Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Urgent: What tarot cards should Mrs. Dia buy as a gift for the Complete Collection of Tarot Cards?

Urgent: What tarot cards should Mrs. Dia buy as a gift for the Complete Collection of Tarot Cards?

Check whether the patterns are the same. If not, there is no way.

Check the size of Alcana:

A fool's number plate was issued, and it should look like this.

Your cards may not be exactly the same, but please pay attention to the following characteristics:

1.? A fool is a figure wearing a clown or similar pattern.

2.? Holding luggage in your right hand

3.? Holding a white rose in his left hand.

4.? You have a puppy with you, or you may not.

5.? Standing on the edge of a cliff

6.? The background is mainly mountains and the sun

This is the unique symbolic meaning of Waite brand. According to different versions, the composition may be slightly different, but the above features are definitely there, because each feature has its implied meaning.

Waite is a relatively standard card, which is suitable for beginners, especially in the case of not understanding western semiotics and profound traditions, and should be studied with standard cards. Waite is also easier to find all kinds of documents.

In addition, you can also learn from Vescanti or Tottarot, which is a small tarot card, but it is also a traditional tarot card with another symbolic meaning. You can find the specific pattern on the Internet, because if your card is not Waite, it may be based on the original Tarot in Wisconsin or tetro, so you can learn it. But if these tarot cards are not originally, you'd better change them, otherwise it will be more difficult to learn.