Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - The eighty-fourth translation of the biography of the new Tang Dynasty

The eighty-fourth translation of the biography of the new Tang Dynasty

The Book of the Tang Dynasty Volume 89 14 Biography

Biography of Qu Tu Wei Chi Zhang Qin in the Tang Dynasty

Qu tutong

Originally from Qu Tutong in Changli, he moved to Chang 'an. The Sui Dynasty was an official and served as general Hu Benlang. Emperor Wen ordered people to consult the pastoral book of Longxi and find out the hidden 20 thousand horses. The emperor was furious and arrested Mr. Murong Sida, a servant, and 1500 pastoral officials, and prepared to behead them all. Qu Tutong said: "Human life is very important, and it cannot be revived after death. Your majesty promoted the world with the most merciful laws. Is it allowed to kill 1500 people in one day because of livestock property? " When the emperor scolded him, Qu Tutong kowtowed to him and said, "I would rather be executed myself than forgive everyone's death." The emperor woke up and said, "I don't know about this. As for this." Now you should exempt Murong Sida and others from the death penalty and praise your good advice. "So they were all commuted. Be promoted to General Zuo Wuwei. After taking office, he was upright and upright as an official. Some people broke the law and even their relatives did not protect themselves and indulge. His younger brother Qu Tugai was appointed ambassador to Chang 'an, also known as Yan Fangzheng. At that time, people made such a statement: "It is better to eat three fights of wormwood than to look at the curved soil cover;" I'd rather eat three barrels of onions than see Qu Tutong. "Yang-ti acceded to the throne, sent a letter to recall Hanwang Yang Liang. Earlier, Wendi and Yang Liang agreed that if there was an imperial edict, some words should be added to it, and it should be coordinated with Yulin symbols before they could go on the road. Until then, there is no point in checking letters. Yang Liang felt that things had changed, so he asked Qu Tutong, and Qu Tutong freely answered that there was no flaw, and finally returned to Chang 'an. During the Daye period, he defeated Yang Xuangan with Yuwen Shu and was promoted to Left General for his merits. The rise of thieves in Qin, Gansu and other places made him an emissary for arrest in the customs. Liu Jia, a stable man, talked about rebellion and supported more than 100 thousand troops. Qu Tutong sent Guan Zhongjun to attack the enemy, settled down and stopped fighting with the enemy. Some people in the army suspected that he was timid. Qu Tutong pretended to retreat, but secretly entered Shang Jun. The thief army didn't realize it, led the army south, stationed troops 70 miles away from Qututong, and divided the troops to occupy the land. Qu Tutong took advantage of its surprise, picked a good soldier to attack at night, and suffered a crushing defeat. He beheaded Liu Jialun along with more than 10,000 enemy troops, buried him in the Nanshan Mountain of Shangjun, and built a high hill, capturing tens of thousands of old and weak people. Later, the politics of the Sui Dynasty became more chaotic, with many thieves, soldiers without fighting spirit, and generals mostly fell. Qu Tutong is cautious wherever he goes. Although there was no complete victory, there was no failure. The emperor toured the south and told him to guard Chang 'an.

High-impedance rose up and sent Qu Tutong to guard Hedong instead of Wang. After the war, he could not attack for a long time. Gaozu left some troops around Hedong, so he crossed the Yellow River and defeated his general Sang Xianhe in Yinmaquan. Qu Tutong was frightened, so he left the land where Lang Shouyao stayed and prepared to rush from Wuguan to Lantian to rescue Chang 'an. Arrive at Tongguan. Stopped by Liu Wenjing's military forces, unable to move forward, deadlocked for more than a month. Qu Tutong ordered the crane to attack Liu Wenjing at night. The next morning, Sangxian River captured two barriers. Only Liu Wenjing's enchantment is still intact, but he broke into it many times and fought hand to hand. Liu Wenjing was shot by an arrow, and the army was about to fail. When Sang Xianhe was tired, he gave food to eat, so Liu Wenjing was able to divide his troops to enrich the other two passes. At the right moment, hundreds of army patrol cavalry returned from Nanshan and attacked from behind. The soldiers of the three customs shouted and attacked bravely. Sangxian River was defeated and all his men were captured. Qu Tutong was in an emergency and was persuaded to surrender. He said, "How can you escape the national disaster by being merciful and compassionate and serving the two masters?" You can only serve the country with death! " I often touch my neck and say, "I should die for my country!" " "He is bound to shed tears when guiding and encouraging soldiers, so although his strength has been exhausted, people still inspire his spirit. The emperor sent officials to call for surrender, and Qu Tutong urged him to kill him. I soon heard that the capital was about to be settled and my family had fallen, so I left Sangxianhe to guard Tongguan and led the army to Luoyang. After the departure, Sang Xianhe came to surrender. Liu Wenjing sent and Duan led elite cavalry to catch up with Housang and meet them with Qutu. Yan Dou asked his son to bow and surrender. Qu Tutong shouted: "You used to be father and son, but now you are enemies!" He ordered people around him to shoot him with arrows. Sang Xianhe shouted to his soldiers, "The capital has fallen, and everyone's family is worried. Why do you want to go to the East? "All the people have lost their weapons. Qu Tutong knew that he could not escape, so he dismounted and faced the southeast, kneeling on the ground and crying again and again, and shouted, "I have exhausted my strength and lost the battle, and I have not failed your majesty." So he was caught and sent to Chang 'an. The emperor comforted him and said, "Why did you meet so late?" He cried and said, "I, Qu Tutong, can't be loyal to the people and ministers, so I have come to this point and put this dynasty to shame." The emperor said, "This is a loyal minister!" He was released, appointed minister of war, Jiang Guogong, and served as the marching marshal of the king of Qin.

