Fortune Telling Collection - Free divination - Interpretation of Chapter 5 of DQ4 (Comment on Xiao He) 5.3 1

Interpretation of Chapter 5 of DQ4 (Comment on Xiao He) 5.3 1

Author's Press: This article began to be serialized on Sina blog in August 20 12. Now Sina blog is gradually abandoned by the government, or the pictures can't be displayed, or the whole article can't be seen, so the rescue is transferred here, and the original text has remained basically unchanged. (202 1 April)

5.3 1


There is no direct clue about the hiding place of the real murderer in the game, but Minea will prompt in the peer dialogue that according to her divination, the prisoner fled to the south; And an old woman in the city said that if she were a thief, she would hide in a cave. According to these two points, the suspect seems to be hiding in a cave on the south side of Bourg Garden.

When they came to the cave in the south, they found that the roads inside were very complicated and the monsters were very powerful. Bly complained again, saying that catching thieves should be the job of soldiers in Bourg Garden, but how can we do it? Will it be used by the queen? (Ho: Yes, it is) And Princess Alina said, "The monsters here seem to be quite strong, so will the thieves hiding here be quite strong? It is really exciting. " The princess's words once again show that the princess is not afraid that her opponent is stronger than her, but that she is too weak to be knocked down at once.

Although the thief usually dresses up as a poet, he fights like a martial artist and even knows magic. This is better than the princess, but his strength is still far behind the princess. Coupled with the combination of fists and feet, it is difficult for him to fight with four hands. (Why: Don't be polite to the bad guys, everyone will be together) He will be defeated soon. Just as they were considering how to take him back to Bourg Garden, a female soldier suddenly appeared behind them. It turned out that she secretly followed the crowd on the orders of the queen, hoping to come to help in case someone was in trouble, but it seemed unnecessary ... After the explanation, the female soldier returned to the city first with the thief.

From the appearance of the female warrior and what she said, I confirmed that Her Majesty actually realized that the brave man was not the real murderer, and showed her shrewd way of dealing with problems, and tried not to do it herself with the help of the brave man. Therefore, it is no wonder that Bly felt a bit like dancing in the palm of the queen's hand afterwards, and all the movements were controlled by the queen one by one. But this kind of plot seems to have been similar before. Do you still remember that before Truneck became a companion, he asked the brave to crusade against the monsters in the lighthouse and rest by himself, also to solve the problem with the help of the brave. So why is the story similar twice?

I think the first point is to reflect the "brilliant" means of Ronicke and the Queen in dealing with problems. This is normal. We know that Tronik is more resourceful, scheming and calculating than other members of the team, knowing what he should do, what risks others should take and so on. The same is true of Her Majesty the Queen, so this arrangement of the plot is in line with their habits.

Secondly, more importantly, the plot needs to do this. Why do you say that? Because the character controlled in the game is a bit like the player's head, many things and tasks must be completed by the character controlled by the player, so that the player can experience the process and get the benefits of completing the task. So others can't grab too many plays, otherwise the tasks are all completed by computer-controlled NPCs. What else can they do? For example, in DQ6, when I met Terry for the first time, the brave man controlled by the player was attacked by Terry first in the cave because he was slow, which led to Terry being rewarded by the king, that is, the very powerful Lei Jian, but the brave man got nothing. Although this is the need of the plot, and Terry will join the team to get the Sword of Thunder, I think many players are still very unhappy at that moment. The limelight was completely taken away by others, and the return was gone. I really want to scold the producer for how to play games. So we can see that the usual game is to hand over all tasks to the players as much as possible. Even if others can do it, they should try to be "reasonable" not to let others do it, so they should make up all kinds of reasonable reasons to convince the players according to the plot, so the above is that the producer "used" the "scheming" of Ronicke and the Queen and handed the task to brave players to complete.

Bourg Garden

Back to the game, and then everyone came to Bourg Garden City to meet Her Majesty the Queen. Knowing the truth, Her Majesty the Queen generously gave the brave a key to open the prison door and let her companions go out. Of course, this key is the "last key" mentioned above. Not only that, Her Majesty allowed the brave to take away the sky shield in the basement of the city, and revealed the location of Rozsali Village where the monsters used to live. Although I was framed before, I not only got my innocence, but also got so many benefits. Looks like I'm still glad you came. I've gained a lot. (Ho: the most harvest here, the last key, the sky shield, the flame claw)

1. Thief Baghdad (バコタ)

The thief's name is Baghdad. If you remember, you will remember that I mentioned this name in a place before, telling you not to forget ... Yes, in the pommel horse. In Pommel's underground prison, a prisoner mentioned that his former companion's name was Baghdad. I wonder what happened now. It seems that Baghdad, the thief I met this time, is the companion of the man who was imprisoned in Penmore underground prison, and now they both have the same fate, both of whom are imprisoned.

A copy of his diary will be found on the shelf of the cave in Baghdad's lair. It reads: "Dragon Moon 3rd: I'm finally going to work in Bourg Garden City, and the goal is of course the legendary sky shield hidden there. If this work is finished, I will be as famous as the legendary Kenda Tower (カンダタ) Lagos (ラゴス). Dragon Moon 5: Although I sneaked into Bourg Garden City, I didn't find Tiandun in the end. The end result is that I only stole the bronze cross. Really, what the hell! That iron gate is suspicious ... oh, what a nuisance! Go to sleep first. "

From this diary, we can mainly see the following contents:

1. target. The thief Baghdad actually went to Bourg Garden City not to steal the bronze cross, but to steal the shield of the sky. Then why did he steal the shield? This is the second point to be mentioned below, the purpose of crime.

