Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Mistletoe and mistletoe

Mistletoe and mistletoe



The English name of Visici Colored mistletoe Herb is more translated into mistletoe.

Alias: north parasitic, holly, mulberry parasitic, willow parasitic, yellow parasitic, frozen green, parasitic.

Source: This product is the dried stems and leaves of mistletoe. ) Nakai, a taxaceae plant. Harvesting from winter to the following spring, removing thick stems, cutting into sections, drying, or steaming.

The dictionary notes that an organism depends on another organism or absorbs nutrients from the living cells and tissues of another organism. Without the host, it will wither into golden yellow. Parasitic on elm, birch, Pterocarya stenoptera, pear, oak and other trees. Location: Northeast China and North China.

Methods Remove impurities, slightly wash, moisten thoroughly, cut into thick slices, and air dry, which can be collected all year round, chopped and air dry for later use.

Characteristics The stems and branches of this product are cylindrical, with 2-5 bifurcations, about 30cm long and 0.3-1cm in diameter; The surface is yellow-green, golden or yellowish brown, with longitudinal wrinkles; Nodes are swollen with branches or branch marks. Light, brittle, easily broken, uneven section, yellow skin, light wood color, ray, pith often biased to one side. Opposite leaves are born on branches, easy to fall off and sessile; The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, 2 ~ 7 cm long and 0.5 ~ 1.5 cm wide; Apex obtuse, base cuneate, entire; The surface is yellow-green, with fine wrinkles, 5 main veins and 3 obvious midveins. Leather. Berries are spherical and shriveled. Tasteless, slightly bitter, sticky when chewing. Features: the stems and branches are cylindrical, with a diameter of 3 ~ 8 mm, slightly enlarged nodes, a thickness of 1.5cm, and a purple-black ring. The surface is golden yellow with irregular longitudinal wrinkles. The leaves are thick, golden yellow to yellowish brown, with many lateral wrinkles. The stem is hard, the cross section is light yellow, the epidermis is loose, the cambium ring is obvious, the ray is white and the pith is small.

plant morphology

Evergreen semi-parasitic shrub, 30 ~ 60 cm high. The stems and branches are cylindrical, yellow-green or green, with obvious nodes, and there are 2 ~ 3 bifurcations on the nodes. The single leaf is opposite, born at the branch end, sessile, nearly fleshy, shiny, elliptic-lanceolate or oblanceolate, entire, and glabrous on both sides. Flowers unisexual, born at the end of branches or bifurcation; Male perianth 4-lobed, stamens 4, filaments absent, anthers multilocular; Female flower 1 ~ 3 peanut on short peduncle, perianth bell-shaped, 4-lobed, ovary inferior. Berries are spherical, translucent, orange-red when ripe and rich in mucus. The flowering period is April-May, and the fruiting period is September.


(1) Cross section of the stem of this product: epidermal cells are rectangular, covered by yellow-green cuticle, and the thickness is 19 ~ 80μ m ... The cortex is broad, with dozens of fibers in bundles and slightly lignified; There are many stone cells in the old stem, which are scattered individually or in groups. The phloem is narrow, and the old stem is scattered with stone cells; The cambium is not obvious. Xylem rays are dispersed in fiber bundles; There are many fibers and some fibroblasts around the catheter. Bone marrow is obvious. The parenchyma cells contain calcium oxalate clusters and some square crystals.

The stem powder of this product is light yellow. Epidermal fragments are yellow-green, cells are square and stomata can be seen. Fiber bundles, diameter 10 ~ 34μ m, wall thickness, slightly wavy, slightly lignified. Heterogeneous cells are irregular in shape, thick in wall, slightly lignified and large in cell cavity. The diameter of calcium oxalate cluster crystal is17 ~ 45 μ m; There are few square crystals with a diameter of 8 ~ 30μ m. The stone cells are square, polygonal or irregular with a diameter of 42 ~102μ m..

(2) Take this product 1 ~ 2g, chop it up, add 30ml of ethanol, heat and reflux it for 30 minutes, let it cool, filter it, concentrate the filtrate to dryness, and add anhydrous ethanol 1ml to dissolve it as a test solution. In addition, mistletoe 1.5g was taken as the control medicinal material, and the control medicinal material solution was prepared by the same method. Then take the oleanolic acid reference substance, add absolute alcohol to dissolve it, and make a solution containing 65438±0mg per 65438±0ml as the reference substance solution. According to the thin-layer chromatography test (Appendix ⅵ b), 4μl of the above-mentioned test solution, 4 μ l of the reference medicinal material solution and 2μl of the reference medicinal material solution are respectively spotted on the same silica gel G thin-layer plate, with sodium carboxymethylcellulose as the adhesive and toluene-ethyl acetate-glacial acetic acid (8:2:0. 1) as the developing agent, spread, take out, dry and spray for 60 minutes. Examined under sunlight and ultraviolet light (365nm), in the chromatogram of the test sample, spots with the same color or fluorescent spots appear at the positions corresponding to the chromatograms of the reference medicinal materials and the reference substance.

