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What does agility mean?

Question 1: What does Agile mean and how does it express the author's feelings? Personally, I think the best way is to combine the author's background and life experience at that time to better understand his feelings when writing this article. If you can personally understand the author's thoughts and feelings, you will find out why the author feels this way. I hope my answer can help you. Please take the answer if possible. Thank you.

Question 2: What does the word smart mean? How do you express the author's feelings? There is a fire in everyone's heart, and passers-by only see smoke. But there is always a person, there is always a person who can see this fire and come and accompany me. I am out of breath with my enthusiasm, my indifference, my rage, my gentleness and my unreasonable belief in love. I stammered to her, what's your name? Start with your name, and then, everything.

Question 3: What does Agile mean? Agility is a word in China Chinese, which means having aura; The meaning of manifestation. Lively but not dull, full of change. It can describe sound.

Question 4: What emotion does the word smart express? Personally, I think the best way is to better understand the author's feelings when writing this article by combining his background and life experience at that time. If you can personally understand the author's thoughts and feelings, you will find out why the author feels this way. I hope my answer can help you.

Question 5: What does it mean to be agile? Literally.

Question 6: What's the difference between "exceptional agility" and "exceptional agility"? These two words express the same meaning, both of which mean "smart", but the emphasis is different.

"Extremely smart" highlights "smart", which means "very smart, very smart"

"Abnormal agility" highlights "abnormality", that is, "unusual agility and agility different from ordinary people"

Question 7: What does youthful agility mean? Agility is a word in China Chinese, which means having aura; The meaning of manifestation. Lively but not dull, full of change. It can describe sound.

Question 8: What does Smart Tarot Card 22 stand for? Fool Wandering (Astrology: Wang Xing) Magician Creating (Astrology: Mercury)

Priest-Wisdom (Astrology: Moon)

Emperor-Harvest (astrology: Venus)

Emperor rule (astrology: Aries)

Pope's assistance (astrology: Taurus)

Love combination (astrology: two-seater)

Chariot-Victory (Astrology: Cancer)

Strength-Will (Astrology: Leo)

Hermit-Exploration (Astrology: Location)

Wheel of Destiny-Wheel (Astrology: Jupiter)

Meaning-Balance (Astrology: Libra)

Hang upside down-sacrifice (astrology: Neptune)

Death-End (Astrology: Scorpio)

Temperance-Purification (Astrology: Sagittarius)

Demon temptation (Capricorn)

Tower-Destruction (Astrology: Mars)

Moon-Ann (Pisces)

Sun-life (according to astrology: the sun)

Judgment-Restoration (Astrology: Pluto)

World-Da (Astrology: Saturn)

Question 9: Some people say that this is a green jade, but the green color of jade is not so smart. What does the word smart mean? How does the author express his feelings? The first month in charge of Rome

Question 10: the key to the feeling after writing "Smart China People"

After reading a work or an article, we will naturally be moved and have many feelings, but many of them are fragmentary, some are vague and disappear in an instant. To write a review, we should be good at grasping these fragmentary and even vague feelings, thinking and comparing them repeatedly, finding out two more prominent and realistic ones, then concentrating them and sorting them out on the basis of in-depth thinking. Only in this way can we do it.

Fourth, it is true and natural. That is, write your true feelings. Write how you are moved and how you think. The more concrete and true your thoughts are, the more sincere and vivid your articles will be, and the people will be encouraged.

From the way of expression, the feeling after reading is often expressed through narration and discussion, and if necessary, it will be expressed by lyric means. Narration is to connect facts with reality. Argumentation is about feelings and reasoning. Lyricism is to express the meaning of * * * after reading it. The narrative language should be concise, the exposition should be accurate, and the lyricism should be concentrated. The three should be integrated into one, avoiding empty talk, big talk and slogans.

There are two forms of expression: one is to explain the truth with practice. This is to use my own personal experience and concrete and vivid examples to clarify the correctness of a truth from the combination of theory and practice, to concretize and visualize the theory, to make it flesh and blood, to make it reasonable and to make it clear and vivid. The second is to explain the significance from the perspective of theoretical research. According to my own research and understanding, this paper expounds a more vivid. Or evaluate the ideological significance of a work. Its function is to help readers deepen their understanding of the original text theoretically. The focus of this feeling after reading is still on the word "feeling", but it is theoretical, so we must pay attention to the characteristics of argumentative writing, such as clear arguments, typical arguments and clear and prominent centers.