Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Combined with the content of the selected text, what kind of person is the eldest grandson queen?

Combined with the content of the selected text, what kind of person is the eldest grandson queen?

Character life editor

Door's daughter

Empress's eldest grandson, Gao Shilian, Sun Chang Wuji

Empress Grandson was born in the first year of Renshou of Emperor Wendi of Sui Dynasty (60 1) and in Luoyang (now Luoyang, Henan). Shi's father, right general, and his mother, Gao, are the daughters of Beiqi people in Le 'an. Because the eldest grandson was the leader of the imperial clan in the Northern Wei Dynasty, he gave them his surname when Emperor Xiaowen reformed. As an imperial clan, the eldest grandson family emerged in large numbers from the Northern Wei Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty, which can be described as "Zhong Ding passed down the door, and his family background is beautiful". [10]' s father has a reputation of killing two birds with one stone and has made great achievements in military diplomacy. [1 1] He often dealt with the relationship between Sui and Turkic for a long time, and once split Turkic, which made great contributions to splitting Turkic. Within the Turks, they are in awe of Chang. They heard his bow and thought it was a thunderbolt. When they saw him riding a horse, they thought it was lightning. [12] Therefore, the eldest grandson's family got the title of Thunderbolt Hall. Shi is the daughter of a famous soldier and comes from a famous family.

tie the nuptial knot


The eldest grandson queen is the youngest daughter of the eldest grandson, and the eldest grandson family is very concerned about the marriage of this little daughter. Uncle Sun Chen admired Dou Shi, the wife of Tang Guogong Li Yuan at that time. When Dou was young, for the sake of the overall situation of the Northern Zhou Dynasty, he persuaded his uncle Zhou Wudi Yu Wenyong to give preferential treatment to the Turkish empress. Sun Bin believed that an excellent woman like Dou would cultivate excellent children, so he persuaded Chang to marry the young and Tang Guogong. [13] However, shortly after the marriage agreement was signed, Chang Sunsheng died in the fifth year of Daye (609), and then his brother and mother were rejected by their half-brothers. Fortunately, Sun Chang Shi's uncle Gao Shilian is very generous to his sister and their children. [2]

Shi's brother Wuji and his childhood friends. Gao Shilian see very comparable, know and history of childhood engagement. After Shi's father's funeral, he began to publicize it and betrothed Shi to him. [14- 15] So in the ninth year of Daye (6 13), 13-year-old Shi married 16-year-old, and began a life of mutual love and trust. After marriage, Shi has married and had children in Yongxing. Uncle Gao Shilian's concubine Zhang saw a big horse outside Shi's house. The horse is two feet high and the saddle is there. Zhang was frightened and told Gao Shilian about it. Gao Shilian asked someone to perform divination, and when he saw Kun, the internal yang and vulva, healthy inside and smooth outside, showed the turn of heaven and earth. The diviner said: "The dragon is a dry divination, the horse is a Kun divination, and the woman is in a noble position. Divination, this woman is expensive. " [16- 17] Gao Shilian was elated and said, "If relatives know each other, they must respect each other." . [ 18]

Shortly after mothering, Yang Di launched the second Liao War. Li Shimin's mother, Dou Shi, went to war with her husband, Li Yuan (then a grain inspector) and fell ill unexpectedly in Zhuo Jun. Li Shimin was placed in the army to take care of his mother. However, the Dou family died in May of the 9th year of Daye (AD 6 13). [19-20] The following month, Yang Xuangan rebelled, conspired with Assistant Minister Hu of the Ministry of War to flee to Liaodong, and Gao Shilian, who befriended him, was exiled. [2 1] One is a biological mother and the other is a loving uncle. The newly-married young couple suffered a great blow. The two comforted each other, supported each other and encouraged each other in adversity, and their relationship became more harmonious.

In the 12th year of Daye (6 16), Tang Guogong Li Yuan moved to the right as a general, and in April of the same year, he was appointed as the appeaser of Taiyuan Road. [22-23] The following year (6 17), emperors Yang Guangyi and Li Yuan stayed in Taiyuan. [24] He Shi also lived in Taiyuan with his father. Without the guidance of her mother-in-law and the help of her sister-in-law, [25-26] Shi, the second daughter-in-law left behind in Taiyuan, was only about seventeen years old, and naturally took up the post of housewife of Tang Guogong. With the trust and support of my father-in-law, and the love and tolerance of my husband, I spent a happy time in Taiyuan. When Shi invested in the construction of Xuanzhong Temple near Taiyuan and listened to the bell in the temple, the reputation of the family and Shi's benevolence spread with the bell of Rensi Temple, and took root in Taiyuan. [27]

