Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Notes on Alexander's Expedition and Warring States Policy (37)

Notes on Alexander's Expedition and Warring States Policy (37)

Zheng Qiang brought 800 gold into the state of Qin, so please use it to defeat North Korea. Lingxiang said to him, "Qin won't listen to you. You want 800 gold to attack Qin. Let the king of Qin suspect his uncle. " Zheng Qiang said, "What?" He said: "My uncle attacked Chu on the premise of the existence of several weapons, so he said it first. Today, the King of Chu has been invited to offer him a number of rides at Yang Zhai, and Zhao Xian has turned him around for more than ten days. And several times, the enemy between uncle and uncle is also; And Zhao Xian, uncle also. When the king of Qin hears of it, he will doubt that his uncle is Chu. "

Zheng Qiang entered the State of Qin with an 800-gold car and asked the State of Qin to crusade against South Korea. Leng Xiang said to him, "If you let the State of Qin use 800 gold to punish its allies, the State of Qin will definitely not listen to you. You might as well let the king of Qin doubt his uncle. " Zheng Qiang said, "How?" Leng Xiang said, "Uncle Gong attacked Chu because Chance was in Chu, so he advocated attacking Chu first. Now the king of Chu has been sent back to Yang Zhai in hundreds of cars, and then Zhao Xian has been sent back to Yang Zhai to live with him. After more than ten days, uncle has noticed that it is too late. Chance is uncle's enemy; Zhao Xian is a friend of his uncle. When the king of Qin heard this, he must have suspected that his uncle had helped Chu. "

For revenge, trouble ministers. Hate is a pleasure, and there is nothing to say about hurting other countries. It felt like people were controlling the world at that time.

Ok, let's take a look at Ariane's Alexander expedition!

After Hephaestion's death, Alexander was extremely sad, which is consistent with all historians' accounts. However, as far as Alexander's specific actions to express grief are concerned, there are different versions and the contents recorded are quite different. This is related to their good feelings or bad feelings towards Hephaestion. Actually, it's because they have different likes and dislikes about Alexander. Among these historians, some people described Alexander's gaffes in great detail. I think, on the one hand, this may be because they think that all Alexander's words and deeds are good, but only because his closest person died, and he was too sad at that time, so his actions were a little abnormal; On the other hand, he thinks everything is not good. His behavior is really outrageous and beneath his dignity. No king should do this, and Alexander certainly shouldn't. Some said that he crawled on the body of his best friend for a long time that day and cried bitterly, but he couldn't persuade him. Finally, I was forced to pull away by my friends. Others said that he crawled on the body day and night. Others said that he hanged Dr. Grosias because he prescribed the wrong medicine; Others say it's because Graucius saw Hephaestion drinking heavily. It is also said that Alexander shaved all his hair to commemorate the dead, and so on. I think such a thing is still possible, because he is competing with Achilles, because he has regarded Achilles as an opponent since he was a child. Someone added this paragraph, saying that Alexander had personally driven the funeral car. I think this statement is very unreliable. It is even said that he ordered the demolition of the temple of Askrey Pias in Platthana. This is a barbaric order that has nothing in common with Alexander's style. It's a bit like Xue Xisi's rude behavior towards sacred objects, which is the same strain as his fetters. It is said that he once threw a set of fetters into the ancient channel of Hellers, hoping to punish the god of the channel. However, I don't think it's completely out of the question for someone to describe the following events: Alexander met an envoy from Greece on his way to Babylon, and several of them were representatives of Epi Dollas. He agreed to everything they asked Alexander. Then Alexander asked them to take a statue back to Askrey Pias and put it in his temple. The statue is engraved with the words: "Askrey Pias is not kind to me, and even my comrades who value my life more than me do not bless me." Most historians also record that Alexander later ordered Hephaestion to be sacrificed as a hero. Someone added another paragraph: He sent someone to ask Amon for an Oracle and asked if Hephaestion could be sacrificed as a god, but God refused.

Introduce different people's accounts of Alexander.

The following story is also true among historians: for three days after Hephaestion's death, Alexander didn't eat anything and didn't care about his health. He lay in bed all day, sobbing, frowning and saying nothing. He ordered Hephaestion to build a huge crematorium in Babylon at a cost of 10,000 talents. Some people say it's bigger than this number. He also ordered all countries in the East to mourn at the same time. In honor of Hephaestion, many friends of Alexander donated their bodies and weapons for burial. This was initiated by Youminis. Not far above, we talked about a quarrel between him and Hephaestion. He is doing this now so that Alexander won't doubt that he will be happy for Hephaestion's death. Anyway, after Hephaestion's death, Alexander didn't send someone to replace his cavalry general, so that Hephaestion's name wouldn't disappear in his original army. This unit is still called the Hephaestian Brigade. As they marched, the people in front of the line held up his portrait. Later, Alexander proposed to hold a very grand sports and literature competition. Luxury and expense are unprecedented. There are also many people taking part in the competition, 3000 people. These people soon attended Alexander's own funeral.

