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How to test whether he is lying?

The latest research on the interrogation of suspects by the FBI-

In social interaction, the number of times people lie or are deceived by lies is shocking. Even Feldman, a psychologist at the University of Massachusetts in the United States, said that everyone lied at least 25 times a day on average. Of course, there are different levels of lies, and some lies are out of kindness, so we don't have to pay attention to them, but if lies are out of deception and injury, how can we know if we have been cheated?

Recently, a recent study by psychologists at the University of California found that even the most frequent liar will have subconscious signals caught when his brain switches to pretend mode, and ordinary people can catch the liar's story like a polygraph. This research is to help the FBI staff interrogate suspects. What signals can help us identify lies?

Trick 1: Don't mention yourself and your name.

Weismann, a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire in the United States, said, "People naturally feel uncomfortable when telling lies. They instinctively exclude themselves from the lies they tell. For example, if you ask your friend why he didn't come to the scheduled dinner last night, he complains that his car broke down and he has to wait for repairs. The liar will replace' my car is broken' with' my car is broken'. "

So if you ask someone a question, they always omit "I" repeatedly, and they have reason to be suspected. Liars, on the other hand, rarely use the names of the people they involve in their lies. A famous example is that President Bill Clinton refused to replace "I didn't have sex with that woman" with "Monica" when he addressed the nation a few years ago.

Trick 2: Ask the liar the same question again and again.

Ask a person a question and wait for their answer. Ask again, the answer is still the same. Leave a gap between the second pass and the third pass. At the same time, their bodies will calm down and they will think, "I've got through it."

After all physiological reactions subside, the body relaxes and becomes normal. When you ask this question when they are not paying attention, they are no longer lying. They are not angry from embarrassment, but tend to confess. If a person says, "Didn't I already tell you?" Then he flew into a rage, which was mostly an affair. Or I will say to you: The problem is, I'd better be straight with you. "

Trick 3: When you lie, your eyes will look up to the right.

Liars never look into your eyes-they know this advice, so smart liars will look into your eyes more intently and their pupils will dilate. Everyone remembers my mother's criticism when I was a child,' You must have lied again-I know, because you dare not look me in the eye.' This teaches you from an early age that liars are afraid to look into their eyes, so people learn to do the opposite to avoid being seen through. In fact, when cheaters look at you, their attention is too concentrated, their eyes start to dry and blink more times, which is a fatal information leak.

Another accurate test is to stare directly at someone's eye movements, which shows that their brain is working. Most people, when the brain is "constructing" a sound or image (in other words, if they are lying), their eye movement direction is the upper right. If people try to remember what happened, they will look to the left. This kind of "eye movement" is a reflex action, and you can't pretend not to come unless you undergo strict training.

Tip 4: Liars never forget.

Try it on your friends and ask them what they did from leaving the office to going to bed two nights ago. It is inevitable that they will make several mistakes in the narrative process.

It is difficult to remember all the details of a period. People seldom remember everything that happened. They usually correct themselves repeatedly and straighten out their thinking. So they will say,' I went home and sat in front of the TV-oh, no, I called my mother first, and then I sat in front of the TV.' But liars don't make such mistakes when they make statements, because they have thought about all the hypothetical situations in their minds. They will never say,' Wait a minute, I was wrong.' However, it was their reluctance to admit that they were wrong in the statement that exposed them. "

Trick 5: The volume and tone suddenly change, and the liar's voice will rise unconsciously.

If you ask your husband who just called, he suddenly starts talking like a magpie, you should be on your guard. When lying, the pitch rises because the liar tries to hide his fragile heart.

Trick 6: True and false laughter tells everything.

Jeffrey Cowen, a professor of psychology at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States, is working on a machine that can measure the facial muscle changes of suspects during interrogation.

"We can know how many times each muscle moves, how long it takes them to change, and whether the performance of the subject is true or false." He explained.

But you don't need Cowen's machine to find a lying boyfriend or a guilty little girl, because a liar's fake smile can expose their lies in a few seconds. "The real smile is that the faces on both sides are evenly symmetrical. It came quickly, but it disappeared slowly, "Cowen said. "It includes wrinkles from the nose to the corners of the mouth, and laugh lines around your eyes."

"On the other hand, the disguised smile comes slowly and slightly unbalanced. When one side is not true, the other side wants to make a positive response. The eye muscles are not fully mobilized-that's why the cruel and vicious smile of the villain in the movie will never reach his eyes. "

Trick 7: The flash time of real expression is very short.

People will keep a normal expression for a few seconds, but on a "disguised face", real emotions will stay on the face for a short time, so you have to observe carefully. A famous anecdote is that in the film provided by united states secret service, when Bill Clinton talked about Monica Lewinsky, his forehead wrinkled slightly, and then he quickly recovered his calm.

Tip 8: Your nose will get bigger when you lie.

Do you know that your nose gets bigger when you lie? When you lie, your body's reaction is that excess blood flows to your face. Some people are flushed. This will also make your nose swell a few millimeters. Of course, this is invisible to the naked eye, but the liar will feel uncomfortable with his nose and touch it inadvertently-this is the embodiment of lying.

Trick 9: Liars always touch themselves.

Liars always touch themselves, just like chimpanzees dress up more when they are depressed. Psychologist Ao Huiya and others have done an experiment: instruct the experimenter to answer the interviewer's question with a lie, and record the nonverbal behavior in each time period immediately after giving the instruction, before lying, during lying and after lying, respectively, and compare it with those who did not lie.

Just after receiving the instruction, when the experimenter lied, the answer became shorter, accompanied by subtle actions such as fingering and subconsciously touching a certain part of the body. The more people try to hide their inner feelings when lying, the more they will be exposed because of the changes of various body movements.

How to get a liar to confess

You think some people are lying, but how to expose the truth?

● Don't blame your suspect: If you ask offensive questions, such as "Why weren't you there?" Or "Are you kidding?" This will alert people to their lies. Why not ask some open-ended questions, such as "Where did you say you were?" Or "When did you get home?"

● Use body language correctly: look at the other person's eyes, hang your head to one side, lean back, and use open gestures-for example, don't cross your hands. These body languages are not scary, but encourage others to tell the truth.

Repeat: If he says, "Look, I told you this." Ask him to repeat it accurately, because you want to hear it again-it's hard to repeat the fabricated story.

● Give them one last chance: If they still insist and you still doubt, it's best to give up for a while and say, "Well, what else should we do before making sure that none of this has happened?" If you give them a chance to change, they will be more inclined to confess.

Improvised version of lying: speak slowly, think while talking, don't look at you, stare at other things, ceiling, table, ground, etc. Speak vaguely and have no details. Stiff expression and limbs.

Spoken version of the lie: fast speech, fabricated lies, faster than usual. I repeat, it's exactly as I once said, and the expression is almost word for word. Sometimes dancing.