Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How is eyelid jumping headache? How is left eyelid jump accompanied by migraine?

How is eyelid jumping headache? How is left eyelid jump accompanied by migraine?

Eyelid jump is a common reaction of eyes, which is mainly caused by improper use of eyes, and may also be caused by physical health problems, and pathological eyelid jump is also easy to cause headaches, so what is the headache of eyelid jump? How is left eyelid jump accompanied by migraine? Let's take a closer look at the causes of this symptom.

1, excessive pressure

If you often feel lack of energy and are prone to fatigue, it may be a manifestation of excessive psychological or physical pressure. Eyelid jumping and headache are common symptoms of excessive pressure.

Suggestion: You'd better relax after working for a long time, and don't always be nervous. If the psychological pressure is too great, you can talk to your friends or see a psychologist.

2, caused by insomnia

Long-term insomnia and staying up late can also lead to headaches and eyelid jumping. Too little sleep will lead to autonomic nervous dysfunction in the limbic system of the brain and its surroundings, which is manifested as neck and shoulder muscle tension, headache, low back pain, eye fatigue and eyelid jumping.

Suggestion: Insomnia patients can try drinking a glass of milk before going to bed or going to bed early. If the sleeping environment is too noisy, they can change to a quiet sleeping environment. If you suffer from insomnia for a long time, you'd better go to the hospital for treatment.

3, eye muscle spasm

Ocular muscle spasm is often caused by the increased tension of nerve fibers innervating the eye muscle locally, or it may be caused by inflammatory stimulation or compression of nerve fibers innervating the eye muscle. Patients will feel obvious signs of eyelid tremor at onset, and will feel slight muscle contracture tremor on one side of the upper eyelid, occasionally accompanied by headache.

Suggestion: Once the patient is diagnosed, he must actively cooperate with the doctor. Usually, as long as the patient can actively cooperate with the doctor for treatment, the disease can be cured.

4. Eye diseases

Some eye diseases, such as ametropia, conjunctivitis, keratitis, sty, etc. , which may cause eyelid jumping, itchy eyes, eye pain and headache.

Suggestion: you can use eye drops to relieve it. Eye drops have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, analgesic and antipruritic effects. It is best to use eye drops prescribed by a professional ophthalmologist to prescribe the right medicine. Avoid buying at will.

5, basilar artery migraine

This is a rare migraine. Symptoms include eyelid jumping, severe headache on both sides of the back of the head, visual aura, partial temporary loss of vision, dizziness and nausea. If the above symptoms are accompanied by saccade and headache, it may be related to basic migraine.

Suggestion: If you are diagnosed with basilar migraine, you must actively cooperate with your doctor to relieve the pain.

6, drug side effects

Eyelid jumping headache may also be a side effect of taking medicine. For example, drugs for Parkinson's disease can cause these side effects.

Suggestion: It is best to consult the attending doctor who prescribed medicine for himself and how to relieve it.

7. Caffeine, alcohol and smoking

Drinking too much tea, coffee or wine often leads to eyelid jumping and migraine. The sudden withdrawal of these drinks by addicts can also cause the same symptoms.

8. Causes of dry eyes

1, drug factor. Some drugs can reduce the secretion of tears, leading to dry eye symptoms, such as antidepressants, antihistamines, diuretics, antihypertensive drugs, anesthetics, anti-ulcer drugs and so on.

2. Computer users. Staring at the screen for a long time, lack of normal blinking, blinking can make tears better wet your eyes. More than 90% of people who work in front of the computer for more than 3 hours every day have eye problems.

3. Some disease factors. Such as rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, thyroid abnormality, asthma, cataract, glaucoma and lupus erythematosus.

75% of people over 4.65 years old suffer from dry eye. Because the generation of tears in the elderly decreases with age. The decrease of tear secretion makes the eyes easily stimulated, which sometimes causes serious tear reaction, that is, tears overflow.

In recent years, the trend of dry eye is obvious. Mainly due to the fact that in modern life, young people are exposed to more and more televisions and computers for work and entertainment, and face the fluorescent screen for a long time, lacking in blinking or letting their eyes rest in time, which affects the secretion of tears in their eyes.

6. Environmental factors. Smoke, ultraviolet rays, air pollution, high temperature, air conditioning and dry climate will all increase the evaporation of tears, leading to dry eye.

7. Women in menopause, pregnancy and lactation and oral contraceptives. Dry eye symptoms may be caused by changes in hormone levels.

8. Use some eye drops for a long time. Such as vasoconstrictive eye drops, it is also easy to form dry eye.

9, meibomian gland dysfunction, lacrimal punctum obstruction. Reduce the secretion and discharge of tears, leading to dry eye.

10, wear contact lenses. Contact lenses float on tears, and wearing contact lenses will accelerate the evaporation of tears. The discomfort and poor tolerance of wearing contact lenses are mainly caused by dry eyes. Soft contact lenses, in particular, will quickly evaporate tears, resulting in foreign body sensation, making protein precipitate on the lens. On the other hand, dry eye will reduce the corneal damage resistance of people wearing contact lenses, making it easier for contact lenses to scratch the cornea.