Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - What is the living method? Is it used for planting?

What is the living method? Is it used for planting?

I come from Xishuangbanna, and my wife is a local Dai. In their stockade, some family members seem to have put ghosts, and the locals call them pipa ghosts. I used to be an atheist, but after that incident not long ago, I changed my mind. The thing is, a few months ago, the ghost charmer came to see a doctor (was hospitalized), and my wife asked me to take her to see it. Because I am busy, I am very unhappy. My wife said to give her whatever she wanted in the stockade, or give the ghost to someone she didn't like. My wife sent ghosts to her family without going to see her, and finally went. On my way back, I quietly scolded the ghost man in the corridor. The next day, I had a headache. It is not good to take any medicine for 7-8 days. Later, my wife gave her something and said something nice. It's fucking amazing. Later my wife told me that I was in good health. Otherwise, my voice is her voice, and I won't leave until I achieve her goal. From then on, I began to understand these pipa ghosts. Now let me give you a list. Oh, yes, she seems to have a mouse in the rice jar. I hope you can help me. Next time she gives me a ghost, I can at least save myself. Here is a brief introduction to the pipa ghost provided by the rescuer. People who have lived in Thailand and Myanmar must know the Pipa Ghost. I don't know exactly what the Pipa Ghost is, but I dare not deny its existence until now, because I saw it with my own eyes. I have received atheism education since I was a child, especially now I am back in Taipei, a civilized world. When I recall those strange things, I still can't understand them, but I feel confused and incredible. Pipa ghost is a transliteration of Chinese, and the correct pronunciation of Thai and foreign languages is: ㄧˋˋ. Ghosts, that is, people we often say, turn into monsters after death. Pipa ghosts are free from life. In the border areas of Thailand, Myanmar and even Yunnan, if someone is accused of releasing "pipa ghosts", the local people will say bitterly, "So-and-so will release ghosts!" Or "so-and-so will be bad! The word "bad" is very appropriate. " Evil is also a kind of pipa ghost. There is also a saying that is even more creepy: "So-and-so has a ghost! Generally, most people who are accused of playing pipa ghosts are young and beautiful foreign women, especially married people. Women who can play pipa ghosts are all beautiful and charming. Especially in the villages and towns of Thailand and Myanmar, women often carry laundry baskets and lanterns at night, flash and twist a light water snake waist, and walk gracefully out of the thin night wind, selling pea powder and delicious rice noodles under big green trees, intersections or bridges. Sit down at the food stall and watch them stretch out two long arms, elegant soup, tight-fitting clothes without collars and floor-to-ceiling salons, wrapping their slim bodies and showing wonderful convex and exquisite curves; Hanging down my delicate and crisp pink neck, I occasionally raise my head. Unknown so smiled at you with his charming bright eyes, glanced at you obliquely, and hung his head shyly. That charming behavior is really quite charming. Generally speaking, most foreign women have beautiful skin, slim figure, breast augmentation, shoulder cutting, thin waist and high hips, light, gentle, affectionate (too affectionate, so watery), selfish, greedy, suspicious, jealous and stingy. Because they are timid and cowardly by nature, they rarely have direct conflicts with people, but they like to take advantage of people unprepared in the dark and retaliate and slander with feminine means. This method can often win by surprise. Because of their narrow national character, short-sightedness, and lack of attention to chastity, it is not surprising that some coquettish women are often regarded as seductive and bewitched. In addition to foreign women, there are also native Lisu women and some Han women who can also play pipa ghosts. A few men also have this power. Pipa ghosts are usually free from the living, which I think is a bit like what China people often say: "distracted"; The aura people have when they are alive is called Shen Yuan or spirit, and it is called soul after death. Pipa ghost is the behavior of human soul leaving the body. I have observed that people who are accused of playing pipa ghosts are prone to resentment, jealousy, greed, hatred and sensitivity. When these extreme feelings make them angry, Yuan Shen will be free from the body and attached to those who have bad feelings with him, causing the attached people to suffer severe pain. If the hatred is not deep, it can be resolved and the pain will disappear. If hatred is too deep, it will often lead to death. The release of pipa ghost is subconscious and unconscious. Unconscious people often don't know that their meta-gods are out of body experience, and such people are considered to have a low heart; He who puts it away at will is the one who walks high. Those of us who grew up in "",once fearless, naturally won't believe such strange things as pipa ghosts. But in the later period, we were sent from Kunming to Ruili County, which is located on the border between China