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What is the old marriage custom of Mongolian customs?

Mongolian marriage customs:

Marriage system: Mongolian people have two marriage systems: grabbing marriage and hiring marriage. Marriage robbery is a form of marriage in slave society. Before13rd century, most Mongolian society practiced the system of robbing marriage. For example, Genghis Khan's father wants to marry Artu and Mrs. Hoelun as soon as possible, which is a kind of stealing marriage. Engagement marriage is a form of marriage in feudal society. After13rd century, Mongolians entered the feudal society, that is, the engagement system was generally implemented. But there are still remnants of the marriage robbery system. In the war between tribes, robbery or marriage robbery is still common.

Marriage custom: Mongolians generally begin to talk about marriage in autumn and August. The young man's parents entrusted their trusted relatives to choose a good day to take their son to see his aunt in China. If the girl and parents take a fancy to the young man, they will accept Hada and a plate of cake, and the matter will be settled. Winter is a good day for a wedding. After the date is selected by both parties, the groom's family will go to the girl's house to meet relatives in the evening. At this time, the wedding has begun, and various ethnic styles and interesting wedding programs are constantly staged until the East turns white. The new team just got on the horse and went to the groom's house with the farewell team. When it is not far from the groom's house, the procession to see the bride stops. When the procession to see the bride arrives home, it comes back with the groom's parents and relatives for a second greeting. After the mother-in-law lifts the veil for her daughter-in-law, the bride and groom should kowtow and propose a toast to their parents, weddings and relatives. Everyone will also sing a toast and dance excitedly, and the joy will ripple on the grassland.

Courtship: Before young men and women get engaged, the man should propose to the woman. Before the founding of New China, it was usually the parents of the man or the matchmaker entrusted to go to the woman's house to seek relatives and friends. They can get engaged if the woman agrees. According to the traditional Mongolian marriage custom, the man has to ask for relatives from the woman's house many times before he can get her consent. It is recorded in the Secret History of Mongolia that Artu and his son Temujin (Genghis Khan) should be brought to the Dexue Zen House to seek relatives and friends as soon as possible. De Xuechan said: "It takes several times to give, so that you can get respect;" If you give it a few times, you will be looked down upon. " Later, a Mongolian proverb was formed: "Ask more expensive, ask less cheap. "After the relatives and friends reached an agreement, the man took Hada, milk wine and five forks or whole sheep to the woman's house to make a decision. The woman's family invited relatives and friends to accompany the guests to drink, indicating a formal engagement.

Bridal gift: a gift from the man's family to the woman's family after the young men and women are engaged, also called bride price. The amount of dowry depends on the economic situation of the man's family. Most agricultural areas use gold and silver jewelry, cabinets and clothes as dowry; Pastoral areas often use cattle, horses, sheep and other livestock as dowry. Herdsmen regard "Nine" as an auspicious number, and the bride price begins with "Nine". From "September 19th" to "September 9th", no more than 8 1, and "September 9th" means longevity. If poor herders don't have a dowry of nine animals, they can also choose an odd number less than nine, and take three, five or seven animals as a dowry, but they can't choose the number of spouses.

Dowry: A wedding gift for a woman to accompany her daughter. Mongolians are very particular about dowry. How much dowry the man gives, the woman usually comes with a corresponding amount of dowry, and the woman marries more than the man gives to her family. Therefore, there is a Mongolian saying: "You can afford a daughter-in-law but not a girl."

Choosing auspicious day: one of Mongolian wedding customs. Also known as wedding day. Before liberation, after men and women got engaged, they should first ask the Lama for divination, choose an auspicious day and set a wedding date. After the auspicious day was set, the man's family sent matchmakers and relatives and friends to the woman's house to discuss marriage with their parents with gifts such as Hada, wine and candy. After the negotiation, the couple began to prepare for marriage. Generally speaking, cleaning the wedding room, or building new yurts, slaughtering cattle and sheep, preparing dowry, dowry and other wedding supplies, and notifying relatives and friends of both parties to come and congratulate.