After Xue Rendai's pacification, thieves' treasures piled up at that time, and generals scrambled to snatch them, but Qu Tutong did not take them. Hearing this, the emperor said, "It is true to serve the country with virtue." Specially gave him six hundred and twenty gold and silver and one thousand pieces of color. He was sentenced as a servant of Shaanxi East Road and followed the crusade against the king. At that time, Qu Tutong's two sons were in Luoyang, and the emperor said, "Now I will give you the important task of finding the East. What should I do with my two sons? " Qu Tutong said, "I am too old to shoulder the heavy responsibility. But once upon a time, your majesty released me as a prisoner and treated me like a mountain, suffering from rebirth. At this time, he vowed to devote himself wholeheartedly to the country. Today's discussion should be a pioneer. The death of two sons is their gift. After all, we can't damage our integrity because of a relationship. The emperor sighed and said, "I saw a martyr today. "Dou Jiande to save the thief, qin cm half a team to Qu Tutong, let him and the king around luoyang. Pacify the queen, set the credit first, and was appointed as the right servant of Shaanxi East Road, guarding the east capital. A few years later, he was called into the court and served as the minister of punishments. I don't think I am familiar with the law, so I resigned and was appointed Minister of Industry. After Li's incident, he inspected the platform again, shot the servant, and hurried to guard Luoyang. In the early years of Zhenguan, he withdrew from Taiwan, served as the secretariat of Luozhou, and was promoted to Dr. Zuo Guanglu. When he died, at the age of 72, he was posthumously awarded as the left servant of Shangshu, ringing the bell. Later, the emperor issued a letter asking him to go to Taizong Hall for sacrifice. During Yonghui years, Sikong and his two sons were forced to give an account to Qu Sudou and Qu Sudou, who inherited the title. When Emperor Taizong arrived in Luoyang, he thought of Qu Tutong's loyalty and integrity. Therefore, Qu Tu explained that Qu Tu Tong's youngest son was appointed as the teacher of Guo Yi, and Su Bo gave his family a pension. As a result, his official position was finally Yingzhou Secretariat. During the Dragon Period, Xiang Zhong, the son of Qu Tuquan, was appointed as the secretariat of Yingzhou.

At first, Li Hongjie, the governor of Guangxi, was also famous for his honesty and prudence. After his death, his family sold pearls. Emperor Taizong suspected that Li Hongjie was actually corrupt and wanted to trace the fault of the referee. Wei Zhi said, "Your Majesty has gone too far! Besides, it was Qu Tutong and Zhang Daoyuan who claimed to be innocent until death. Qu Tutong's two sons came to adjust, and * * * rode a horse; Zhang Daoyuan's son can't die. Judging those incorruptible referees who don't receive pensions and suspecting those who are corrupt don't really like good people. " The emperor said, "I didn't think of it." Let it go. Therefore, the name of Qu Tutong's incorruptibility is even more remarkable.

Wei Chijingde

, the word male, the word lives, Shuozhou people. At the end of the great cause of the Sui Dynasty, he joined the army in Levin, accumulated military achievements, and served as a doctor in the dynasty. Liu Wuzhou rebelled and appointed him as a general. With the invasion to the south, he won the states of Jin and Yue, defeated Yong 'an Li, and captured Du Guhuai 'en and others. In the second year of Wude, the king of Qin fought in Bai Bi, but failed to flee the land. He joined forces in Jiexiu. The king of Qin sent Li Daozong, the king of the city god and the scribes to tell him, so he gave up his territory and surrendered to Xiang Xun, citing him as the right government to organize troops and follow the attack on the king.