and Myanmar. We live with the Bai people, get in touch with other ethnic minorities and learn more and more frequently. The concept of "unbelief in superstition" has been gradually shaken by confusion, doubt and incomprehension in countless coincidences. Perhaps people who study supernatural phenomena and have psychic abilities can explain this phenomenon. I can only give a general report on what I have seen and heard. After we were sent to Ruili County, we were placed in Mengmao Town, where Bai Yi people live in compact communities. Foreigners in the stockade are curious about us young intellectuals of Han nationality from the mainland and often visit us. Those little girls (called little girls) were very envious of the creams, hairpins, handkerchiefs, scarves and some decorations and gadgets we brought from Kunming. They couldn't help their praise and demands, so they gave them those things one by one. I have a beautiful blue wool scarf. My brother came back from Shanghai. A little girl named Xing wants that wool scarf very much. Every time I hesitate to give it to her, my classmates stop me. One day, Xiao Xing came again, and it was annoying to mention the wool scarf again. I decided to give it to her. A boy kept frowning and cursing in Chinese. Xinger was frightened, opened his eyes wide, looked at the boy in grievance and resentment for a few seconds, turned around and ran back with tears and shame. That boy is still angry and scolds foreigners for being too greedy and cheap. Scold scold, I suddenly feel a splitting headache, two thick lips bulging, tongue becomes thick and big, tongue-tied, no longer make any sound. Even my upper and lower gums and mouth are sore, and I can only mumble. We were so frightened that we didn't know what sudden illness he had, so we went to hire barefoot-the commune health worker. Commune medics were also sent down from Kunming. He has worked here for five or six years. He took the boy's temperature and pulse, asked about the course of the disease, and then said, "Don't take medicine. Give her what Apricot wants, and she will be all right soon. " Then, he said that apricot ghost can play pipa. We have just come down from Kunming, and we are still young. How can we believe such "nonsense"! Everyone sneered at the health worker who had received civilized education and felt pity, but he was "assimilated" into such superstition by foreigners. Health workers are too lazy to argue with us, and they don't want to provoke the big hat of "propaganda superstition", leaving some painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs and leaving. After taking the medicine, the boy felt more and more pain, his cheeks were swollen on both sides and his head was swollen like a basketball. He has always been very aggressive and strong. He rolled on the bed and whined. We are anxious to send him to the county for treatment. Just then, the president of the commune came and asked if we had offended anyone. We told the story of wool scarf. President Bai Yi simply said, "Give the scarf to Xinger, and he won't hurt at once!" ! "I took out my wool scarf and was about to go out. The boy struggled, turned it up, grabbed the wool scarf and kneaded it into a ball, which meant throwing it into the stove and burning it. Suddenly, he let out a scream and fell to the ground, suddenly losing consciousness. Principal Bai Yi shouted at the boy in Bai Yi's words: "Apricot! Apricot! What do you want? The boy replied in a woman's gentle voice, "I want that sky-blue wool scarf!" " "── totally apricot's voice! That boy can't say a word, and he has a rough nature. He would never pretend to be such a woman. Our hair stood on end, and everyone looked at each other and was speechless. Another boy quickly picked up a wool scarf and ran to give it to apricot. Incredibly, apricot fainted in her bamboo building. As soon as she put on the wool scarf, she woke up. The boy woke up at once, and the swelling and pain on his head and face quickly disappeared. He and apricot are very weak, as weak as a serious illness. We won't dare to talk to apricot again, and then we know about the Pipa Ghost. This is really not a random cover. After drifting in Myanmar, Thailand, I learned more about Pipa Ghost. Pipa ghost is very similar to the legendary ghost possession. But the possession of ghosts will not make the possessed person suffer, but the pipa ghost will torture the possessed person to death. Last May, a 17-year-old girl (from China) was killed by a pipa ghost in Manxingdie town in northern Thailand. The dialogue of "Pipa Ghost" she talked about before her death was recorded by a tape recorder, but her family who had already come to Taipei was still embarrassed to talk about it when they met. Strangely, anyone who is possessed by the evil spirit of pipa usually has a swimming lump protruding from his armpit. This lump hurts wherever it swims. Locals use brooms, purple-black sugar cane, goat horns or tiger teeth to drive away pipa ghosts. As soon as the lump is hit, people who fly high wander around, from left to right, from head to toe, from front to back, avoiding the hit in various ways. Outside the court, you can clearly see the lump, which suddenly appeared in various parts of the attached person's body strangely and quickly, and then suddenly fled. People who have been beaten