Five virtues mediation

At the end of Sui Dynasty, people's resentment boiled, and anti-Sui forces rose in succession, leading to constant disputes. In the 13th year of the Great Cause (6 17), the Li family raised the banner of righteousness in May, and soon it sprang up. In the same year 1 1 month, they entered Chang 'an, where they first appointed Wang as Emperor Yangdi and changed the title of that year to Yining. On the 22nd of the same month, Li Shimin was made King of Qin, and the following year (6 18) he was renamed King of Zhao. [29] The teacher followed her husband as Mrs. Qin and Mrs. Zhao.

In the second year of Yining (6 18), on May 20th, Li Yuan was enthroned as emperor by Zen, with the title of Tang and changed to Wude in Yuan Dynasty. On the seventh day of June, he was named King Qin, and [30] Shi was also named Princess Qin. [3 1] In the early Tang Dynasty, the world was not peaceful, and Li Tang's sphere of influence was still very small. As a coach, Li Shimin often went out to fight, but the birth of his child brought a lot of joy to the couple. While caring for her husband, she also tried her best to relieve her worries. As a princess of Qin, she was very filial to Li Yuan and won the appreciation of the emperor's father-in-law. In the name of his adopted son Li Xuanba, he directly promoted Chang's own son to Wang Wei and Shanggu Wang. [32-34]

The King of Qin conquered all directions, and successively leveled Xue Ju and his son, Liu Wuzhou, Dou Jiande and Wang. In the fourth year of Wude (62 1), he was named General Ce Tian, ranking above the vassals. [35] At this time, the King of Qin held several posts, and his prestige was equal to that of Prince Li, so it was inevitable that he was suspected of being the Lord of Gao Zhen. [36] After Luoyang was pacified, Li Shimin refused the imperial concubine and others to come here, and Qin Wang's subordinates clashed with his harem relatives many times. 【 37-38 】 The Qin government offended the harem. On the contrary, the King of Qi and the concubines in the harem often go back and forth, and they often join hands to kill Li Shimin in front of the high-impedance. Seeing that her husband, who fought bloody battles many times, was alienated by the emperor and envied by the prince and the king of Qi, Princess Qin came forward directly to ease the contradiction. She often goes in and out of the palace, honours her great-grandfather Li Yuan, associates with concubines in the harem, makes up the bad blood between her husband and the emperor, and saves help for her husband in the harem. 【 39-40 】 With the support of Xiao Yu, the right servant of Shangshu, and Li Gang, the prince of Shaobao, Gao Zu Li Yuan finally couldn't bear to kill Li Shimin. Princess Shi and others won valuable preparation time for the Qin government's Jedi counterattack. [4 1] Like countless struggles for imperial power in history, brothers turned against each other and ended up in discord.

Xuanwu change

At the end of the second year of Wude (6 19), due to the Liu Wenjing incident, Gaozu had frozen the King of Qin. Due to the constant internal and external wars, Tang Ting had to rely on the martial arts of the King of Qin, but could not.

Grandson princess

Not every time the war is tight, Li Shimin is activated again and again, but after the incident, Li Shimin, whose exploits are more prominent, is more suspected. [42] In the last years of Wude, the emperor became more and more suspicious, and the prince and the king of Qi became more and more coercive, which made Li Shimin's situation even more difficult. In June of the seventh year of Wude (624), after the Gan incident, both the Qin government and Prince Qi suffered losses, and the struggle between the two sides became fierce.

In July of the same year, Turks invaded the border again, and the situation was critical. The King of Qi and most ministers agreed to move the capital, but Li Shimin protested directly that the suffering of Yidi was not enough to be feared, and requested a war against the Turks. High-impedance listened to his request, but the prince and harem concubines took the opportunity to enter slanderers and framed Li Shimin for usurping military power. [43] Gaozu became suspicious again. Later, Gaozu hunted in the south of the city, and the prince gave the king of Qin a mighty Hu in an attempt to fall to his death. After taming the horse, the king of Qin replied that he was alive or dead, and the prince took the opportunity to let the harem concubines falsely accuse the king of Qin of "destiny." [44] Gaozu was furious, but because of the restless border, Li Shimin, a military wizard, was indispensable and had to press the matter. One plan failed, and the prince gave a banquet in the East Palace and harmed Li Shimin with poisoned wine, but failed. [45] He and the King of Qi planned to assassinate Li Shimin in Kunming Pool to seize the palace. Fortunately, Wang Chang knew about the plot and told Li Shimin. [46]

