Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - There were four sexual systems in ancient India. What are they?

There were four sexual systems in ancient India. What are they?

Under the caste system, ancient Indians were divided into four castes: Brahman, Khrushchev, Veda and sudra.

Brahman, the first caste, is a monk class and a priest aristocrat who has mastered sacrificial culture and education. Mainly master theocracy, divination fortune, reporting farming time, monopolizing culture and having the highest social status.

Secondly, Khrushchev, a warrior class in charge of military and political affairs, including officials at all levels below the king, holds all the powers of the country except theocracy.

Vedas, they are merchants, craftsmen, farmers engaged in farming, and the middle and lower classes of Aryans. They must pay taxes to the state.

The lowest caste is sudra, which refers to the freemen who lost their land and the conquered Dravidians, including farmers, shepherds, servants and slaves, who are actually in the status of slaves.

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Politically, the caste system leads to mutual hatred and lack of unity among Indians; This society is hierarchical. When foreign enemies invaded and destroyed their homes, the Indian people hated each other because of the caste system and could not unite against foreign enemies.

So the history of India is actually a history of humiliation that is often conquered by foreigners. When India got rid of colonial rule and went to independence, the caste system strictly divided people into very distinct grades, which caused contradictions that were difficult to solve in the election process.

Economically, the caste system has seriously hindered economic development. Under the influence of the racial system, society is divided into different groups. People only proceed from their own standpoint, just to safeguard their own interests, resulting in social division and disharmony.

The caste system also makes people believe in their innate destiny, and everyone's social status and occupation are fixed in previous lives.


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