Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Menstruation was delayed for 4 days. On the first day, I used a test paper, and the second one can be seen vaguely. The second day, the third day and the fourth day are the same depth. The picture is

Menstruation was delayed for 4 days. On the first day, I used a test paper, and the second one can be seen vaguely. The second day, the third day and the fourth day are the same depth. The picture is

Don't be nervous, maybe you are pregnant, so relax, because it's no use worrying about the result now. Even if you don't want to, you have to wait until 40~50 days of pregnancy to have an abortion, which is the best time to have an abortion. So whatever the outcome, relax.

After sperm and eggs combine to form fertilized eggs, it takes 6-8 days to implant in endometrium, and then HCG secreted by placenta can enter urine in 7- 10 days. It is scientific to detect pregnancy from urine after sexual intercourse 18 days. Pregnancy can be detected as early as seven days after sex, usually about 14 days, and a few people can be diagnosed in more than 20 days, or go to the hospital for HCG examination and diagnosis.

In the first month of pregnancy, pregnant mothers generally don't feel the beginning of a new life. However, there are some important signs that will remind women of childbearing age. Congratulations, you may be pregnant!

Read the pregnancy signal

For women with regular menstruation, pregnancy is easier to judge.

Pregnancy signal 1- menopause

Menopause is a signal of 1 pregnancy. All women who have sex should remember their menstrual date and mark it with a calendar.

Generally speaking, if menstruation has passed for a week, you should doubt whether you are pregnant, and go to the hospital for urine HCG examination to determine whether you are pregnant. If it is 1 month overdue, the doctor can roughly find out the signs of pregnancy, making it easier to determine pregnancy.

Although a few women are pregnant, they will still have one or two menstruation when they come to menstruation. But menstrual blood is less than usual and the date is shorter. This is called "irregular menstruation" in Chinese medicine, and the real reason is not very clear.

Pregnancy signal 2- elevated body temperature

Basal body temperature refers to the body temperature measured in a quiet state after sleeping for more than 6 hours, waking up motionless and not eating, and is also an index used to judge pregnancy.

Generally, the body temperature measured immediately after waking up in the morning and when lying still can be used as the basal body temperature. For women with regular menstruation, in a menstrual cycle, the basal body temperature rises by about 0.5℃ after ovulation, and it does not begin to decline until the next menstrual cramp. After pregnancy, due to the influence of progesterone on the body temperature center, the body temperature will continue to remain at a high level without falling.

It is difficult for women with irregular menstruation to judge pregnancy with expired menstruation or thermometer, but the following pregnancy signs can be observed or realized.

Pregnancy signal 3- early pregnancy reaction

Some pregnant women begin to change their appetite shortly after menstruation expires (about 2 weeks). It often happens after getting up in the morning, with nausea, acid regurgitation, loss of appetite, picky eaters and so on. Some people don't want to eat or even vomit at all, and some people really want to eat something sour. These symptoms are called early pregnancy reaction and usually disappear naturally after half a month to one month.

Pregnancy Signal 4- Breast Changes

At the beginning of pregnancy, breasts will become bigger, tighter and heavier. There will be a feeling of fullness and tingling in the breasts. Small particles on the dark yellow areola around the nipple are particularly prominent. The changes in women who are pregnant for the first time are particularly obvious.

Pregnancy signal 5- frequent urination

At the beginning of pregnancy, many pregnant women urinate frequently, some once an hour, which is caused by the enlarged uterus pressing the bladder. After three months of pregnancy, the uterus grows larger than the pelvis, and the symptoms will naturally disappear.

Early pregnancy test paper-clear pregnancy

Since the early pregnancy test paper came out, it has brought great convenience to women, especially those with irregular menstruation. It's really convenient to know if you are pregnant by urine without going to the hospital.

On the seventh day of pregnancy, can a specific hormone be detected in urine? d? D Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) is usually examined in urine pregnancy test in hospital. At present, the commercial early pregnancy test paper is to quickly detect HCG in urine.

When testing, put the urine into a plastic cup, half a cup is enough, and then soak the note in the urine or let it stand for 1 ~ 3 minutes. If there is a ribbon in the control area of the test paper (some test paper is red and some test paper is blue), it means that you are not pregnant. On the contrary, if there is an obvious color band in the test area (or outside the standard line), it means positive, which means you are pregnant.

Attention should be paid to the use of early pregnancy test paper

In order to make the test results accurate, we should pay attention to the following aspects during the trial:

● If the test paper is stored for too long (more than 1 year) or improperly (such as being affected with moisture) and is not carefully stored at normal room temperature, it may be invalid and prone to false negative test results.

● If pregnancy has just started, or there is the possibility of ectopic pregnancy (ectopic pregnancy), let the samples with low HCG level in the body stand for more than 3 minutes, and whether there is weak positive must be carefully identified? d? D the color band in the detection area only appears weakly.

● After 3 months of pregnancy, HCG level drops, and urine test sometimes appears negative or weakly positive; A positive result does not mean that 100% is pregnant.

● Some tumor cells such as hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma, bronchial carcinoma and renal carcinoma can also secrete HCG. We have also met patients with endometrial hyperplasia with positive HCG test.

● Women of childbearing age are menopausal or suspected to be pregnant. Don't judge whether you are pregnant or not only by a self-test of early pregnancy test paper. To be on the safe side, you can test it again in three days. Of course, the most reliable thing is to go to the hospital in time for a comprehensive examination, especially for those who are weakly positive, so as to take measures as soon as possible.