After a series of events, the contradiction between Qin Gong and the East Palace intensified. Princess Qin Stone did not give up this secret seal. However, in the face of her husband's grievances and blows and his deployment, she is more and more alert to the sense of urgency to get out of trouble. At this time, Princess Qin did not flinch and stood behind her husband without hesitation, giving her husband unreserved support with her brothers Wuji and Fang. On June 3rd, the 9th year of Wude (626), Venus appeared again in the south of the sky at noon during the day. When Gaozu told Li Shimin that Fu Yimi played "The King of Qin deserves the world" [47], Li Shimin made up his mind in do or die.

In the early morning of June 4th, Li Shimin led 800 Qin soldiers to ambush in Xuanwu Gate. Shi, who usually stood behind her husband, unexpectedly appeared beside him, calmly encouraging the soldiers. All the soldiers are grateful to Princess Qin for her personal encouragement, so they are more fearless. [48-49] The wife's fearless persistence in life and death encouraged her husband Li Shimin. The change of Xuanwu Gate ended with the great victory of the King of Qin. Three days later, on June 7th, she was appointed as the Crown Prince and became the Crown Prince's concubine. [50] On August 8, he became emperor and was crowned queen 13 days after he ascended the throne. From then on, after being virtuous, they add up to each other. [5 1-52]

Liang You Liang Jie

The eldest grandson loves reading and painting, and even loves to put it down when dressing up. [53] Even after becoming queen. Often holding a book with her husband, talking about the past, discussing the present, relaxing and expressing original opinions are of great benefit to her husband and national affairs. [54-56] Emperor Taizong always attached great importance to his eldest grandson. [57] After he ascended the throne, he often indulged his eldest grandson family.

Empress Grandson took fullness as a warning and advised her brother to step aside. With the approval of Emperor Taizong, Sun Chang Wuji was able to raise his salary and maintain honesty. [58-60] The eldest grandson also used her influence on her husband to protect the court's virtue and correct her husband's faults. [6 1] On the one hand, the eldest grandson appreciates "sheltering" Wei Zhi's loyal ministers who dare to speak out, on the other hand, he constantly reminds Li Shimin to be benevolent. [62] She played a unique role in the patriarchal feudal society with the unique strength of women, assisted the emperor's husband, and achieved a favorable political situation in the early Tang Dynasty.

After the monarch and the Ming Dynasty, the sages were straightforward, literate and martial arts, and the spring breeze was harmonious, cordial and tolerant. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, it ushered in its ideal realm of "the rule of chastity", which haunted later generations.

Die of illness

In the eighth year of Zhenguan (634), during the summer vacation of Emperor Taizong in Jiucheng Palace, his eldest grandson was seriously ill and stayed with him. The crown prince asked for Amnesty and enlightenment, but Emperor Taizong, who was worried about his wife's health, immediately agreed, but was resolutely opposed by his eldest grandson. In desperation, Emperor Taizong had to ask the master of Puguang Temple to hide in the palace and pray for his wife. It was because of the emperor's sincerity that his eldest grandson recovered. [63-64]

In the ninth year (635), the Crown Prince Li Chenggan accepted the Su family, [65] but there were mixed feelings, and then the death of his biological mother, Mrs. Zhao, and the death of the emperor was another heavy blow to the eldest grandson and the queen. [66] The grief of the double mourning period induced the frequent Qi disease that the eldest grandson suffered in his early years. In the second year, the condition worsened and the medicine stone was invalid.

Emperor Taizong was lucky in Taiyuan in his early years, and his eldest grandson was ill. He personally went to Shibi Temple to visit the Zen master, explain the treasures and make a wish for his wife. [67] So Emperor Taizong decided to turn to Buddhism again. 10 In April, Li Shimin ordered the restoration of 392 ancient temples in the world that prayed for the Queen, including the famous Shanji Temple and Xiuding Temple. [68-69] Although Emperor Taizong expected the well-being of Buddhism to bring good luck to his wife again, luck did not care for him again.

Ten years (636) in June, the eldest grandson of the queen died in Taiji Palace Li Zhengting, at the age of 36. Emperor Taizong was very sad and obeyed the queen's wishes. Yingshan was the mausoleum and Zhaoling was the mausoleum. [70] Throughout the life of the eldest grandson queen, she and Emperor Taizong supported each other for 23 years from childhood. In love, husband and wife love each other and complement each other politically. "If you meet it, you will not change it for life."