Describe Alexander's concern for Hephaestion.

(15) It's been a long time since mourning. Alexander is recovering gradually, and his friends can help him get around. So, he led troops to crusade against Kosayan, a militant tribe on the border of You Ke and Western Asia. These Xhosayans are all shanzhai residents. Any army that enters their deep mountain valley will act in groups, and according to the convenience of each small group, it will disperse and slip away, so that those who try to attack them by force can catch it empty. As soon as the enemy left, they resumed looting along the road to make a living. But Alexander drove their tribe away this time. Although the attack was carried out in winter, days of cold and rugged mountain roads failed to stop them. The army led by Ptolemy (son of Lagas) also overcame all these difficulties. In fact, no matter what war Alexander fought, any difficulty was never a problem.

Alexander drove Xhosayans away.

After Alexander returned to Babylon, Libya sent messengers to give him a crown to celebrate his becoming the king of Asia. There are envoys from Bratija, Lucania and Tirinia, also for the same purpose. It is said that the Calcotton family also sent representatives. There are also people from Ethiopia and West Asia in Europe. Celts and Iberians also sent messengers to repair it. For Greeks and Macedonians, it is indeed the first time to hear the names of these peoples, and it is also the first time to see their faces. These ethnic groups sent people, and it is said that some even asked Alexander to arbitrate their disputes. At this time, not only Alexander himself, but even his subordinates felt very clearly that he really seemed to be the master of all land and sea. Among the authors who wrote the history of Alexandria are Aristas and Asclepius. They affirmed that even Rome sent envoys. When Alexander met these Roman representatives, he noticed that they were diligent, orderly and loved freedom, and heard them talk about some aspects of the Roman Constitution. He said he could foresee that Rome would be strong in the future. I just wrote it down, but I'm not sure if it's true or not. However, so far no one in Rome has mentioned that Rome sent envoys to see Alexander. As the main basis for me to write this history of Alexandria, two historians, Tommiller (son of Lagos) and Aristobras, did not mention it. Moreover, the Roman Republic was completely free and independent at that time, so it was inappropriate for such a country to send envoys to visit a foreign king. Especially when Alexander was so far away from them, they didn't feel the fear of forcing them to go, nor did they expect any assistance from Alexander. Especially because their nation has always hated the king, and even mentioned the name of the king.

Ariane thinks that Rome didn't send envoys to visit Alexandria at that time.

(16) After Alexander finished these things, he sent Heraclitus (son of Agaias) to lead the shipbuilders to Sikanja. They were ordered to cut wood in the forests of Hekania and build warships in Greek style. There is a deck and a sink. He ordered the construction of these ships, because he also had a wish, that is, to explore this Caspian Sea (also known as Hycania Sea) and see which other oceans it is connected with; Is it connected with the Yukexin Sea? Or in the east of India, does the sea around India also inject people into the Gulf of Hekania, just as he has discovered that the Persian Sea (some people also call it the Red Sea) is just a bay of the ocean. Because before that, no one found the birthplace of the Caspian Sea. Although there are many tribes living around, there are also many navigable rivers, such as the Oxus River, which is the largest river in Asia and flows into the sea from bakht. The same is true of the Tethys River in jaxa, which flows through western Xu Ya. It is said that the Araques River flows into the sea from Armenia. These rivers are the largest. In addition, many rivers flow into these rivers, and they also flow into the sea with them. Some of them were found in some areas where Alexander's expedition passed. As for the rivers far from the bay and the rivers passing through Xixuya grazing area, we still don't know anything about them.

Alexander wants to explore the Caspian Sea.

After crossing the Tigris River, Alexander marched on Babylon. I met some fortune tellers in Calda on the way. They pulled Alexander away from his friends and asked him to stop marching on Babylon. They said, this is because they got an Oracle from the god Burroughs, saying that Alexander was destined to go to Babylon at that time. However, Alexander answered them by quoting the poet euripides. He said, "Prophet, prophet, the best prophet is the one who predicts the best." "However, your majesty," said Caldaren, "don't look west, and don't take your army west. You'd better turn around and go east with your troops. " But he can't go because the way to the East is too difficult. So fate doomed him to death. It is better to die at this moment when his career is brilliant and popular than to die in an ordinary disaster later. Perhaps for the same reason, Solon suggested that Crosas pay attention to how a person's life ends. Before that day comes, he can't be said to be happy. For example, the death of Hephaestion was a catastrophe for Alexander. I believe Alexander would rather die in front of him than live to suffer this punishment. I feel the same way about Quilis' death. I think he would rather die in front of Patroclus than avenge him after his death.

Comparing Alexander and Achilles here is probably a compliment to their friendship.

