Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How many pronunciations does the word quiver have? How to compose music?

How many pronunciations does the word quiver have? How to compose music?

The word "quiver" has two pronunciations: chàn and zhà n.

1, buffeting, object vibration: buffeting. Tremble. A trill.

(1) vibration.

Rapid and frequent vibrations?

(2) the trembling chà nd ǒ u.

Tremble; shake

(3) The thriller ch à nl.

Trembling, also called "trembling"?

(4) the trembling chàNWéiwéI i.

Shaking is not allowed?

⑤ vibrato chà ny: n and n

A slight vibration effect added to increase the expressive force of sound or music, consisting of small and rapid tone changes in pronunciation?

⑥ Zen friends Zen friends

Shaking and wobbling?

2, trembling, with "war."

(1) thriller zhànlì

Use "tremble"

Make sentences:

1) facing the camera lens for the first time, I was so nervous that I trembled all over.

2) It's so cold that my sister in thin clothes can't help shivering.

She opened the parcel with trembling hands.

4) He accepted the donations from his classmates with trembling hands and shed tears with excitement.

5) On a cold night, the little match girl shivered with cold and huddled up.

Hearing the terrible news, my heart trembled.