Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How to adjust the amount of black menstruation, and how to adjust the irregular menstruation of endocrine disorders?

How to adjust the amount of black menstruation, and how to adjust the irregular menstruation of endocrine disorders?

Whether menstruation is normal or not is directly related to women's health. When the menstrual flow is small, there are other ways to change besides diet. First of all, menstrual women must pay attention to keep warm, avoid cold stimulation, and not be cold in diet. In addition, to avoid overwork and keep a happy mood, these methods have a good effect on menstrual conditioning, thus preventing the symptoms of less menstrual flow. So, how to adjust the amount of black menstruation? Here is a small series to answer your questions.

How to adjust the amount of black menstruation?

Modern medicine believes that less menstrual flow is caused by low estrogen level and endocrine disorders. There are many reasons for less menstrual flow and blackening. In addition to luteal insufficiency, abnormal thyroid and lactation hormone functions, endometrial adhesion after induced abortion is also one of the reasons. In addition, it also includes long-term malnutrition, environmental changes, mental stress, improper menstrual care, and physical cold.

Chinese medicine believes that less and dark menstruation is caused by qi stagnation and blood stasis, blocking pulse and poor blood circulation. Menstrual blood stays in the uterus for too long, which easily leads to less and dark menstrual flow, and dysmenorrhea is also related to this.

Menstruation is less and black for a long time.

Less menstruation and long dark hours are mainly caused by female endocrine disorders and low estrogen levels, and of course they may also be caused by diseases. Normal menstruation can be restored by conditioning with traditional Chinese medicine. For example, you can take some drugs that promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation, such as Wuji Baifeng Pills and Leonurus Granules, eat more fruits and vegetables, keep your abdomen warm, and often eat some Chinese medicines or foods that tonify qi and blood, such as Ejiao and Lycium barbarum. If the above conditioning has no effect, it is recommended that women with symptoms of less menstrual flow and long dark time go to the hospital to check their hormone levels and do a B-ultrasound examination to see if it is caused by disease.

Under normal circumstances, women's menstrual blood is dark red. In addition to blood, there are endometrial fragments, cervical mucus and exfoliated vaginal epithelial cells. Some women have less menstrual flow and dark menstrual blood, which may be caused by long-term accumulation of menstrual blood in the uterine cavity. Because menstrual blood is mixed with exfoliated endometrial debris, cervical mucus and vaginal epithelial cells, it looks dark, not as bright red as blood with skin injury, and there are some tiny slices mixed in menstrual blood. In this case, the menstrual flow is small, and blackening can be adjusted by diet and life care:

1, avoid cold food; You can regulate your body through diet remedies such as motherwort soup and brown sugar water.

2, pay attention to clean the external genitalia before and after the same room, and the same room movements should be gentle, so as not to damage the reproductive tract;

3. Maintain good hygiene habits, choose underwear with good air permeability and cotton, and change it frequently.

4, avoid the same room during menstruation.

5. Keep cheerful and learn to deal with bad emotions.

How to regulate irregular menstruation caused by endocrine disorders?

1, Danggui Huangqi Buxue Ointment Ingredients: Huangqi 100g, Danggui 20g, water 500ml, honey 100ml. Practice: Slice Angelica sinensis, wash Astragalus membranaceus, then add water to decoct and take 300 ml of juice, and add honey to collect paste. Take 20ml each time, three times a day. Efficacy: Angelica has the effects of promoting blood circulation, enriching blood, warming uterus, regulating menstruation and relieving pain; Astragalus membranaceus has the function of nourishing yin and benefiting qi; Women with palace cold, deficiency of both qi and blood, less menstrual blood, or delayed menstruation can eat Danggui Huangqi Buxue ointment three days before and after menstruation.

2, hawthorn brown sugar drinking water ingredients: 50 grams of raw hawthorn meat, 40 grams of brown sugar practice: hawthorn water fried slag, rushed into brown sugar, hot drink. People who are not pregnant can eat several times a day, and menstruation will come soon. Efficacy: Hawthorn has the function of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. Brown sugar can supplement iron and blood. Drinking hawthorn brown sugar when menstruation does not come can promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation, and help menstruation come quickly. Adjust the schedule. If menstruation doesn't come, it's not pregnancy. It's probably because of mental stress, or because the schedule is too chaotic. Develop a good work and rest time, insist on sleeping at 22:30 every night and sleep for half an hour at 13:00 in the afternoon. If you are stressed, you'd better go out with three or five friends for a few days to relax. Maybe a good friend will come.

3. Stop taking drugs containing hormones. A few women did not menstruate because they took hormone-containing drugs, such as emergency contraceptives and diet pills, which led to a temporary disorder of hormones in their bodies. After stopping the drug, the body will gradually return to normal, and menstruation will naturally come. Tips: Eat 3-5 jujubes every day, eat less cold and irritating food, and apply hot compress to the lower abdomen before and after menstruation, which is very helpful for regulating irregular menstruation and relieving menstrual abdominal pain.