by pipa ghosts are often beaten black and blue. It is said that every time you are hit, people who cast pipa ghosts on the other side will feel pain. When an experienced wizard encounters a lump, he will hold it hard, and then hold it with a horn or a tiger's tooth. As soon as the lump is settled, the possessed person will faint, and the mage or exorcist will start asking questions. The object of inquiry is the caster, and the possessed person often responds strangely in the tone of a stranger. Men usually make a woman's voice and don't talk nonsense, but they can answer with genuine nonsense. The caster takes this opportunity to state that his request is nothing more than what he wants, or that the attached person offended him and asked him to apologize. Gifts are usually in return for money. Just secretly take what the caster wants and put it in the place he specifies. However, don't let him hit you when delivering something. Even if we know who the releaser is, we can't disclose it. Otherwise, he will become angry from embarrassment, refuse to admit it, and kill people. The girl with eyes full of stars was caught by her while delivering something to the caster. She refused to accept it, because accepting it was tantamount to openly admitting that she could play the pipa ghost. In Thailand and Myanmar, people who know this witchcraft will never dare to admit it publicly, so as not to arouse people's hatred and anger. Once accused of playing pipa ghosts, local people will unite to expel them. Moreover, such men and women who dare not marry, unless anonymity, moved to far away places. They usually live a lonely and desolate life. The girl tossed about for two or three days, and finally she was exhausted. The local Thai doctors stationed in the garrison went to check and found no symptoms. A long time ago, or in a backward area, people often burned people who could play pipa magic. The most shocking thing is to put them in bags and burn them alive with boiling water. Because most people hate it, most people who know this kind of witchcraft dare not act rashly, and they are also carefully restrained. Even if they have evil thoughts and want to harm others irresistibly, they will secretly display them. In Thailand and Myanmar, if you walk around other people's homes, don't look around and peek at others, especially their altars dedicated to gods or weird furnishings in dark corners; In order to avoid inadvertently peeking into the loosely packed "aliens", causing accidents. The way for such people to restrain themselves is often to suck up the blood that has been offered every day. As long as it's blood, chicken blood, duck blood, pig blood, cow blood ... all right. Once, when I went to a place where foreigners lived, I accidentally walked into a gloomy room and saw a dish of blood on their altar. The seductive young woman, hiding in a hurry, went in with the dish of blood, and when she came out again, her lips were red and her cheeks were red, more refreshed than before. I know the local taboos, never mind my own business, and I am very popular. Knowing that I won't make public, this laid-back woman deliberately piled the bucket surface full when measuring rice, and also gave me a few pieces of glutinous rice Baba, which was a tacit "bribe". A foreigner who lives near us specializes in killing cattle dealers. One day I went to his house to eat beef and saw another strange thing. People kill cows in the garden, they want to be fresh and choose good ones, and they often kill cows before they are picked. At that time, because it was afternoon, there were not many beef people, and the blood of cattle was filled with a large basin. A woman coming from a distance, smelling the smell of cow blood, rushed in like crazy, leaned over the big basin, lowered her head and drank cow blood fiercely. She drank enough and looked up contentedly, only to find that we were staring at her in amazement and left in a hurry in shame. It is said that it is not their own need to suck blood, but the evil spirit in them-pipa ghost needs it. If you can't suck blood, the pipa ghost will come out and make trouble. Whenever people talk about such things with different opinions and different opinions, I always wonder whether there is really a pipa ghost in the evil human body, whether I want to suck blood, or whether I am accused of having a pipa ghost, for fear that if I don't suck blood, I will really show my true colors and artificially suck blood. Since I have never asked such a person with evil energy, I don't know what it is. There is also a terrible saying, which is quite widespread. Although I haven't seen it, I am very interested. It is said that people who can release Pipa ghosts often turn Pipa ghosts into monkeys, mice, black cats and bats, and feed them the meat offered at the altar every day, so that they will not go out and make trouble casually. Others say that they should be transformed into poisonous snakes, centipedes, scorpions, mites, or poisonous spiders, put in clay pots filled with pickles and hidden in hidden places where people can't see them. This is commonly known as "so-and-so in ghosts". If this "ghost" dies, so will the ghost raiser. One of the most popular legends in Thailand and Myanmar is that an old barbarian woman keeps a ghost, which is a snake hidden in a