One of the Mongolian marriage procedures. Asking for the bride's name is also called asking for printing. This is an interesting joke. On the night when the bride stays at the woman's house, she will arrange a five-fork or all-sheep banquet in the bride's boudoir, also called a famous banquet. The bride and groom, the bride and her brothers and sisters, all of the same generation, attended the banquet. At the banquet, everyone played tricks on the groom, forcing him to kneel down or ask the bride's milk name or milk name. The bride is shy and silent, or deliberately does not answer. The bride's sister-in-law and sisters did not answer, deliberately stalling for time. At this time, the man's Acura and the woman's sister-in-law answered each other and sang the right song until the woman said her real name, and the fame feast came to an end. Seeking fame and asking Geng is actually an intelligence contest that shows the wisdom of Mongolian young men and women.

Wedding: In the past, Mongolian weddings were very grand, which kept the traditional wedding customs of the man outside and the woman inside. Marriage is usually the day before the wedding. In a happy atmosphere, the groom wore a gorgeous Mongolian robe, a ribbon tied around his waist, a dome red tassel hat, high boots and a bow and arrow. The best man also wears holiday clothes. Ride horses together, carry floats, bring gifts, and get married at the woman's house. When the bride arrives at the woman's house, she will walk around the yurt first, and present gifts such as 1 "Touch the Door Sheep" to the woman's house. Then, the groom and the best man hold Hada and wine and propose a toast to the bride's parents and distant relatives one by one. After the ceremony, the married people sat down for dinner. In the evening, I arranged a mutton fork banquet. And held a traditional ceremony of seeking fame and asking Geng. The next morning, when the married people set off, the bride was carried on the float by her uncle or uncle. The groom will ride around the bride's float three times. Then, the bride-to-be and the bride-to-be leave together.

Diao hat: also known as rob hat. In the past, on the way to get married, Mongolians wanted to get home first and become winners. To this end, the two sides will have a hat contest on the way. Usually the groom tries his best to grab the bride's hat, pick it on the whip, or throw it on the ground, forcing the groom to dismount and pick it up, thus affecting his walking speed. Married people cover for each other and don't let the farewell party grab the hat. Along the way, you chased each other and played with each other, with a strong flavor of grassland life.

Wedding: Mongolians attach great importance to wedding ceremonies. Although different regions have different forms, they are all very grand and lively. The general wedding custom in pastoral areas is: when the bride and groom get married and return to their in-laws' house, they do not get off the bus and horses, but first go around the yurt three times. Then, the bride and groom both passed through two flaming bonfires and were welcomed by Vulcan people. It means the purity of love and the prosperity of new life. After the bride and groom enter the yurt, they first worship the Buddha and offer sacrifices to the stove, and then meet their parents and relatives. After the ceremony, comb the bride's hair. Get dressed, get dressed, and wait for the wedding reception to start. Wedding banquets are generally decorated with sheep backs or whole sheep mats, and all kinds of milk and sweets are available. At the wedding reception, the groom carries a silver pot and the bride carries a silver bowl, toasting the elders, relatives and friends one by one. The boys held the silver cup high and drank to their heart's content; The girls sang loudly with Ma Touqin. Wedding banquets often last for two or three days before relatives and friends leave. And the woman's farewell will accompany the bride for one to three days. Sometimes, the bride's mother will see her off, and stay for more than ten days. When breaking up, the mother and daughter hugged each other and cried, indicating that they were reluctant to part.

Important ceremony in Mongolian wedding. Although the Mongolian people in different places worship fire in different forms. But it is an integral part of the wedding. After the bride marries the groom, she must first hold a fire ceremony. The bride and groom have to go through two fires and be baptized by fire, so that their love will be more pure and faithful, their lives will be happy and they will grow old together. The fire worship ceremony of Dorbod Mongols is unique. There was a fire in the yard when the bride entered her in-laws' house. The bride and groom should sprinkle milk wine into the fire together and bow down and kowtow. The master of ceremonies stood by reciting Ode to Fire: flint discovered by Genghis Khan the Great, kindling preserved by Hoelun's mother, offering sacrifices with white hada and milk wine, and national kindling from ancient times to the present. Please pray for the bride and groom! Shenhuo is the witness of your marriage! Please kowtow to the bride and groom! Buddha's light carries on the family line for you.

