Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Idiom stories are 50~ 100 words short.

Idiom stories are 50~ 100 words short.

1, vicissitudes of life

Mulberry fields, farmland. The sea becomes a mulberry field, and the mulberry field becomes the sea. Things have changed a lot.

Once upon a time, Wang Yuan met Ma Su and Li Xiannian to go to Cai Jing's house for a drink. Wang Yuan and his party soon arrived at Cai Jing's house, but they didn't see Ma Gu's arrival, so they sent messengers to invite him. Ma Gu came and said that she had been ordered to visit Penglai. She has seen the East China Sea turn into a mulberry field three times, and now the sea has retreated by half. Wang Yuan said it would raise dust again.

2, eclectic

Detention: restrictions; G: specifications and methods. Not limited to specifications or models.

Facing the corrupt Qing government, Gong Zizhen, a thinker in Qing Dynasty, advocated reform and banning smoking, which was not reused by the court. At the age of 48, he resolutely resigned and retired. Passing through Zhenjiang, he saw the local people worshiping the gods. He wrote a poem: "Kyushu is angry by the wind and thunder, and thousands of troops are studying sadly; I advise god to stand up again, let go of his talents, and don't stick to a pattern. "

Know it like the back of your hand.

Yes: I understand; Finger palm: Point to the palm of your hand. Describe knowing things clearly and like to put things in the palm of your hand for others to see.

Ancient emperors built ancestral temples, and the gods in them were arranged in turn according to the level of their ancestors. Whenever there is a major event or festival, the emperor will go to the temple to worship his ancestors. This is the so-called "Luo" ceremony. Many people don't understand etiquette, so they ask Confucius for advice. Confucius believed that Luzong Temple violated the Rites of Zhou. He avoided talking about it, pointed to the palm of his hand and said, "He who knows courtesy knows the way to govern the country."

Step 4 break the waves

Metaphor is ambitious, fearless and brave.

Zong Yi, a famous general in the Southern Song Dynasty, was ambitious since he was a child. He likes dancing with a gun and casting swords. When his uncle Zong Bing asked him about his ambition, he replied, "I want to break through a thousand miles with a long wind!" Later, he led troops to attack Linyi country, won by stratagem, and was named General Zuo Wei.

Step 5 pull out the seedlings and encourage them

Metaphor is a bad thing to go against the objective law of the development of things and be eager for success.

Once upon a time, there was a farmer in the Song Dynasty who was worried that the seedlings in his field were not tall, so he went to see them every day. Three days passed and the seedlings did not move. He thought of a way and hurried to the field to raise seedlings tree by tree. Go back and tell my son that the seedlings have grown much. When my son ran into the field, all the seedlings died.

6. A leaf is blind

The eyes are blocked by a leaf, which means that you can't see the whole picture of things.

A bookworm read the story of "cicada slough" from ancient books, believed it and looked around. He picked all the leaves from the cicada's hiding place, took them home to cover his face for an experiment and asked his wife if she could see him. The wife said angrily that she couldn't see. He took this leaf and stole it in the street. After being arrested, he said, "I'm blind. Can you see it? "

7. Long awaited

Describe the repeated urging.

Bai Juyi pleaded for the people with poetry, which offended the powerful people at that time. So he was demoted to Jiangzhou as Sima. He came to Xunyang River to bid farewell to his friends who were about to leave, and the wind blew reeds, which made him miserable. They got on the boat, drank wine, and there was pipa on the river. They brought the boat near and waited for a long time before they saw that the beautiful woman was still hiding half her face behind her guitar.

8. Nine Niu Yi hairs

Save a car burning firewood with a glass of water. Metaphor power is too small to solve the problem.

Once upon a time, there was a woodcutter who was collecting firewood on the mountain. When he heard the sound of fire fighting, he ran to put out the fire. Later, his firewood train caught fire. Just as he saw a cup on the roadside, he took the cup and ran to the river to fill it with water to put out the fire. But the fire was so big that a glass of water didn't help at all, and a truckload of firewood was burned up.

9. Realistic

Vivid: A lively appearance. Refers to the artistic image is very realistic, as if there is life.

Zhuangzi wrote such a story: "Once upon a time, Zhuang Zhoumeng was a butterfly, lifelike." He dreamed that he became a beautiful butterfly, more beautiful than a real butterfly, dancing in the air.