At the right time, the generals suspected that Wei Chijingde would rebel and locked him up. Qu Tutong and Shang Kaishan, the left assistant, said, "Be brave. Now, if we catch him, it's already a suspect. If you don't kill him immediately, it's too late to regret it. " The king of Qin said, "That's not true. If Wei Chijingde must rebel, is he willing to look for a photo? " Let him go and lead him to bed to meet him, saying, "A gentleman makes sincere promises, but a little bad blood is not worth remembering. After all, I won't hurt that good man because of rumors. " So he gave him gold and said, "If you have to leave, this will be your passage." On this day, when hunting in Yushu, it happened that Wang personally led tens of thousands of troops to challenge. Dan Xiong Xin, the brave general of the thief army, rode straight to the king of Qin. Wei Chijingde jumped on his horse and shouted to kill people. Dan Xiong Xin fell down, so he rushed out to protect the king of Qin and led the army back to continue fighting. He defeated the enemy, but captured the enemy's general Chen and captured 6000 soldiers with spears and shields. The king of Qin looked at him and said, "Before, everyone suspected that Gong would betray me. I only guarantee that I have no intention of him. How can I get the reward so soon? " Give a small box of gold and silver.

Bao Jiande was stationed in Bambusa, and the king of Qin ordered Li Ji and others to ambush him, personally carrying bows and arrows, and ordered Wei Chijingde to take up spears and attack the enemy camp, shouting challenges. Dou Jiande soldiers went out, so they gradually retreated, killing dozens of people, and the enemy soldiers pursued them more fiercely. They were defeated after the ambush. At that time, Wang Wan, the son of Wang's brother, was sent to Dou Jiande to ride a horse in the stable of Emperor Yangdi. He was bored and good at luxury, and boasted in front of everyone when he entered and left the army. After the king of Qin saw it. Q: "Who can catch him?" He said that he wanted to ride with Gao Zansheng and Liang, but Wang Wan was captured alive and brought back with his horse. Thieves are afraid to go out. After the crusade against Liu Heita, the thief army attacked Li Ji, and the king of Qin led the troops to sneak attack from behind. Soon, the thief army was surrounded from all sides. Wei Chijingde led a strong man to ride into the thief army, and the king of Qin was able to take advantage of the chaos and rush out. Beat Xu Yuanlang again. Because of his merits, he was appointed as the second left-back of Qin.

The king of Yin summoned him by imperial edict and gave him a cart of gold wares. Refused to say, "I started from humble beginnings in Wei Chijingde, and I was in turmoil all over the world. I have been in adversity for a long time. It's really the King of Qin who has reborn me. I'm going to repay my gratitude with my martyr's body. Now that I have not rendered meritorious service to your highness, how can I bear the reward? " If I promise privately, then I am half-hearted, greedy for profit and abandoning righteousness. What's the use of your highness asking me? "Prince Yin was angry and gave up. Wei Chijingde reported to the king of Qin, who said, "Your heart is like a mountain. Even if you accumulate a bucket of gold, how can you change it? "But I am afraid this is not a strategy to seek its own security." The king of the lair really sent a strong man to assassinate him. Wei Chijingde opened the door and fell asleep peacefully. When the assassin arrived, he was afraid to go in. So he slandered him in front of his great-grandfather, and the king of Qin argued that he could forgive him.

Later, Prince Yin and King Chao stepped up their planning day by day. Wei Chijingde and Sun Chang said, "If your majesty doesn't make a decisive decision, the country will be in danger!" The king of Qin said, "I can't bear to do it because of my compatriots." How about just punishing them when they do it? "Wei Chijingde said," fear of death is human nature. It is a godsend for people to dare to die and respect the monarch. God gives the son without taking it, and he will be punished. If the king doesn't listen, please allow me to leave here now. I can't tie my hands and be killed. " Sun Chang mowgli said, "If your majesty doesn't listen to Wei Chijingde, Wei Chijingde won't be owned by your majesty. Now this will be a bad thing. " The king of Qin said, "I can't give up all my plans. You should reschedule. Wei Chijingde said: "It is unwise to have doubts. I am not a brave man when I am in trouble. What are your plans for today? All 800 warriors entered the palace, drew their bowstrings and put on their armor. What did they refuse? "Later, I earnestly persuaded Hou He and others, and the plan was decided. At that time, Fang and Du Ruhui were excluded and replaced by them. The king of Qin said angrily, "Have they betrayed me?" Therefore, he took off his knife and handed it to Wei Chijingde, saying, "If you don't obey, you can cut off their heads and bring them here." I went to persuade Fang and others to join the discussion. After the death of Yin, the prince of Yan, he led seventy cavalry to Xuanwu Gate, and stormed the king's mount, causing him to fall in the forest. Li Yuanji was ready to seize the bow and endanger the king of Qin, and Wei Chijingde rode over to scold him. Li Yuanji escaped and killed him. Soldiers from the East Palace and Qi Wangmi were stationed at Xuanwu Gate, and the fighting continued. Wei Chijingde showed them their heads, so they dispersed. At that time, the emperor was boating in the seawall, and the king of Qin ordered Wei Chijingde to find a bodyguard and went straight to the emperor's residence without taking off his armor. The emperor was surprised and said, "Who rebelled today? What are you doing here? He replied, "The king of Qin got up and killed the prince and the king of Qi because they rebelled. He was afraid that your majesty was not safe, so he sent officials to guard. " The emperor was very happy. At this point, the soldiers of Nanya and Beimen were still fighting with the government soldiers. Wei Chijingde asked the emperor to personally order the troops to obey the command of the king of Qin and let them live inside and outside.