Characteristics of ethnic marriage customs in Inner Mongolia;

Ask more expensive, ask less cheap.

The marriage custom of Mongolians begins with seeking relatives. The man has to ask for relatives from the woman's house many times before he can get her consent. There is a Mongolian marriage custom proverb: "Ask more expensive, ask less cheap." After reaching an agreement, the man took Hada, milk wine and whole sheep to the woman's house for a "dowry", and the woman invited relatives and friends to accompany the guests to drink, indicating a formal engagement.

Mongolia has many engagement gifts.

If a Mongolian boy has a crush on a girl, before getting engaged, he should ask the matchmaker to bring a white towel with items such as sugar, tea and glue, which symbolize harmony, sweetness and exuberance. If the woman accepts, the marriage can proceed. Later, the man's parents and I will propose marriage with gifts such as Hada, milk wine and candy. It usually takes several times to get engaged. After the woman accepts the wedding, the man will give her three glasses of wine. If the woman accepts and drinks three glasses of wine, the marriage is settled. Near the wedding day, the man will give the woman a gift, usually a whole sheep, wine, tea and hada. The woman warmly entertained the giver, and both sides raised their glasses, recited auspicious sentences and celebrated songs.

The groom was tested by breaking the sheep's neck.

When the Mongolian groom and wedding procession in Erdos arrive at the bride's home, they will always be warmly received by her family. Everyone will eat, drink, sing and dance together, which is very lively. At this time, the man will quietly leave the banquet and lead the groom to the bride's room. After they sit down at the guest table, the escort will bring the groom a cooked sheep neck and ask him to break it in the middle to test his strength. In order to amuse the groom, the accompanying woman has skillfully inserted a wicker or iron bar into the bone marrow tube of the sheep's neck. If he gets the groom's instructions in advance, he will see through the mystery, take out wicker or iron bar and break the sheep's neck easily. Some bridegrooms don't know the secret, so they make great efforts to make them sweat, like dogs biting turtles, anxious and ashamed. The escort took the opportunity to make fun of the groom in very mean but not malicious language.

On the way to get married, be smart and compete first.

On the way to the wedding, according to the custom, both men and women want to get home first, and both men and women chase each other for fun. Sometimes, the bride's relatives will take the groom's hat, pick it on the whip, or throw it on the ground. The groom had no choice but to dismount and pick, which delayed the time. Sometimes, clever men also have a way to host a banquet for relatives not far from the groom's house. The woman refused, so she had to dismount and drink, and the man took the opportunity to go home first. So all the way to Ma Benteng, you chase me, the atmosphere is warm.

Worship fire rather than heaven and earth.

The wedding date is chosen by the man. On the same day, the girl was sent to the groom's house by her parents and references. The groom's family prepares wine and meat to entertain. When the bride arrives, she and the groom will kill a chicken with a knife to see if the chicken liver lines are good or bad. If unlucky, the bride and groom will each kill another chicken until the chicken liver appears in Ji Xiangwen. Then, the bride and groom held a drinking ceremony. Put a bowl of wine in front of everyone, put ghee on the edge of the bowl, take a sip and then propose a toast. After the bride and groom finish drinking, they will also entertain the introducer and all the guests. Then the guests from both sides and relatives and friends who came to congratulate kept drinking, singing and dancing until they stayed up all night.

Mongolian wedding customs in different regions;

1. Elute Mongolian Marriage Customs

The Mongolian wedding custom in Elute has the following processes: blind date, engagement, going to Hada, and worshiping heaven and earth to get married. First of all, the man's parents came to the woman's house with a toast to show their greetings and mutual recognition. In the second step, the man chooses a prestigious person among relatives and friends, brings wine to the woman's house to propose marriage, determines the marriage relationship, and agrees on the number of bride price and the date of sending Hada. After that, the girl can't see the man and his family until she gets married. The third step is to get off Hada, that is, to send a bride price. According to the amount of bride price agreed at the engagement party, the Erut people sent Hada to the woman's house on the agreed date. The woman's family held a small-scale banquet to determine the auspicious day for marriage and some matters.

