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Racial information in arbitrators

Planetary position: Urs (main star), Fied, Joori, IV.

Satellites: Qikost, Suban


Atmosphere: 0.9 atmospheric pressure (nitrogen, oxygen, argon)

Surface temperature: -5~96℃

Population: 865438+35 million

Social conditions: manor system, belligerence, patriarchal clan system

Government: religious rule

Science and technology level: Grade II

Threat to the halo ring: It is obvious that the serious elite belongs to the military leadership of the Star Alliance and also participates in the rule of the Star Alliance. These famous soldiers have strong self-esteem and a long and peculiar historical background. Due to religious differences and different understanding of the "pilgrimage" led by the prophet, they broke with the Star Alliance, but the real reason is not limited to this. The long-term dissatisfaction with the prophet's rule and the concern about the actual threat posed by the Zerg are the important reasons why the elite turned to form an alliance with previously hostile humans.

Before the establishment of the Star Alliance, the prophets and elites caused wars because of their different views on pioneer technology and relics. The elite believe that pioneer technology should not be desecrated and should not be taken for itself; On the other hand, the prophet has been arming himself with advanced technology. The two sides thus triggered a war. Elite is a natural warrior, who can deal with ten times as many people as the prophet, but behind the prophet is a powerful pioneer technology. With the help of the Pioneer Fearless, the elite fleet was defeated by the hit-and-run guerrilla strategy. Finally, the prophet found the trail of the pioneers. For the survival of the two races, they hoped to reach a settlement with the elite to obtain peace. The prophet promised the elites that he would find the great power of the forerunner and share it with them, and the elites needed to protect the prophet in the process of exploring the trail of the forerunner, so they formed the early interstellar alliance. This alliance completely collapsed in Halo 2.

The elite are from Sanghelios. They are very strong, about 8.4 feet tall and have brown skin. They were born to be excellent soldiers. They are superior in fighting skills, intelligence and physical fitness. Only Spartans can compete with them. After joining the Star Alliance, they put on more powerful Star Alliance energy armor, similar to the armor of Sparta Thor's Hammer. They are all made of jackal's energy shield technology, which can resist attacks and recover automatically. Another outstanding ability of the elite is that they can master and control all kinds of weapons and vehicles of the alliance and human beings skillfully, and are also good at close combat. High-level elite fighters are equipped with energy lightsabers that they are proud of, which is a symbol of their courage and ability. Their excellent fighting ability made them occupy a dominant position in the Star Alliance army until the appearance of the ghost-faced beast.

They hate human beings, but they also appreciate the tenacious resistance that human beings have brought trouble to the Star Alliance in more than 30 years of war, especially Sparta's excellent fighting skills and abilities on the battlefield. Although human beings are far less powerful than the Star Alliance in science and technology, the strength of UNSC troops often surprises elites in ground battles. What puzzled them was why the prophet did not try to persuade mankind to join the interstellar alliance, but directly launched a genocide war. In short, the scientific and social level of the elite is comparable to that of the prophet, and even for a long time, the elite is the leading force in the entire military structure of the Star Alliance; Not surprisingly, the people in their hometown of San Helios are inherently belligerent and feudal. What is really surprising is that this feudal society is circular and stable. Their scientific and medical development was once quite developed. At that time, there were almost no smart and active elites, but they changed completely after meeting the prophet. After many struggles, the elite finally converted to the religion of the Star Alliance and combined its teachings with the system of free belief.

The elite's physiological structure is very developed, and they are all very powerful and violent. They have attached importance to military education since childhood, and other social skills are secondary, or they can only be regarded as hobbies. Therefore, even the most ordinary elite citizens are good at using most weapons or fighting unarmed. However, this martial atmosphere also has some special features, such as only nobles can hold swords, and once they hold swords, they lose the right to get married; Nevertheless, they can reproduce with married women of their choice, thus ensuring the continuity of their swordsman genes.

Although the elites are naturally quite clever, due to the long-term military development in culture, they attach more importance to strength than science. To some extent, the emergence of the Star Alliance has contributed to the situation that elites can devote more to the development of military forces, while prophets are in charge of science and technology.

Elite is one of the few races in the Star Alliance that can explore space without external stimulation. Although their relationship with the prophet was quite tense at first, it gradually turned into a mutually beneficial relationship, which finally laid a solid foundation for the hegemony of the modern interstellar alliance. But this foundation was later shaken by the civil war. The elite has split from the interstellar alliance because of religion, and thus formed a temporary but unreliable alliance with mankind. Now it depends on the final result between the three parties.

Because the elite wanted to take away the sovereignty of the new enemy, the civil war extended all the way from the earth back to Sangeholios' hometown. Fuantomon seized the opportunity after the elite left the Star Alliance to fill the military vacancy created by the elite for several years in a row. There are many ranks of elite troops, and their ranks are represented by different colors and energy armor. From top to bottom, it is roughly elite members > Imperial Fleet Commander >; Supreme Commander of the Fleet >: Senior Commander > Guards = Super Elite > Special Forces = Flying Elite = Invisible Elite > Senior Elite > Junior Elite. In addition, there are two or three temporary ranks, such as the arbiter of the highest religious rank, and the eye of the prophet served by the senior elite.

To get a promotion, you must do well in the battle, for example, measured by the number of enemies killed. Take the super elite as an example, you need to kill thousands of enemies in battle to reach this level. There are many new elite armor types in Halo 3, with more changes in helmet, shoulder armor and breastplate.