The King of Qin is the Crown Prince, and he was appointed as the commander of the left-back. At that time, there were more than 100 families implicated by Prince Yin and Prince Yan. Prepare to copy them all into the palace. Wei Chijingde said, "The Prince of Yan and the Prince of Yan did evil, and now they have been killed. If we study the remaining side of poverty, that is not the way to achieve stability. " So forgive them all. Put merit first, give him ten thousand silks, and give him all the gold coins and utensils. He was appointed as You Wuhou and was named Wu Gong, enjoying the real title of 1,300 households.

Turkic invasion, was appointed as the general manager of Jingzhou Road March. When the Lu people arrived in Jingyang, they led the Qing cavalry to fight with them and beat them. Wei Chijingde's property must be distributed to the soldiers. However, he was opinionated, especially conceited because of his meritorious service. He blamed the minister for the fault in the palace and was dissatisfied with the Prime Minister. The foreign minister is the governor of Xiangzhou. I have been promoted to the same state many times. Wei Chijingde said, "What do you do for sitting in front of me?" Li Daozong, the king of Rencheng, explained persuasion. Wei Chijingde flew into a rage, making Li Daozong almost blind. Emperor Taizong was not happy, so he stopped the banquet, called him to blame, and said, "I looked at the history of the Han Dynasty, and I used to wonder that there were very few heroes in Gaozu. Today, when I saw what Qing did, I realized that it was not Gao-zu's fault that Han Xin and his son were killed. There are only rewards and punishments in the affairs of the country, and we can't get too many benefits. Take care of yourself and regret it! " Wei Chijingde kowtowed and apologized. Later renamed E Gong, he served as Li and Xia Zhou county magistrate. When he was old, he returned to the yamen and was appointed as the third secretary of the opening ceremony and made a pilgrimage on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

When the emperor planned to conquer Korea, Wei Chijingde said, "When the emperor went to Liaodong and the prince was stationed in Dingzhou, both cities were empty, so I was worried that Yang Xuangan would change. A small country like Iraq is not enough to condescend to please your majesty. I hope to appoint a general and eliminate it in time. " The emperor didn't accept it. I sent him a letter, asking him to be the official of Taichangqing and the general manager of Zuoyi Ma Jun. The loyalist came back and retired. Xianqing died three years ago at the age of 74. Emperor Gaozong sent five or more imperial edicts to Jing Guan and Chao Ji's envoys, paid their respects in his mansion, and copied them to Stuart, Bing and posthumous title Zhongwu. The ceremonial soldiers, the feather forest army and the advocating military band carrying class swords are all buried in Zhaoling.

In his later years, Wei Chijingde refused guests and stayed away from the crowd. Building a building, watching the pool, playing Shang Qing music, self-support is very rich. He also took mica powder and learned how to prolong the life of an alchemist. He is good at fighting and avoiding spears. Every time, he rides a horse alone and rushes into the thief's pile, even if there are thorns, he can't hurt them. He can also catch the enemy's spears and stab them back. Li Yuanji, king of Qi, took off his spear blade in order to compete with him. Wei Chijingde asked the King of Qi to add a blade to him, but he removed the blade himself, and the King of Qi could no longer stab him. Once the emperor asked, "which is more difficult, to seize the spear or to avoid it?" A: "It's hard to seize a spear." Try to let him play with the king of Qi. After a while, the King of Qi lost his spear three times, greatly ashamed and admired.


Zhang, the word, is a numerous water people in Weizhou. The history of Governor Wang. Cui Shu, the secretariat, led the whole city to submit to the emperor and was appointed as the inspector of Zouzhou. After moving many times, he became a warrior with a long history waiting for the right one, and has not yet become famous. Li Ji and Wei Chijingde played the King of Qin many times, so they introduced the shogunate. The king of Qin wanted to crusade against the rebellion of Prince Yin and Wang Chao, and let the soothsayers do divination. Zhang came in from the outside, threw the turtle on the ground and said, "Divination is used to decide hesitation and solve doubts. There is no doubt about what is happening now. Why do you need divination? It's unlucky after divination, can you stop? " The king of Qin said, "Good." After the death of Prince Yin, his men attacked Xuanwu Gate, which was very fierce. Zhang resisted them behind closed doors alone. Because of his work, he was named General Zuo Wuhou, and he was also named the Duke of Dingyuan County, enjoying the seal of thousands of households.

