Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - How does a person start self-discipline?

How does a person start self-discipline?

Self-discipline is really not that easy, and many times it will be given up by external factors. So, how does one start self-discipline? I think we can start with the following three points:

First, be cautious and independent. When a person is alone, it is the time to test a person's self-discipline most. Whenever a person is alone in a room, as long as there is nothing important at hand, "evil thoughts" will arise. Wang Yangming once said: "It is easy to break a mountain thief, but difficult to break a heart thief." Only by starting from the heart and getting rid of distractions and distractions in the heart can a person truly achieve self-discipline. Of course, this does not mean that all thoughts should be empty, which is what monks should do. What we should do is to be impartial and treat each other sincerely.

Second, practice. When you say something, do it with your strength. Don't just talk without practice. This is a fake trick. When a person can always practice himself, that is the beginning of self-discipline. When Chairman Mao was young, he was determined that "a child is determined to go to the countryside, and if he is not famous, he will never return." He kept his promise and finally became famous in the world. Premier Zhou said when he was young, "study for the rise of China". He has been practicing this sentence all his life, and he has really done it. When Premier Zhu Rongji took office, he said, "No matter whether there is a minefield or an abyss ahead, I will go all the way and do my best until I die." Indeed, he did it. "Unity of knowing and doing" is the beginning of self-discipline.

Third, love affairs. Cultivating a good hobby is also the beginning of self-discipline. The ancients had piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and today people also have singing, dancing, rap and basketball; Ancient people traveled by candlelight at night, but today people dance at night. Anyway, why can self-discipline be cultivated through emotional manipulation? Because a person has hobbies, he will unconsciously control his words and deeds. If a person likes to play ball, he will arrange time for himself to sleep late less; If a person likes calligraphy, he will calm down and write, reducing impetuous emotions; If a person likes dancing, he will make his body more harmonious.

This is an answer that can subvert your outlook on life! The full text is 4000 words, and it takes 5 minutes to read.

Friendly reminder: please arrange your time reasonably and eat it repeatedly!

Are you always like this?

Born as a man ... Why am I so ugly and fat and have no money?

You always procrastinate, can't sleep at night, who happens during the day, and occasionally want to work hard, but it's always three minutes hot.

Just as there is a saying, intermittent complacency, continuous mixed eating and waiting for death!

That's right! Here comes the method. You are lucky to be able to brush this article!

This article is about the most suitable self-discipline methods for you, such as playing mobile phone and watching TV.

I myself am the beneficiary of this method. In this way, my weight was reduced from 160 kg to 135 kg. I read 100 books a year and learned to write. The most important thing is to help me quit smoking and drinking for more than ten years, and now I have been insisting on it for one year.


First of all, we need to know what self-discipline is. Self-discipline in our hearts:

Is this really self-discipline?

Self-discipline-that is, I really want to do something spontaneously without external stimulation and interference.

For example:

One day you find yourself fat to the limit, and you need to lose weight.

Then you need to change your eating habits, work and rest, quit your laziness, shut up and spread your legs.

The essence of self-discipline is change.

How to change it?

That's right. First of all, you have to have dreams and goals. Instead of blindly doing meaningless things.

Then-you need a strong ambition.

You have to understand, what can you get from your self-discipline and the final result? Here we have to talk about Ma Si Knorr's demand theory.

High-level needs are more important than low-level needs.

Enthusiasm is inspired by high-level needs.

Losing weight is simply the lowest physiological needs and safety needs, in order to make your body healthier and have stronger immunity.

But this is not enough to make you have strong ambitions, because you can still live a normal life without losing weight. Although you are fat, you are happy!

We will find that many ordinary people always give up halfway to lose weight, and those who are seriously ill because of obesity seem to be more likely to stick to losing weight after the initial recovery from serious illness. Is it the disease that makes them realize?

No, because he knows that if I don't lose weight, I may die!

In the same way, we can see that the elderly are often more interested in fitness and have more perseverance than the young.

Then, think again, since overeating is very happy, why do you suddenly want to lose weight?

The real reason is:

Is it suddenly clear? These are the sources that you really want to lose weight! If you are thinking about losing weight, try to think about why you lost weight in the first place.

"Life is like archery, and dreams are like arrows. If there is no arrow target, your daily bow drawing is meaningless. "

Second, what prevents you from adhering to self-discipline? Expecting too much of ourselves is the biggest obstacle to our self-discipline!

We often see a great god sharing that he kept a diary every day for two years and kept running 100 days. . . . After reading it, my blood is boiling. You will use this high specification and start asking yourself!

When your real situation is too different from the expected state in your mind, when you really start to act, the psychological burden you bear is actually overloaded.

Give a chestnut that everyone feels the same way. Everyone is familiar with running. For people who don't exercise often, they may only jog for two or three kilometers at first, but it will be difficult to persist after a long time.

But suddenly one day you read an article telling you that you won't burn fat within 50 minutes of running. After listening to it, you said: Today, you must run for 50 minutes. Fight!

You can't even run for twenty minutes. Can you run for 50 minutes?

The answer is actually: yes! Your self-esteem will make you grit your teeth and finish a 50-minute jog. But this time, the pain made you give up all your jogging plans.

At the beginning of learning to write, I have been thinking about how to write an explosive article, what kind of topic is what everyone likes and what kind of writing skills are needed. . . . After thinking for a long time, I found that I didn't type a word on the computer.

I told my writing teacher about my situation, and he told me a sentence that I remember deeply: as far as writing is concerned, completion is more important than perfection!