Chemical components: Oleanolic acid, β-coumarin, inositol and flavonoids are contained in the stems and leaves. The leaves also contain mistletoe glycosides A and B and mistletoe phenol.

Content determination: take the crude powder of this product about 1g (meanwhile, take another powder of this product to determine the moisture (Appendix ⅸ h, the first method)), weigh it accurately, put it in a conical flask with a stopper, add 30 ml of ethanol hydrochloric acid solution accurately (/kloc-0 /→10), weigh it by ultrasound/kloc. Accurately measure the continuous filtrate of 15ml, concentrate it to 5ml, add water of 10ml, transfer it to a separating funnel, add chloroform to extract it for 5 times (20ml, 20ml, 15ml, 15ml), combine the extractive solutions, evaporate to dryness, and add 5ml chloroform to the residue to make it dry. 100 ~ 200 mesh), rinse with chloroform-methanol (80: 1) 30 ml, discard the washing liquid, and then elute with chloroform-methanol (20: 1) 50 ml, collect the eluent, evaporate it to dryness, dissolve the residue with absolute ethanol, transfer it to a 5ml volumetric flask, and transfer it. In addition, the oleanolic acid reference substance was accurately weighed, and absolute ethanol was added to make a solution containing 0.5mg per kloc-0/ml as the reference substance solution. According to the thin-layer chromatography test (Appendix ⅵ b), 5μl of the test solution and 2μl and 4μl of the reference solution were accurately absorbed, respectively, on the same silica gel G thin-layer plate, and cyclohexane-chloroform-ethyl acetate-glacial acetic acid (20: 5: 8: 0. 1) was used as the developing agent, which was unfolded, taken out, dried and sprayed with 65438. Heat it at 1 10℃ until the spots are clear, take it out, air dry it, cover the thin-layer plate with a glass plate of the same size, fix it around it with adhesive tape, scan it by thin-layer chromatography (Appendix ⅵ b thin-layer scanning method), wavelength: λs=520nm, λR=700nm, measure the absorbance integral values of the test sample and the control sample, and calculate.

The taste of nature is flat, sweet and bitter. Enter the liver and kidney meridians.

Its main functions are expelling wind and removing dampness, nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening bones and muscles, and preventing miscarriage. Used for rheumatism, joint pain, soreness of waist and knees, and restless fetal movement.

Usage and dosage: 9 ~ 15g.

Store in a dry place to prevent moths.

Excerpt from China Pharmacopoeia

Religion is regarded as sacred by English druids. During Christmas, people standing under mistletoe can't refuse to kiss; When hostile people meet under mistletoe, they should hug each other and stop fighting for a day. Legend has it that a girl standing under mistletoe on Christmas Day can get happiness.

Description: The stems and branches are cylindrical, with a diameter of 3 ~ 8 mm, slightly enlarged nodes, a thickness of 1.5cm, and purple-black rings; The surface is golden yellow with irregular longitudinal wrinkles. The leaves are thick, golden yellow to yellowish brown, with many lateral wrinkles. The stem is hard, the cross section is light yellow, the epidermis is loose, the cambium ring is obvious, the ray is white and the pith is small.


Mistletoe evergreen represents hope and abundance. There is a famous English saying: there is no happiness without mistletoe.

Mistletoe, as its name implies, is a kind of plant parasitic on other plants. It is evergreen all the year round, with yellow flowers and white or red berries in winter. Drinking its juice can prevent infertility. A long time ago, our ancestors knew how to make bird glue with the mucus of mistletoe fruit, so birds fell into people's hands and became delicious on the table.

Mistletoe is called "the golden branch of life" in the west, but it has become a symbol of death in Nordic mythology: Bird, the god of peace, the son of Odin and the god of love Frigga, was shot to death by the evil god Loki with a dart made of mistletoe. Frija's sad tears dissolved the evil of mistletoe and saved her son. So she promised that whoever stood under the mistletoe would get a kiss. This myth has evolved into a western Christmas tradition: if a woman occasionally passes by or stands where mistletoe hangs, the man next to her can go up and kiss her. Westerners believe that this is a sign of the combination of the two sexes and many children. This is also in line with the customs of the ancient Celts. They believe that red mistletoe fruit is a symbol of women's vitality; White fruit represents male fertility; They all represent the primitive Mother Earth.

