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Land use implementation plan

Land use implementation plan

In order to ensure the orderly and effective development of things or work, it is often necessary to make plans in advance, which is a written plan made after comprehensive consideration of factors related to things or problems. So what is an excellent plan? The following is my carefully organized land use implementation plan, hoping to help everyone.

Land use implementation plan 1 In order not to delay the farming season, the land in the project area should be confirmed as soon as possible, which is conducive to the stationing of agricultural enterprises and the arrangement of production by farmers. According to the actual situation of the project area, this distribution plan is formulated.

This distribution plan includes two parts: the allocation of land and the allocation of private plots.

First of all, the correct distribution plan

1, distribution principle. Overall consideration, overall postponement and average distribution. That is, considering the integrity, adaptability and productivity of the postponed land, according to the original actual area of each village group (including pond area), the public land part (the main planning point should deduct the expropriated land area) is deducted, that is, the land area allocated to each village group in full in equal amount.

2. Distribution method.

(1) From south to north, from edge to heart, that is, from the southernmost point of the project area, with Fengxiang Cement Road as the central axis, the villagers' group in the east exits the public land area from the northwest corner, and the villagers' group in the west exits the public land area from the northeast corner. On the whole, the land will be concentrated near the main planning point from south to north, and the cultivated land of four villagers' groups in the main planning point will be supplemented.

② Allocation of pool area: the land occupied by the construction of the main planning point is shared equally according to the number of houses selected, and the land occupied by other public facilities (trunk roads, branch roads, branch canals, hydraulic facilities of a certain scale, cemeteries, etc.). ) shared equally by regional area.

③ Treatment of the pond dam: In the process of land extension, the pond dam or the benefit area of the pond dam will shift. When allocating land, the village group where the dam is displaced will be included in the calculation of village group area. After the transfer of the benefit area, the water in the benefit area of Tangba will still be used. According to the actual situation, the villagers' groups can share the pond dam area equally according to the benefit area to supplement the farmland.

④ Determination of cultivated land area: based on the regional area, deduct the public construction area (including major planning points, roads, channels and cemeteries), tangkou area and ridge area, and the actual cultivated land area of each village group.

⑤ Reservation of deferred land area: Two pieces of deferred land can be reserved, one in the cultivated land occupied by villagers' groups around the main planning point, and the other on the edge of 3 12 National Highway or Maojiao Road.

⑥ Distributing on the map is actually stepping on the border.

3. Allocation step.

① Approved area: Before March 15, the Land Institute will determine the area of each village group according to the original land status map and land consolidation planning map;

② Investigation and discussion: Before March 15, two village cadres and representatives were called to discuss and investigate the feasibility of this scheme.

③ Distribution on the map: From March 15 to March 25th, the area and boundary of each village group were distributed and marked on the map.

④ Determination of area: On March 26th, the people's representative meeting of the project area was held to announce the land distribution plan and land area, and finally the distribution plan and land area were determined.

⑤ On-the-spot border reconnaissance: The town government organizes on-the-spot border reconnaissance, and forms written materials, which are signed and confirmed by representatives of neighboring villagers.

Second, the distribution plan of seed reserve land

1. principle: ensure the integrity of the land used by enterprises, and delimit the seed reserve area nearby to facilitate mass production.

2. Methods: Break the boundaries of villagers' groups, delimit the area nearby, and do not leave land for self-cultivation in the villagers' groups. In principle, the area between Fengxiang Cement Road and Mahewan Cement Road shall be demarcated from north to south, and the self-planting area shall be reserved according to the self-planting area counted by the masses when signing the contract, and distributed to villages according to the actual planting area of the two villages, and distributed to farmers by village organizations.

The second land use implementation plan is to strengthen land management, standardize rural construction land reclamation, and promote urban and rural planning and new rural construction. According to the Land Management Law of the People's Republic of China, the Notice of the State Council on Promoting Economical and Intensive Land Use, the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Strictly Implementing Laws and Policies on Rural Collective Construction Land and the Notice of the Municipal Bureau of Land and Housing on Further Standardizing Rural Construction Land Reclamation, combined with the actual situation of our county,

I. Guiding ideology

Guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory, Theory of Three Represents and Scientific Outlook on Development, we will fully implement the basic national policy of "cherishing and rationally utilizing every inch of land". Through the reclamation of rural construction land, we will strive to realize the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land in the county and the balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation, reserve construction land resources, and provide guarantee for the county's economic and social development.

