Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Briefly describe Lu Ban's deeds in classical Chinese

Briefly describe Lu Ban's deeds in classical Chinese

1. Luban deeds Luban, surnamed Gong Bo, with the same name.

Because he is a native of Lu, the pronunciation of "Xiang" and "Ban" is the same, which is very common in ancient times, so people often call him Lu Ban. Lu Ban was born in the 13th year of Zhou Wangjing (507 BC) and died in the 25th year of Zhou Pingjing (444 BC). He lived in the late Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States Period, and was born into a family of artisans for generations. He participated in many civil engineering jobs with his family since childhood, gradually mastered the skills of productive labor and accumulated rich practical experience.

Lu Ban invented many things. It is recorded in many ancient books, such as The Pearl, The Origin of Everything, and A Textual Research on Ancient History. He thinks that many tools and appliances used by carpenters were created by him, such as square (also called Lu Banchi), and it is said that Mo Dou, planer, drill, chisel, shovel and other tools were also invented by Lu Ban.

The invention of these woodworking tools liberated craftsmen from the primitive and heavy labor at that time, and the labor efficiency was doubled, and the civil technology took on a brand-new look. Later, in memory of this famous master, people regarded him as the ancestor of China folk craftsmen.

According to historical records, the stone mill was also invented by Lu Ban. Legend has it that Luban used two hard round stones, each of which was chiseled into dense shallow grooves, which were put together and turned by human or animal power, and the rice flour was ground into powder.

This is what we call polishing. Before this, people pounded grain in a stone mortar with a pestle, but the invention of grinding turned Chu Jiu's up-and-down movement into a rotating movement, which made Chu Jiu's intermittent work into a continuous work, greatly reducing the labor intensity and improving the production efficiency. This is a great progress of ancient grain processing tools. The real situation of Luban's invention of the mill can't be verified, but according to archaeological excavations, there was Chu Jiu in Longshan culture period (about 4000 years ago), so it is possible that Luban invented the mill.

As far as weapons are concerned, according to Mozi Gong Bo's records, Lu Ban once made a "ladder" for the Chu-Han encirclement and a "hook" for the water war, which played a great role in the war. In architecture and sculpture, Lu Ban also made many contributions.

In Story Club, it is said that Lu Ban carved a three-dimensional stone map of Kyushu. Luban deserves to be regarded as one of the best civil builders in ancient China.

For more than 2400 years, it has been regarded as the "founder" by folk craftsmen and respected and commemorated by people. Luban's surname is Gong Bo, with the same name. He is also known as Gong Bozi, Gong Bopan, Bo Ban and Lu Bo.

Lu people. Lu Sheng in the third year (507 BC) (489 BC); The year of death is unknown.

Mechanics, civil engineering. Lu Ban should be called a loser, because he is from Lu, and "Xiang" is homophonic with "Ban", so later generations call him Lu Ban.

Gong Bo's family has been craftsmen for generations, and Lu Ban has been influenced since childhood. At the turn of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, social changes gave craftsmen some freedom and opportunities to display their talents.

In this case, Lu Ban made some inventions in machinery, civil engineering and manual technology. After about 450 BC, he came to Chu from Lu to help Chu make weapons.

He once created his own ladder to attack the state of Song, which was stopped by Mozi. Mozi advocated making practical production tools and opposed making weapons for war.

Lu Ban accepted the idea. There are many kinds of inventions by Lu Ban, which are scattered in books after the Warring States Period, mainly including: (1) machine seal.

In the Book of Rites, Tan Gong, he designed a "mechanical seal" to bury Ji Kangzi's mother mechanically, which was convincing. However, at that time, thick burial prevailed and this method was not adopted.

(2) Agricultural machines and tools. The invention and adoption of advanced agricultural machinery is one of the important conditions for the development of ancient agriculture in China.

Shi Ben said that Lu Ban made stones, and Wu Yuanqi Yuan said that he made hulling, grinding and milling machines, which were very advanced at that time. In addition, the "Ancient History Test" stock market made a shovel by recording Luban.

(3) Woodworking tools. Many ancient vessels are made of wood, so exquisite tools are very important to carpenters.

"The original material" said that Lu Ban made ■, drills and■ brackets (tools for correcting wood bending). Lu Ban Jing also called the ruler for carpentry "Lu Banchi", indicating that ancient craftsmen thought that the ruler was invented by Lu Ban, but this is only a legend. Ruler is a common woodworking tool used by Lu Ban.

