Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How does Daoist magic set the opponent's position?

How does Daoist magic set the opponent's position?

Daoism can set the opponent's position like this:

1. Before using Taoist divination, you must first determine the diviner and opponent, that is, the person or thing you want to divine, and other objects or characters related to it.

2. Know the opponent's position information: After determining the opponent, you need to know the opponent's position information. This includes where the opponent is, the specific direction and distance.

3. Put gossip in the branches: According to the known information, put gossip in the divination chart in a specific way, thus forming a special situation in Daoism. These gossip are arranged in a specific direction and order to form an array.

4. Deduction of Six Lords: After the battle positions of Daoism and Magic are arranged, it is necessary to calculate the Six Lords according to the opponent's position and different time to get an accurate prediction result. The six-term course includes six aspects: opening, taking part in the door, flying stars, setting the course, Jedi, returning to the soul and celestial disk.