Wedding is the highest ceremony. On the first day of marriage, the son-in-law went to the woman's house to attend the girls' banquets and entertainment activities. When the son-in-law goes riding, he takes a bow and arrow, and also has a companion and a wedding procession. The next day, after drinking morning tea, the wedding banquet and farewell party set off. The girl took the caravan and the son-in-law shot three arrows according to a certain goal, then beat the horse first and reported the preparations at home. On the way to the wedding party, the man sent someone to deliver wine, meat and tea as lunch on the way. When the girl arrived at her new home, she dressed up with her sister-in-law, put down her braids when she was a girl, combed them into two braids in the middle, put on ornaments such as silver hairpin, and put on colorful clothes and a gown. Then, set the table in the yard, the couple will worship heaven and earth to get married, and the wedding reception will begin. The next morning, the new wife cooked milk tea, drank the tea cooked by the new wife and sent her relatives back. Only the sister-in-law accompanied the new wife until the third day of mothering.

2. Marriage customs of Buryats Mongolians

Get engaged before you get married. The process is:

Finding relatives: whether parents are the masters or free to fall in love, they must go through the step of finding relatives. First, the elders of the man's clan choose an auspicious day. In the morning, they arrive at the woman's house with Ha, kowtow to the Buddha table, accept the tea from the woman's house, explain their purpose, and make it clear to the Buddha table that their daughter will hire their daughter-in-law. After making it clear, present Hada to the shrine. After the woman's family agreed and accepted Hada, the two sides discussed matters related to the wedding.

Girl visiting relatives: A few days before the wedding, the girl went to a relative's house and stayed. Girls should invite two boyfriends and two girlfriends to visit relatives, and the invited male and female companions should take care of and serve the girls from visiting relatives to getting married. On the first day of marriage, the girl went back to her home, held a wedding banquet for her, got together, entertained her with sheep bones and mutton, sang a song of bone recommendation etiquette, and taught her a good life in her in-laws and wished her happiness.

Wedding reception: Choose the right season and auspicious day to hold the wedding reception, and the man proposes the wedding date, which will be determined by both parties through consultation. Then, the woman invites relatives and friends to tell her who will marry her daughter-in-law on a certain day, or who will marry her daughter on a certain day, and invites you to see her off. When inviting, you should take off your hat, bend over and spread your hands to show your respect. On the wedding day, the woman sent the girl to her husband's house and walked around the house three times. The man is in the southwest and the woman is dismounting in the northeast.

At this time, the man and his in-laws greet each other and greet each other. Please be seated. The two sides choose the elders from the clan as the chief Hu Da (male in-laws) and sit side by side at the main table. On the left, the chief Hu (female in-laws) of both sides sit side by side, on the right, the uncles and relatives of both sides sit side by side, and the other guests sit in turn according to age or seniority. Milk tea and cake are served first, then cooked sheep's head and horse's head. Sheep and horseheads were presented to the guests. The guest picked up the knife in his right hand and switched to his left. He cuts the meat from the right, worships heaven and earth first, and then passes it to the right. After it reaches half a circle, it is given to the giver. He offered the remaining half a circle, and then took off meat such as bones and ribs. The wedding will be over in one day, with little wine, and it will be conducted in a polite and orderly manner. Those who are not invited are not allowed to attend. Finally, the woman's elders gave clothes to her son-in-law, and the man gave gifts to his guests.

Buryats are newly married, and the man prepares a new Mongolian yurt and places it on the east side slightly behind his parents' felt bag. In the east half of the bag, there are cupboards, iron stoves and other cooking utensils in the middle, and the place in the back of the middle is for Buddha. The woman should prepare clothes, beds, bedding, pillows, wool carts (container trucks) and horses with silver saddles for the four seasons, and some accompanying livestock can be given if conditions permit.

The girl's relatives in the province: Miss Buryat goes back to her parents' home to visit relatives after the first month of each year, and can stay for one month in the first year, and then gradually decrease. When relatives' daughters go back, parents will bring back cooked meat, dairy products, cakes, sweets and other gifts. If girls don't visit relatives because of their age and other reasons, special meat and cakes will be sent at home.