(4) Lock the key. When I was in Zhou Muwang, I had a simple lock key, shaped like a fish.

Luban's improved lock key, shaped like a button, has a built-in mechanism, which can only be opened with a key and can replace people's guards. (5) weapons.

Hooks and ladders are commonly used weapons in the late Spring and Autumn Period. Mo Wen records that Lu Ban changed the hook into a "strong hook" for ship warfare. Chu used this device to fight a water war with the Vietnamese army. Hook the boat when it retreats, and push it away when it passes.

"Mozi's public loss" records that he changed the ladder into a ladder that can stand in the air and used it to attack the city. (6) bionic machinery.

"Mo Jing Wen" also records that Lu Ban cut wood to make magpies, and magpies can fly for three days. According to Hongshu, he also made a wooden kite to show Song Cheng.

Lun Heng Ji Zi Ruzeng recorded a rumor that he made wooden chariots and horses with organs that could carry his mother and a wooden ruler. (7) carving.

"Tales of Different Stories" records that Lu Ban once carved a "map of Kyushu" on a stone, which may be the earliest stone carving map. In addition, in ancient times, it is also said that Luban carved exquisite stone phoenix.

(8) Civil buildings. Both Shuo Yuan and Shi Shiyuan Yuan say that Lu Ban created the paving head, that is, the base for installing the knocker.

In ancient times, it was also said that he presided over the construction of bridges; His wife, Yun, invented an umbrella to protect the craftsman from the sun and rain. Of course, some legends may be different from historical facts, but they praise the wisdom of ancient craftsmen in China.

Luban is regarded as the embodiment of skilled craftsmen, and even more respected as the founder by folk craftsmen. Literature Original literature [1] (Qing) Compilation: Lu Ban Jing, printed edition, in the library of China Academy of Sciences.

[2] Wang Huanbi: Mozi Proofreading, Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House, 1984. [3] Ren Research Literature: Mozi Mozi, Shanghai People's Publishing House, 1956.

[4] Liu Xianzhou: Historical Materials of Mechanical Engineering in China, Tsinghua University, 1935. [5] Lu Nanqiao: an outstanding folk craftsman in ancient times-Lu Gongban, Wen Shizhe, 1958, 12, p. 34-39.

[6] Liu Rushuang: Lu Ban, see "Ancient Scientists in China", edited by Institute of Natural Science History, Science Press, 1963. [7] Du Shu: China ancient craftsman Lu Ban, Journal of Architecture, 1975, 1, 16.

2. Luban studied classical Chinese, and his surname is Gong Bo.

Also known as public loss, public loss, class loss, Lu style. Because he is from Lu (now Tengzhou), "Xiang" and "Ban" are homonyms, which were very common in ancient times, so people often call him Lu Ban.

Lu Ban was born in the 13th year of Zhou Wangjing (507 BC) and died in the 25th year of Zhou Pingjing (444 BC). He lived in the late Spring and Autumn Period and the early Warring States Period, and was born into a family of artisans for generations. He participated in many civil engineering jobs with his family since childhood, gradually mastered the skills of productive labor and accumulated rich practical experience. At the turn of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, social changes gave craftsmen some freedom and opportunities to display their talents.

In this case, Lu Ban made some inventions in machinery, civil engineering and manual technology. After about 450 BC, he came to Chu from Lu to help Chu make weapons.

He once created his own ladder to attack the state of Song, which was stopped by Mozi. Mozi advocated making practical production tools and opposed making weapons for war.

Lu Ban accepted the idea. Gonggong attaches great importance to the observation and research of objective things. Inspired by natural phenomena, he devoted himself to creating inventions.

He cut his finger on the grass while climbing the mountain. He picked the grass and examined it carefully. He found small teeth on both sides of the grass, so he made a logging saw by imitating the grass. When he saw all kinds of birds flying freely in the sky, he cut them into kites with bamboo and wood and flew in the air with the help of the wind. It took a short time to fly. After repeated research and continuous improvement, I was able to fly in the air for a long time. I have been paying attention to practice and thinking all my life, and have made great contributions to architecture and machinery.

He can build a "palace pavilion"; I used to be a "ladder" for siege and a "hook" for boat warfare; Trojans who created "organ preparation"; Invented square, Mo Dou, planer, chisel and other wooden tools, but also invented grinding, grinding, locking and so on. Because of his outstanding achievements, builders have always regarded him as the "founder".