2 Mother Instrument He Wei Editor-in-Chief

Warn philosophers

Legends of Heroes in Sui and Tang Dynasties: Li Shimin and Empress Grandson

The eldest grandson queen is simple in nature and doesn't like waste. What she needs is enough. [7 1-72] is also very strict with the prince. She often exhorts your princes to be modest and frugal first. [73] Even for your own children.

Li Chenggan, the eldest son of the eldest grandson queen, was made a prince in his early years, and his wet nurse, Mrs. Sui 'an, was in charge of the daily expenses of the East Palace. Mrs. Sui 'an was very interested in the Prince. She felt that there were not enough utensils in the East Palace, and repeatedly asked for an increase in fees in front of the eldest grandson queen. Although the eldest grandson loves his son, he doesn't want to encourage the luxury of the East Palace. She said to Mrs. Sui 'an, "As a Chu Jun, patients have no moral standing and no reputation. Why do you suffer from insufficient utensils and use them insufficiently? " So I refused Mrs. Sui 'an's request. [74] The ethos of chastity is also reflected here.

Harmony and direct understanding

Sun Ping, the eldest son of the Queen, never makes people feel wronged for no reason. Emperor Taizong has been marching and fighting for many years, and his temper is inevitably impatient. People in the later dynasties often angered Emperor Taizong because of trivial matters. The eldest grandson of the empress knows the temperament of Emperor Taizong, and can always make an angry husband extinguish the wrath of thunder. [75-76]

On one occasion, a beloved horse of Emperor Taizong suddenly died of illness. Emperor Taizong was very angry with the imperial secretary who kept the horse and said, "I want to kill it." Instead of directly pleading for the imperial secretary, the eldest grandson told her husband a story that they had read together: "In the past, Qi Jinggong wanted to kill people because the horse died, so Yan Zi asked to list the sins of the horse breeder and said,' Your horse died. This is your first rule. Let the monarch kill for the death of a horse. If the people know, they will certainly blame our monarch. This is your second crime. When the princes hear the news, they will despise our country. This is your third crime. "Hearing this, Qi Jinggong pardoned the horse breeder. Your majesty saw it once when he was studying, didn't you forget? "After listening to his wife, Emperor Taizong naturally understood that the horse-raising imperial secretary was therefore exempted from punishment.

Emperor Taizong also said to the other side: "It is extremely beneficial for me that the Queen can inspire and influence me in various government affairs. [77]

Imperial maids like horse breeders are only humble people in the palace, but the eldest grandson still cares for them with her kindness and wisdom, and does not despise their safety and life because of their humble position. It is precisely because of such a generous and reasonable woman that there is no injustice in the palace.

Restrain spouse

Emperor Taizong and his grandson, Empress Tang, were very kind to their wives' families. Sun Chang Wuji and Emperor Taizong were close friends, the younger brother of the queen and the founding fathers. Li Shimin regarded him as a confidant, and let him freely enter and leave the palace, which was unparalleled by his ministers. I tried to appoint him as the right servant of Shangshu several times, but I was opposed by my eldest grandson. She feels that as a queen, the family is extremely precious, and she doesn't want the family children to be all over the court. So he repeatedly blocked her husband from giving his younger brother power. Emperor Taizong thought that Sun Chang was both civil and military, and would not listen. However, the queen's eldest grandson is extremely determined. Without persuading her husband, she privately ordered her brother to let him resolutely resign. However, Li Shimin had to dismiss Sun Chang Wuji's right servant, but promoted him to the position of a top official with the company, so that Sun Chang Wuji could enjoy the high official position, but anyway. [78] Grandson is glad to see Jane. [79]

The eldest grandson of the queen has always been a mirror of her consorts. Before she died, she did not forget to tell her husband not to give too much to her family. She thinks it is a great honor for the family to marry the royal family, but not all of them are talented and noble, but they are in high positions and are prone to danger. If you want to be carefree for a long time, you can't let them occupy important positions, just treat them as consorts, which is already a great blessing. [80-82] The eldest grandson's view of the family is linked with the future, which shows her extraordinary vision and wisdom.

In favor of imperial rule

The eldest grandson has always fully supported her husband's career. As a queen, her Excellence in the management of the inner palace is not to mention. Loyalty and approval of the imperial system are outstanding. The queen's eldest grandson knows Emperor Taizong very well. She knows that it is not easy for her husband to be king. Although Li Shimin has done a good job in trainability, there is always something neglected. Besides, it is not easy for anyone to finish it from beginning to end. Therefore, she often advises her husband to always remember to accommodate good words.

