Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Empty rail SC Chapter IV Introduction

Empty rail SC Chapter IV Introduction

Chapter four? The arrow of the fog demon?

In this chapter, we begin to manipulate the long-lost contract, enter the air pirate base, and aim at the bobcats parked in the cabin. ?

Air bandit base?


Loop [attack 3]?

First, you need to find the starting card. When you get in, go to the room on the right and fight the captain. Because the enemy will attack with various attributes at first, and use frozen bombs. Once the contract is frozen, it will be over. After winning, you will get the departure card. ?


Drugs [EP チャージ Ⅰ? EP? 100 reply]?

Jewelry [フェザーブローチ? "No" No "?

Drugs [ティァラのや? HP2000 reply]?

Drugs [キュリァのや? "All-state exception" release]?

Drugs [EP チャージ Ⅰ? EP? 100 reply]?

B 1F?

Drugs [EP チャージ Ⅰ? EP? 100 reply]?

Drugs [ティァラのや? HP2000 reply]?

Drugs [ティァラのや? HP2000 reply]?

Drugs [EP チャージ Ⅰ? EP? 100 reply]?

Drugs [ティァォルの? HP's comprehensive reply]?

Drugs [EP チャージ Ⅱ? EP? 300 reply]?

Pay attention to protect NPC, and finally come to Bobcats. After investigating the exclamation point, a battle broke out. After settling four soldiers, Mullah appeared, and HP exceeded 20,000. The way to fight is to slow him down, increase our speed, and then slowly settle it with a real combo. Pay attention to protect Josette. The number of times she died and could not fight will be recorded in the guerrilla handbook. ?

Xiao Ai regularly looks at the photos on the boat ... and talks to someone just like before.

Main task? ★ What is fog? BP3?

Back in Laurian, I found a strange phenomenon of fog around Laurian on the flying boat. I went to the guerrilla association and accepted the task of investigating the scope of fog. At this time, you can get "Gambler Jack6" by talking to bookworms on the second floor of Xikou, and of course you can also buy it at Perth supermarket in the back. ?

Now you can buy large plates (three orders, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs, eggs.


★ Empty the engagement thumbwheel? BP4?

Go to the church to get the task, and then go to the top of the jade tower to investigate. ?

マルガ mountain road?

Drugs [セラスの? Can't cancel, HP 1000 reply]?

At the fork in the road, you can go right to complete the investigation of one of the main lines and get the treasure chest at the mountain road in the north. Drugs [ティァラのや? HP2000 reply]?

Drugs [ティァラのや? HP2000 reply]?

In front of Yuta?

Drugs [EP チャージ Ⅰ? EP? 100 reply]?

Inside the jade pagoda?

フラィスキッパー (small fish, maybe with six angel sheep)?

ポム (Bobo, maybe with 1 angel sheep)?


Drugs [EP チャージ Ⅰ? EP? 100 reply]?

[Water-based Flash +200]?

Jewelry [Emerald stone amulet? Those in the body, attack and defense, attributes and wind?


Carrying food [マィティジュース]?


Warcraft-clothes [ジプシークィーン? DEF+2 10? ADF+30? SPD+5? AGL+ 10? For women]?


Weapon-Estelle [King Kong Staff? STR+240? RNG+ 1]?

Shoes [ドェンデ? DEF+90? MOV+ 1? ATS+ 100? ADF-30? For women]?

Cycle [Magic Defense 4]?

Jade tower?

I found the lost "Platinum Finger Wheel" in the light spot at the top of the tower, and there was a crow next to it, which took it away. -?

Milk street?

マントラップ (big man-eating flower, maybe with 1 angel sheep)?

Scene 1?

The red treasure chest under the tree? 【 Water and wind attributes+100 】?

There is a fishing spot in this scene. In order to facilitate the task in the future, it is suggested to fish first?

You can catch [u パールグラススススニシシシシス].

Scene two?

By the way, I have completed one of the main tasks of the investigation, the street in the west?