According to tradition, mistletoe, regarded as an evil thing, can be used to help pregnancy and lightning protection; Hanging in the room can resist bad luck and witchcraft, and hanging at the door can prevent witches from entering the room. Mistletoe was once regarded as a "panacea", and some tribes in Africa would wear it before the war to avoid injury. The Austrian put mistletoe on the threshold in case of nightmares. When Christmas comes, English people will hang branches of mistletoe and put them under pillows to predict their dreams. Swedes use mistletoe branches as probes to detect gold veins. In the border area between Austria and Italy, there has been a saying that mistletoe can make people invisible.

Mistletoe is a lucky plant born on February 24th, 65438. Its evergreen represents perseverance and regenerative ability. Therefore, those who are protected by it will have strong willpower and firm goals in life, can resist any temptation and will not give up easily in the face of difficulties; But some people will be complacent, which will be the fuse of failure.



Author: Cai Zhiheng

Publishing House: Knowledge Publishing House

Release date: September 2003-1

brief Introduction of the content

Mistletoe continues the romantic atmosphere of Cai Zhiheng's novels. It's really unintentional to describe me as "I", but I still fell in love with two girls' love triangle stories at the same time: "I", a research assistant in Taipei, opened a drawer and took out a cigarette at random. When I want to twist my cigarette, I find words on it ... Every time I smoke a cigarette, I think of a past event. What impressed him most was her, the girl who wrote on the cigarette. But the other girl, whom she also called pain, was the girl who made him regain his confidence. When you make two girls heartache, you have to make a choice; When two girls remind you that your left shoulder and right shoulder hurt, you will know that you are poisoned too deeply. You should carefully distinguish what is true love and what is love in your life ... Cai Zhiheng, who loves to smoke "Gentle Seven", strung a love story with ten cigarettes, just like "first intimate contact", more or less integrated into his personal emotional experience.

Why do you miss me when I am by your side? I don't know. She shook her head. I often miss you and think of being in a daze. sorry I smiled. Please remember that no matter where I am, I am only a turn away from you. She smiled. You can see me as soon as you turn around. Is it this close? Hmm. I've always been close to you. Where is that? I am in your heart. Just like you are in my heart. In ten years, everyone's love dream has been penetrated, and the huge fog of ten cigarettes has become the true face of love dreams.


1. Parasitism: generally, it can refer to various pests of Dendrolimus (formerly known as clumps) parasitic on pine trees.

If you want to know about mistletoe, please enter mistletoe and its Latin scientific name correctly. Mistletoe is a kind of plant in mistletoe family, which is named after it is mostly parasitic on mistletoe trees.

The word "Quercus", pronounced Hubeech, is a tall deciduous tree, distributed in the southeast of China to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Mistletoe is an evergreen shrub of Moraceae, which is native to China and also distributed in Japanese and Korean. After birds eat its fruit, its seeds are excreted in other trees and spread because they are not easy to digest, and most of them are parasitic on deciduous trees such as oak, elm, pear and birch. In the west, it is often used as a Christmas ornament.

The word "Cong" is pronounced as xiè or jiě, and Pian Yu Mubu: "Cong, Song Biye". "Zuo Zhuan Zhuang Gong Four Years": "Wang Suixing died under the tree" (Wang refers to Xiong Tong). Hanshu: "(Wusunguo) Mountain pine", Yan Shigu's note: "The name of wood is like a pine heart".

2. It's an online novel.

The author is rascal Cai (real name:).

In the west, mistletoe can be said to be the representative of love and superstition. It is said that as long as lovers kiss on mistletoe, lovers can love each other forever, so don't get too close to the tree with mistletoe with people you don't love. Beware of the sneak attack, and then it will be too late!

The characters in this book:

Cai Chongren (Vegetable Bug): The hero of this book thinks he is very strange, hiding himself just like ordinary people, but he is indecisive because he suppresses himself and has a gentle heart, but he can't make a choice in order not to hurt others, so he banishes himself.

Lin: A talented woman in the Chinese Department, known as a "gifted scholar and beautiful woman", is willing to pay because she likes vegetable worms. It's a pity that the vegetable bug doesn't love her, but she still hopes that the vegetable bug can stop suppressing herself. She is the sunshine girl in this book.

Fang Quan: The second heroine of this book, because of Sun Ying's contact with the vegetable bug, developed a spiritual love, which is also the final choice of the vegetable bug. She is a young girl of this book.

