Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is Brahmanism?

What is Brahmanism?

Brahmanism is one of the ancient religions in India, which originated from the Vedas in 2000 BC and was formed in the 7th century BC. At present, it is one of the five major religions in the world, and its followers are mainly distributed in India.

Brahmanism reached its peak from the 6th century BC to the 4th century AD. After the 4th century, due to the development of Buddhism and Jainism, Brahmanism began to weaken.

In the 8th and 9th centuries, Brahmanism absorbed some teachings of Buddhism and Jainism, combined with Indian folk beliefs, carried out Karo Reform and gradually developed into Hinduism. There is no essential difference between Hinduism and Brahmanism, and the teachings are basically the same. They all believe in Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and advocate that good and evil are rewarded. The cycle of life depends on the behavior of the world. Only when Brahman and I become one, can we get liberation and get positive results. So Hinduism is also called "New Brahmanism", and pre-Brahmanism is called "Ancient Brahmanism".

Chinese and foreign scholars have different opinions about the time when Brahmanism and Hinduism were introduced into Myanmar and Southeast Asian countries. Chinese scholar Duan believes that Brahmanism was first introduced into Cambodia in the 2nd century BC, and then spread to Southeast Asian countries. Huang Xinchuan, a Chinese scholar, believes that Brahmanism entered Upper Myanmar from Assam, India, around A.D., and then was introduced into the Mekong River basin from Myanmar. Min Xi, a Burmese scholar, believes that Brahmanism was first introduced to Myanmar and then to Southeast Asia after the 3rd century. However, according to the latest archaeological excavations in Myanmar, it is believed that Brahmanism was introduced into Myanmar with Buddhism at least in or before the 3rd century BC, and then from Myanmar into Thailand, Cambodia and other Southeast Asian countries.

Buddhism is the national religion of the Burmese people. Since ancient times, the people of Myanmar have sincerely believed in Buddhism and regarded the teachings of Buddhism as the standard of morality and behavior. Buddhism has penetrated into the hearts of the people of Myanmar, penetrated into all levels of Myanmar culture, penetrated into all corners of Myanmar society, and had a profound impact on the life value, moral standards, politics, economy, culture, customs, literature and art of the people of Myanmar. Myanmar is a Buddhist society through and through.

However, since ancient times, Burmese people have believed in Brahmanism, Brahmanism gods, natural gods and national gods, and developed into 37 gods inside and 37 gods outside. Among the gods, there are Brahmanism Shiva, Elephant Trunk Paradise and Rassady's Goddess of Wisdom. Among the gods, Brahman is the first god, the Lord of the gods. Therefore, the religion believed by the early Burmese was a mixture of Buddhism and Brahmanism. There are few records about the spread and development of Brahmanism in Myanmar. We can only judge the religious beliefs of the early Burmese according to the cultural relics excavated in Myanmar archaeology. The urns and ancient coins found by Myanmar Archaeological Bureau in Taigong period, Vishnu period, Hanlin period and Tanluo period all have pictures of Pharaoh, water ripples, auspicious visa patterns and trident spears, indicating that Brahmanism was introduced to Myanmar from India since Taigong dynasty, because Pharaoh was the hand-held object of Brahmanism Vishnu, and the water ripples were the symbol of Vishnu riding a dragon when he was resting, and the trident spear was held by Shiva.

Since Brahmanism was introduced into Myanmar, it has developed rapidly in Myanmar. In Vishnu, Hanlin and Tanluo periods, Brahmanism reached its peak in Myanmar. However, since the establishment of Bagan Dynasty in Myanmar in A.D. 1044, the development of Brahmanism was restricted and began to decline, but it still exists in modern Myanmar society.

Throughout the whole period of Myanmar's historical development, the Burmese people have always believed in Brahmanism. In other words, the influence of Brahmanism runs through all stages of Myanmar's historical development, and even the shadow of Brahmanism can still be found in Myanmar's current society. There are still Hindu friendly consultation meetings in Rangoon, the capital of Myanmar, including the Temple of Shiva Krishna and the Temple of Difficult Mother. People still believe in the god of Brahmanism, and Brahmanism divination is still popular among Burmese people.

Judging from the development and spread of Brahmanism in Myanmar, it can be roughly divided into four periods. The first period is the introductory stage. About the 3rd century BC or earlier, India accompanied Aryan businessmen to do business in Myanmar and was introduced into the Grand Duchy of Myanmar. The second period is the development stage. Brahmanism reached its peak in Myanmar after passing through Vishnu, Hanlin and Tanluo. The third period is the decline stage. From Bagan Dynasty to Kampong Dynasty, Brahmanism began to weaken in Myanmar. The fourth period is the remaining stage. From the Kampong Dynasty to the present, only Indian immigrants in Myanmar still believe in Brahmanism, and Burmese people no longer believe in it, but the influence of Brahmanism still exists among Burmese people.

Brahmanism has a great influence on Myanmar culture. First of all, Brahmanism is the earliest religion that Burmese believe in. Brahmanism was introduced into Buddhism as the protector of Buddhism, and Indra was worshipped as the first of the 37 traditional gods still believed in Myanmar. Secondly, the religious rituals of Brahmanism were widely absorbed and used in various rituals of the feudal dynasty in Myanmar. Brahmanism priests were employed in the court of the feudal dynasty in Myanmar, and Brahmanism ceremonies were used to preside over court ceremonies and state ceremonies. Secondly, Brahmanism patterns are widely used in Buddhism and civil architecture in Myanmar. Fourthly, the astrology of Brahmanism was introduced into Myanmar, and it has been popular in Myanmar society so far. Fifth, the myth of Brahmanism was introduced into Myanmar, forming a traditional festival; Finally, the story of Brahmanism has a great influence on Myanmar literature, and Ramayana's plays have been enduring for a long time.