In the early years of Zhenguan, he served as acting governor of the state, reclaiming land to save and transport grain. Emperor Taizong adopted the theory of political gain and loss on many occasions. Later, he helped Li Jing to plan for the Turks, and listed the desirable reasons in front of the emperor: "Jie Li indulged in selfish desires, was wanton and violent, harmed people's kindness, and was close to villains. This is the first reason why the monarch is fatuous. Other tribes, such as Luo, Servant Bone, Uighur and Yantuo, set up their own homes and plotted rebellion. This is the second reason why many people are rebellious. Sudden doubts, easy to catch, arise and crusade. Almost completely annihilated, he wants to be completely annihilated and has nowhere to stand. This is the third reason why the army was frustrated and the generals failed. The fourth reason is the early frost and drought in the north and the lack of food. Valerian alienated Turks and became close to all kinds of conference semifinals. Hu people are fickle in nature, and internal chaos will inevitably occur when the army is close to them. This is the fifth reason that is desirable. There are many people from China in the north. Recently, I heard that gathering and occupying mountains and rivers is a desirable sixth reason, and government forces should respond. " The emperor agreed to his plan. Dingxiang was captured, Jie Li was defeated, and he was given a seal to comfort him. He was promoted to Zou Guogong and changed to the governor of Xiangzhou, which was a famous decree of Ren Hui. Died in the office at the age of 49. Ready to go out to mourn him outside the palace, the relevant departments played: "The sun is in the morning, not there." The emperor said: "The monarch and his subjects are like father and son, and their feelings come from the heart. How can they avoid it! " So he went out to offer his condolences. Posthumous title left, word item. Thirteen years later, he was posthumously awarded as lord protector. Yonghui years, awarded the governor of Jingzhou.

His son, Da Su, asked in the year of Longshuo. He served as a Sheren in Dongtai, studying national history and writing more than 100. He died in the history of Huai Shang.

The second son named Daan, the first year of last year, is the same as the other three books. The Prince ordered him to annotate Hanshu with Liu and others. The prince was abolished, so he was demoted to the secretariat of Zhou Pu and died in Sima Ren of Hengzhou.

Zhang Daan's son's name is Mao. When Xuanzong became an official, he was appointed as a judge of Jixian Academy. He wrote a letter to Heshuolin at home and entered Jixian Academy, which filled the gap. After many promotions, he was promoted to be knowledgeable, visited different books, and was promoted to the position of the national branch. He was relieved of his official position because of trouble.

Qin Qiong

Qin Qiong is famous for his Chinese characters. His name is Uncle Bao. He is from Licheng, Jizhou. He began to work under the general of Sui Dynasty, and his mother died. The general sent messengers to send clothes and quilts to express his condolences. The officer said strangely, "There was a funeral at the soldier's house, and the general never asked. Why only to Qin's mother? " Lai Hu 'er said, "This man is talented in martial arts and has lofty aspirations. How can he be in a humble position for a long time? "

Soon, I followed Tong Shou Zhang Xutuo to attack the thief Lu. There are hundreds of thieves, and Zhang Xutuo's army is only one tenth of them. They stayed in the camp and dared not attack. When the food ran out, they planned to lead the army to retreat. Zhang Xutuo said, "When the thief sees our army retreating, he will be hunted down by the whole army. As long as he attacks the thief camp with elite soldiers, he will win a great victory. Who can go instead of me? " They didn't answer. Only Qin and Luo Shixin go forward. Zhang Xutuo abandoned the camp and left, and Lu led a thousand troops to pursue him. Qin Shubin and others rushed out to attack the thief camp, but the camp door was closed and they couldn't get in, so they boarded the high platform and pulled down the flag of the thief army, killing dozens of people. The camp was in chaos, and immediately opened the gate of the camp to accept the soldiers outside, and set fire to more than 30 camps. Lu led back to the army, and Zhang Xutuo led the troops to retreat. He also fought against Sun Xuanya in Haiqu and took the lead in breaking the enemy. Because of his meritorious service before and after, he was promoted to the sword guard. Shi Biao who followed Zhang Xutuo to attack Yang Rong. After Zhang Xutuo's death, Qin Qiong led down archers and attached themselves to Pei. Pei surrendered to Shi Biao, who was very happy with Qin. He was appointed as a title of generals in ancient times and treated him well. Shi Biao and Yu Wenhuaji fought in Liyang, and the arrow fell, and life and death were uncertain. The pursuer came, but only Qin Shu was in charge of guarding it.

