Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Complete collection of four-character idioms

Complete collection of four-character idioms

1. The four-character idioms in the idiom encyclopedia are big strides, overqualified, fully understanding, fighting, compassion, boasting and stupidity.

Make a scene, be furious, be selfless, be frightened to disgrace, the general trend, make waves, find a needle in a haystack,

Lucky, well-off, the river of no return, the north and south of the river, the streets, making a fuss, eye-opening,

Great rivers and mountains, great disasters, great people's hearts, big waves, famous, magnificent, disappointed,

Violating the law, in public, is quite different, righteously, righteously, useful,

Success, elegance, pouring rain, great wisdom and courage, profoundness, boldness and bitterness,

Vast territory and abundant resources, great joy, too big to lose, too big to catch the wind, too big to learn, exaggerated, flew into a rage,

Famous, ridiculous, generous, ambitious, arrogant, small, very different.

2. The Big Idiom Daquan four-character idiom is the third big idiom:

Eat and drink,


Make a mountain out of a molehill,

Goose feather and heavy snow,

Show your skills,


Heavy snow,

Dayu water conservancy,

Small punishments and big commandments,


The scenery is great,

Regardless of family interests,

Crying about it,

Great momentum,

Vast territory and rich resources,

Broad and profound,

Talk big,

With deep pockets,

Just show it,


Scared to death,

A monster,

A raging fire,



Run away,


Deeply understand the righteousness,

Natural and graceful,

Xuan ran * * *

3. Idiom Daquan Four-character idioms begin with big x small x overqualified. Use large materials as small materials.

Metaphor improper use, a waste of talent. Large alcohol and small residual alcohol: pure; Fault: Fault.

Generally pure, but there are some shortcomings. Dafa Xiaolian used to mean that ministers are loyal and junior ministers are conscientious.

Big plans are used for big things, but only for small things. It means that the plan has not fully played its role.

Streets, alleys, streets and alleys in towns refer to all parts of the city. Make a fuss describes being too surprised at something that's no big deal.

The big topic is a small article, and Wei Lei was written as a small article. Metaphor takes big things as small things.

Much the same, slightly different. Big head and small tail are still "anticlimactic"

Metaphor is tight before doing things, and loose after doing things. Yell, drink, shout.

Use "roar" Yelling at touching Cao Wei and Tucson's intestines, screaming loudly, screaming loudly.

Yell and scold when you drink too much. Make a big topic into a small article.

Metaphor treats big problems as small things.

4. What's the big deal about four-character idioms in Idioms? Do everything. It also shows that you are sure and can take responsibility.

Big Ben and Big Ben: fundamental; Zong: Ben, the theme. The most fundamental and important thing.

Mercy and compassion: give happiness to all beings with love; Sorrow: relieve the suffering of all beings with compassion; Compassion: Buddhist language, saving the suffering. Describe human charity.

Playing and playing means playing drums and music together.

Eat like a pig. Eating and drinking without restraint or plan. Refers to large-scale, high-grade eating and drinking activities.

Make a hullabaloo about, quarrel fiercely. Refers to the disorderly quarrel and commotion between the disputing parties without serious differences.

Play many musical instruments at the same time. Metaphor hype.

Dawu: I understand; Enlightenment: I understand. Describe a complete awakening.

Understand: understand; Enlightenment: I understand. Describe a complete awakening.

Openness and closure describe the loneliness, openness and closure of literary thinking.

Great kindness: kindness; DE: Ende, benefits. Mercy and compassion describe deep affection and kindness.

Rich and expensive means very rich and noble.

Big winds and waves refer to huge waves. It is a metaphor for the great turmoil and great changes in society. It also means that the struggle is sharp, complex, intense and arduous.

Make a hullabaloo about, describe hype and create public opinion.


Make a hullabaloo about, describe hype and create public opinion.

Big red and big green mean rich colors. She likes elegant clothes ranging from bright red to green.

Big red, big green means rich colors.

Big market refers to the general market price of goods.

It is useless to mobilize many people to do one thing in a rush.

Big red and purple describe prominence and pride.

The basic principles and provisions of the great sutra and Dafa.

Good luck is very auspicious and smooth. Used for divination and blessing in the old days.