2. The purpose of the crime. Because if the thief Baghdad stole the Sky Shield, he said he would be as famous as the legendary thief Kenda Talagus. It seems that he did it for the sake of fame. As for who the thief Kenda Talagus is, it has not been explained or mentioned in DQ4, but it has appeared in works before DQ series. Players remember it, do you know who it is? It doesn't matter if I don't know. I'll introduce you later.

3. The result of the crime. As a result, Tiandun was stolen, and I didn't find it. But the thief Baghdad still found a suspicious place, that is, tiemenguan's room. What's inside is not clear, because he can't open the iron gate. He: Even a thief can't open the prison door, which highlights the importance of the last key. ) But although he didn't steal the shield of the sky, because thieves generally have the habit of not returning empty-handed, they always have something to gain, so the thief Baghdad stole the nun's treasure-the bronze cross, which led to the previous plot.

2. Thieves Kenda Tower and Lagos.

Kenda Talagus mentioned earlier is actually two people, not one person. Kenda Tower appeared in DQ3, the thief who stole the king's golden crown, while Lagos appeared in DQ2, and his "achievement" was stealing the "key of Watergate". Interestingly, these two men became legendary thieves when they arrived at DQ4. Baghdad said that if he could steal the Sky Shield, he would be as famous as these two men. I don't think what he said is big, or even modest, because after all, the value of Tiandun is bigger than the golden crown and the key of Watergate. If he can really steal Tiandun, I think his level is better than Kenda Tower and Lagos.

? Ho: By the way, Jianta appeared as BOSS after DQ5, and Lagos is the same name as the second runner in Chapter 2 of the tournament.

3. Sky Shield

After getting the Sky Shield, Trunik thought it was really great and priceless. Princess Alina said that although she didn't like shields very much, she couldn't help but try to equip them when she saw the shield of the sky. In addition, Manya will say, "It's really disappointing that you can't equip what you have worked so hard for. The feeling of Tiandun is really annoying. " It seems that even the best shield in the sky, everyone will feel different about it. Ho: Does the princess dislike shields because she can't be equipped, or doesn't she like them? Maybe there are both factors. )

4. Shamed nuns

When she knows the truth, the nun who mistook everyone for a thief will feel ashamed and feel that she is not qualified to preach to others. Princess Alina said, "Calm down and think about it, and feel sorry for each other, because everyone will misunderstand others sometimes." Clift also said, "Even the best nuns, as long as they are human, sometimes make mistakes. However, what really matters is your mistakes. Don't let it happen again? " Ryan, as always, found his own reason: "Well, we did do something suspicious, which is also true. We must not be mistaken for prisoners. We can't all blame nuns. " Manya also thinks that her behavior will cause misunderstanding. If she is the nun, she will definitely have doubts. It seems that on the one hand, people forgive nuns, on the other hand, they feel that their actions are easily suspected by others.

5. Various

On the way to the cave, Pannong will have an interesting conversation with Tronik, if he is still in the team. Panon said, "Trunik, you have a cat. How about it? " The Japanese pronunciation of "Nick" and "Cat" in this sentence is the same. So what would Trunik say? Trunik replied; "No, we don't have a cat at home, because I prefer dogs to cats. If I want to have a dog, I will definitely choose to have a dog. " Panon said, "... disappointed." Truneck didn't seem to hear Panon tell him jokes.

Although the thief Baghdad is not everyone's opponent, Princess Alina still thinks he is quite strong, and it is a pity to be a thief.

When Baghdad was put into prison, he didn't seem to repent, but he wondered why he heard that there were three basements in the city, but he found only two. Where is the other one? It seems that the basement that Baghdad has not found is obviously the room where the "flame claw" is placed. The story here reminds players in Baghdad that there is a place in the city that is not easy to find, so players should not miss it. Therefore, I think the DQ series still takes care of the players. Whether it is the progress of the game or the hidden treasure in the game, there will basically be more or less hints, which will not make the player unable to start, provided that you watch the story carefully and collect more information.

After the confession, Minea lamented that this incident should draw a lesson, that is, you can't just rummage through other people's cabinets in the future, but later Minea said, "This habit is not so easy for brave people to get rid of, so forget it and give up this idea." You can't rummage through other people's things. Is this still called the brave fighting the dragon? So Minea knows it's impossible. Let's take this experience in Bourg Garden as an episode.

When the thief Baghdad was put in prison, if you go to the underground prison in Penmore City to chat up the detained people, there will be a conversation with the thief Baghdad: Princess Alina once again thinks it is a pity that Baghdad is a thief, if only he could become a martial artist ... (Why: such a person is not worthy to be a martial artist, even if he becomes a martial artist, the princess should not ignore the bad things he has done because of his strength) and Ryan will say, ". (Ho: The ending will be the same) Other companions thought it was that guy and didn't know how much he had suffered, so the mention of this name made people angry.