Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is Mongolian bone culture? What style does it have?

What is Mongolian bone culture? What style does it have?

Speaking of Mongols, I believe everyone is familiar with them, a very famous nomadic people. In Mongolian culture, people are very particular about eating meat. Not every part can be eaten casually, and some parts can only be eaten at a certain age. With the spread of bone culture, there are some interesting stories. If you chew bones with a little of this story, can you add some interest? Now I'll take you to know about it.

Mongolians eat meat and chew bones, pay attention to more, and have more taboos. Some belong to the range of cooking and posing anatomy, some are not for some people, some are for some people, and some can't be eaten until a certain age. It's really a bit like Confucius' "Don't eat evil". After research, a book similar to bone culture can be published. Other bones have their own "special functions". Besides the function, there is an interesting story. If you remember these stories, it will definitely add a lot of interest to insert a paragraph when eating meat. Because you won't be as skilled with a knife as the Mongols, and you won't know some anecdotes about bones. You'll only chew the bone to death. Is it too uncultured?

Bone culture-an interesting story of sheep monster

There is a special free bone connection between the hind hoof and calf of cattle and sheep, which is called "manic bone" in Chinese, commonly known as sheep turn, and The Journey to the West wrote "turn solitary". Mongolian is called "Shah" or translated as "Zhuishi". This kind of bone has six shapes: wide and narrow, convex and concave, positive and lateral, and hexagonal. Therefore, the folk proverb says, "Sheep go up the mountain, sheep go over the deep valley, horses run to the sunny beach, and cows lie in the lee." The handstand is not stable. I am catching a big camel. "Use the names of these five animals to name both sides of the sheepfold.

When children in pastoral areas are three or four years old, adults will take it out and let them identify the livestock. Older ones can play the game of turning over sheep. There is not a Mongolian and China child who grew up in a pastoral area who can't play games with sheep crutches. Therefore, their childhood memories are always associated with sheep abduction. When Temujin (later Genghis Khan) cooperated with Zhamu as an ally at the age of eleven, he gave Zhamu a copper-watered sheep crutch, and Zhamu also gave Temujin a sheep crutch. Later, the two turned against each other and remembered that they were "dear again" when they gave each other sheep crutches.

Yang Guai forged a bond of friendship here. 1983, a broken bone of Jiumei was found while cleaning an ancient tomb of Liao Dynasty in Bahrain Right Banner. There is a calf bone, seven mountain bones and sheep bones, and a steel imitation sheep bone. From this point of view, the nomadic tribes in the north can contact the sheep turn earlier.

There is a saying on the grassland that "agate coral is a rare treasure, the meat in livestock is a treasure, and the bones in meat are a treasure", which shows how important it is for sheep to turn. Cows lie down, sheep lie down, and herders keep crutches no matter how many livestock they kill. Not only did they keep them for themselves, but they also put those who won others in their purses, some of which amounted to hundreds of thousands. "There are many cattle and sheep in a crowded house", that is to say. In the winter leisure season, men, women and children play with sheep's turn, and it is a great pleasure to win each other's sheep's turn. Therefore, there is a saying among herders that "beating a sheepfold is also a skill".

Bone culture-shoulder anecdote

When Alashan releases the whole sheep, the scapula should be left at the end. One of the guests picked the meat from it and cut it into many small strips according to the number of people in the seat and gave it to everyone. Then, chew the meat on the scapula, put a long sheep tail and a glass of wine, and give it to the folk Zhuzan family present: "Zan, please praise the scapula", so Zhuzan family praised the scapula from the inside out in an orderly way. Finally, he praised his master: May this scapula master make a name for himself in the palace, be happy and healthy, have children, have herds of animals, have rich assets and be kind to the villagers. ...

After the eulogy, I sucked my long tail into my stomach in two breaths and drank the glass of wine in one breath. Why does the scapula have such a special reputation that everyone should share it? It turns out that this has a background. According to legend, an old hunter always rides a white horse when hunting, and always returns with a full load. There was a Bayin (rich man) who took a fancy to the old hunter's horse, and he didn't give it or give it in exchange, so he was up to no good. That night, he rode his black horse to visit the old hunter's home. The old hunter entertained him with a "shoulder banquet" (that is, the chest vertebrae, front legs, shoulder blades and sheep's head mentioned above), but that guy actually ate all the meat on the shoulder blades. It was snowing in the middle of the night, and Bayin confessed to killing the old hunter's horse.