Big wine and big meat means rich dishes and eating and drinking.

Speak out: express something; Release: to release, release. It means that the masses can fully express their opinions on some major issues.

Pretend to be arrogant.

Big gongs and drums describe hype.

Men and women refer to unmarried men and women who are over normal marriage age.

Destroy old things on a large scale and vigorously build new things.

Up and down, up and down. Describe a great change.

The invitation is big and the treatment is generous.

Righteousness describes generosity and respect for righteousness.

Da Ren Da Yong describes people as kind and brave.

Big right and wrong refers to the principled and fundamental right and wrong issues.

Big spendthrift originally meant big spendthrift. The latter is often used to describe that it is not easy to spend money.

Swing when you walk. Describe the arrogant attitude of thinking oneself great.

Big fish and big meat refers to a good and rich diet. Describe the richness of dishes.

Great wisdom and courage refer to extraordinary intelligence and courage.

5. The four-character idiom Dassault () is the general trend.

new word

Basic explanation

General trend: refers to the overall situation. The trend of the whole situation.


Song Chen Liang's Three Books on Filial Piety: "The great trend of the world; Move, beyond human power. "


Basic explanation

It means that the original hope is completely lost.


"The History of the Old Five Dynasties: Biography of Li Shouzhen": "The official army has just arrived; Keeping chastity and commanding many armies; Claiming to be military intelligence; Sitting in the city and meeting yourself; The sergeant is back. Disappointed. "

example sentence

Tonight's basketball exhibition game is temporarily cancelled, so that fans can ~.

Approximate antonym




Satisfied and happy, satisfied and happy

6. Idioms are big and careless.


[Interpretation] Originally refers to the thick branches of flowers and trees. The original metaphor is short or generalized. Now refers to rough work; Not careful and meticulous in doing things; Don't study the details of all aspects of things. It also refers to carelessness, lack of detail or rough outline.

[Language] Song Zhuxi's Preface to Zhuzi Schools: "Kong Anguo does not do it; Careless language; The preface of this book is exquisite; It's just a figure of the Six Dynasties. "

[Pronunciation] Thick; Can't pronounce "chū".

[Shape discrimination] branch; Can't write "branch"; Leaves; Can't write "karma"


[antonym] Be cautious

[Usage] Used to describe sloppy style; Not good. Generally used as predicate, object, attribute and adverbial.

[Structure] Combined type.

[Discrimination] See "Carelessness" (190).


He always does things like this ~; It was a mistake this time.

You are always like this ~; Not seeking solutions; This can't be done.

Neglect of work

7. Questioning the four-character idiom on Gao Da:

In high spirits,

The sky is high and the clouds are light.

Climbing higher and higher,

Sit down and relax,

Autumn is crisp,

Work hard,

High and low,

Respected and respected,



Strutting around,


Singing loudly,

The goal is too high,


A strategically located building,


Cows are tall, horses are big,

Pretending to be profound,

Dare not climb high,

Please be smart,

Pretend to be lofty,

Chess is better than chess,

For leniency,


Forward looking,

In high spirits,

Find another job,

High spirits,

High position and good salary.

Big four-character idiom:

Eat and drink,


Make a mountain out of a molehill,

Goose feather and heavy snow,

Show your skills,


Scared to death,

Dayu water conservancy,

Heavy snow,


With deep pockets,

Just show it,

Small punishments and big commandments,

The scenery is great,

Regardless of family interests,

Broad and profound,

Talk big,

Suddenly realized,

Crying about it,


Vast territory and rich resources,

Great momentum,


A monster,


Run away,


Great enlightenment,

Natural and graceful,

Be clear about the principle.

About four-character idioms:

Up and down,



Icing on the cake,

To make matters worse,

Soaring up,

Go shirtless,


Upwelling vomiting and diarrhea,

Heaven and earth,


Sakaka walks to take medicine,



Take office,

Jump up and down,

Jump up and down,

The whole country,

Above the sword,

The apple of your eye,

It's hard to get up and down,

Add fuel to the fire,

High above,

Come from the back,


Smell the smell of fish,

Drinking calves upstream,

On the screen of the swallow nest,

Mass killings,

It's good for the world, but bad for the world.