Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What does Feng Xuan say in the Book of Changes?

What does Feng Xuan say in the Book of Changes?

There is a distance between the two spirals, and the hairs of the two spirals grow to both sides, like a phoenix, so it is called the phoenix spiral. Not both roofs are called phoenix roofs. Blessed are the people on the phoenix roofs.

The vortex overhead is called "whirl" in the workshop and "hairy flow" in medicine. What about this hair flow? Simply put, it is "hair tilt". It exists not only in hair, but also anywhere on the body with hair. Hair tilt is a normal physiological phenomenon in the process of human growth and development. Some people turn more, while others turn less; Some rotate counterclockwise, while others rotate gracefully clockwise; Some are radial, some are bifurcated?

No matter the number or shape, it is almost the same as the result of random selection, and there is nothing special. The rotation on the head is only one of the various rotations of the whole body, and it has nothing to do with whether the baby is smart or not. Just relying on the two rotations of the top of the head to predict the baby's IQ, the baby will not do it.