3. Balhu Mongolian marriage customs

In the past, the marriage of young men and women in Hu Ba was arranged by their parents, and even if they shared the same interests, they had to get their parents' consent. The main condition for parents to find a partner for their children is to look at the financial situation of the other family. So "door-to-door" is the most common engagement in the past. Secondly, lamas read hexagrams. When young men and women get married, on the one hand, they should listen to their parents' opinions, on the other hand, they should also get the consent of the Lama, such as whether the eight characters of both sides are appropriate. In the case of disagreement, a young man and woman who love each other are likely not to get married.

After their parents agreed to divination with Lama, they got engaged. There are two more steps: one is to read eight characters. When a man of one family has a crush on a woman of another family, let the matchmaker (mostly their relatives and friends) take the man's eight characters to the woman's house to propose marriage. If the woman's family is willing, they will also give the woman's eight characters to the Lama to see if they agree. If the Lama agrees, he is still invited to get engaged another day; On the day of engagement, the man's father and brother came to the woman's house with wine and silks and satins, asked for engagement, and invited her relatives and friends to have wine to discuss marriage. With the consent of the woman, the man put silks and satins in front of the Buddha to testify and poured wine for the woman, and the engagement was completed.

In the past, men and women got married earlier, and it was common to get married at the age of fifteen or sixteen. In the marriage, it is mostly limited to relatives and friends, and the most obvious is cousin marriage, which means cousins are good spouses. However, people with lineal relatives and incurable diseases can't get married.

The wedding ceremony is sure to cost a sum of money, and the extravagance of the ceremony varies according to the economic situation. The bride price of the rich is mostly cattle and sheep, generally more than 40 cows or a dozen sheep, and the rich have more than 100. Most of these betrothal gifts are sent to the woman's home before marriage, and some are sent after marriage. The daughter is getting married, and the woman's parents must prepare something for her when she gets married. Generally, there are livestock, boxes, cabinets and beds, and the number varies. The richest families even prepare new yurts for their married daughters and horses and clothes for their son-in-law.

The day before the wedding, the bride's relatives and friends have prepared a blue or black dress for the bride, with a flag and silver ornaments hanging on her shoulders and a hat. The bride put on this dress with tears in her eyes. In addition, more than a dozen women accompanied her to bid farewell to relatives and friends nearby. Every time I go to a house, I cry once to show my memory. At this time, relatives and friends also put wine and slaughtered sheep for her, saying that they would stay, and even left the girl for one night. On this day, in the bride's own home, her father sat in the seat to entertain the father, brother and groom of the man who came home. Mat materials are mostly brought by men, usually mainly cattle and sheep, the number is not necessarily, up to twenty or thirty. The day before the man gets married, his father, brothers, relatives and friends accompany the groom to the woman's house. Except for the groom's father and brother who bring sheep and wine, most grooms bring bows and arrows. After the groom enters the bag, he lights the Buddha and kowtows. Then kowtow to the woman's father, brother and relatives, fill them with cigarettes, and even pour them food and drink.

The wedding day is the day after the man arrives at the woman's house. The bride got into the carriage, and the groom shot an arrow forward on the top of her carriage, meaning to shoot the ghost away. There is still 10 miles back to the man's house, and someone is already welcoming him. After that, he made a seat in the man's bag. When the bride enters the bag, she has to kowtow to the Buddha and meet the man's father, brothers and relatives. Pour them wine while eating. The bride and groom will not send these relatives and friends to the door until the banquet is over. After seeing off relatives and friends, they went back to eat acacia wine, accompanied by children at this time.

After marriage, the bride visits relatives and friends to introduce herself and let these people know her. At the same time, shortly after marriage, some went to their parents' home three days later, and some went to their parents' home 20 days later. After these formalities, the bride will work like other girls.

Before marriage, women in Hu Ba and Buryatia used to comb their hair with a single flap (Buryatia even had an 8-flap woven style), but after marriage, they used to comb with a double flap. Women in New Hu Ba also have the custom of cutting their forehead hair (wearing headdresses) and then combing their hair with double petals after marriage. After 1949, especially since the 1980s, although some old customs (especially in pastoral areas) have been retained, great changes have taken place, tending to be simple and practical, such as going to restaurants, and gradually transforming to modern aspects.