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What idioms describe looking forward to the future?

Carry forward the past, open up the present, link the past with the future, and make great achievements.

First, carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future

Explanation: inheritance: inheritance; Open: open. Inherit the cause of predecessors and open up the road of the future.

From: Song Zhuxi's "Zhu Ziquan Zhou Shuzi's Book": "Therefore, carry forward the past and learn from each other's strengths and make great contributions to the world."

Therefore, it is a great contribution to the world to inherit the sages of our predecessors and open our hearts to learn.

Second, past lives [jǔkāI jιn]

Interpretation: refers to the future.

From: Modern Lu Xun's Letters to Zheng Zhenduo: "It will be a great pity if Mr. Wang leaves Beiping, because Beiping is an ancient cultural capital and has much to do in the future."

It will be a pity if Mr. Wang leaves Beiping, because he has to study this ancient cultural capital, miss the past and open up today.

Three. continue from the preceding and introduce the following

Explanation: Taking over the above causes the following. Mostly used for writing articles.

From: Yan's Etymology and Song Writing: "Think about how to start, how to end, and then choose rhyme. The most important thing is not to break the meaning of the song, but to connect the preceding with the following. "

Consider how the head begins and how the tail ends. First, choose rhyme, and then explain the song. The most important thing is not to break the meaning of the song, but to connect the preceding with the following.

Four. Connect the past and the future.

Explanation: bear: bear; Rev: start. Carry forward the past and forge ahead. It refers to inheriting the cause of predecessors and opening the way for future generations.

From: Zhu Ming Guozhen's "Zhuang Yong's Essays Traveling to An Wen": "There is grass before the public inheritance, and there are scales after it. This merit will last forever."

Today's enterprises, which started from the predecessors, have reached a certain scale since their opening. Such a feat can go down in history.

Verbs (short for verb) can do a lot.

Description: exhibition: opening scroll painting, metaphor realization; Grand plan: a metaphor for grand strategies and plans. Implement grand plans or ambitions on a large scale.

Said by: Let the official guard be Pei Xianggong: "Initiating the grand plan of rejuvenation is a peaceful calendar."

Open ZTE's grand strategy and plan, in the history of peace and prosperity.