10, three trips to the cottage

It was originally a story about Liu Bei's visit to Zhuge Liang at the end of Han Dynasty. Metaphor is sincere and invited again and again. Liu Bei, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei personally went to Wollongong to see Zhuge Liang, but they had not seen him twice before. They finally met Zhuge Liang for the third time and sincerely invited Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain.

1 1, one for ten.

When: quite. One man against ten. Describe the army as brave and good at fighting.

In 506 AD, Sun Wu led 30,000 elite soldiers to attack the State of Chu, wiped out more than 200,000 troops of the State of Chu, and created a war example of taking one as ten.

12, hearsay

What you hear on the road, what you spread on the road. Generally refers to unfounded rumors.

Pore, the neighbor of the ancient scholar Ai Zi, was an idle person who often exaggerated what he heard outside and told it to Ai Zi. Once he said, "A duck laid 100 eggs at a time." Ai Zi doesn't believe it. He said that a piece of meat twenty feet long and ten feet wide fell from the sky, and he swore that he heard it with his own ears.

13, an ice core

Bing Xin: A clean heart. Describe indifferent temperament, not seeking fame and fortune.

Wang Changling, a poet, suffered many setbacks in officialdom, offended powerful people and was relegated, but he still comforted himself with a transparent and pure heart, determined not to go along with those people. In his poem "Farewell to Furong Inn and Xin Qiji", he expressed such feelings: "It is rainy in Wu Han at night, and Chushan sees the guests off. If relatives and friends in Luoyang ask each other, a piece of ice heart is in the jade pot. "

14, according to the map

Follow the portrait to find a good horse. Metaphor is hidebound; It is also a metaphor to follow the clues to find.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, Sun Yang (Bole), an expert on horseback riding, wrote "Riding a Horse" based on his riding experience. His son wanted to learn the technique of riding, read the book on riding, and chose a "swift horse" according to the standard in the book-a toad went home to report good news to his father. Bole was very upset after reading it.

15, magnificent mountains and rivers

Describe heroism and make the mountains and rivers of the motherland more magnificent.

During the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhao Ding's 2 1 year-old Jinshi was appreciated by Prime Minister Wu Min and transferred to the capital city of Kaifeng. Nomads from the south, Song Qinzong panicked, Zhao Ding advocated resistance to gold in the end, but Song Qinzong ignored it. After the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhao Ding still insisted on resisting gold, and Qin Gui persecuted him, so he had to write: Riding a basket, he ended up in the sky, full of vigor and vitality.

16, overreaching

I don't measure my ability. Overestimate your own strength.

During the Spring and Autumn Period, the weak countries launched a war from Zheng and were defeated. The reason is that there is no correct analysis of the enemy's strength and the enemy's inability to distinguish between them, and the neighboring countries have not United. As a result, the country was soon destroyed by Chu.

17, make trouble.

Describe harassment, even making chickens and dogs restless.

Liu Zongyuan was demoted to Yongzhou as Sima. He witnessed the miserable situation of the people with his own eyes and wrote an article "The Snake Catcher said". This article describes a snake catcher who would rather risk his life to catch snakes than farm because corrupt officials make local chickens and dogs restless.

18, insufficient

I want to do it, but I don't have enough strength.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, Ban Chao, who was in his 70 s, fought in the Western Regions to quell the Xiongnu rebellion, became increasingly weak, so he wrote to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty and asked to return to the Central Plains to provide for the elderly. His sister, Ban Zhao, also wrote a letter, saying that Ban Chao was old, and if there was any more war, it would be too much for him. Han and Emperor read the two people's letters and nodded repeatedly, so they sent a letter to Ban Chao to return to Beijing.

19, self-knowledge

Know your own situation and have a correct estimate of yourself.

When Qi Weiwang became king, all he did was eat, drink and be merry, and he liked listening to others play the piano. Zou Ji took the piano to visit Qi Weiwang, only talking but not playing, and linked the reason of not playing the piano with governing the country, so that Qi Weiwang could understand the reason of governing the country. Qi Weiwang appointed Zou Ji as Prime Minister. Zou Ji is very self-aware and influenced Qi Weiwang with his own image.

20, tirelessly teach people.

Teach people to be particularly patient and never get tired.

Confucius led his disciples around the world and experienced Xinzheng disease. They had to live there for several months. Disciple Fan Chi asked Confucius how to do farm work. Confucius was unhappy. Instead of tirelessly teaching others, he admitted that he was not as good as the old farmer. Fan Chi had to consult local farmers and eventually planted gourds and lentils.