Thanks to the patient teaching and diligent study of his brothers, he grew into an excellent craftsman and made many inventions. Because his creations and inventions are hand-made machines, and these machines are invented according to the most basic principles of physics, we attribute them to physics.

Of course, this is a bit far-fetched. Cut short the nonsense and return to one's muttons.

One summer, the king of Lu in Luban's hometown asked Luban to supervise the construction of a palace for three years. But the wood needed for this palace is enough for craftsmen such as Lu Ban to cut on the mountain for three years and can't finish the task.

This can be anxious for Lu Ban, because the king's words are imperial edicts and cannot be changed casually. If the progress of the project is really delayed, decapitation is inevitable. Ruban was too worried to sleep well.

In order to speed up the progress of chopping wood, Luban has to go up the mountain in advance every day to select the trees to be cut. On this day, just before dawn, Lu Ban set out ahead of time, facing the morning light and stepping on the night dew.

In order to save time, Luban took the path, which was close to the mountain, but the slope was steep and slippery, making it inconvenient to walk. Lu Ban had to climb up with trees and thatch.

Suddenly, his foot slipped and he rolled down the hill. Lu Ban used his quick wits to catch a thatch, but instead of catching it, he felt his palm hurt. Sliding down the hill, Lu Ban got up awkwardly and spread his hands. His palm is dripping blood.

Lu Ban was very surprised, why a thatch can cut a person's palm. Regardless of the pain, Lu Ban climbed up and down the slope and saw that this clump of thatch was no different from other grasses.

Ruban was unwilling, so he pulled down a thatch and observed it carefully. This thatched leaf is strange. There are small sharp teeth on both sides of the leaf. If you hold it tightly, you will cut your palm if you pull it.

Lu Ban tried to pull out his fingers with thatch again, and sure enough, he opened another blood hole. Lu Ban was bending down to explore the truth when he suddenly saw a big locust nearby, with two big dies opening and closing, eating grass leaves quickly.

Lu Ban caught the locust and took a closer look. He found that there were many small teeth on the big die of the locust. Inspired by these two things, Lu Ban thought: If we imitate the fine teeth of thatch and locusts and make a tool with fine teeth on the blade, wouldn't it be faster and better to use it to saw trees than to cut them with an axe? Lu Ban forgot the pain, turned down the mountain and started the experiment.

With the help of metal workers, Lu Ban made an iron bar with many fine teeth. Luban sawed trees with this tool, which is really fast and labor-saving.

This is how the saw was invented. Although this story is a legend, we can get such enlightenment from it: practice makes true knowledge and research wisdom.

Legend has it that Lu Ban's mother and wife are of great help to Lu Ban's invention and creation. For example, when Lu Ban was working as a carpenter and paying off debts with Mo Dou, it turned out that his mother was holding a chalk line.

Later, my mother tied a small hook on the line so that one person could operate it. Later, carpenters called this small hook "half wood" to commemorate this creation.

For example, when a carpenter planed wood, the bayonet in front of the wood was called "Mrs. Ban". This is because it is said that Luban's plane was originally held by his wife, and later it was changed to a bayonet. Lu Ban's wife, Yunshi, is also an excellent craftsman. According to the description in the jade chip, she invented the umbrella.

Today, umbrellas are still an indispensable tool in people's daily life. Lu Ban invented many things.

According to many ancient books, he invented many woodworking tools used by carpenters. Like a carpenter's ruler, it's called Lu Banchi.

Another example is Mo Dou, planing and drilling. Legend has it that it was invented by Lu Ban. The invention of these woodworking tools liberated the craftsmen at that time from the original heavy labor, and the labor efficiency was doubled, and the civil technology took on a brand-new look.

It contains the original knowledge of physics. Lu Ban is also an outstanding mechanical inventor.

The lock he made, the mechanism is inside, and there is no trace outside. It can only be opened with a matching key. There is such a record in the book Mozi: "The loser cuts bamboo and wood, thinking it is a magpie, and flies away three days later."

In other words, the wooden bird made by Luban can fly high in the air by the wind and not land for three days. Can this be regarded as the Depth Charge of primitive aviation science?

Luban also improved the structure of the vehicle to make it mobile.

