You can build the gate a little higher, and it is best to make it a high cover that can accommodate cars." Xu refers to a carriage pulled by four horses.

After listening to Yu Gong's words, everyone was at a loss and didn't understand what Yu Gong meant, so they asked him why. Yu Gong said, "On weekdays, I have never wronged others in managing prisons and trying cases. So I have accumulated a lot of virtues, and my descendants will be prosperous in the future. "

It fully meets the expectations of CCBA. My son studied law with his father when he was a teenager in Dingguo. After the death of Yugong, Yu Dingguo was also in charge of the prison and was responsible for handling rebellion cases. Because of his outstanding intelligence, he was promoted many times.

After Emperor Gaozu Xuan Di Liu Xun ascended the throne, Yu Dingguo was promoted to Doctor Guanglu, became a trusted minister of Emperor Gaozu Xuan Di, and was appointed as. Yu Yong, the son of Yu Dingguo, is famous for his filial piety and was elected as the husband of Liu, the princess of Guantao.

The family was in decline and was favored by the emperor. In the past, Yu Gong said that because he had accumulated many virtues, his descendants were outstanding and his family was high. He was right.