Later, he joined the king and was appointed as the general of the dragon waste. Follow cheng? King discussed it and said, "Quan Wang is a trick. He and his subordinates prayed and swore repeatedly, but like a witch, he was not a monarch who corrected things. " So he agreed to flee to the west together and rode away. The king said to him, "We can't serve you by ourselves. Please say goodbye from now on. " The thief did not dare to chase, so he came from the beginning.

Gaozu invited him to work in Qin Gong, and the king of Qin gave him special courtesy. He followed the guard Changchun Palace and was appointed as the general manager of Ma Jun. In Meiliangchuan, he defeated Wei Chijingde and made greater contributions. The emperor gave him a gold vase, saying, "Your wife and children didn't care, but you came to me and made great contributions. If my meat is edible, I will definitely cut it for you to eat. Moreover, Tongsi Factory was soon appointed as the right arm of the King of Qin, and defeated Song Jingang in Jiexiu, and was appointed as the pillar of the country. After Dou Jiande and Liu Heita's crusade against the king, the three thieves have no future, and there is no strong enemy before them. Give tens of millions of gold and silk, and be named the Lord of the Nations forever. Whenever a brave soldier in the enemy came in and out to brag to everyone, the king of Qin ordered Qin Yinshu to take him down and prance him in the crowd. He was very conceited. When the Prince of Yan and the Queen Ants were pacified, General Zuo Wuwei was awarded the title for his work, and 700 households were actually sealed.

Later, I gradually wrote that I was ill. I once said: "I grew up in a car trip, experienced more than 200 battles, suffered many serious injuries and lost a lot of blood." How can I not get sick? " After his death, he was posthumously awarded as the prefect of Xuzhou and buried in Zhaoling. Emperor Taizong ordered the relevant departments to carve a stone man, Ma Shi, to stand in front of the tomb in recognition of his meritorious military service. In the thirteenth year of Zhenguan, it was renamed Hu Guogong.

Four years later, the imperial edict was awarded to Stuart, Zhao Gongsun Chang Wuji, Sikong, Hejian Wang Li Xiaohong, Sikong, Lai Guogong Du Ruhui, Sikong, Prince Taishi, Zheng Guogong Wei Zhi, Sikong, Liang Guogong Fang Lingxuan, Kaifu Instrument Co., Ltd., Hubei Guogong Wei Chijingde, Tejin, Wei Guogong Li Jing, Tejin and Song Guogong Xiao Wei, who assisted the generals. Jingzhou viceroy, qiaocheng Lord protector Chai Shao, Jingzhou viceroy, Xiapi Lord protector Sun Shunde, Luozhou viceroy, Yun Lord protector Shang En, official department minister, Chen Duke Hou, General Zuo, Yong Guo Gong Zhang, left leading general, Lu Guo Gong, does history, Yongxing County Lord Yu Shinan, and household department minister, Gong Liu. In the sixth year of Emperor Yonghui, seven famous ministers sent envoys to make sacrifices in Lingyange, namely, Gao Shilian, Xiao Li, Duan, Yu Shinan and Qin, all of whom were famous ministers throughout the ages.

Tang Jian

Tang Jian, the word Maoyue, was born in Jinyang, Bing. My grandfather's name is Yong, and he was shot by the left servant of Shangshu. My father, a famous scholar, was a secretariat of Rongzhou in Sui Dynasty, and made friends with Gaozu. He once commanded the imperial army together, so Tang Jian usually had contacts with the king of Qin and was in Taiyuan.

Tang Jian is bold and unconstrained, but he is famous for his filial service to his loved ones. Seeing the political chaos in the Sui Dynasty, he secretly lobbied the king of Qin to make great contributions. Zen Dan once asked him to inquire, and Tang Jian said, "The forehead is full of bones, and the surname is consistent with the picture, which is the long-standing hope of the world. If you gather heroes, recruit Rong Di in the north, conquer the land of Yanzhao in the west, and cross the river in the south, it will be the great cause of Shang Tang. " Gaozu said, "How can the careers of Shang Tang and Zhou Wuwang be expected? It's just that the chaos is too intense. I should seek for my own survival and disaster relief for the public. I'm thinking of the public. "As soon as the general office opened, he was appointed as a clerk to join the army and marshal Sima of Weibei Road. After the capital was pacified, he served as the secretary of Guo Xiang government and was named Duke of Jinchang.