Second, the basic principles

(a) adhere to the principle of conforming to the overall land use planning and land consolidation and reclamation development planning.

(two) adhere to the principle of government-led, departmental cooperation, easy before difficult, step-by-step implementation and * * * management.

(three) adhere to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of land owners, and follow the principles of seeking truth from facts, adapting to local conditions, according to law, voluntariness and compensation.

(four) the reclamation of rural construction land for collective use by villages and groups shall be approved by more than two-thirds of the members of the collective economic organization.

Three. job objective

Completed the declaration of 20,000 mu of rural construction land reclamation project, and added 5,000 mu of cultivated land.

Fourth, the work steps

(1) Mobilization and deployment (before August 20, 2008)

Hold a mobilization meeting of counties, towns, villages and groups to fully deploy the reclamation of rural construction land in the county.

(2) Project site selection and declaration (August-165438+1October)

The Township People's Government shall, in accordance with the relevant policies and regulations on the reclamation of collective construction land, complete the inventory and statistics of the reclaimed land, organize the land owners (collective economic organizations in the reclamation project area or the original land use rights holders) to improve the relevant information, and then submit a project application to the county land consolidation center.

1, reporting conditions

(1) The landowner is voluntary.

(2) The implementation area is relatively concentrated, and the project can be implemented by village or group. A project can be composed of no more than 2 districts, but it must not break through the scope of 2 administrative villages in the same township; An area can be composed of no more than 20 blocks, but it must not exceed the scope of an administrative village; A patch can be composed of no more than 10 relatively concentrated points (points), but it must not exceed the range of a group.

(three) after reclamation, it has the conditions for operation and utilization suitable for agricultural purposes.

(4) The reclamation block can be implemented, the implementation cycle is synchronized with the project implementation plan, and the longest service life is not more than half a year in principle.

2. Main types of land to be reclaimed

(1) Abandoned homestead and homestead with one family and two houses to be reclaimed;

(2) Abandoned roads, abandoned warehouses and sun dams;

(three) township (village) enterprises, brick kilns, mines and other construction land waste land;

(four) the homestead that needs to be relocated in the construction of the demonstration village and other homestead that needs to be relocated voluntarily;

(five) the construction land involved in the resettlement of immigrants in the reservoir area and disaster areas;

(6) Construction land vacated by new rural construction and village relocation;

(seven) the construction land vacated by the construction of new homes and the renovation of dangerous houses in rural areas;

(eight) other rural construction land that meets the reclamation conditions.

3. Information required for project declaration

(1) Land owner's application form for rural construction land reclamation (provided by villages and towns).

(2) Land use right certificate (copy) or land ownership certificate (provided by the land owner) of the reclaimed land.

(3) The overall land use plan of the township where the project is located, the construction plan of the township and village, and the reclamation plan of the rural construction land (provided by the county land consolidation center).

(4) Photos of the current situation of the project site (villages and towns take a single block as a unit, and provide digital photos of far and near scenes with obvious reference objects in four directions 1 piece).

(5) The latest land use status map and land statistics account of the project area 1: 10000 (provided by the county land consolidation center).

(6) Planning map of project block 1:500 and design atlas of single project (including reconnaissance report of project area) (provided by county land consolidation center).

(7) the project declaration submitted by the project responsible unit and the commitment letter on the authenticity of the information provided (provided by the township).

(8) Rural construction land reclamation agreement (standard sample). Rural construction land reclamation agreement is a contract signed by the township people's government with the county land consolidation center and the landowner respectively. For abandoned rural construction land whose owner cannot be confirmed according to law, the Township People's Government shall sign a reclamation agreement with the collective land owner.

Surveying, mapping and design of the project should be completed by intermediary agencies with dual qualifications in different fields (including completed surveying and mapping). Intermediaries should intervene in the project site selection in advance, guide the project site selection and declaration, and assist in the relevant work before the project is put into storage.

The County Bureau of Land and Housing Management is responsible for organizing experts to review the project, and the County Land Consolidation Center is responsible for collecting, sorting, reporting for the record and applying for warehousing.

According to the regulations, all towns and villages should publicize the compensation subsidies of land owners, and the compensation subsidies determined after publicity should be included in the project cost.