Bai Sen: The second protagonist in this book, the vegetable bug, appreciates each other and tells the vegetable bug that there are no rules of the game in love. The only rule is not to let the girl you don't love wait for you.

Sun Ying: She is used to punctuating sentences, with no more than five words in a sentence. She is regarded as a talented woman in the Chinese Department.

Yang Xiuzhi: A senior in the Chinese Department, he is very strong, and he made the vegetable bug and Bai Sen understand that China people also have Boba.

Zi Yao: He is older than Cai Chong and Bai Sen and has a wide range of interests. When Cai Chong wandered around, he was a spiritual teacher.

1. When I first saw Cai Zhiheng, a book, First Intimate Contact, was very popular in the street. The rascal Cai and the light dance flying have become synonymous with online literature, and even I have been moved by this illusory and real feeling.

Looking at Cai Zhiheng again, there is no unexpected breakthrough in the love of July 11th. Except for the raincoat, other chapters are lacking. The raincoat is rigorous in structure, romantic and touching.

Thirdly, I am disappointed with the mistletoe in Cai Zhiheng. First of all, the depiction of characters is too flat and three-dimensional. The protagonist is like confessing to a priest and telling his confession. Besides, I can't see the joys and sorrows of the protagonist, only a sad shadow, recalling the sunshine that doesn't belong to me. Mingjing's reaction is also very slow, which is unbelievable. It took so many years to find that another person just "likes" rather than "loves" himself. What a pity! Of course, the vegetable bug's hesitation is also an accomplice. Speaking of difficult triangle exercises, it is really difficult for vegetable worms. And vegetable worms are not qualified to be Yang Guo. His hesitation is definitely not as affectionate and single-minded as Yang Guo. Mingjing is not like Little Dragon Girl. She's more like Yue Lingshan. She put her heart on the wrong person and had to end the relationship sadly. Tsuen Wan seems to be a soul that does not belong to this world. She is incredibly pure, and the vegetable worm shining like light has nothing to hide. This kind of woman is really a drop in the sky, but it is hard to find. The vegetable bug finally took this soul mate to the future. Therefore, I hope that when someone is in the situation of vegetable worms in the future, they should make a decisive decision and don't delay. The longer you wait, the deeper you get hurt.

I hope Cai Zhiheng can write more vivid characters next time. The greatest charm of the novel is the image effect, which allows readers to see vivid images. If the author does not master the application of this technique quickly, the reader will lose instructions sooner or later. No.26 Huang

2. Parasitism is one of Cai Zhiheng's online novels. Most of his first few works are novels pieced together by other people's experiences. What remains unchanged in Cai Zhiheng's books is his speaking skills. When he speaks, it always makes people feel interesting.

On his mistletoe, I saw some mistakes that people often make. Most people are often afraid to express their feelings, but the reason why they are afraid to say it is usually because they are afraid of hurting or scaring each other. But in the end, the deeper you love, the more you hurt. When a person you love suddenly rejects you (you) after you pay too much, the instant feeling is absolutely 100%.

In the book, Ming Jing paid a lot in despair, but in the end she didn't get anything in return. Although the protagonist in the book has made such a decision, he also has the same remorse in his heart, but one cannot deceive his feelings. Like and love are different after all. If you love someone, you have to say it bravely, at least there may be a chance. But if someone loves you, you are afraid to hurt him or her.

3. From the perspective of pure appreciation, Mistletoe is full of appeal. Even though Cai Chongren's hesitation is irritating, his thoughtfulness is really hard to beat. The concern for mistletoe in Ming and Qing dynasties made me feel warm. She didn't forget that mistletoe is a plant that needs a host, and Mingjing just underestimated it.

The villain Cai's Xie Jisheng

[Xie Jisheng] [Rascal Cai, Artest] [Xie Jisheng's soundtrack CD] [Nettango] [offset:]

The villain Cai-Xie Jisheng

Lines or words spoken in an opera.

* * * Guitar Solo-Stranded Heart * * *

* * * Encounter * * *

When I meet you by chance, please don't ask who I am.

Because I always remember the feeling of loving you, no matter how many generations of reincarnation.

Please don't leave too far away.

So many faces, I just want to see you once.

I don't know how to take off without failure.

Knowing that losing your balance will make you cry dangerously.

I can't go back.

I still don't care.

Waiting for the full moon across the balcony

All roses have an affectionate wish.

Follow the source of fragrance closely.

A year or a day, my heart beats only for you.

When all the words on the cigarette turn to ashes, be the last cigarette on your chest.

I can miss you without words.