The eldest grandson of the Queen once advised the dowry of Princess Li Lizhi of Changle. She believes that "it is difficult for Han Fei to say it, but it is not easy for Dong Fangshuo to say it". People who shoulder the country, the most important thing is to accommodate advice. "If you accept it, you will rule the world and DUZH will fall into political chaos." . If Taizong can understand deeply, it will be a blessing in the world. At the end of his life, he still told her husband to be close to gentlemen, stay away from villains, accommodate the kind words of loyal ministers, don't listen to rumors, and stop hunting and labor. [83-84]

The poem says "Stay up late, take things as one person". Emperor Taizong was worthy of being a virtuous man, and the Tang Dynasty had such a courageous and far-sighted queen. The appearance of the eldest grandson queen in the Zhenguan rule really helped a lot. [85]

Awarded Tadashi

The image of the eldest grandson queen

The eldest grandson of the Queen and Emperor Taizong have many children. Emperor Taizong doted on them all, and his caring heart was no different from that of ordinary fathers. Li Lizhi, Princess of Changle, was born to her eldest grandson. Emperor Taizong loved her very much and betrothed her to Sun Chong, the son of Sun Chang Wuji.

In the fifth year of Zhenguan, Emperor Taizong began to prepare a dowry. He said to the ministers, "Princess Changle was born to the Queen, and both the Queen and I love her. I want to come out today, and I want to increase my courtesy. " Ministers have said that "Your Majesty loves less", so they advised princess royal to give Yongjia twice as much, and Taizong readily agreed. However, Wei Zhi objected to this. Because Princess Yongjia is the aunt of Princess Changle. This move goes beyond etiquette. Taizong returned to the palace and told the eldest grandson. After learning about this, the eldest grandson lamented that Wei Zhengneng "treated others with courtesy and restrained others' feelings" and greatly appreciated it. Specially sent someone to reward Kevin·Z with 400 silks and 400 yuan, and sent a message saying, "I heard that you are honest, and I just saw it now. I hope you keep it and don't change it. " When Emperor Taizong didn't show it, his eldest grandson directly rewarded Wei Zhi and hinted that he would give her support, which was a shot in the arm for Wei Zhi. It is precisely because of the patron like the grandson queen that Wei Zhi's righteous remonstrance will be so smooth. [86-87]

Give Wei a room.

Although the eldest grandson does not actively interfere in state affairs, she never values virtue. Emperor Taizong was a man of temperament, and there were many remonstrators under him.

Grandson queen

Guan Taizong is good at adjusting his mentality and listening to opinions, but it is inevitable that he will stumble. In anger, mistakes can happen. At this time, the eldest grandson, as a wife, will exert his flexible strength, appease her husband and protect the virtuous.

The most famous is "admonition in court". After Li Shimin returned to the palace, he said angrily to his wife, "I must kill that hillbilly when I have the chance in the future!" The eldest grandson asked, "Who made your majesty angry?" Li Shimin replied, "Wei Zhi often humiliated me in court." The eldest grandson queen faced her angry husband. There is no show to incite, and there is no Nuo Nuo who is passive in Nuo Nuo and dare not speak. She made a strange move, temporarily ignoring her husband, retreating to the inner room and changing into a formal royal dress. Then walk up to her husband and congratulate him. Li Shimin was very surprised and asked his wife's intentions. The eldest grandson replied with a smile: "I heard that if the monarch is enlightened, his subjects will be upright." Now Wei Zhi is upright and dares to speak, because he has enlightened majesty. How can I not congratulate him! " Emperor Taizong turned anger into joy and paid more attention to Wei Zhi. [88-89]

Fang also benefited from his eldest grandson. At that time, Fang was sent back to China for his own fault. The eldest grandson said to Emperor Taizong, "Ling Xuan has served your Majesty for the longest time, and he is cautious and scheming. What he knows has never been disclosed. If there is no big mistake, I hope your majesty will not give up such a minister. " After listening to his wife's advice, Taizong thought it was reasonable, so he used him again. [90-92] Looking closely at the above two things, it goes without saying that the influence of the eldest grandson queen on Emperor Taizong. Since ancient times, if a country wants to prosper, there must be wise monarchs and philosophers in the dynasty. After Guan Yu's beauty, the queen's grandson defended Minister Jiang, and she did not live up to Guan Yu's beauty.