The next morning, he told the old hunter, "No, I just saw your horse trip and die." The old hunter said, "I have lived for seventy years, and no one has ever eaten meat on my shoulders." How did this happen? " I ran over and saw that it was Bayin's dark horse that died. It turned out that last night, the snow was tight, and his black horse was frosted, mistaking it for the old hunter's white horse, and as a result, he hurt himself. Since then, it has become a folk custom for everyone to eat shoulder blades.

This rural custom is almost everywhere in Mongolia, and local legends have their own merits. The legend of Xilin Gol seems to be more dramatic: a hunter went hunting in the mountains and roasted wild animals and drank wine at noon. At this time, two robbers slipped in and sneaked on the cliff above the hunter's head. Their heads shone into the hunter's tea bowl. The hunter was not afraid to see this "thief's shadow in the cup", so he cut a lot of meat from the shoulder blade and said smoothly, "Shoulder blade, everyone eat, eat!" East, west, north and south, Zhang San and Li Si called a phone call. The robbers thought there were many people at the bottom of the cliff, afraid of losing money, and fled every day. From then on, the custom of eating the scapula alone was formed.

Shoulder blades, you can play divination.

The scapula is both a human and an animal. One end is connected with the forearm bone through the fossa, and the other end is connected with the trunk muscle through the brittle bone, which is independent and complete. There are pots, horse tracks, wells, grasslands and other common natural and human environments in pastoral areas. Based on this, the ancients invented scapular divination. When divining, you should wash your hands and face first, sprinkle milk on your shoulder blades, and then pray to the Buddha to make him have aura, and then start divination. The scapula of divination is divided into black and white. Those who use it for divination after eating clean meat are called white shoulder blades. Burning black divination after eating meat is called black scapula. Peng Daya's so-called "burning sheep's bones, testing its literary and artistic disobedience, distinguishing its quality, abandoning heaven and land, deciding this, believing it, is called burning pipa", which probably refers to the latter.

The scapula is triangular and flat, shaped like a pipa, so it is also called pipa. It is said that "Oracle bones" and "Oracle bones" are false, and Oracle bones are Oracle Bone Inscriptions, so they originated earlier. When Xu Ting and his party were ordered to go to Mongolia in the Song Dynasty, Wokuotai Khan burned the pipa several times and decided to stay. As a result, it was time to go, and Xu Ting and his team returned to Kyoto. This shows the importance of Jiabu to ancient Mongolia.

Why is Gaby so effective? Folk also said. It is said that a long time ago, a hero wanted to marry the princess of Khan, and she won all the benefits of riding, wrestling and archery. Finally, Khan hid the princess for the hero to guess. If he is right, he will marry his daughter, otherwise all previous efforts will be in vain. Heroes have no choice but to turn to a herder in their country for help. The herder took out a shoulder blade of an antelope and studied it for a while. He said that divination had been worked out, but he dared not be blind, because Khan was surrounded by two soothsayers, yellow and black, and he would know who leaked the secret to you, so I would not live. When the hero begged, the herder thought of a way: he hid under the big iron pot, pointed to the teapot mouth and told Ding the secret. The hero's lunch is simple.

Khan didn't believe that the hero guessed it himself, so he taught the two gentlemen a lesson. Mr. Black Face said, "This is what the Iron Man told me." Mr. Yellow Face said, "This is what the brass mouth told me." Khan flew into a rage: "There is no such thing as an iron body and a copper mouth!" " "They killed two fortune tellers, but the herdsmen became famous from then on, so they handed down the method of divination with shoulder blades, and Huangshan sheep was the most effective.

Shoulder blades, be alert.

The above stories and practices show that the scapula is detached, aura, and has a certain hint and warning function. Up to now, there are some dangerous roads in pastoral areas. The shoulder blades are often hung on trees and have several long ribs. The wind blows the ribs on the shoulder blades and tinkles to remind passers-by that there is danger ahead, so don't rush forward. Or in the middle of the road, pull a leather rope horizontally and hang a lot of shoulder blades on it like a flag, which also plays a warning role, just like the signs on both sides of the road today.