Weapons-epee (agate) [Thunder? STR+240] treasure chest?

Drugs [リーベの? Chaos, Sleep and Loneliness]?

Drugs [ティァラのや? HP2000 reply]?

Scene three?

★ ミルヒ の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の の BP4?

Wanted in the middle of the road for Warcraft?

Drugs [ゼラムパダー? "Can't" cancel, HP gives a full reply, and CP 100 gives a reply]?

Drugs [absolute]? "Enchantment" lifted)?

Warcraft-circuit [smelly]?

You can fish behind the bridge. Just catch a fish for the convenience of the task. If you didn't catch [Oトラード] in the first chapter, you can fish with a fishing rod here.

Finally, go to ェリーズ street. You can go home to see the plot first, and then go south, just to complete the last investigation of this main task-to investigate the "ェリーズ" street in the south?

What is the street?

Loop [magic blade]?

Drugs [リーベの? Chaos, Sleep and Loneliness]?

Drugs [パームの? "Poisoning, sealing, secretly' disarming'?

★ ェリーズのの ののは ののは ののののは? BP4?

Watch out for the shadow spear. This wanted Warcraft will drop the ring [HP4] and make the equipment lucky to hit the last one?

★ Visit the fishing ground? BP4+2?

Come to Gruna Gate, accept the task of a fisherman, and ask you to find a fishing spot in this area, and then catch a fish. This is a long-term task. Only by the end of this chapter can you find all of them and get the most BP. There are several places: Lorant's underground waterway, you can see it when you go down; Behind your house; ヴェルテ mountain pass behind the bridge; On the street; ェリーズミストヴァルトトトルトトルトトルルト? 1 ?

Mysterious forest?

Scene 1?

Drugs [EP チャージ Ⅱ? EP? 300 reply]?

Scene two? Exclamation point temporarily inaccessible?

Weapon-whip (Shirazad) [spike whip? STR+240? RNG+2]?

Drugs [ァセラスのや? "Can't" cancel, HP will fully reply]?

Shoes [ハーケントレック? DEF+95? MOV+3? AGL+ 10? Male use]?

The third scene (the second scene on the right)?

Clothes [サバィブベスト? DEF+2 10? ADF+ 10? SPD+5? AGL+20]?

Jewelry [リリーネックレス? "Chaos" is meaningless]?

Jewelry [ブラックバングル? "Sleep" is meaningless]?

After all the treasure boxes were opened, I came back. On the road, there is a fishing spot near the bridge on the street (fishing for a fish, because I used to fish behind the bridge and at the fishing spot on the street).

Go to Xiao Ai's house again and fish in the lake on the left (visited 4/6 fishing grounds)?

Then report to the association, investigate the scope of fog, and report to the association. At this time, a lot of sleeping people appeared, and they seemed to fall into a deep dream. ?

In the evening, go to the sewer in Luoliante. There are fishing spots at the entrance of the waterway (5/6 fishing grounds have been visited)?

Drugs [EP チャージ Ⅰ? EP? 100 reply]?

Warcraft-Cycle [Blade of Chaos]?


★ Fan cat search? BP3?

First of all, I went to the left room on the 1 floor of the hotel, talked with ィータ and learned that her kitten had disappeared again. At the same time, I learned that the groom at the launch site might know something. I went to the launch site above Lorente and met the groom on the boarding platform. The waiter クィント is killing time in the workshop now, asking him about the kitten, and knowing that the beautician should know that this guy is the one who is easily overlooked, and he hides under the tree for me? (When entering the launch site, under the first tree on the left)? Knowing that the kitten was probably still on the regular boat, I went back to the groom and asked to enter the regular boat for inspection, but the other party refused to live or die on the grounds of principle. No way out, Sheila's sister had to sacrifice some color, making her face flush, and finally got into the regular boat, went down to the bottom of the boat and found the kitten running out. Sleep, Chaos]?

Main task? ★ Sleeping events? BP3+6?

