Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What's the difference between the origin, type and name of coffee?

What's the difference between the origin, type and name of coffee?

The first coffee tree in the world was found in the Horn of Africa. Local indigenous tribes often grind the fruit of coffee, then mix it with animal fat and knead it into many spherical balls. These indigenous tribes regard these coffee balls as precious food for soldiers who are about to go out. Another story goes like this: a Muslim dervish was driven into the desert by his enemies. In a state of insanity, he heard a voice prompting him to eat the coffee fruit beside him. He put the coffee cherries in water to soften them, but he didn't succeed because the coffee cherries were too hard. As a last resort, he had to drink the water that soaked coffee beans. In the end, the dervish survived in this way. When the dervish walked out of the desert, he felt that he could survive and get magical energy because of Allah's help. So, he kept telling this story to others and introducing this method of making drinks to others. The cultivation of coffee began with Italian coffee in the15th century: Italian coffee was brewed at home in an Italian-invented mocha pot, and coffee was also extracted by the principle of steam pressure (another apprentice of Watt). Mocha pot can let pressurized steam directly pass through coffee powder, and let steam instantly pass through the cell wall of coffee powder (or Hooke's apprentice) to quench the inner essence of coffee. Therefore, the brewed coffee has a strong aroma and bitter taste, and a thin layer of coffee oil appears on the surface of the coffee, which is the source of the attractive aroma of espresso.

Cappuccino latte: Cappuccino coffee is a variation of Italian coffee, that is, steaming milk is poured on the strong coffee, and the color of coffee is like a headscarf covered on the dark brown coat of Cappuccino church, hence the name. Latte coffee is actually a change of Italian coffee (Italians are really fickle), but the ratio of coffee, milk and milk foam is slightly changed to 1: 2: 1.

Cumberland Macchiato Coffee: Italian coffee is really a "hundred flowers blossom", and two more flowers have emerged, Cumberland and Macchiato. As long as you add a proper amount of whipped cream to espresso, you can easily finish a cup of Kangbao Blue. White whipped cream floats gently on the deep coffee, just like a Bai Lianhua that emerges from the mud but is not stained. It is unbearable to drink. In espresso, instead of whipped cream and milk, just add two spoonfuls of thick and soft milk bubbles to make a cup of Marcia. Unlike Kang Baolan, if you want to enjoy the delicious macchiato, you have to drink it all at once.

French milk coffee: The ratio of coffee to milk is 1: 1. When making orthodox French milk coffee, it is required that the milk pot and coffee pot be poured into the coffee cup from both sides at the same time. This blending method lasted for hundreds of years. Today, it is still an indispensable drink on the French breakfast table. French baby, full of milk!

Turkish coffee: The original cooking method has been used up to now, and the complicated technology has some exotic mystery. We can get a glimpse of the heyday of the Ottoman Empire.

Irish coffee: The name has a strong whisky flavor. Irish people regard whisky as their life, and they want to do something with it! Irish coffee mixed with whiskey can set off the sweet and sour taste of coffee. A touch of mature melancholy ... be careful, you will get drunk if you drink too much coffee!

Mocha Coffee: Chocolate lovers, this is for you! Remember the Italian latte? Add chocolate, and you can make fragrant mocha coffee.

Royal Coffee: This delicious food was invented by an emperor who could conquer the war. By the way, he is Napoleon, the emperor of the French Empire! He doesn't like the taste of milk. He likes the pride of France-brandy! Another guy who mixed spirits in his coffee! ) The blue flame dances the aromatic alcohol of brandy and the burnt fragrance of sugar cubes, and then closes the thick coffee fragrance, which is slightly sweet in bitterness ... the pride of France and the romance of France.

Green tea coffee: The smell of green tea draws our eyes back from distant countries. Japan is a nation that is good at absorption and integration. This time, they found a balance between western coffee and oriental green tea, and also provided a new favorite for tea lovers. This is a pure oriental coffee. The elegant fragrance of green tea and the rich and heavy exchange of coffee are stirring.

Iced latte: I have to mention latte again. Is it too tempting or too romantic? Fructose is mixed with milk to increase the proportion of milk, so that it will not be mixed with light coffee, but become two distinct layers of black and white, forming a beautiful visual effect like cocktail, and adding ice cubes, giving people an elegant and romantic feeling.

Magic ice cream coffee: this magical taste full of creativity and change only belongs to young you! Pour espresso into cold vanilla ice cream, and then freely compose on whipped cream and chocolate sauce ice cream. Iced coffee magically mixed with milk leaves only fragrance and freshness in your mouth.

Mocha frosted coffee: Guys who love chocolate, do you still have the appetite to try frosted chocolate mocha coffee? Break ice cubes and ice cream with a blender to create a dense visual effect, and then add mocha iced coffee, and you're done! The entrance is slippery, refreshing and mellow, giving you a cool afternoon in hot summer. Blue Mountain Coffee:

Originated in Jamaica, it is named after the Blue Mountains surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. The sour taste, sweet taste and bitter taste are very harmonious, and it has excellent flavor and aroma, which is suitable for making single coffee and moderate roasting.

Java coffee:

Origin: Sumatra, Indonesia. Belongs to the Arabica species. After baking, the bitter taste is extremely strong, the fragrance is extremely light, and there is no sour taste.

Connor coffee:

Origin: Connor region, Hawaii. Coffee beans cultivated by volcanic lava have a faint wine taste and a unique flavor.

Santos coffee:

Brazil, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sweet, sour and bitter are neutral, with moderate acidity and particularly elegant taste.

Mocha coffee:

Origin: Ethiopia. Has a unique fragrance. What's wrong with breaking up and stealing? What's the matter with you? Level? Hey? People in the sacred park?

Brazilian coffee:

Origin: Brazil. Sour taste and bitter taste can be reconciled by baking. Moderate roasting has soft aroma, moderate taste and strong bitterness, which is suitable for blending mixed coffee.

Colombian coffee:

Origin: Colombia. Unique sour taste and mellow taste. Refreshing alternation.

Mantening coffee:

Origin: Sumatra, Indonesia. The smell is mellow, the acidity is moderate, and the sweetness is rich and intriguing. Suitable for deep baking, emitting a strong fragrance.

Mamba coffee:

Mixed coffee. Mantelin with Brazil, fragrant and delicious, rich and tasteful, is a perfect match in coffee.

El Salvador coffee:

Origin El Salvador. It has the same taste characteristics as sour, bitter and sweet, and the best baking degree and depth are moderate.

Guatemalan coffee:

Smooth and smooth, with excellent sweet and sour taste, it is the best material for mixed coffee and suitable for deep roasting.

Girimazaro coffee:

Sour, sweet, pure and fragrant are all top grades. After moderate baking, it will emit a sweet and slightly sour taste, and after deep baking, it will produce a soft bitter taste, which is suitable for blending and mixing.


Italy's most famous fancy coffee, spinning, with cream, dried lemon and cinnamon powder, is sweet and strong.

Irish coffee:

Irish whiskey, sugar cubes or sugar, after the alcohol lamp melts, pour in coffee and whipped cream. Shannon chunlie

Zamagblue coffee:

Wine, hot coffee, dried lemon, cinnamon and sugar, sour, sweet and bitter coffee.

Wake Lana up for coffee:

That is, Swiss mocha, mocha with fresh milk and chocolate syrup, plus fresh cream and chocolate.

American light coffee:

Hot coffee with water, light and refreshing MC coffee is such a style.

Hawaiian coffee:

It has a strong sour taste and unique flavor, and the moderately baked beans have a strong sour taste and a deep baking flavor that goes up the stairs.