clay pot. People who raise ghosts or have ghosts can't let anyone know, including family members. Her son accidentally found a snake in the jar and scalded it to death with boiling water. The old woman thousands of miles away was also raw and dead, just like being scalded by boiling water. There is also a kind of ghost, which is called "slob" by the locals. Sloppy people often target children under seven. It is said that every time the lazy man appears at midnight, white light like a broom flies into the crowd from the skylight, licking the child's cheek to suck blood, and the child becomes drier and yellower, thinner and thinner, and dies. There is an old woman who lives in a tofu shop in Messler. Her seven-year-old son is dry, thin and yellow, and has been depressed for years. Every time she brought her children to tofu, I advised her to take them down the mountain for treatment. I also speculated that he might be malnourished and often sent him "water chestnut" from Hong Kong. The old woman said that she had eaten too many partridges and went down the mountain to have a check, saying that there was nothing wrong. They also made the mage worship the divination and figured out that the child was harmed by a sloppy person. The child died soon. In the early morning of the day of his death, the old woman lifted the mosquito net, and a vampire bat flew head-on and quickly escaped from the skylight. Many people say that a broom-like white light flew to the roof of his house in the middle of the night and then disappeared. Locals are taboo. If a child's lost clothes suddenly reappear, even the best clothes must be discarded and can no longer be worn, because the mysterious clothes that reappear are likely to be tampered with by evil people. Before the sun goes down every day, children's clothes must not be aired outside, so as not to attract sloppy people. If you go out on the road, you must not pick up the cloth, money, clothes or any strange gadgets left on the road, because those things are often abandoned by the ghost sender. If you pick them up, ghosts will attach themselves to someone. Girls can't just comb their hair with someone else's comb. Most people who have the magic power of pipa also hate this strange talent and try to get rid of it, but unless they find body double, they can get rid of themselves, and combs are the easiest to spread. There is another way to get rid of the pipa ghost, that is, to abandon all your possessions and go to other places to make a living. In Thailand and Myanmar, we often see some abandoned and dilapidated rural houses with all kinds of daily furniture, but no one dares to live in them. It was left by someone who abandoned the pipa ghost. Everyone who lives in it will become a parasite of Pipa Ghost. In the general village of Baiyi, there are temples, and the abbot monk in the temple is honored as the Buddha. The giant Buddha will not only exorcise evil spirits, but also release "evil" by himself and retaliate against those who have offended them or have bad feelings with them. The difference between "evil" and pipa ghost is that evil is controlled by curse. General Ding Limin, who once served as a brigade commander in the Guangdong-Yunnan army, unintentionally offended the Myanmar Temple Buddha in Mantun, salween, and suffered double harm from evil and evil. At first, I had a terrible headache and couldn't open my eyes. The medicine stone was useless, so I had to find an old monk to see it, only to know that it was released by the giant Buddha in Myanmar Temple. After washing his eyes with Buddha's water, a bright golden bug swam out of his right eye and became blind. A few days later, less than a month later, he was seriously ill and died. After his body was buried, that night, the natives offered their heads to God. It is said that this kind of witchcraft can make people invisible for a hundred miles. Because there are too many coincidences, it's really confusing. The giant Buddha in the village, like a sacred party, is awesome because of its power to call the wind and rain. Some evil giant buddhas arbitrarily usurp the power of others. Some beautiful young women are afraid to find out that they are parasites of pipa ghosts because of the wonderful divination of the Buddha. They are often willing to tactfully obey and conform to the control of the Buddha's lust. If they don't listen, once they are accused of being demons who can play pipa ghosts, the end will be very tragic. This is entirely a dark and brutal act caused by the barbaric habits of the local people, who are ignorant. Because of those nasty and ulterior activities, I also suspect that most of them are "demon people" who are accused of playing pipa ghosts, and many of them are wronged and framed. Because of those strange phenomena that can't be explained by common sense, I also think that the locals say that "the backward areas are full of yin, and evil spirits will work." "This statement has some truth. What did you say?/Sorry? (End of the full text) Wen Houbi: There is basically no record of this kind of pipa ghost in ancient books. Just listening to your narrative, I feel similar to the method. The most taboo thing is agarwood or swallowing dung. You can put some on your body Shan Tingbi: Excuse me, how do you know he keeps mice? What's his name? Bodhi pen: Hehe