In the early years of Wude, he was promoted to the position of Sheren of Literature and History, and then to the position of Assistant Minister of Zhongshu, and he rode around as a regular servant. Lv Chongmao rebelled in Xiaxian County, joined forces with Liu Wuzhou, and sent a letter to Yong Li, Du Jiahuai and launched a crusade. Tang Jiangang went to the army. When Li and others were captured by Liu Wuzhou, Tang Jian was also captured. At first, DuGuHuaiEn was stationed in Zhou Pu, secretly planning a rebellion with the Ministry of Yuan Jun, which happened to be in the thief army. Yuan Jun said to Tang Jian privately: "The ancient book of Dugu was originally prepared to set out to build a great cause, but he hesitated and didn't do it, so he came to this step. It is what people often say, broken is constantly chaotic. " Soon Dugu Huai 'en fled back and ordered him to guard Pu. Yuan Jun told the truth: "Dugu Huai 'en came back from danger and defended the Yellow River. He's not a king, shouldn't he die? " Tang Jian was afraid that he was determined to rebel and quietly sent Liu Shirang back to expose his plot. Just when Gaozu was going to Pujin, Liu Shirang went to the middle of the river. The emperor was surprised and said, "Isn't this a destiny? "Command to get back to the ship, seize the rebels, DuGuHuaiEn committed suicide, and all the rest of party member were killed. Soon Liu Wuzhou failed and fled to Turkey. Tang Jian sealed the state treasury, registered weapons and waited for the king of Qin. The emperor praised Tang Jian for being humiliated in prison, but he did not forget the court. He wrote a letter, resumed his post, and served as the ambassador of Bingzhou, appeasing him and letting him play it by ear. Confiscate all the property of Dugu Huai 'en and give it to Tang Jian. Back to the dynasty, he served as the minister of rites, chief history of Ce Tian House, assistant minister of Huangmen, and Duke of Ju. He also served as the governor of Suizhou and enjoyed 600 households in Mianzhou.

In the early years of Zhenguan, after the return of Turkey, Emperor Taizong said to Tang Jian, "Can you observe Jie Li?" A: "Looking at the prestige of the country, it is expected to succeed." In four years, he led a post horse to induce Turks to surrender and make peace. Valerian agreed, and the army relaxed its vigilance. Excavate took the opportunity to sneak attack, defeated the Turks, and Tang Jian got away. More than a year later, he was appointed Minister of Civil Affairs. After hunting in Luoyang Garden, a group of wild boars suddenly jumped out of the forest. The emperor shot four wild boars with four arrows. A wild boar jumped under the emperor's saddle mirror, and Tang Jian jumped off his horse to fight with the wild boar. The emperor drew his sword and cut off the wild boar. He turned around and said with a smile, "Ce Tian has a long history and has never seen a general kill a thief!" " Why are you so scared? "The answer is:" Emperor Gaozu ruled the world by force, not by force. Your Majesty used SHEN WOO to pacify the quartet. How can you be happy because you killed an animal? " The emperor stopped hunting for this. He ordered his son Tang Shanshi to marry Princess Zhang Yu.

Tang Jian did not deal with political affairs in his official position, but indulged in drinking and having fun. He was found guilty of minor negligence and was demoted to Dr. Guanglu. In Yonghui's early years, he retired and got a special promotion. Xianqing died in his early years. At the age of 78. Memorial to Kaifu Yitong No.3 Division and Bingzhou Governor, buried with them in Zhaoling and posthumous title.

The youngest son's concept of name, Ren Hexi Ling, is famous.

Sun Tzu's name is from the heart. During the Dragon Period, because his son Tang Yun married the daughter of Princess Taiping, he was promoted to the director of the temple many times. Tang Jian was appointed as Taichang Shao Qing, and was executed for associating with Princess Taiping.

Tang Tang Xian Ci Tang Fu

Tang Jian's brother's name is Xian. Tang Xian, Mao Yi and Sui Dynasty were appointed as the left patrol guards of the East Palace. The prince was deposed and dismissed and went home. I don't pay attention to details, love hunting, collect fugitives, and associate with gamblers and people who commit suicide. Gaozu was in charge of Taiyuan and was very close to him, so he participated in the plan. With the rise of the rebel army, he was appointed as a doctor, arranged beside him, and was particularly trusted. Make Anfu County public. During the Wude period, he was promoted many times, and later served as general Yunhui and sealed the county magistrate. During the Zhenguan period, the official position was finally Dr. Jin Guanglu.