Shoulder blades are large and small, with handles to hold, thin and easy to ring. Rural children make two holes in it, tie two copper coins and sway around the village like drums. Although this can serve as a reminder, the significance of vigilance is gone.

Eating shoulder blades is taboo.

The scapula is strange among bones and pays attention to a lot. Children can't chew shoulder blades, younger generations can't chew shoulder blades in front of elders, and nephews can't chew shoulder blades in front of uncles. When a nomad falls, he can't leave his shoulder blades intact in the old camp. He must break it and throw it away. Now there are more and more three rounds of transactions in pastoral areas, and the bones thrown away in the past have become acquisitions, but herders still don't sell shoulder blades.

Bone Culture: Anecdotes of Sacrum

Sheep's spine has many sections, and the last section is called sacrum. Because the coccyx is attached to the bottom, you can't eat, and the weight of the front vertebra is pressed on it, which makes the stress more painful, so it is commonly known as "bitter bone", which is an old name. Despite the pain, the meat on it is delicious. Isn't the so-called inner ridge and outer ridge cut from them? Once, a traveler was eating bones in his tent, and a robber came outside to know what to do.

The traveler noticed this move and had a brainwave and asked himself, "Do you want to break the sacrum?" "Open it!" The robbers thought there were at least two people inside, so they were afraid to do it. After that, the value of suffering bone doubled and became a "question and answer bone". Moreover, when eating this bone, even a person can't eat it quietly. You must ask yourself loudly, "Are you untied?" "untie!"

With the movement of the stars, the rising of the sun and the setting of the moon, the scope of questions and answers has expanded nine times: two bones protruding to both sides are shaped like the wings of a phoenix; The flat protruding part connected to the upper spine looks like a hero's forehead, as well as nails, fine horse teeth, Xumishan, carpenter's hairpin, saddle, running water, crow's mouth and so on. There are different names in different places, but they are all nine. The guest eats the whole sheep, takes apart the Q&A bones, chews them clean, puts them on a plate and hands them to the host. The host stood up and took the dish, held the question-and-answer bone with his left thumb and forefinger, and pointed to the upper part with a white grass in his right hand, asking questions to the guests one by one.

If a guest can not only answer what it is, but also why, it can be regarded as "Miergan" (a wise man) and can win the appreciation of the guests in the room. For example, ask: What shape does this look like? A: Manicure. Q: Why do you see it? A: There is no scissors to cut cloth and no thimble to sew clothes, so it becomes a manicure. Q: What shape does it look like? A: Good horse teeth. Q: Why do you think you are a good horse? Answer: You can catch up with the wild donkey and the antelope without a shovel, so you become a good horse. So wait and ask questions. If you don't know much, or you can't answer at all, you will be laughed at by others and feel ashamed. So if you can't remember the nine characteristics, don't unload them separately, just put them back on the plate quietly and you can get away with it.

Bone Culture —— Interesting Story of Cattle Leg

As the saying goes, "the son of a father doesn't eat a cow leg stick." Cattle leg stick, the radius of local famous cattle is also. According to legend, I don't know what dynasty ago, a father's only son went to Ayin-the long-distance transportation now. When you leave, catch a bus, or practice a camel, take a leather sheet or salt, and go to Zhangjiakou, Dakulun and Hohhot to exchange some tea, cloth, wine, cigarettes and sugar, but they are all for your own use and rarely sold. The only son went to catch the bus and left with three legs and sticks. I can't bear to throw away the meat after eating it. I sleep in the desert at night and put them in the car.

One is companionship, the other is courage. There happened to be a gangster who cut the diameter and wanted to grab something smaller than a car. In the darkness, he regarded the ox leg stick as a human shadow. I think there are three or four people. I'd better go. So the only son escaped this difficulty and returned to his parents safely. After that, it formed the custom that no brothers and sisters did not eat radius. Not only do you not eat, you can't throw the leftover bones, you can't make a fire, you can't feed the dogs. You must put some sticks in the hollow of the radius and put them in the rafters southeast of Mongolian yurt gate, so that they can continue to stand guard. Just like Qin Qiong and Weichi Gong posted on the door of the Han nationality.