3. The Story of Luban Luban was a famous craftsman in the late Spring and Autumn Period in China, and was honored as a master craftsman in China by later generations. Luban is not his real name, but the most popular name. There are different opinions about his real name, which has been difficult to verify in modern times. According to ancient records, there are bus classes, bus plates and buses. Some ancient books revere Luban as a public transport. Lu Ban Naimu, the originator of wood craftsmen, said that the most important thing in a town house is "land". Lu Ban's magic records: Fu Yi, natural landscape, the land of a town house, resisting all disasters, making the family auspicious and prosperous.

Lu Ban, surnamed Gong Bo, has the same name. Also known as public loss, public loss, class loss, Lu style. A native of Lu (Qufu, capital of Shandong Province, and Tengzhou, hometown of Shandong Province), "Fan" and "Ban" are homonyms, which were very common in ancient times, so people often call him Lu Ban. Born in the 13th year of Zhou Dynasty (507 BC), he died in the 25th year of Zhou Zhenping (444 BC). He lived from the end of the Spring and Autumn Period to the beginning of the Warring States Period and was born in a craftsman's family for generations. He participated in many civil engineering jobs with his family since childhood, gradually mastered the skills of productive labor and accumulated rich practical experience.

Luban has made inventions in machinery, civil engineering, manual technology and so on. The invention of every tool was inspired by Luban in production practice and came out after repeated research and experiments.

Luban's name has actually become a symbol of diligence and wisdom of ancient working people.

The above is for reference only, thank you!

4. The story of Lu Ban: Lu Ban, surnamed Gong Bo, has the same name. Also known as public loss, public loss, class loss, Lu style. A native of Lu (Qufu, capital of Shandong Province, and Tengzhou, hometown of Shandong Province), "Fan" and "Ban" are homonyms, which were very common in ancient times, so people often call him Lu Ban. Born in the 13th year of Zhou Dynasty (507 BC), he died in the 25th year of Zhou Zhenping (444 BC). He lived from the end of the Spring and Autumn Period to the beginning of the Warring States Period and was born in a craftsman's family for generations. He participated in many civil engineering jobs with his family since childhood, gradually mastered the skills of productive labor and accumulated rich practical experience. Lu Ban was an outstanding inventor in ancient China. His name and story have been circulated among the broad masses of the people for more than two thousand years. Chinese folk craftsmen all respect him as the founder.

5. The story about Luban is a Mo Dou.

Another very important tool invented by Lu Ban is the Mo Dou used by craftsmen (used to set up construction projects), which may be inspired by his mother. At that time, his mother was cutting and sewing clothes. Looking at all this, Lu Ban saw that she used a small powder bag and a thread to print out the desired cutting shape first. Lu Ban transferred this practice to Amodou. He pinched both ends with a thread (soaked in Mo Dou) and placed it on the material to be printed with the required lines. At first, Lu Ban and his mother had to grab both ends of the line. Later, his mother suggested that he make a small hook and tie it at one end of the line, thus freeing her from such chores and making it possible for her to do it alone. In memory of Luban's mother, craftsmen still call it Mo Dou Banmu.


Another sign of Lu Ban's invention is that he can correctly draw a right triangle, also called a class ruler, and can tell craftsmen which sizes are irregular and which ones are unlucky according to the rules of divination (geomantic omen). These rulers are still available in Hong Kong today. Lu Ban attached great importance to the invention of the saw. Or inspired by a blade of grass with a toothed blade that cuts your finger, or seeing a cricket cut and eat food with its sharp teeth and leave. Anyway, most of them are described like this. Luban and craftsmen were asked to cut down a lot of wood. After chopping for several days, they were exhausted and their axes were dull. At this time, Lu Ban suddenly cut his finger by a blade of grass. He immediately thought: It must be a good way to make a tool for cutting wood. He chose a bamboo and cut a row of teeth on its edge with an axe. This new saw cuts bark easily. When he sawed the tree horizontally back and forth, the soft bamboo teeth were quickly polished. However, this proves the principle that a saw can cut wood. So Lu Ban put down his hand and went to the blacksmith to prepare an iron plate as hard and sharp as an axe, and then made it into a tooth shape. With this first-hand saw blade, Luban can use it to cut wood accurately and effortlessly on the wooden frame.


Another sign invented by Lu Ban is the bolt. In ancient times, the latch used by people was made into the shape of a fish and hung on the door. Needham pointed out that Luban replaced these bolts with a key shaped like a rammer, depending on the function of accurately matching parts. Luban's skill can make such a device. It is said that he also invented the "lock tumbler", and many locks are still in use. The symbols of Lu Ban's other inventions are drills, wedges, pulleys, shovels and stone mills for rice milling. The invention of the stone mill was when Lu Ban saw an old woman using a rammer and mortar with great strength. After careful consideration, he made two thick stones, cut them into cylinders, and then dug holes and pits on their surfaces, one above the other, and put wheat and rice between them. When the pillars above them turn, powder (or flour) comes out.