This sentence also applies to all things that need long-term persistence!

Just as you try to make a computer with low configuration run a large game with high configuration requirements, there are two results:

Next, it is the focus of this article. Please keep your spirits up!

Third, how to achieve real self-discipline 1, the first step: believe that you can achieve self-discipline.

There is a psychological phenomenon called self-fulfilling prophecy.

It sounds idealistic, but there is a reasonable explanation behind it.

Take self-discipline as an example. First of all, we choose to believe that we can be self-disciplined. This belief began to affect our actions, such as getting up early every day to study in the library. Our actions will further influence others' views of us.

The improvement of others will further change the reaction to us, such as not asking you to stay up late to eat chicken. Finally, their progress in turn strengthened our belief in self-discipline. In round after round of positive cycle, self-discipline has gradually changed from concept to reality.

In layman's terms, I tell myself every day: "You can be more awesome"!

2. Cultivate strong self-discipline motivation.

Like the "Musk's Demand Theory" mentioned in the previous article,

Your needs determine the strength of your motivation!

Dare to admit your goals and desires, it is not shameful to want to get rich, and it is not shameful to want to be respected by others!

There is a saying in Control Habits:

Many people like to do things by faith, but faith is not innate. You need to learn the day after tomorrow, take the initiative to discover and sharpen strong motivation, in order to achieve real self-discipline!

3. Reduce the difficulty of perception in advance and give you the courage to start!

As mentioned in the last section, the biggest problem that hinders your self-discipline is to expect too much of yourself.

We are used to overestimating our self-control. Our plan is perfect and our actions are far from perfect!

Human nature always stubbornly believes that only by reaching the initial goal can we succeed and gain a sense of accomplishment, so we are unwilling to start any plan that scares us.

Afraid we can't do it, so we dare not do it!

We can understand reducing the difficulty as letting ourselves develop a micro-habit!

Micro-habits are so small that you have no reason not to do them. First, make a plan for yourself: do a push-up, a squat and run 500 meters. You don't even have to change any equipment, anytime, anywhere.

When your plan has successfully become a habit, it will add a little difficulty. Again: completion is more important than perfection!

4. Avoid factors that affect your goals.

When you are particularly addicted to one thing, you repeatedly break your own flag. At this time, you need to avoid the factors that affect your goals.

This can be said to be a rough and useful skill.

For example, like me, there was a time when it was always "ten minutes in Tik Tok, three hours in reality".

As long as you turn on Tik Tok, you can't stop at all and waste a lot of time.

It makes my concentration drop. Reading for less than half an hour is like brushing Tik Tok.

One day, I was cruel and directly unloaded Tik Tok!

The effect was immediate, and I became more focused and had more direct feelings to control.

Similarly, if you want to lose weight, stay away from restaurants. If you want to quit smoking and drinking, you should eat less. Avoid being influenced by the environment and others!

5. Self-discipline is a struggle

Luo herrick said:

Many people can't exercise self-discipline and just want to give up because of a slight blow!

The terrible thing is not that you broke your self-discipline, but that you abandoned yourself because of guilt and fell into the abyss of regret.

One morning you got up late and forgot to run. You feel that the whole day is ruined, so you simply do nothing, forget to read the book once, and simply brush Tik Tok until it bursts.

Guilt brings internal injuries, takes away your whole spirit, makes you confused and makes you physically and mentally exhausted!

Why don't we push the boulder up again and again like Sisyphus?

6. Keep a good work and rest.

It is impossible for a person who stays up until the early hours of the morning to get things done, let alone lead a self-disciplined life. 75% of people's unhappiness in life comes from poor sleep, so we need to reach the routine first! I summed up the following three points!

7, insist on daily resumption!

Keep writing resume notes every day. The content of the note is what you did today, whether you finished all the tasks today and how well you did. Tomorrow's plans and so on.

You can use it as a diary. The key is that you need to think about your day's achievements and gains, which is a shortcut to improve work efficiency!

At work, we can find that busy people will never make a comeback and avoid weaknesses.

Of course, you can't just think about what you want to do at present, but you can also look at your day's mood and life.

Writer Li Ailing said in "You don't hurt, love is good":

You can also review your work, life and various interpersonal relationships regularly, sum up and improve, and don't fall down repeatedly in the same pit.

Pythagoras said: A man who cannot restrain himself cannot be called a free man.

I wish you and me: we can be self-disciplined and live the life we yearn for.

* * * Whatever!

Give someone a rose, and the hand has a lingering fragrance. Finally, I want a compliment and attention that I am not ashamed to ask. Hey hey.

Self-discipline is a very important thing in life and a key factor for a person's success. So how should a person start self-discipline?

Planning. No matter what you do, you must have a plan, just like building a house first, in order to start the later process more smoothly. With planning, you can know what you want to do and how to do it. According to the plan, it is easier to achieve the expected results.

Target. If you want to be self-disciplined and successful, the goal is the most important, because this is the direction you should work hard for. Without a goal, you will feel confused. With goals, you will know that you should be more self-disciplined and do what you should do. Of course, everyone has different goals. You can start with small goals. For example, Wang Jianlin is to earn 100 million yuan first, so you should set a goal quickly!

Put down the "garbage" time. What is garbage time? Just playing mobile phones, playing games and chatting is of little significance and a waste of time. As a self-disciplined person, most of these things should be abandoned, and time should be spent doing more meaningful things to pave the way for my future life.

Self-discipline is really important, it can determine whether you can succeed or not in a large proportion! Friends who like Fan Fan's content, pay a little attention!