Descendants rank, words are compiled. In the early years of Jianzhong, he was admitted as a scholar and served as a counselor. Dou Shen recommended him many times and was appointed Foreign Minister of the Ministry of Rites. After Dou Shen was demoted, he served as the secretariat of Kaizhou and did not rise to the palace for ten consecutive years. Wei Gao Shou Shu, the above table recommended him as an agreement. Dezong suggested that Wei Gao call him back. In a remote place, Tang Ci has been oppressed for a long time and can't figure it out. He believes that the loyal ministers and sages in ancient times were slandered, exiled, and some even killed, but the king still didn't wake up. So he collected these facts and wrote three articles "Slander". The emperor was even more angry and said, "This is comparing me to an ancient bad king!" " "He was appointed kuizhou secretariat. After Xian Zong acceded to the throne, he was recalled and appointed as a doctor of rites. He knew the imperial edict and his position was finally given to the people in the book. Xianzong has always hated cronies for crowding out and framing each other. He once read a brief analysis of slander and thought it was very good. Shen Chuanshi, a bachelor, said, "Any monarch should study. However, the catalogue is not comprehensive, and Qing can supplement this book. , Linghu Chu, Du editor, from Zhou to Sui, increased to ten articles, renamed Yuan He slandered slightly.

His son's name is Fu, whose name is Yun Xiang, and he was a doctor who cultivated land. Yamato five years, as Shannan Fu Xuan ambassador. Deng Wan, the warehouse supervisor in Neixiang, owed 7,000 yuan for rice, and officials demanded that he pay it back. He detained their father, son and grandson for 28 years, and nine people died in prison. Tang Fu released them in a statement. The next imperial edict sternly condemned the theory of salt and iron, and the two ambassadors who had been in prison for more than three years for repaying their debts were all exonerated. In Zhongshu, he was promoted to Sheren and served as an observer in Fuzhou. He kills people at will and has a bad record. When he died, the handmaids fought for property, and the relevant departments examined more than 100 thousand of his property, which was ridiculed and despised by the public opinion at that time.

Tang Yanqian

Tang Fu's younger brother, with a good reputation and good handwriting, was admitted to Jinshi. During the Daiwa period, he served as the governor of Weinan and tried the Jinshi of Jingzhao House. At that time, Jing and Du Jing wanted to ask him to help their relatives. Tang Zhi often walks down the steps and bows. Du Jing had nothing to say, so she had to give up. He was promoted to doctor of the Ministry of Industry for many times and was appointed as the secretariat of Rongzhou. He was promoted to this position as Shuo Fang and Zhao Yi, and died.

His son Yan Qian is famous for his ci, and he is proficient in many skills, especially poetry. He is conceited and talented, and never condescends. In the last few years of his life, he went to Hannan to escape the war. Wang Chongrong was guarding the river and was recruited to the shogunate. He was repeatedly recommended as an assistant envoy by the above table, and served as the secretariat of Jin and Jiang. Wang Chongrong's army was in chaos, and Tang was demoted to a prosperous military. Yang Shouliang, the envoy of our times, recommended him as a provincial judge and was promoted to an assistant envoy, and his official position was eventually promoted to the secretariat of Langya and Liangzhou.

Duan Shicheng, Duan Wenchang, Duan Zhixuan

Duan Zhixuan is from Linzi, qi zhou. His father's name was Yan, and the Sui Dynasty served as a judicial assistant in Taiyuan. Follow the rebel army, the official to Yingzhou secretariat.

Duan is a big shot. When he was young, he was a scoundrel and broke the law many times. At the end of the great cause, he lived in Taiyuan with his father. Because of his agility and courage, those evil teenagers are afraid of him and get the appreciation of the king of Qin. Gaozu led thousands of people to revolt and was appointed as the head of the right-hand governor's government. Taking Huo Yi, Jiang Jun and attacking Yongfengcang are all pioneers. Successive Dr. Zuo Guanglu. Follow Liu Wenjing in Tongguan against Qu Tutong. Liu Wenjing was ambushed by the Sangxian River, and the army was about to collapse. Duan led the lean cavalry to the thief army and killed more than ten people. He was shot by random arrows, but he kept his mouth shut and took it by surprise. The thief army was in chaos and the army seized the opportunity to attack. Tang Jun cheered again. Qu Tutong fled in defeat, and Duan led his troops to Housang and captured him. Because of his great contribution, he was appointed as a general to ride a chariot in a tourist home. Follow the crusade against the king and go deep behind enemy lines. The horse tripped and was caught alive by the thief. Two cavalry grabbed him, held his bun left and right, and prepared to cross the waterinfo. Duan suddenly jumped onto the horse's back, and they fell down together, so they snatched the horse and fled back. Hundreds of cavalry followed him, but they were afraid to go near him. After defeating Dou Jiande and pacifying Dongdu, he was promoted to the Second Right Guard of Qin Gong. Yin Wang once lured him with gold and silk and refused to accept it. After the king of Qin ascended the throne, he was promoted to the left general many times and was named Fan Guogong, enjoying 900 households. He was ordered to lead an army to Qinghai to seize Tuguhun's herding horse, but he could not stay long, was dismissed, and soon the official was reinstated. . . .