County land development company is responsible for organizing project construction bidding and supervising project implementation. If more than two thirds of the land owners in the project area have the willingness to build and have the construction conditions, the land leveling project can be implemented by the land owners in principle; Individual field roads and irrigation and water conservancy projects with an investment of less than 200,000 yuan may be implemented by the township people's government with the approval of the county people's government. The construction cost shall be allocated by the county land development company to the local villages and towns according to the standard, and the villages and towns shall truthfully pay the land rights holders who participate in the project construction.

After the project is completed and relevant information is improved, the construction party shall conduct self-inspection, and apply to the county land consolidation center for preliminary acceptance after passing the self-inspection. If the initial acceptance needs rectification, it shall be completed within the specified time. After the rectification is completed, the county land consolidation center will apply to the county Guotufangguan Bureau for acceptance, and the county Guotufangguan Bureau will organize experts to accept it. After the acceptance, apply to the Municipal Bureau of Land and Housing Management to confirm the reclamation results and complete the evidence collection work.

Verb (abbreviation of verb) fund management

(1) Fund Organization

The county land development company is the fundraiser of the collective construction land reclamation project. The funds for reclamation projects are earmarked for special purposes and subject to financial audit and supervision.

(B) the use of funds

1. After the project is put into storage, the fund raiser will allocate 50% of the preliminary work funds in the project budget to the county land consolidation center, which will pay the intermediary agency, and the remaining entertainment expenses will be settled after the funds are in place; The compensation and subsidy funds involved in the project are uniformly allocated to the project towns by the fundraiser according to the budget standard, and paid to the right holders involved in the project by the project towns; The project construction fee shall be paid by the fundraiser to the construction unit by stages according to the progress of the project.

2. After obtaining the approval certificate, the working funds will be solved by the county finance according to the following standards: First, the newly-increased cultivated land area of 2,000 yuan/mu will be allocated to the County Bureau of Land and Housing Management (where the project is located, it will be paid according to the standard of 667 yuan/mu); Second, after confirmation, it will be allocated to the land consolidation center according to the standard of 2000 yuan/mu of new cultivated land; Third, allocate it to the township people's government according to the confirmed new cultivated land area of 2000 yuan/mu (including: pay it to the villagers' committee where the project is located according to the standard of 667 yuan/mu). After the project enters the construction stage, the county finance pays 30% of the working funds to the departments and towns.

(3) Distribution of benefits

1. If the index is listed and traded on the municipal rural land exchange, after the transaction of the "land ticket" index is completed, the profit after deducting the reclamation cost of construction land will be used in the following proportion: 10% will be reserved for the construction of township public facilities and public welfare undertakings, and the rest will be reserved for the county finance as the county construction land reclamation and development fund and other agricultural construction funds.

2, the county land development company for rural construction land reclamation project investment and profits, after approval by the county finance in the land consolidation and reclamation development fund accounts allocated.

Six, compensation and subsidy standards

(a) compensation for farmers who have not moved their registered permanent residence out of the rural homestead

65,438+0. Compensation for house removal: According to the building area specified in the property certificate, compensation shall be made according to three standards: brick-concrete structure 300 yuan /m2, brick-wood structure 240 yuan /m2 and earth wall structure 180 yuan /m2 (Note: those who have obtained compensation subsidies from relevant policies such as national immigration, poverty alleviation in different places, and geological disaster avoidance and relocation cannot enjoy this policy again).

2. Compensation for saving homestead: compensation shall be made according to the area specified in the property certificate and the standard of 20 yuan/㎡.

3. Other compensation: The demolished structures and simple houses will be compensated according to the current compensation standard for land requisition in our county, and the compensation for other incidental crops in the homestead will be 2000 yuan/mu.

(two) compensation for farmers who turn into urban residents and withdraw from rural homesteads.

In addition to compensation according to (1) standard, housing subsidies are also increased. The subsidy standard is: taking the real estate license as the household, subsidizing each household in the main city (or outside the county) 1 10,000 yuan, each household in the county10.5 million yuan, and each household in the township/8,000 yuan.

Seven, assessment of rewards and punishments

The relevant departments of villages and towns should put the reclamation of rural construction land into the important agenda, carefully organize and implement it steadily. The county government will bring the reclamation of rural construction land into the year-end assessment of townships and relevant departments. To complete or exceed the task of the township, the county finance according to the standard of 200 yuan per mu to give work funding incentives; Give informed criticism to the towns and villages that have not completed the task, and deduct the corresponding proportion of work funds.