The invention was finally attributed to Luban's wife. In ancient times, rainy days and hot summers plagued people, and people had to hide under small pavilions and could not go out. There is a legend that Luban built many pavilions around his neighbors for everyone to use, but he still couldn't let people in and out freely in the stormy season. Lu Ban's wife made a lightweight bamboo pavilion out of oiled paper-an umbrella, of course, according to the style of her husband's pavilion. His wife said to Lu Ban, "The house you built can't be moved. My umbrella can be taken with me and can provide protection all year round. "


Built in memory of this architectural saint. Luban Temple in Hong Kong is located in ching lin terrace, above Kennedy Town on Hong Kong Island. It is an extension of Baolongtai. Luban Festival is held once a year, and builders and builders come to offer sacrifices. This temple has a very interesting history. Encouraged by the request of ten craftsmen to celebrate Lu Ban's birthday, people put forward a plan to build a temple for him in Hong Kong at the end of 19. They imagined that it would be a good idea to gather 25% of the total number of construction workers and let everyone in the construction industry remember and commemorate the saint's birthday. A Mr. Li was moved by their enthusiasm and donated a piece of land in the West District. After a period of time, he raised enough funds and finally built the temple in Guangxu ten years. The temple and its Federation are called "Guangyue Hall". Then, there was a little trouble. Mr. Li's son wanted to sell the land to Hexing Company, because his father had donated the land of Luban Temple, but it failed. Fortunately, HopHing sympathized with Luban's followers and eventually donated a lot of extra land to Guangyuetang, and invited an architect to draw a new floor plan for this part. The temple was rebuilt for some time. Today, this temple was built by Chin Chin Company in 1927. The conference hall adjacent to this temple was built with donations from Committee members, located at 1950. In the past 30 years, the construction industry in Hong Kong has developed rapidly, but it has not forgotten the ancient traditions and history. Every year in the hot and humid season, Luban Festival is celebrated, and all construction sites are closed for workers to participate in the celebration.

6. Please list Lu Ban's life story. Lu Ban, Ji surname and Gong Bo surname have the same name. Also known as public loss, public loss, class loss, Lu style. Lu people in the Spring and Autumn Period. "Fan" and "Ban" are homonyms, which are very common in ancient times, so people often call him Lu Ban. Born in the 13th year of Zhou Dynasty (507 BC), he died in the 25th year of Zhou Zhenping (444 BC). He lived from the end of the Spring and Autumn Period to the beginning of the Warring States Period and was born in a craftsman's family for generations. He participated in many civil engineering jobs with his family since childhood, gradually mastered the skills of productive labor and accumulated rich practical experience.

After about 450 BC, he came to Chu from Shandong to help Chu make weapons. He once created a ladder to attack the state of Song. Mozi came all the way from Lu to Guoyong, Chu, and argued with Lu Ban and the king of Chu, forcing the king of Chu to stop attacking Song.

7. The story of Luban 1 Lu Ban said he was the best carpenter, but his sister was wrong, so he put forward a competition to see who could build the longest shelter corridor. Luban worked hard to build, but his sister was very relaxed. Ruban thought she gave up. It will be rainy then. There are many people in the refuge corridor built by Luban. Luban was very proud, but his sister said, your corridor is so long. What should I do in the end? Ruban said, I won anyway. His sister said not necessarily, and then took out an umbrella and said, as long as I can walk, I can keep out the rain.

2. Luban went up the mountain with an axe to cut wood. When he was tired of chopping, he sat down to have a rest. As a result, he accidentally slipped and grabbed a handful of grass and was fine. Suddenly, Lu Ban felt a pain in his hand. At first glance, he was bleeding. He was very surprised. I only caught grass. How can I bleed? So I looked for the grass and saw some sharp protrusions on the edge of the grass. This is a kind of plant called sawtooth grass (I can't remember the name), so he thinks it would be better if I cut trees with iron. So he first found a plank to make it look like grass, and then pulled it back and forth on the tree. He thought it was very useful, but the board only broke for a while, so Lu Ban made it out of iron, and then

I said, brother, you must adopt. I wrote it in claw machine. Typing is painful! ! !