Start investigating clues, go to the mayor's house and talk to the mayor's wife, and talk to estelle's classmates in Sunday school on the second floor of the hotel. Then talk to パット in the first room on the second floor of the room near ミルヒ Street (this child was protected by the Jade Pagoda for the first time in that year); Finally, talk to the second floor of Jia Min behind the workshop; After all, I reported back to the association and chose to rest for one night with my eyes open and sleepy. In fact, women go back to estelle's house to sleep, and men keep vigil. ?

Main task? ★ パーゼルのののののゼののののの? BP 1?

I went to Linong grocery store to buy some chocolates the next morning. At this time, when you go to the second floor of the hotel, you can see Olivier who is "sleeping (agate)" and come to the association. After discussion, it was decided to divide the troops into two ways. Estelle went to the farm with them. As soon as they arrived at the farm, they heard the bell. The battle has begun. These fog demons are a little tall. Attack them with magic. When something bad happened, he rushed into the room, only to find that estelle's classmates and family were in a coma. estelle regretted it. ?


★ ミルヒ の の の の の の の ど ど ど ど ど ど ど ど ど ど ど ど ど ど ど BP5?

The fork in the second scene of ミルヒ Street leads to the left side of Parsell Farm Road?

★ Jade pagoda with magic hand? BP4?

Is Warcraft in front of the Jade Pagoda?

Upgrade guerrilla D+ level after reporting, and get cycle [Blade of Death 1]?

Main task? ★ "Clothes and Women" の Description? BP5+3?

After reporting back to the association, you will go to the fog forest and enter a "strange gate array" from the middle bridge. You have to go out in 20 scenes to add BP. You can go out in the direction of East → East → North → North (there is a cycle [range]) → East → North → East, and then you will encounter a boss battle and two fog demons. Pay attention to their confusion and sleep attacks, and concentrate on solving them with magic first. After the fight, the woman in black will let estelle enter the memory. After the story is over, she will go to 2F to make an appointment to repair an Asian room, then go to find her father, go outside to find her mother, go back to 1F, investigate the bedside table and get the key to put things in the cabin, go back to 2F to open the room, investigate the innermost box and get "ハーまヒ". (It's all out of tune- -and then I won't go ~)?

After the end of the plot, I woke up and met my sister when I was a child, but now I have become a person in Lenovo and the executor of NO. Six "magic bells", the fog has all dispersed. Finally, this chapter ends. ?

At this time, BP should be 195?

Japanese name? Original translation? Revised translation?

ミミズ? Earthworms. Earthworms?

カワムシ? Sichuan worm Sichuan worm?

Practice? Cook meatballs? Cook meatballs?

イクラ? Salmon. Salmon eggs?

タニシ? Snail snail?

カエル? Frog frog?

アカムシ? Red bug. Red worm?

イソメ? Sea cucumber Sea cucumber?

コエビ? Shrimp. Shrimp?


Japanese names are translated after the original translation?

シュラブ Shrub crab?

カサギ silver umbrella fish

サン? Sunfish sunfish?

ヤマニー Qingxi fish Qingxi fish?

リベールブナ? Leibel crucian carp? Leibel crucian carp?


ヴァレリアバス? Valerian bass? Valerian bass?

ロック? Lock fish? Cave fish?

メッシーナ Messina green scales?

カルプ? Carp? Carp?


ォロショ orange river fish orange river fish?

ォクトー autumn fish? Octopus?

レィンボ rainbow trout?

トラード?? Black salmon?

イール? Eel? Eel?

サモーナ towing fish? Salmon?

クロディーン? Transgenic fish Sparus macrocephalus?

スネークヘッド? Snake head? Snake head?


パールグラス? Lysimachia odorata Pearl grass?

ガーウェルズ? The violent giant catfish of the fleeing apostles?

グラナクロウ? Green crab. Blue crab?

ギガンゴラー? Strange fish is in great health?

ブルマリーナ? Blue pier swordfish?

ダイナトラード? Diving dolphins? Tyrannosaurus