Land Use Implementation Plan 3 According to the work requirements of the Implementation Plan for Centralized Remediation of Illegal Land Use in hejian city by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, combined with the actual situation of our town, the town government decided to carry out special actions to clean up and rectify illegal land use in the town, and this implementation plan is specially formulated.

I. Objectives and tasks

From 20xx165438+1October 13, the illegal land use behavior since * * will be rectified intensively. Carefully find out the base of illegal land use, implement remediation measures, and ensure that all demolition, rehabilitation and procedures are complete.

Second, the division of responsibilities

1, Town Land Office: responsible for cooperating with the town government to do a good job of rectification. First, find out the base and list the illegal land use; Second, do a good job in the publicity of land laws and regulations; The third is to handle cases that should be applied for and transferred in time.

2. Town Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office: investigate and deal with the inaction, chaos and dereliction of duty in the work of rectifying illegal land use according to law, and investigate and deal with party member cadres and public officials involved in illegal land use.

3. Industrial and Commercial Office: Ordering illegal land-use enterprises to handle change registration within a time limit or revoke their business licenses according to law.

4. Power supply: actively cooperate with the special actions in the town and take power-off measures for enterprises that illegally use land.

5. Police station: responsible for maintaining the order of dismantling illegal buildings in accordance with the law, promptly stopping and investigating illegal acts such as obstructing law enforcement officers from performing official duties according to law, and investigating the legal responsibility of illegal land users according to law.

6. Judicial Office: Do a good job in propaganda of special rectification of illegal land use, be responsible for mediation in case investigation, and participate in supervision and accountability and other related work.

7. Urban Construction Office: responsible for determining whether the remediation object violates the town and village planning, proposing punishment opinions, participating in the demolition of illegal land and illegal buildings, and completing relevant procedures.

8. Villagers' Committee: According to the work arrangement of the town centralized rectification leading group, it is responsible for the organization and specific implementation of rectification actions within its jurisdiction.

Third, the timing.

1. Publicity and launching stage: (165438+1October 13-XX) The town government set up a centralized remediation leading group, worked out a plan, held a remediation work meeting, and mobilized and deployed remediation actions.

2. Investigation stage: (16—17) The land organization conducted a centralized investigation and verification on the illegal land use of six enterprises since * *, and summarized the investigation results and reported them to the office of the town centralized rectification leading group.

4. Centralized renovation stage: (18-30) The leading group of the special action for centralized renovation of illegal land in the town organized staff to carry out centralized renovation of illegal land since * *. For the illegal land that conforms to the overall land use planning, the buildings and other facilities on the illegal land shall be confiscated according to law, and a fine shall be imposed; Illegal land that does not conform to the overall land use planning shall be demolished according to law, the original appearance of the land shall be restored, and the illegally occupied land shall be returned.

5. Inspection and acceptance stage: (65438+February1-12) The leading group of the special action for centralized remediation of illegal land in the town organized staff to "look back" on the remediation of illegal land, so as to ensure the completion of the remediation objectives and tasks and meet the acceptance of the leading group for centralized remediation of illegal land in a good city.

Fourth, work measures

1. Raise awareness and strengthen leadership. All relevant departments should carry out their duties, strengthen cooperation and close cooperation, form a joint force of law enforcement, and promote the effective implementation of the special campaign for centralized rectification of illegal land use.

2, strict law enforcement, to ensure the effectiveness. It is necessary to strictly abide by the law and discipline, resolutely dismantle and confiscate buildings and other facilities that should be demolished or confiscated according to law, ensure that administrative penalties are put in place, and handle the relevant responsible personnel in place.

3. Actively publicize and create an atmosphere. It is necessary to highlight the key points of special actions, strengthen positive guidance, vigorously publicize the achievements of various stages of special actions and investigate and deal with the progress of illegal land use, and maintain the high pressure of public opinion.

4. Find out the reasons and standardize management. Through special actions, it is necessary to deeply analyze the causes of illegal land use, draw inferences from the problems existing in land management and land law enforcement, put an end to the recurrence of illegal land use, effectively standardize work measures, and maintain a good order of land management and utilization.