(17) These words of Caldaren aroused Alexander's suspicion that what they said was not like prophecy, but like for their own benefit. Because it is good for them to stop him from entering Babylon at this time. The temple of Burroughs is located in the center of Babylon, which is extremely magnificent. It is made of bricks, and the joints of bricks are bonded with natural asphalt without mortar. This temple has the same role as other temples in Babylon. After Xue Xisi came back from Greece, all the temples were razed to the ground. Alexander intends to rebuild the temple in Brass. Some people said that he planned to rebuild on the base of the original temple, so he asked the Babylonians to remove the rubble from the old site. Others said that he planned to build a bigger temple than before. But since he left Babylon last time, the person in charge of the construction has been dragging his feet and can't finish it, so he intends to use all his troops to finish the project. The kings of Assyria have successively offered many lands and treasures to the god Burroughs. In the past, all the money for building this temple was paid here. Since the temple was destroyed, these incomes have been idle, while these Caldars are enjoying the income given by God. Alexander suspected that it was for this reason that they didn't want him to drive his troops into Babylon, lest the temple be completed soon and they could no longer enjoy the benefits. However, according to Aristo Bohr, Alexander wanted to make concessions on whether the army could enter the city. So on the first day, he asked his troops to camp in the Euphrates River. But the next day, while traveling on the left side of the river, I arrived at the west side of the city wall, trying to get there as soon as possible so as to turn east. But because the place is difficult to walk, it is difficult to get along with the troops. Because if you go in from the west and turn to the east, there are swamps and puddles all the way. Therefore, he didn't listen to the Oracle this time. On the one hand, it is intentional, on the other hand, it is necessary.

Introduce Alexander to Babylon.

(18) In addition, Aristo Bohr also described an episode in which a friend of Alexander, who was left in Babylon to supervise the army commander of Mazayas, and a secret princess, Apollo Dollas, met Alexander after he returned from India, and found that he was very strict in supervising the provinces, and some worried that he would be punished, so he wrote to his brother, Paisagras. His younger brother is a fortune teller, who can make accurate predictions according to the situation of sacrificing the body. Apollo Dollas asked his brother to predict his future fate. His brother wrote back and asked him who he was most worried about and why he turned to divination. Apollo Dollas wrote that he was most worried about the king and Hephaestion. So Paisargeras first inquired about Hephaestion's sacrifice and saw that there were no liver leaves on the sacrificed liver. So he wrote a letter, sealed it and sent it from Babylon to his brother in Platthana. Assure his brother that he doesn't have to worry about Hephaestion, because he will soon disappear from his path. According to Arresto Brass, Apollo Dollas received this letter the day before Hephaestion died. Then Sargeras was sent to ask about Alexander's sacrifice, and the liver lobe of the sacrifice was not revealed. So he wrote to his brother that Alexander had a similar omen. This time, Apollo Dollas didn't keep a secret. He told Alexander the news he got, hoping to please the king and tell him to be careful in the near future to avoid the rabbit disaster. Aristo Bohr went on to say that after hearing this, Alexander thanked Apollo Dollas. When Alexander arrived in Babylon, he asked Pythagoras what specific signs made him write such a letter to his brother. He replied that he found that sacrifice had no liver lobe. Alexander asked what this phenomenon portends. He replied, "The omen is great." After hearing this, Alexander was not angry with him at all, but respected him because he was outspoken. In his account, Aris Dobras said that he heard it from Pesagoras. He said that Sargeras was later sent to divine Poticus and Antioch Gunnars, and the result was ominous. Bo Dickas later died in battle with Ptolemy; Antioch Gunnars was killed fighting Seleucu and Lacey Marcus in Pasa, Iraq. In addition, there are omens related to Alexander's death, describing a passage by the Indian wise man Kalanas. He said that when he committed suicide on the cremation pyre, he said goodbye to all his friends, but he didn't say goodbye to Alexander, only said that he would meet him in Babylon and welcome him there. People didn't pay attention to his words at that time. But when Alexander later died in Babylon, people who heard Kalanas say this recalled that he actually had a premonition about Alexander's death.

The Greeks used animal livers for divination.

(19) After Alexander entered Babylon, delegations from all over Greece came to him. But the purpose of these delegations is not recorded in history. I guess most of them came to lay a wreath at Alexander to celebrate his many victories, especially in India. At the same time, he also expressed his pleasure at his safe return from India. It is said that he received these representatives in a gentle manner. As usual, after greeting them, I was told to go back. I also entrusted them to bring back many precious cultural relics. In the past, Xue Xisi got some statues from Babylon, Pasadena, Susa and other Asian cities, as well as other works of art and the dedication of Shane. It is said that the bronze statues of Hamadias and Arresto Jitang, as well as the statue of Kelkka's Al themis, were all shipped back to Athens this time.

Alexander plundered all the way.